CoH2. Will it ever happen?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Yes, character wipes in an existing game is TOTALLY the same thing as not allowing new transfers to a sequel. And we've all seen how much not allowing such transfers have hurt other sequels....oh, wait, it hasn't. Ever.
Based on the very large sample size that exists for MMO sequels, the best you can say is that MMO sequels are extremely unlikely at all.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by houtex View Post

/If the wish is for CoH with better graphics? Ok, sure. But that's not CoH2, it's CoH Upgraded.
Well, to be fair, its not entirely about graphics. gr already showed us they can make the graphics better, so its time consuming and expensive but possible in the existing game. what at least some of us think of with coh 2 is mechanics, the ability to throw objects and weaponize some objects (grab a light post and baseball swing a baddie), as well as the ability to grapple enemies, move while firing, climb on walls and maybe have a less binary mezz system. those are unlikely to happen in a way that would not be massively jarring for the game and would bulldoze a lot of cottages.

It would,however, also bring the game closer to representitive examples of the genre. so it is sad that coh is unlikely to be able to do these things, and competitors that do do them...dont do much else well, its really a case of wanting to take what is a good idea and seeing what our dev team can pull off with it. its likely to be far better than what their devs did with it.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
When people ask about / pine for $THIS_GAME 2.0, I think that's usually what they are thinking of. They want all the good things of the current game with all the sucky things fixed or changed.
The trouble comes when you consider that we can never really agree on what the "good" parts are and what the "bad" parts are about this game. Some people insist the game is too easy and we want more challenge, so that's a bad part. I like the game BECAUSE it's easy and lets me solo with a relatively slapdash build, so to me that's a good part. I consider an intricate and involved story to be one of the best parts about this game, yet others (chiefly Venture) talk as though nothing in the game's story is worth a crap so that sounds like a bad part.

In general, I agree with you that when you get "this game with all the good stuff kept and all the bad stuff removed" may well turn out something completely different from what people imagine it as. And I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of the stuff we really like is at the same time really damaging to the game and the development team's ability to expand it.

And here are a few good examples:

Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
gr already showed us they can make the graphics better, so its time consuming and expensive but possible in the existing game.
It also showed me that "better" graphics don't necessarily make the game look better. The prevalence of reflective costume pieces that don't take colour well, the design theme shift towards more over-detailed "realistic" costume pieces and the HIDEOUS strain on my system are all factors that some days make me wish we hadn't made the game "prettier."

Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
move while firing
This is an idea I will always oppose under all circumstances, just because I've seen what it entails. I HATE it when animations are split between the lower and upper halves of a model because it makes them lose all feeling of weight behind them. It makes melee combat especially look like people fighting hand-to-hand while sitting down on wheeled swivel chairs that they roll around the battlefield. Human (and humanoid) posture while standing up involves the entire body. Kinetic firearms "kick," so a shooter must brace to combat recoil. That sort of thing. I've seen games that do combat on the move, and unless it's a FPS game where you can't see your feet, it has always looked horrible.

Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
It would,however, also bring the game closer to representitive examples of the genre.
This is another thing that scares me. If by "the genre" you mean comic books, then I feel this is the worst thing that could happen to City of Heroes from a storytelling or aesthetic standpoint. Right now, the game has a very "anything goes" type of environment that's accommodating to comic book enthusiasts, but isn't alienating to people like me who don't really care much for comic books. In fact, back in 2004 when I was considering buying the game, one of my primary concerns was how true this game would be to comic books, because all I wanted was an RPG in a contemporary setting as opposed to a fantasy one. I didn't want a comic book. I've seen other games try to pull off being a "comic book game" and the results have been gravely disappointing.

If by "the genre" you mean MMOs, then that's even worse. I can deal with a game with a bad setting, but a game with annoying insufferable gameplay is much less likely to keep me around. I've often said I'm still with City of Heroes mostly because this is the MMO which has the least amount of annoying irritating **** that I have to deal with (less so with Incarnates forcing me mess with Inventions, but I guess it was too good to last before). Pretty much the last thing I want to see happen to City of Heroes is for it to become more like other MMOs, by which I mean more like WoW. In a day and age where MMOs are sold based on "has PvP, has crafting, has auction house, has loot, has raids, has guilds" rather than any part of its artistic vision, anything that's NOT like WoW or Lineage II (the two major frameworks these days), the more I'm likely to enjoy it. Too bad that aside from City of Heroes, I really haven't seen one like that.


