Discussion: Introducing Tweet Code Thursdays!




Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
We mentioned this yesterday on Twitter but I wanted to post it here. Due to yesterday's PlayNC outage, we will be hosting Tweet Code Thursday on Twitter today starting at 10AM PDT (less than one hour from now).

And just to make sure we get involved at the right time, that will be a starting time of 6 pm (18.00 hours) UK time. Rest of Europe will be +1 hour to that.

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Hit Streak, Zwillinger:

Thank you very much for reading and responding to our concerns, and for changing the program to (hopefully) be more fair and inclusive, even though it surely means more work for you and your staff. I'm sorry about that last part... but as you've noted several times, we live in an imperfect world.

That said: IMO, Yoru-Hime was the latest of several to raise some valid points on this thread. You should have seen this coming. You should have learned from previous attempts, and failures, and community reactions. You should be aware that this studio has a very discouraging (again, IMO) record of saying "at this time" and "someday" and delivering "never." These are things that need to be considered, if not directly addressed, when planning events like this.

(Ironically, I personally am no more likely to get a code now than I was before, as I prefer not to use the "social media" service that you're trying to establish a wider audience and/or higher visibility on. But others will, and not just those with open schedules, fast fingers (or OCR programs) and luck... and that suffices. )

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I also want to thank Hit Streak and Zwill for listening to feedback and be willing to compromise with fans while sticking to their vision. While the solution does not fix every concern people have for this, it really shows that you're willing to work with the community to please the most people possible while doing what you set out to do. I agree with Yoru that this really is a big step forward, and will hopefully be something that is anticipated in advance next time.

For the record, I don't use social media that much, but I just started my Twitter account a few days ago. While I don't really have much to say on my end, it's making for a nice, personal sort of RSS headlines feed.



Originally Posted by Power_Play View Post
But they ARE brain science!

Why would they NOT want to take advantage of reaching potential customers? Well, of course they wouldn't...BUT. This isn't about the reaching of potential customers. It's about the DIRECTING of potential customers as well as the directing of existing customers.

Having both a degree and experience in advertising and marketing, I can tell you that an audience is like an ocean tide. You can either have the tide coming in (having traffic directed toward you, to build traffic on your own site) or going out (having traffic directed away from you toward social media sites, to build traffic there and take traffic away from your own sites). What they're doing may be reaching lots of people, but it's making the tide go out rather than come in. It's sending people away from the "home" site for this game rather than drawing new people in.

What you want to do is build habitual behavior among the target audience, both current and potential customers. That habitual behavior is regular visiting of the game's own cityofheroes.com websites. You can't do that by providing content on other sites. It just doesn't work. You're going to lose some people even as you gain a few. How many players who don't have Facebook or Twitter accounts now are being encouraged to create them by the devs? Out of those people, there will be a number of them who decide they really LIKE those sites and who will start spending time their rather than on cityofheroes.com or ingame. Each one is a loss of a valuable commodity (an existing customer) for the company.

Have notices published on Facebook, Twitter, and G+ that say "Costume Codes (or other free stuff) Available NOW On cityofheroes.com! Come get 'em! Hurry!" Use the other sites as a funnel to direct people to cityofheroes.com. Have costume codes, free game time codes, and other prizes show up in places like the forums, news articles, and game reviews on the cityofheroes.com site. That will not only bring new people in and direct them to the different sections of the cityofheroes.com website, it will get them to *gasp* read the content even as they're looking for the prizes. When folks get drawn into the game through the website, it will start drawing new people into the game and start drawing former customers back.

Does Paragon/NCSoft want to increase new traffic here on their own site or send existing customers away to other sites where they might stay rather than coming back? That's the only question that can be asked. As they're doing it, they have the tide going in the wrong direction.
You haven't been paying attention to what we've been told. Some of it we were told years ago, long before the current OCR team got here, but we attributed it to just this forum.

