CoH2. Will it ever happen?

Adeon Hawkwood



I don't think CoH 2 would run along side CoH 1 - it would replace it.

Ideally it would be a new and improved game engine which could handle porting over content from CoH 1



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
They have a new system ready to go, but to date they've been unable to compile it due to all the text errors in the code.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I don't think CoH 2 would run along side CoH 1 - it would replace it.

Ideally it would be a new and improved game engine which could handle porting over content from CoH 1
I would hope so too. I know that that is said to be a bad idea, but that is the only way I would move to a new coh game. Besides, coh has done so many untraditional things and still maintained success. I am sure they could find a way to make it work.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
So then the consensus is that the game will continue on for a few more years, slip into maintenance mode and fade away, the IP will gather dust and that will be the end?

you know, that is the funny thing about mmos. nobody thinks like this about super mario brothers. you play it, you enjoy it, but eventually you get all that it offers and you put it aside except for bouts of nostalgia, and then you move on to the sequel largely free and clear. mmos are weird in that they are persistant, they keep going, but eventually, yes, coh and every mmo will continue on for a few more years, eventually fall below what the studio feels is worth it, and taper off. so will all the other mmos. the trick is to appreciate it while it is. besides, few is undefined, maybe 2 years, maybe 5 years, maybe 10 years, eventually everything ends. things seem pretty brisk at present, so i think we have a bit more time in 'er. I suspect that coh will be the longest lasting of the current crop of superhero mmos, in addition to being the first.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
you know, that is the funny thing about mmos. nobody thinks like this about super mario brothers. you play it, you enjoy it, but eventually you get all that it offers and you put it aside except for bouts of nostalgia, and then you move on to the sequel largely free and clear.
The difference is, I can fire up the original Mario Bros any time I want. My NES doesn't require being connected to a cluster of servers running proprietary software. When this game goes, that's it. You wont be able to dust it off a few years down the road and call some friends over to play a few games over beer.

That and Mario Bros got a sequel, and barring some kind of disaster, they're going to keep making and remaking Mario games. Again, this game is it for CoH. There most likely won't be a sequel, spiritual or otherwise. They simply don't make and support tripple-A MMOs like they used to.




Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
I would hope so too. I know that that is said to be a bad idea, but that is the only way I would move to a new coh game. Besides, coh has done so many untraditional things and still maintained success. I am sure they could find a way to make it work.
Maybe once that CoH movie happens...

...or we had some actual marketing and tv ads...



indeed, honestly, outside of nostalgia, I tend to move forward in gaming myself, there are some great old games that just seem unplayable now due to advances in graphics, control and additional game mechanics. but i freely admit that is simply my perspective, i hear some people still bang away at daggerfall and alpha centauri. my point i was making was more about how games can get sequels. we wouldnt have gotten adventure of link if everyone was still playing zelda. we played we finished, we got all there was to get, and moved on. thats why mmos are harder to sequel, people still have stuff to do here.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Maybe once that CoH movie happens...

...or we had some actual marketing and tv ads...
do you really think enough people care about coh to make a movie viable? is the lroe really that deep while at the same time accommodating to people who are not major fans? dunno, I really think that for an 8 year old game with a modest population, we are where we are, and heavy marketing of movies that would be unlikely to get the budget to do the property justice would be a waste of time. heck, game movies carry enough of a stigma that i'm not sure its worth pursuing any game movie for quite some time. and ther have been ad pushes, when architecht, cov and gr came out, i saw lots of ads in gamer targeted sites (kotaku, penny arcade, gu comics) maybe it wont be a super bowl commercial, but the cost to likely return on cost is what it is. coh is an old niche game with a small but rabid fan base, I just dont see it growing bigger than that.



I think it is more about the changes/updates that are made to the game. You see some MMO's that just die because of some change that just makes the game worse..not better. I am more surprised that other companies haven't copied some of COH features that make it such an enjoyable MMO. I still haven't seen another MMO with a better character creator. Boggles my mind.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Why does a "CoH2" have to be a new game?
This question comes up fairly often.

The short answer is "because that's what almost always happens" Of course, that version of the answer doesn't really explain why that happens. The longer version admits that there's no hard rule that says it has to happen, but the reality is, almost no game designers (lead or otherwise) who are given the resources to create a game from the ground up are interested in recreating an existing game property with new graphics and more efficient plumbing. They want to try new things, take new approaches, and essentially re-tool the assumptions that always acted as limiters in the original game. It's all but impossible that CoH2 would be our existing game system implemented in new software - it would be new software and a new game system, even if it was a sort of spiritual successor.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Maybe once that CoH movie happens...

