CoH2. Will it ever happen?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
I think it'd be neat if they made a Freedom Force type single player game set to the CoX universe.

I don't think FF even works on Win7
COX with single player. I'll go for it in a heart beat even if they still charged monthly fees up to $40-$50 a month.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
That in 5 maybe 8 years this game will not exist. It might be longer but it is finite. It will end and be no more. What will you do then? "I don't want to start over in a new MMO" is short sighted. It's start over or go home.

That so many of you have said you won't try something new is shocking.
You just answered your own question.

Words escape me.
Why? Keeping up with an MMO like this can be a tremendous investment in time. I'm not complaining - I do it because I like this game so much. But it competes with everything else I have going on in life, and even if I appropriately file it below more important things, I still wish I had time to play it more. When I can't play it any more, I'll still wish I could, but I'll finally have a solid reason for bumping the priority on the other things I'd like to do someday, that aren't very important, but that I would have done by now if I didn't spend several hours almost every night playing CoH.

To get me to want to invest this sort of time again, the game would need to be really, really awesome. Because CoH was the only MMO I ever had any serious interest in playing, if anything could draw me back / keep me playing, it would probably be a sequel. But to do so, it would have to share a lot with the existing game. And my past experience with game sequels (MMO or otherwise) doesn't convince me to set my expectation high on that front.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
COX with single player. I'll go for it in a heart beat even if they still charged monthly fees up to $40-$50 a month.
I would love a single player version..... Also would like 3 of my heroes following me like in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Heck why not let all my heroes fly/run around as NPCs so it won't look like I am the Last Hero...... then again if I am the Last Hero that mean I and the best =p

I would not want to pay a monthly fee. Would pay $100 to be a LTS, if they have updates for the single player game anyways.



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
I would love a single player version..... Also would like 3 of my heroes following me like in Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Heck why not let all my heroes fly/run around as NPCs so it won't look like I am the Last Hero...... then again if I am the Last Hero that mean I and the best =p

I would not want to pay a monthly fee. Would pay $100 to be a LTS, if they have updates for the single player game anyways.
Hmm that is good price for LTS. I would do a LTS for fee myself if they went that direction, and assuming they have updates.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
COX with single player. I'll go for it in a heart beat even if they still charged monthly fees up to $40-$50 a month.
Transfer to Triumph and play after midnight eastern.

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Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
It kinda saddens me that no cox2 is in the works. I would love it. Though what I think a cox2 should be is most likely a lot different from what Samual_Tow thinks a cox2 should be or what the people that would be working on a cox2 think it should be.
Which is basically saying you wish the devs wrote an MMO to your specifications. I think that's what most people who claim to want a CoH2 actually want: a game written to their specifications. The probability is virtually zero that a CoH2 would actually do most of the things people expect it to do.

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Originally Posted by Fista View Post
For all the people who have said the prefer the status quo you do realize that if there is not a sequel we are on the clock. That in 5 maybe 8 years this game will not exist. It might be longer but it is finite. It will end and be no more. What will you do then? "I don't want to start over in a new MMO" is short sighted. It's start over or go home.

That so many of you have said you won't try something new is shocking. that you've stated once this game is done, your done as well (with MMOs). Words escape me.
I've heard many people say that they ordinarily don't play MMOs but something about this one was different. And I'm sure there are people who say that about other MMOs as well.

And to be honest, I wasn't a hardcore MMO player until this game came around, and even though I've played most of the major western MMOs to come out since this one (including WoW) I find I still spend more time in this one than all others combined. I don't know what's shocking about that. I'm not an MMO player or an FPS player or an RPG player. I don't play anything just because I'm a fan of the genre. Either the game holds longer term appeal for me or it does not, and the fact that most don't is not, I think, a quality unique to me.

A lot of people play WoW that play no other MMO. A lot of people play Eve Online that play no other MMO. I don't think its at all weird that a lot of people play City of Heroes that have no interest in playing any other MMO, at least not of any MMO that is currently out there.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Which is basically saying you wish the devs wrote an MMO to your specifications. I think that's what most people who claim to want a CoH2 actually want: a game written to their specifications. The probability is virtually zero that a CoH2 would actually do most of the things people expect it to do.
This is very true.