All of this is not to pick an argument, Rian, so much as to point out that we, as a community, will never be able to agree on what makes the game good and what makes it bad.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You never know what around the corner!




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
All of this is not to pick an argument, Rian, so much as to point out that we, as a community, will never be able to agree on what makes the game good and what makes it bad.
Pretty much this.

I'd also argue that the "picking up things in the environment" thing that someone mentioned doesn't impress me. Other games have done it and it just hasn't been practical.

I'd rather time spent to make my powers look awesome.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
I'd also argue that the "picking up things in the environment" thing that someone mentioned doesn't impress me. Other games have done it and it just hasn't been practical.
It depends on how it's done. For instance, the old PSX game Fighting Force did it marvellously, mostly because the bulk of its combat revolved around finding pieces you could grab and hit people with. Punch a coke machine and grab the iron bars that fall out, then break them over people's heads. Punch it again and take the air compressor that comes out, smash that into someone's head. Punch it again and drink the cans that fall out for extra health. Or walk into a lift and notice there are four metal bars you can pull out from the railing, an emergency fire axe and a fire extinguisher. It was quite glorious

Champions Online, on the other hand, was a pretty bad example. That game gave you a ton of non-situational powers to use that were usually a lot easier to use and generally better than chucking sign posts and park benches at people. Plus, the whole act of throwing things just looked goofy. No flight arcs, no sense of weight, no sense of impact, always the same animation and everything explodes into nothingness.

In a game that's built around environment interaction, throwing things would work wonders, but it would also be limited to "categories" of things you can throw. In a game that isn't, though? Yikes!

Same for grappling, actually. The only way to grapple with enemies is to standardise their size and shape, and that just limits the game considerably. The most you could do is an ugly gorilla press pickup that rarely looks good.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It depends on how it's done. For instance, the old PSX game Fighting Force did it marvellously, mostly because the bulk of its combat revolved around finding pieces you could grab and hit people with. Punch a coke machine and grab the iron bars that fall out, then break them over people's heads. Punch it again and take the air compressor that comes out, smash that into someone's head. Punch it again and drink the cans that fall out for extra health. Or walk into a lift and notice there are four metal bars you can pull out from the railing, an emergency fire axe and a fire extinguisher. It was quite glorious

Champions Online, on the other hand, was a pretty bad example. That game gave you a ton of non-situational powers to use that were usually a lot easier to use and generally better than chucking sign posts and park benches at people. Plus, the whole act of throwing things just looked goofy. No flight arcs, no sense of weight, no sense of impact, always the same animation and everything explodes into nothingness.

In a game that's built around environment interaction, throwing things would work wonders, but it would also be limited to "categories" of things you can throw. In a game that isn't, though? Yikes!

Same for grappling, actually. The only way to grapple with enemies is to standardise their size and shape, and that just limits the game considerably. The most you could do is an ugly gorilla press pickup that rarely looks good.

I want to chime in here.

Done well, environmental interaction and destruction creates new and interesting gameplay.

Imagine on a team an Ice Controller freezing an enemy in a block of ice and the Brute picking it up and throwing it at some more enemies.

Or lifting up a car with telekinesis, having the Fire Blaster light it up and then throwing it into a spawn where it explodes.

Imagine a Tanker picking up some machinery and using it up block an ambush from getting through a door.