The industry average for players that sign up for the forums for that game is around 10%. The ones that frequently and actively participate on the forums is around 5%.

That's a measurable statistic and hasn't changed much over the years. They do what they can to try to drive people to the forums, but some just will not go for one reason or another.

So how do they reach that other 90% as well as potential customers? By using sites that those people may already be using such as Twitter, Facebook, G+, Twitch.TV, etc.

They have measurable statistics from those sites about the traffic they get on those sites. It's much higher than the measurable statistics for the traffic on the forums.

They also have ways of tracking who visits the account sign up page from clicking the links on the Facebook site and seeing what country that traffic is coming from, such as Brazil. They are seeing positive results from using those sites so of course they will continue to do so.

They often have links on their Facebook page and Twitter feed to either a forum article or a news article on the main CoH website. They can track where those hits are originating from and possibly what website they came through.

Not enough evidence to convince you? Okay, I'll give some personal examples.

I've been told we have one of the friendliest forum communities but I regularly see comments from people that think our community isn't that friendly. From what I've seen of other games' forums I'd have to agree that ours is relatively friendly. Some of the vitriol shown in this thread alone lets me see where some might not see our community as being so friendly.

In the early days of the game, I wasn't as active in posting as I am now. But I did read the forums pretty much daily. Some of the people I worked with also played CoH. Some of them would occasionally come to the forums to read something, but it was generally after I had already told them about it. Or they heard me laughing loudly about something and knew it was something on the forums that triggered it and wanted to see what it was but couldn't come look over my shoulder at the time. Very rarely would they post anything. Even rarer was it that they would visit the forums without me pushing them to read something specific. I've moved since then and so have a few of the people I worked with. I've talked to them and one admits to looking at the forums about once a month or less just to see what is going on, mostly just the Dev Digest, Community Digest and Announcements. But they see things on Twitter or Facebook and read it and will even click the links if it takes them to the forums or main website.

I've met a few people where I'm living now that play the game. Some of them are unwilling to come to the forums at all for various reasons. They'll occaisionally look at the main site, but not the forums.

Two of the girls I know are scared to death of the forums. It's not a discussion format they are comfortable with. But they are on Twitter and Facebook constantly, so they keep up with information that way. They are being engaged in a way that they wouldn't be on the forums.

Of course, knowing that I'm active on the forums and actually make trips to California to interact with the Devs they will often come to me if they have questions about something they've read. But no matter how much I try, I can't get them to come to the forums even just to read posts without logging in.

I've got another friend that won't come to the forums due to his experiences on other gaming forums. But his phone and iPad have Twitter and Facebook apps built in so he gets engaged through those sites. He'll follow a link to the main site for a news article, but won't follow a link to the forums. He'll ask me questions but won't come to the forums at all. He'll glance at the forums over my shoulder if he's around when I'm on them, but won't come here himself. But he can be engaged through sites he already goes to like Twitter and Facebook.

Another friend will sometimes read the forums but it is very rare that he'll ever post here. I think he has less than 50 posts here. But again, he's got Twitter and Facebook on his phone and iPad, so he keeps up with things there more than the forums. Most of what he looks at on the forums is due to something I told him.

Those are just a few of my personal experiences with people that they don't reach through the forums but do reach through social media sites that those people are already interacting with.

The world view on marketing is having to change to incorporate these social media sites and Paragon Studios is just trying to utilize all of the outlets that they have available to reach people. If you don't adapt to the changing marketplace and the outlets available to you to reach people, you wind up losing a chance to engage those that wouldn't be engaged otherwise.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I'd be curious to see how much more 'expensive' the revised promotion is in terms of codes.

Under the previous system, the Community Team would post ten codes at a time. They might do this three or four times during the day, resulting in a total 'cost' of about 40 codes.

Now, for at least this first RT-based promotion, I suspect they'll be handing out far more than 40 codes -- very likely hundreds and perhaps over a thousand, depending on how serious people are in both following on Twitter and doing the RT thing. It could very easily take them the rest of the day just to generate and pass out all the codes claimed in the past ten minutes.

