so, what's left of Jack in the game is ...

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Well this thread sure got out of hand. All in favor of petitioning for a threadlock?
It's a dug thread. It's like watching Dr. Von Kruglor's self-arresting robots in action. (And no less confusing.)

(Quoting one of JB's most salient points ever here for no real reason.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Precisely. If a thread isn't worth taking seriously it's definitely worth becoming outraged over, that's my motto.
You must be new to the internet.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I have to assume that Tyrant was named knowing the double meaning of the term and that it was chosen deliberately. It is also nice that being a character based on Greek mythology they used Tyrant which is a Greek word rather than Dictator with is a Latin word.
The terms Praetor and Praetorian Guard are roman, not greek, so the modern connotation is probably correct - sic semper tyrannis. Plus, he was known as Emperor Cole in Praetoria, not Tyrant, only Primals and Resistance members call him that. Unlike Tyrant, Statesman was inspired by Greece rather than Rome, which is why he formed a Freedom Phalanx instead of a Praetorian Guard.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
It's a dug thread. It's like watching Dr. Von Kruglor's self-arresting robots in action. (And no less confusing.)
and you still have to take a drink



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Wikipedia cited as a source? Gimme a second to go change that...
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
In ancient galaxies far, far away, tyrants were influential opportunists that came to power by seizing the power of the Well of the Furies to defeat a fauna gobbling flora monster. The word "tyrannos", possibly pre-Greek, Pelasgian or eastern in origin, means butterscotch and is actually not related to this discussion at all.
[Citation Needed]

In all seriousness you are correct that Wikipedia is not a perfect source of information and definitely not something you should rely on in any sort of formal setting but it is reasonably accurate and is generally good enough for a first-pass information source.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
The terms Praetor and Praetorian Guard are roman, not greek, so the modern connotation is probably correct - sic semper tyrannis. Plus, he was known as Emperor Cole in Praetoria, not Tyrant, only Primals and Resistance members call him that. Unlike Tyrant, Statesman was inspired by Greece rather than Rome, which is why he formed a Freedom Phalanx instead of a Praetorian Guard.
That's an interesting take and probably accurate. I had not considered that they could have the Praetoria / Primal as a clash between Rome and Greece. Rome being the imperial state and Greece being the freedom loving side.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Getting mad because a thread on the internet doesn't stay on topic? Man, you must have like seventy two ulcers.
Seventy-two ulcers? That's the weirdest Islamic Paradise yet.

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



Well I learned that the word tyrant used to mean something different in the past then it does in modern time.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
is a character named Tyrant
* the character has the noble goal of wanting to make a paradise for everyone long as your definition of 'paradise' agrees with his, and have no qualms about giving up the things that he says it is necessary to sacrifice to bring it about.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Thread is a lost cause. Post ponies.
Okey dokey lokey






Why does the Defenderpony look annoyed? Well the Blasterpony faceplanted, the Scrapperpony ran off to the other side of the map, the Tankerpony skipped his mez protection power and the Controllerpony went AFK.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Okey dokey lokey

Why does the Defenderpony look annoyed? Well the Blasterpony faceplanted, the Scrapperpony ran off to the other side of the map, the Tankerpony skipped his mez protection power and the Controllerpony went AFK.
I take it you ARE Defenderpony.

Incidentally, all five of those names are available on Virtue. >.>

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I take it you ARE Defenderpony.

Incidentally, all five of those names are available on Virtue. >.>
That or Blasterpony. I play a very aggressive Blaster .



I should decimate you all for arguing words ancient usage versus the more modern.



Originally Posted by GloktheDestroyer View Post
I should decimate you all for arguing words ancient usage versus the more modern.
you are terrible, I am scared of you



It's also important to remember that he was called "Tyrant" right from the start, back when he was a standard moustache twirling archvillain, rather than the GR version - he wasn't named for any subtle double meaning.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by GloktheDestroyer View Post
I should decimate you all for arguing words ancient usage versus the more modern.
That is awful to say, you should bravely prove that people are manufacturing artificial meanings,nicely tell us that our usages are counterfeit.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Thread is a lost cause. Post ponies.

I can show you the world,
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Or it's just a story.
I'm going to go with this. I think it's a serious mistake to equate in-game Statesman/Marcus Code and his analogs with game developer Jack and a bigger mistake to assume the devs equate them. At the VERY most, they have been wanting to shake up the story by killing off the game's biggest hero and assumed enough time had passed that it wouldn't be taken as a slam at game developer Jack (and if so, they were wrong).

These are serious people who care about the game, they spend countless hours and want to be proud of it - and at an absolute minimum, it's what puts food on the family tables. I can't see them being that petty. If they wanted to be petty, they could always write him into tip missions to mock him.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
You must be new to the internet.
I think you are misreading, or misunderstanding, the post. That sounds like the person gets the internet PERFECTLY.
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Thread is a lost cause. Post ponies.
I give you a real pony :

Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Shame cube, or incomming game?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Getting mad because a thread on the internet doesn't stay on topic? Man, you must have like seventy two ulcers.
I love you for this.