I know I want to see a CoH2, because I like the story, but see that it could use some tweaking and fixing.

And the graphics, while I like still considered CoH's artwork some of the better MMO artwork and better than either of the other superhero MMOs (the others come off more cartoony) I continue to hope for even more visually stunning artwork.

Also, I think the ranged classes could use some better animations with their blast sets as they are feel the same to me for the most part. And sadly, they're just boring. :/

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Originally Posted by Fista View Post
For all the people who have said the prefer the status quo you do realize that if there is not a sequel we are on the clock. That in 5 maybe 8 years this game will not exist. It might be longer but it is finite. It will end and be no more. What will you do then? "I don't want to start over in a new MMO" is short sighted. It's start over or go home.

That so many of you have said you won't try something new is shocking. that you've stated once this game is done, your done as well (with MMOs). Words escape me.
CoH is the only MMO I've ever played. In fact, it's one of only a handful of computer games I've ever played. When the CoX servers shut down, I'm sure I'll live without another MMO just fine.

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Originally Posted by Fista View Post
For all the people who have said the prefer the status quo you do realize that if there is not a sequel we are on the clock. That in 5 maybe 8 years this game will not exist.
Why do you believe this? What evidence do you have to support this belief? You are aware that CoH just had it's eighth birthday, yes? By the above measure it should keel over dead sometime next week.

Ultima Online launched in 1997. It's still running and still getting content updates. In just over a month it will be celebrating it's fifteenth anniversary. Ultima is published by EA and you may trust me when I tell you that there is no publisher in the industry that will kill an underperforming game faster than EA will. Hell, they'll kill a game that's performing adequately just because they don't want to be bothered with it.

There is absolutely no reason to believe that City of Heroes, or any other game, is living under some sort of magical but unspecific deadline after which it will die an inglorious death no matter what shape it is in subscriptions-wise.

Assuming that NCSoft does not somehow go bankrupt or otherwise endanger its operations, the game will go on for as long as people are willing to play it and pay for it and it continues to turn a profit. The assumption that everyone will eventually just stop playing it because it's old has so many counter-examples in the industry now that it seems silly when I continue to run into people who believe that "shiny" is the only reason anybody plays a MMO.

Hell, Star Wars Galaxies is the poster child for how to run a MMO into the ground, and it was not shut down for being unprofitable. It was killed by LucasArts to insure that Old Republic would have no direct competition. It was not turning a huge profit, but it WAS turning a profit and it was still getting content updates.

There is no expiration date on CoX. Of all the reasons to make a successor game, that is the reason that is least likely to influence anybody in a position to actually make such a game.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Why do you believe this? What evidence do you have to support this belief? You are aware that CoH just had it's eighth birthday, yes? By the above measure it should keel over dead sometime next week.

Ultima Online launched in 1997. It's still running and still getting content updates. In just over a month it will be celebrating it's fifteenth anniversary. Ultima is published by EA and you may trust me when I tell you that there is no publisher in the industry that will kill an underperforming game faster than EA will. Hell, they'll kill a game that's performing adequately just because they don't want to be bothered with it.

There is absolutely no reason to believe that City of Heroes, or any other game, is living under some sort of magical but unspecific deadline after which it will die an inglorious death no matter what shape it is in subscriptions-wise.

Assuming that NCSoft does not somehow go bankrupt or otherwise endanger its operations, the game will go on for as long as people are willing to play it and pay for it and it continues to turn a profit. The assumption that everyone will eventually just stop playing it because it's old has so many counter-examples in the industry now that it seems silly when I continue to run into people who believe that "shiny" is the only reason anybody plays a MMO.

Hell, Star Wars Galaxies is the poster child for how to run a MMO into the ground, and it was not shut down for being unprofitable. It was killed by LucasArts to insure that Old Republic would have no direct competition. It was not turning a huge profit, but it WAS turning a profit and it was still getting content updates.

There is no expiration date on CoX. Of all the reasons to make a successor game, that is the reason that is least likely to influence anybody in a position to actually make such a game.

I can only speak for myself, but I don't want this game to be it for the IP. I remember a time when 'City of Heroes' was more than just this game. It used to be a comic series, novels, a CCG, HeroClix. IMO, it deserves better than a slow death long past its prime.