Throwing cars and tossing people through walls (and getting knocked through walls) is what comic book super heroes are all about. Without the over the top action and destruction the combat will always be lacking.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Done well, environmental interaction and destruction creates new and interesting gameplay.
Done well, everything creates new and interesting gameplay. That's basically the definition of "done well" for a game design element.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I'm pretty sure that's what whacko Jacko was trying to do when he made that other superhero game. And, well, we see how that worked out.
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Champions Online, on the other hand, was a pretty bad example. That game gave you a ton of non-situational powers to use that were usually a lot easier to use and generally better than chucking sign posts and park benches at people. Plus, the whole act of throwing things just looked goofy. No flight arcs, no sense of weight, no sense of impact, always the same animation and everything explodes into nothingness.
Is it me or does everyone here other then me dislike Champions? Champions is an awesome MMO, you can make about any hero you can think of. You can be a Super Strength guy with a gun, fire blast, ice blast, force fields, there is all kinda of powers combos,
Then there is their awesome outs selection, you can have two different shoulder pad, arm/leg pads too.

Also their travel powers you can fight, Unlike CoH Rocket Board, and other non pool travel powers. I don't understand why poeple don't like Champions so much.

I never see poeple hating DC, and DC is HORRIBLE. If CoH never did an update from 2004 CoH would still be better then DC. While I am blabbering anyone know why on Facebook DC have 300K likes and CoH/CO don't even have 100K likes

I know I went off topic alittle :P Anyways I would LOVE a CoH 2 like I said.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Do a character database wipe and see how well that argument holds up. Yes, some of us have played other games. I have a hard time imagining those of us who've been here for eight years and sunk thousands upon thousands of hours being willing to start over in a new game full time, however.
Now see. If they made CoH2 and had updated graphics (without going cartoony like the other two superhero I said go with those Koren Style MMOs graphics...okay imo anyways)...added in things people have wanted. I'd have no problem rerolling my main into a new game.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The trouble comes when you consider that we can never really agree on what the "good" parts are and what the "bad" parts are about this game. Some people insist the game is too easy and we want more challenge, so that's a bad part. I like the game BECAUSE it's easy and lets me solo with a relatively slapdash build, so to me that's a good part. I consider an intricate and involved story to be one of the best parts about this game, yet others (chiefly Venture) talk as though nothing in the game's story is worth a crap so that sounds like a bad part.

In general, I agree with you that when you get "this game with all the good stuff kept and all the bad stuff removed" may well turn out something completely different from what people imagine it as. And I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of the stuff we really like is at the same time really damaging to the game and the development team's ability to expand it.

And here are a few good examples:

It also showed me that "better" graphics don't necessarily make the game look better. The prevalence of reflective costume pieces that don't take colour well, the design theme shift towards more over-detailed "realistic" costume pieces and the HIDEOUS strain on my system are all factors that some days make me wish we hadn't made the game "prettier."

This is an idea I will always oppose under all circumstances, just because I've seen what it entails. I HATE it when animations are split between the lower and upper halves of a model because it makes them lose all feeling of weight behind them. It makes melee combat especially look like people fighting hand-to-hand while sitting down on wheeled swivel chairs that they roll around the battlefield. Human (and humanoid) posture while standing up involves the entire body. Kinetic firearms "kick," so a shooter must brace to combat recoil. That sort of thing. I've seen games that do combat on the move, and unless it's a FPS game where you can't see your feet, it has always looked horrible.

This is another thing that scares me. If by "the genre" you mean comic books, then I feel this is the worst thing that could happen to City of Heroes from a storytelling or aesthetic standpoint. Right now, the game has a very "anything goes" type of environment that's accommodating to comic book enthusiasts, but isn't alienating to people like me who don't really care much for comic books. In fact, back in 2004 when I was considering buying the game, one of my primary concerns was how true this game would be to comic books, because all I wanted was an RPG in a contemporary setting as opposed to a fantasy one. I didn't want a comic book. I've seen other games try to pull off being a "comic book game" and the results have been gravely disappointing.

If by "the genre" you mean MMOs, then that's even worse. I can deal with a game with a bad setting, but a game with annoying insufferable gameplay is much less likely to keep me around. I've often said I'm still with City of Heroes mostly because this is the MMO which has the least amount of annoying irritating **** that I have to deal with (less so with Incarnates forcing me mess with Inventions, but I guess it was too good to last before). Pretty much the last thing I want to see happen to City of Heroes is for it to become more like other MMOs, by which I mean more like WoW. In a day and age where MMOs are sold based on "has PvP, has crafting, has auction house, has loot, has raids, has guilds" rather than any part of its artistic vision, anything that's NOT like WoW or Lineage II (the two major frameworks these days), the more I'm likely to enjoy it. Too bad that aside from City of Heroes, I really haven't seen one like that.