...or we had some actual marketing and tv ads...
Not saying marketing and more ads wouldn't be nice... but tv ads?? Nah those are way too cost prohibitive for the amount of revenue they could bring in.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



The only way that a sequel game makes any sense is if you can guarantee the investors that the game will open up a new market or that it has a guaranteed pre-existing market.

World of Warcraft is one such "guaranteed market" game. Everyone who ever bought a Warcraft game was ready and willing to try World of Warcraft, and most of them had never played a MMO before. WoW hit both of the selling points and it hit them hard.

Guild Wars 2 is another such game. Everyone who plays Guild Wars will buy Guild Wars 2, because it follows the same "pay once, play forever" model and it is a true persistent world MMO where Guild Wars is a series of matchmaking lobbies strung together to give the appearance of a MMO. It will make sense to continue to play both games depending upon mood, especially with the Hall of Monuments to connect the two games together. It will be sort of like if Freedom Force had been the original game and City of Heroes as we know it today had launched as Freedom Force 2. Playing one game would not remove the incentive to play the other, and in fact with judicious planning one game might CREATE incentive to play the other.

City of Heroes is currently NOT a game where you could guarantee either that every existing CoH player would invest in a sequel or that the proposed sequel would appeal to some segment of the market that previously had not invested into the MMO hobby. A sequel to City of Heroes would only achieve traction by cannibalizing and ultimately sinking City of Heroes.

On the plus side, our game engine is not a static thing. The phasing tech currently in place in Atlas Park is a great example of that. The game engine grows and changes just like the world. Our game is full of features now that six years ago were "impossible without an overhaul of the game engine" and therefore never going to happen. The cottage rule notwithstanding, the studio has more or less established that "never going to happen" means "it won't happen until we get a clever designer to figure out how to make it happen and we have buy-in from corporate to invest in the time and development requirements."

The upshot is that the upgrades get incorporated into CoH instead of being collected and inserted into a new game. From the standpoint of 2004, the current game is so far removed from what we played back then that it IS what people used to propose as their dream "CoH2" game.



CoH3 will be better than CoH2.



I think the game has some very cool stuff coming, and content.
We closing the Praetorian storyline, using an issue to "fix stuff" then opening a new chapter with I25 in 2013.
It would be awesome if they could port the game to a brand new engine with less restrictions and more easy for revamping old stuff.
Performance need to be improved, I think.
But I also think CoH still have some years kicking



Bases. Bases are the ur example of why they need a CoH2. Let me say this about bases. They're a nice place to store my stuff and they help me get from point a to point b faster but if they disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't really care. The point being they can not touch them. They have said point blank that any attempted change to base would crash the whole (bases) system.

How many other systems in the game are close to that? I mean bases shipped with CoV. It was actually part of the game and it's so arcane that they dare not touch it. I have to assume that there are similar systems that are severely limiting what they can do with the game.

Something witty and profound



I certainly doubt that there will ever be a CoH2. In fact, I am certain of it. To make a CoH2 work, they would have to have enough income to justify the expense. I suspect that some, like me, would not likely enjoy learning a new game just to look at different graphics.

Since I'm likely not the only one who would shy away from a second version of the same game, the player base would be split. A mistake even worse than the creation of the Exalted server (which arguably split a good number of folks from each server to play there)

The end result is fewer folks in the same place to team with. Except for a few servers - the average new player (not affiliated with global channels and such) has a tough time getting teams for things other than dfb. With a split player base, it would be worse. Both games would end up in a spiral down the drain.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




If we're going to get a CoH2, why devote so much effort on making new zones, a new starting experience, revamping old zones, and having an issue that's jokingly titled "Fix Everything"? Seems like it'd all be wasted if a new game's on the horizon.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Why is the game industry in bad shape?
"The game industry" isn't, so much as the MMO market is. What's happening is pretty much what I warned about years ago - MMO makers have taken the two formulas most proven to work (Lineage 2 and WoW) and barfed out a bewildering number of cloned ripoff MMOs to the point where the market is beyond saturated and any new game coming out has to either be VERY cheap to run or otherwise have something VERY unique to draw players from other MMOs. There was once a time where millions of people were discovering they liked MMOs and never knew about it, but that time is gone. Sure, there are still potential fans out there, but these days if you want your MMO to succeed, you more or less have to poach players from your competition.

Think about it: When City of Heroes came out, what established MMOs were there? EQ, UO, SWG and... What, Lineage 2 that seems to have launched on the same day according to Wikipedia? There was no WoW, there wasn't a glut of F2P MMOs, there weren't zillions of WoW clones and Lineage 2 clones and sidescroller MMOs and chibi MMOs and Korean grindfest MMOs and action arcade MMOs and so forth. Back then, the MMO market was untapped. These days we're pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel for the last few remaining hardliners who haven't given multiplayer games a chance, but the majority of a new MMO's playerbase these day more or less has to come out of existing MMOs. It's why new ones either launch as F2P, or otherwise launch BIG, with fanfare and advertising up the wazoo. Tera, the game made by jump-ship Lineage designers, has been spending years touting how great the graphics were and how awesome the combat system was and how much this wasn't like existing MMOs while The Old Republic has been guilt-tripping Star Wars fans and BioWare fans alike into not missing this unique experience, curiously avoiding talking about the actual GAME side of this game.

Basically, it's a lot harder for a new MMO to succeed today than it was eight years ago, and the numerous ones that shut down or went F2P or got sold to Perfect World is a testament to that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Bases. Bases are the ur example of why they need a CoH2. Let me say this about bases. They're a nice place to store my stuff and they help me get from point a to point b faster but if they disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't really care. The point being they can not touch them. They have said point blank that any attempted change to base would crash the whole (bases) system.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Not saying marketing and more ads wouldn't be nice... but tv ads?? Nah those are way too cost prohibitive for the amount of revenue they could bring in.
Hell, even the giant elephant of an MMO in the room doesn't do TV ads often. They did a batch a while back, but generally don't bother. 'course, they're already huge and they used actual celebrities for theirs...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Hell, even the giant elephant of an MMO in the room doesn't do TV ads often. They did a batch a while back, but generally don't bother. 'course, they're already huge and they used actual celebrities for theirs...
"Go big or go home" is the expression I believe.

Advertising-wise, CoH doesn't leave the house much anymore.




A superhero game that I would like to play is "Universe Of Heroes" consisting of a character creator like this one, an entire galaxy or universe to travel and explore in like Spore, and civilizations that you could destroy, become their god, protect, whatever. I am imagining more of a single player game than an MMO. Not really a COH2, but as mentioned, I would hate to leave what I have here unless I could take it with me and if I could take it with me it really wouldn't be much better than we currently have here since it would be cursed by all the baggage.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Why is the game industry in bad shape?
Because, instead of being run like companies like High Moon Studios, who's lead Dev is a massive (and awesome) geek, and Paragon, who are all awesome geeks and gamers, the 'Big Players' in the industry are run by money grubbing scumbag suits, like EA, Activision etc. They aren't making games for the sake of awesome gaming, which has the side benefit of people screaming "Take ALL my money!", no; they are instead trying to aim directly for the money. And making widdly-poor games while they're at it.

I'm sorry, bitter and jaded? What makes you say that? *CoughDIEEACough*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



EA are bad, Activision are worse. Ncsoft ain't exactly angels either.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Bases. Bases are the ur example of why they need a CoH2. Let me say this about bases. They're a nice place to store my stuff and they help me get from point a to point b faster but if they disappeared tomorrow I wouldn't really care. The point being they can not touch them. They have said point blank that any attempted change to base would crash the whole (bases) system.

How many other systems in the game are close to that? I mean bases shipped with CoV. It was actually part of the game and it's so arcane that they dare not touch it. I have to assume that there are similar systems that are severely limiting what they can do with the game.
While all possibly accurate, that doesn't justify creating a whole new game, with all the other things that almost certainly means, just to fix that problem. No matter how badly people here might want improvements and fixes for bases, I have strong doubts that a case could be made that the game is bleeding subscribers/paying players because bases aren't better.

In any case, the problems they've described with bases are problems that can be solved with manpower and time, just like problems with power customization and other "might never happen" changes that have actually come to pass. Now, just because it's technically possible bases could be improved doesn't mean base improvements will actually happen, because those costs/investments might never be prioritized over other work that's considered more vital to the game's longevity, but that's not the same as "can never happen". But I'm leaning on those investments being cheaper than building CoH2.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
A superhero game that I would like to play is "Universe Of Heroes" consisting of a character creator like this one, an entire galaxy or universe to travel and explore in like Spore, and civilizations that you could destroy, become their god, protect, whatever. I am imagining more of a single player game than an MMO. Not really a COH2, but as mentioned, I would hate to leave what I have here unless I could take it with me and if I could take it with me it really wouldn't be much better than we currently have here since it would be cursed by all the baggage.
Something like that would be a logical extension of the Hero->Incarnate->Ascendent progression, but I think it would take a different studio to create it because it would be, as you say, more of a single player RTS type of game. If they created a link between the two game styles, it might make for an interesting adjunct to the existing game.

The "baggage" is the big reason why there won't be a CoH2 as such. A sequel has to be more than just "the current game only cleaned up and built on a stronger foundation". It really has to be a radically new game to make it worthwhile. The only way I could see it happening is if they decided to take a stab at creating a completely skills-based game that dispensed with archetypes, much like the original vision for the game. Just rehashing this game with a "better" game engine isn't a good enough reason to make a sequel.