You might argue that 'codes are infinitely replicable and therefore without cost', but I'd argue that the time spent by the Community Team has value, and spending it generating and supplying codes instead of actively monitoring social media, planning the next Coffee Talk or Dev Digest webcast, or what-have-you is a cost, and a huge one, that will go largely unnoticed by the fanbase.




Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
We've modified the way Tweet Code Thursdays are going to work.

For item codes, we'll announce when the codes will be going out, and we'll give people a specific amount of time to re-tweet our post. If you re-tweet our post, we'll respond directly to you with a code to use. No scramble. No luck involved. No twitchy fingers required. Simply re-tweet our post in the timeframe given and we'll direct message you with a code.

In short, if you want an item code, do the following:
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Re-tweet our tweet when prompted to do so
  • Receive a code
MUCH better and fair than just a few codes going out and everyone scrambling to get it. I approve



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
MUCH better and fair than just a few codes going out and everyone scrambling to get it. I approve
And yet, still with a 10 minute window, when people are mostly at work. More fair than it was, but still kinda Pancake.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



One of the things I'm discussing with another player right now on Twitter is whether our Retweets are being seen?

She didn't see my retweet and I didn't see hers. I did see the Retweet from another player however. I didn't see Sooner's RT. She didn't see mine. I did see Samuraiko's RT. Hope Sooner and I are not borked.

My tweets are private and I have to give permission to follow me. Hers aren't, she's just better at ignoring spammy people than I am.

Also, they said they would be Direct Messaging us the codes on Twitter if we Retweet it. But, I've not been able to send a Direct Message to someone that I'm not following. I'm wondering if that will cause problems also.

I'm hoping Zwoopsydaisy or Hit Streak will see this and comment, if not, well, I tried.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
And yet, still with a 10 minute window, when people are mostly at work. More fair than it was, but still kinda [removed by TJ].
They did say they'd be doing this until at least 4PM Pacific and possibly later, so there is still a possiblity.

There are some people that still will miss out, but it's a decent compromise.

Someone will always miss out due to work, sleep, internet being down, whatever.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



OK... so I followed the steps, and re-tweeted, and got told I'm "not eligible" for a code. What did I miss ??

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Originally Posted by damienray View Post
OK... so I followed the steps, and re-tweeted, and got told I'm "not eligible" for a code. What did I miss ??
Did the tweet that said 'not eligable' start with @Positron_CoH? If so, its not for you. Positron tried to claim one of the codes and they were replying to him.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Welp, just as I predicted.....got my code......and it's a US one. So no use to me whatsoever.

Might have been a good idea to let people know which region code we are looking at getting first??

Why do we still have separate codes for things??

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Got my code, and inputted it into my PlayNC account...but I am at work so I won't know if it took until I get home this afternoon. Did get a "Perk" on the list in Account Management for today's date though, so that's good.

Thanks, @City of Heroes!

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
Did the tweet that said 'not eligable' start with @Positron_CoH? If so, its not for you. Positron tried to claim one of the codes and they were replying to him.
AH ok, thank you for the clarification. Looking forward to the code... soon... I hope.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
My tweets are private and I have to give permission to follow me. Hers aren't, she's just better at ignoring spammy people than I am.
Same here -- though I seem to recall that if you're following someone, they should be able to see if you RT something with their Twitter handle in the RT.

It's the direct-message thing that has me scratching my head, because I've actually tried DMing people and been informed by Twitter that I can't DM someone who isn't following me -- and CoH isn't following me...yet.




I retweeted and haven't gotten a code yet



Ok I am not familiar with Twitter...

1) Do I have to keep refreshing the page to see the chance for a code?

2) I just have to click the "retweet" button the said post by the allotted time?



I got mine and applied it to my play nc account. Got the perk so thanks coh!!!

Sorry for not reading the whole thread, but the tweets never stated, what did I win?



I retweeted right away, and am following @cityofheroes as well, and nothing so far. I'm not sure if the codes are still going out or if I did something wrong. I just hit Retweet on the message itself. I'm new to Twitter, were we supposed to put an @cityofheroes in there? I'm confused



Originally Posted by RadTech View Post
I retweeted and haven't gotten a code yet
Same here, but suspect they've quite a list of folks to go through.

We are not old, so long as we continue to chase our dreams.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Ok I am not familiar with Twitter...

1) Do I have to keep refreshing the page to see the chance for a code?

2) I just have to click the "retweet" button the said post by the allotted time?
1) Yes, or click where its says, "x new tweats click to show". or make sure you are following them then stay on your hom page which should show each new tweat as it comes in from people you follow.

2) That's what I did and got a code.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Welp, just as I predicted.....got my code......and it's a US one. So no use to me whatsoever.

Might have been a good idea to let people know which region code we are looking at getting first??

Why do we still have separate codes for things??
Because the accounts and billing are differentiated as to EU and NA accounts.

I imagine that it would take a bit of work to figure out how to combine the different types of accounts without screwing something up and the billing problems would likely be a headache to configure as well.

If they'd set them up originally to not be separate types of accounts or separate billing systems it would likely be pretty easy to merge them.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Pauper View Post
Same here -- though I seem to recall that if you're following someone, they should be able to see if you RT something with their Twitter handle in the RT.

It's the direct-message thing that has me scratching my head, because I've actually tried DMing people and been informed by Twitter that I can't DM someone who isn't following me -- and CoH isn't following me...yet.

Hi Guys, complete twitter newbie here that only got up and running today with the kind and generous help of Thirty-Seven

So actually got the start message and the one 10 mins later saying the codes were coming soon. After nearly an hour with no sign of a DM (remembering I am clueless about Twitter) I was idly clicking on the various icons and opened up my profile page. There in the lists and bolded was a new DM notification. It was my code.

If you have not yet checked that location do so now as it might be waiting for you as well. Fingers crossed.

Now to go input it into my account.


So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Originally Posted by Pauper View Post
I'd be curious to see how much more 'expensive' the revised promotion is in terms of codes.

Under the previous system, the Community Team would post ten codes at a time. They might do this three or four times during the day, resulting in a total 'cost' of about 40 codes.

Now, for at least this first RT-based promotion, I suspect they'll be handing out far more than 40 codes -- very likely hundreds and perhaps over a thousand, depending on how serious people are in both following on Twitter and doing the RT thing. It could very easily take them the rest of the day just to generate and pass out all the codes claimed in the past ten minutes.
Well, from the looks of things, only 12 players actually retweeted the announcement in the allotted time. Some people just replied, some people just chatted with the tags (one or both @CityOfHeroes and #cityofheroes).


To Zwillinger, Hit Streak, and the rest of Paragon Studios:
I will say this. I got a code and applied it to my primary account. If it ever goes on sale on the Paragon Market, I will buy this for my alt account(s). If I don't have enough points on the account(s), I will buy points to do so. Like I said, I'll put my money where I stand on this.

I will continue to develop that time-limited coupon distribution site. There is likely a need for not only Paragon Studios, but other companies as well. I'll let the community team know when it is done to see if you want to evaluate it for future contest use. I know that I don't need months to get approval to build it personally. If you have feature requests, feel free to PM me with them and I'll see what I can do.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Morrigana View Post
I retweeted right away, and am following @cityofheroes as well, and nothing so far. I'm not sure if the codes are still going out or if I did something wrong. I just hit Retweet on the message itself. I'm new to Twitter, were we supposed to put an @cityofheroes in there? I'm confused
If you are following them and hit Retweet, you shouldn't have to add anything.

Remember however that there was a 10 minute window listed to have to Retweet it within. That's a pretty short time frame but understandable since they have to track all of the retweets and then manually send codes to each person that did the retweet.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.