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
A lot of people play WoW that play no other MMO. A lot of people play Eve Online that play no other MMO. I don't think its at all weird that a lot of people play City of Heroes that have no interest in playing any other MMO, at least not of any MMO that is currently out there.
I think it's part of the nature of MMOs that you really can't easily play more than one at a time. There's just too much time commitment necessary. My CoH subscription overlapped my WoW subscription from Sept. '11 to Feb. '12, when I finally cancelled the WoW sub because I just couldn't devote adequate time to both games. This game was entertaining me more, so WoW got the axe.

And I'm really not looking forward to WoW's next expansion coming out because I promised a friend there that I'd be back for that. And I just really don't want to go back because I love CoH so much. But my friend is an "older" guy who suffers from early-onset Alzheimers, and that game is the only thing that keeps his brain halfway sharp, and I have a level-capped character there that I transferred to his server to help him out when he needs it. I'm gonna feel like a jerk if I don't come back like I promised him



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I can only speak for myself, but I don't want this game to be it for the IP. I remember a time when 'City of Heroes' was more than just this game. It used to be a comic series, novels, a CCG, HeroClix. IMO, it deserves better than a slow death long past its prime.

It's unfortunate that most of those associated projects were based on personal connections more than business connections and when it came down to business, the satellite projects folded. Blue King was Rick Dakan, the original City of Heroes designers. The CCG was AEG, designed and presided over by Dave Wilson, who is personal friends with Sean Fish (aka Manticore, the original story guy). The RPG was Eden Publishing, where Jack Emmert had done a stint before hiring on to City of Heroes.

None of those projects were strictly business, even though I'm sure that all of the principles considered them to be interesting business proposals. If those personal connections to those companies had never existed then I think it's likely that none of those projects would ever have existed either. I could well be wrong, of course; it's not as if I have inside information.

It was particularly sad for AEG because the premise of the CCG was that they would do the WoW thing of having "loot cards" that would award in-game bonuses. If that had happened, or if they had launched an online-only CCG with AEG designing the electronic cards, then it might have been more successful.

I'd love to see some new "satellite" projects. I still think a facebook game could succeed, if only because ripoffs like Superhero City (Sort of a like the ******* child of CoH and Mafia Wars) manage to be at least mildly successful.



Because I happen to like this IP, I also think it would be nice for it to live on beyond CoH, even if it did so without me as a customer for whatever reason. But the IP in the sense of the lore (which is what was translated into most of those other media) isn't what attracts me to CoH, certainly not by itself. What keeps me here is the combination of the game play, the powers system, and a character creator that lets me build characters that feel like personal creations to me. If another game had produced the same in-game features with completely different lore, I think I'd like it just as much.

Certainly I can't completely isolate the game features and the lore, for reasons I mentioned earlier in this thread - they're woven together historically, such that this game without the same starting lore might not have evolved in the same way this game has. They shape each other to some degree. But if some accident of fate created the same game with different lore, I'd still like it a lot.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Transfer to Triumph and play after midnight eastern.
Sounds like how it is on Victory any time of the day.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



On the subject of time invested into MMO's, I can freely say that I'm a lifetime subscriber to LotRo, I regularly play SWTOR, and still dabble now and then both Champions and DC.

And I'm sure that might seem shocking to some, but for me it's an issue of burnout. I'm coming up on seven years with that game, and even with content revamps, there's only so many journeys to 50 I can make without feeling it now and then. So I play similar games, and even radically different games to feed all the aspects of my creativity. I can't do pure space fantasy here, so I play it on another game. I like messing with console-y game systems now and then, so I do that. It means when I return (and I never really leave) to CoH, I'm refreshed and interested to see what the game is offering next.

As far as a 'CoH 2' is concerned, if the intent is to at some point tweak the under the hood stuff to more modern standards, I wouldn't mind that. I think an emulation of some of the things we might see as essential to the genre (namely property destruction and using said property as weapons) could be possible; Titan Weapons at least plays visually with the latter notion. Moving the game visually to something like Aion's visual standards (and that's just using the Far Cry engine) would be great personally for me, as I'm a sucker for eye candy.

It's been done for games before, so who knows, we may be in the process of that now, zone by zone, costume set by costume set.


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