All of this is not to pick an argument, Rian, so much as to point out that we, as a community, will never be able to agree on what makes the game good and what makes it bad.

Now see. I picked up CoH because I wanted the whole comic book superhero MMO that CoH advertised itself as and slowly moved away to of superpowered whatever we can think up and mix together for a very non superhero setting MMO!

When I bought CoH that's what it was advertised as. No matter how much people say it isn't, CoH was advertised as a MMO to make Superheroes like the comic books.

Now it moved itself to Heroes of any kind! Because, well the players were doing that sense the beginning anyways. "Oh I need my realistic merc! Not a merc that's doing this and this because it just doesnt make sense in the real world"

Oh hey, I brought my D&D character into this modern setting! o.O Because elves and gnomes and dragons and what have you totally exist in the CoH World? O.O

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I hope the 'Rikti Home World expansion' comes out before CoH2



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
Is it me or does everyone here other then me dislike Champions?
I'm actually a lifetime subscriber of Champions Online. However, I know, and they know, that the totally free form thing they were aiming for wasn't just missed in beta, but in retrospect probably shouldn't have even been the target to the degree it was. It was devastating to the replayability of a game that launched with content that was initially both thin and full of progression gaps. Much like City of Heroes when it first launched.

Its obvious they didn't learn the lessons of City of Heroes, rather they attempted to make Champions Online everything they couldn't make City of Heroes. The assumption that every limit in this game is bad and any game without those limits would be better, turns out to be very obviously false.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
A number 2 would be awesome... and smelly

This game is old, and kinda boring... There are alot of cool stuff they could do for number 2

I don't think it will happen anytime soon, but it would be awesome.
.............HERESY!!!!! But, honestly, I'd rather they just do more to improve the existing game than waste years making a new version that may or may not catch on and actually be better.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Well will it? I like this game universe. I like that it's casual friendly. I'd like to see them tackle this with new tech and see what they come up with.
That is interesting concept in making COH2. I dont think it will happen in the immediate future but anything is possible. I dont consider Freedom a sequel but a mere add on, like going rogue, the 20 odd issues, and COV. I wonder what a COH2 would be like and how they tackle the challenge of making a new game that is a sequel but yet different enough to be called a sequel, if they was ever to do it. I do like this game for it's relative casual friendly game play too. Probably why I stuck around so long.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is another thing that scares me. If by "the genre" you mean comic books, then I feel this is the worst thing that could happen to City of Heroes from a storytelling or aesthetic standpoint. Right now, the game has a very "anything goes" type of environment that's accommodating to comic book enthusiasts, but isn't alienating to people like me who don't really care much for comic books. In fact, back in 2004 when I was considering buying the game, one of my primary concerns was how true this game would be to comic books, because all I wanted was an RPG in a contemporary setting as opposed to a fantasy one. I didn't want a comic book. I've seen other games try to pull off being a "comic book game" and the results have been gravely disappointing.
Precisely, the majority of my characters would not fit into a traditional Superhero setting, they wouldn't be completely out of place but they also wouldn't really fit. When I design characters in CoH I'm mostly designing characters for what is basically a near-future, high tech military Sci-Fi setting in an alternate reality where magic is just a different type of science.

It's the sort of story that interests me so it's the setting I design my characters to fit into. They work just fine in CoH though because the setting is flexible enough to support them.



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
Is it me or does everyone here other then me dislike Champions? Champions is an awesome MMO.
It's not just you, but no, I believe not many people here liked Champions.

