I've given up on Praetoria and Villain start

Agent White



for the same reason - it's not the game/content I want to play. It's not the character I want to play.

I want to play a hero in city of heroes.

There are no heroes in Praetoria. You fight everyone, no matter what side you are supposed to be on.

While writing is good, the story interesting - I prefer the simplicity of a sewer of bad guys to beat up. No moral questions.



I don't like Praetoria because it is annoyingly hard for starting characters.

I'd actually like to play through and check out the storyline, but ever time I try frustration quickly sets in and I go back to Paragon or the Rogue Isles.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Well, that's okay! It's why we have the choices in the game. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing.





i dont play through praetoria because it jails your character to praetorian only zones until lvl 20

i dont like heros, cause well i just dont like heroside stuff, so i roll 100% of my toons redside lol



I still make new characters in Praetoria. I've gotten a low-damage, no mezz protection character like a Elec/Rad controller all the way through to 20; it isn't that hard. I also prefer villainside to heroside.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I always start my character on the opposite side I want the to end up on. This typically means starting villain side for everything except doms, which need to go villain side in the end for the Frenzy Alignment power. The reason I start them on the opposite side is to grab all the easy accolades of that side, without having to go full circle.



Me, I continue to start villains and Praetorians, even if the traffic isn't very high. I guess I just do this out of a perverse urge to be contrary. I'm used to playing solo.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I don't like Praetoria because it is annoyingly hard for starting characters.

I'd actually like to play through and check out the storyline, but ever time I try frustration quickly sets in and I go back to Paragon or the Rogue Isles.
AmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAm bushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbu shAmbushAmbushAmbushAm-


Dear god, who the hell had the addiction to spambushes in Praetoria? And who let the guy who designed the low level Vahzilok mobs out of his padded cell again to make ALL of the Praetorian mobs?

THAT is why I don't play Praetoria; the difficulty is set to 'cheating'. Not 'hard' or even 'a challenge'. No, compared to Primal, Praet just outright cheats. It's lazy or ignorant design, and I can't stand it.

i.e. I agree with the Goat

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I love Praetoria.

Soon as water blasting goes live, I will have another Praetorian.

HAIL COLE! DRINK ENRICHE! It makes your bones strong!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Dear god, who the hell had the addiction to spambushes in Praetoria? And who let the guy who designed the low level Vahzilok mobs out of his padded cell again to make ALL of the Praetorian mobs?

THAT is why I don't play Praetoria; the difficulty is set to 'cheating'. Not 'hard' or even 'a challenge'. No, compared to Primal, Praet just outright cheats. It's lazy or ignorant design, and I can't stand it.
There was no like button, so in my fervent need to agree with you I wrote 'LIKE' on a post-it note and attempted to punch it through my Golly Gosh Darn monitor and onto the internet.

The things you mention enrage me so much, right down to the Broken-From-Day-One Vahzilock, that it even almost worked.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

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I'm in the same boat, although I would like to play a villain or Praetorian sometimes. I have a Dominator I started yesterday who is level 17 from Hero side. I have a Praetorian who is level 10 after a couple of weeks. Sure I could have pounded out the levels on the Praetorian, but it's not fun to play alone for me anymore.

So it's hero side all the way. Dreading taking my new Dom to villain side for Scorpion Shield though.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i dont play through praetoria because it jails your character to praetorian only zones until lvl 20

i dont like heros, cause well i just dont like heroside stuff, so i roll 100% of my toons redside lol
Accolades are so much easier to get redside there isn't any reason to play heroes anymore.

I haven't started an alt in Praetoria in who knows how long. Annoying foes, incomplete badges (Morality) and 20 levels is just too long over there.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



That's probably Praetoria's greatest sin. It's hard, but not so hard that teaming wouldn't solve it, but you don't want to team because then you shoot past the arcs too fast. It's a handy little paradox that has just pushed greyside empty among all its other problems.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
That's probably Praetoria's greatest sin. It's hard, but not so hard that teaming wouldn't solve it, but you don't want to team because then you shoot past the arcs too fast.
I thought that the solo-only missions were a bigger problem for yellow side teaming?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
AmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAm bushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbu shAmbushAmbushAmbushAm-


Dear god, who the hell had the addiction to spambushes in Praetoria? And who let the guy who designed the low level Vahzilok mobs out of his padded cell again to make ALL of the Praetorian mobs?
Yah- none of it is stuff I'd mind much once I was kitted out and had my enhancements, attack chain, etc etc. I've run into a couple of those ambush style missions on my brute red side, but he was level 25 and so it was a fun, tough fight rather than just a procession of face-plants followed by a rage-quit (or at least, rage-switch to one of my blue or red-side characters).