I view it as something with some good ideas that its designers either did not really know how to do right or that their design team lacked the resources to do right. It is very, very far from what I would consider an awesome MMO.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Now see. If they made CoH2 and had updated graphics (without going cartoony like the other two superhero I said go with those Koren Style MMOs graphics...okay imo anyways)...added in things people have wanted. I'd have no problem rerolling my main into a new game.
I don't have a main. I have a bunch of characters I play. Also, I don't make characters who meet a concept. I make characters' concept based on what AT/Primary/Secondary they are. The first point makes porting my existing characters to a new game impractical. The second point makes porting them into a new game that doesn't share extremely close mechanical similarity to this one impossible. I would have to start over in a new MMO.

CoH is my first and only MMO. That I liked it and played it so very long took a combination of things (some of which are not features of the game, such as a large number of real-life friends who started playing it with me) that are very, very unlikely to reappear in another game. Certainly a direct successor is obviously more likely to score as a viable replacement for me than any other game, but overall, I think the changes in other things mean it's very likely that when it someday shutters the servers, I will not replace it with another MMO, sequel or not. Getting where I am with CoH now represents a future time investment that I really probably could not afford to reinvest in a new game.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



For all the people who have said the prefer the status quo you do realize that if there is not a sequel we are on the clock. That in 5 maybe 8 years this game will not exist. It might be longer but it is finite. It will end and be no more. What will you do then? "I don't want to start over in a new MMO" is short sighted. It's start over or go home.

That so many of you have said you won't try something new is shocking. that you've stated once this game is done, your done as well (with MMOs). Words escape me.

Something witty and profound



It kinda saddens me that no cox2 is in the works. I would love it. Though what I think a cox2 should be is most likely a lot different from what Samual_Tow thinks a cox2 should be or what the people that would be working on a cox2 think it should be.

What I would love though just the basic bare bones stuff. For one no more dice rolls, have aiming actually mean something and don't let boulders hit someone if they already ducked behind a corner. Have breakable environments that you would see NPC people cleaning and fixing up. Weapons that actually are sheathed on your back or hip and an animation that plays to unsheathe them. Giant monsters that have body parts that can be cut off that affect combat like their right arm is cut off no more attacks that originate from that arm or imagine the giant jade spider cutting off one or a few of its legs and it starts limping or something like that.

Stuff like that that the current cox engine I don't think could handle. I wish I was rich so I could make my own game.

It's a shame MMORPG sequels aren't really big like regular RPG sequels like Zelda and Monster Hunter and other similar games.



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
For all the people who have said the prefer the status quo you do realize that if there is not a sequel we are on the clock. That in 5 maybe 8 years this game will not exist. It might be longer but it is finite. It will end and be no more. What will you do then? "I don't want to start over in a new MMO" is short sighted. It's start over or go home.

That so many of you have said you won't try something new is shocking. that you've stated once this game is done, your done as well (with MMOs). Words escape me.
Well it all have to end at some point in time. But this being the only MMO that caught my attention, naturally if this games goes the way of the dodo, then so would me playing MMOs. When I first purchased this game I didnt even know it was an MMO and was hesitant even then to play it. Took about one year to give it a whirl and stuck around because I can team or I can solo. Other MMOs are either heavy team based or not very good. I think this game for me was a perfect median and probably wont get more of a perfect median than this or the sequel if it is still team based yet soloable. If the sequel takes away the solo aspect or disappear altogether then I'll probably will hang it up without looking back and the game or the other and future games will of course still go on for the intended target audience as it should.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Frankly, I have little doubt that some other game (or, heaven forbid, the dread specter of real life obligations) will overtake my time long before the CoH servers shut down. Also, given my experience with game sequels in general (not just MMOs), odds are good that I wouldn't even prefer a CoH2 to this game.

Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
Is it me or does everyone here other then me dislike Champions?
I like Champions (and still play now and again). I still recognize the game's many serious failings, though. Every game (yes, even this one) has things that can be considered serious failings to at least some players, after all, and when you're on the forums for a specific game, you will naturally tend to mostly encounter players that think $other_game has more numerous and/or more serious failings than $this_game. If they thought otherwise, they'd probably be posting in that game's forums rather than these forums.



I think it'd be neat if they made a Freedom Force type single player game set to the CoX universe.

I don't think FF even works on Win7