The Praetorian early game is a throwback to Jack's weird fixation with the notion that the only way to make the game "fun" is to continually vex and frustrate players.

That's just one of GR's problems, but it's the one that keeps me from playing.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



When I got back into the game at the start of the year, I jumped into Praetoria with both feet, but having lost touch with the game, chose a particularly poor leveling combo for Praetorian content (a Dual Pistols/Thermal defender).

I like the Praetorian content and wouldn't have an issue running it again (and again!), but my problem is that I don't really have a plan for my current Praetorian characters after level 20. First Ward seems much better suited for a Primal hero than for a Praetorian character to run, and the moral ambiguity of Praetoria, which I find cool, makes it hard sometimes to figure out where the character fits in the more binary morality of CoH/V.

As for red-side, I've got about half-a-dozen redside characters, and I find it hard to log into any of them once they've completed the Dr. Graves arc -- there doesn't seem to be anything else red-side with that level of interest for me (though one of my old Praetorian toons is now high enough to run the Vincent Ross arc, which I have high hopes for).

There just seem to be so many more options for early leveling on blueside that redside just doesn't hold my interest. Run the Habashy/Thierry arcs? Do DfB? Do the Shining Stars arcs? Skip them all and just street-hunt? (And at low level, especially in Atlas/Kings Row, street-hunting and radio missions are a viable way to get from 1-8 in a decent-length play session.)

I won't say I've given up on Praetoria and red-side, but I've got to have a reason to start there -- if I'm just creating a new toon for the heck of it, it's likely as not to be blueside.




Right now, I'm starting more characters off as heroes because their concepts require them to be heroes. But honestly, I prefer the new villain starting content to the new hero starting content. I actually prefer Praetoria to both, but as others have said, the content there is rather less forgiving to certain powerset combinations.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Pauper View Post
As for red-side, I've got about half-a-dozen redside characters, and I find it hard to log into any of them once they've completed the Dr. Graves arc -- there doesn't seem to be anything else red-side with that level of interest for me (though one of my old Praetorian toons is now high enough to run the Vincent Ross arc, which I have high hopes for).
Vincent Ross is the best new thing I've found since returning to the game- super fun, great story, involving missions. Two hooves up.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



This just in: Some people like some things that some others don't.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I don't like Praetoria because it is annoyingly hard for starting characters.
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
AmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAm bushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbushAmbu shAmbushAmbushAmbushAm-
I absolutely loved the writing in Praetoria. I'm not sure about ambushes, but my biggest problem was the nonstop knockback/knockdown, and having no mitigating powers at those levels. So many of the enemy groups, the Destroyers most notably, seemed to be set up to where each mob type had exactly one attack that they spammed over and over, and that one attack had a knockback effect. Couple that with some of the tunnel missions where you've got a really good chance of aggroing six of them at a time, and I'd almost swear I spent as much time picking myself up off the ground as I spent actually fighting. And those Destroyers with their rocket launchers and Molotov cocktails - I couldn't even round them up in to a cluster and use my melee AoE, because they'd plant themselves somewhere and attack from range, and would not budge from their spots.

I got my first Praetorian character (a claws/invuln scrapper) to level 20 and through the portal to Paragon, and I haven't been back since.



The Destroyers were like they were purposefully built to bully MMs and Dominators. At least Scrapyarders have their patch-spammers at LT class, rather than minions...

Oh, and I'd totally forgotten about the Praet mission spawn layout. i.e. stupidly easy to over-aggro, given how close some mobs are.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Oh, and I'd totally forgotten about the Praet mission spawn layout. i.e. stupidly easy to over-aggro, given how close some mobs are.
Especially that one warehouse, where shooting one dude seemed to inevitably trigger some sort of aggro avalanche that would bring every spawn in the place down on your head.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone