What the "Win" in Pay to Win means to me.




Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Do you believe that I am not telling the truth (either willfully or not) when I say that I don't care about what other people do and that some real money items affect how I feel about the game independent of other players' actions?
I believe you are telling the truth.

I think that the sale of real money items having such an effect on anyone may be a warning sign that they are 'too close' to the game. I really mean that.

I bring it up because I had a friend lose everything, I mean everything, over an MMO, so I am very cautious about letting them 'get to me' on too deeply an emotional level.

Personally, I see the real money market as a way for Paragon to continue supporting the game and nothing more.

Since Freedom started, I have averaged about $40 extra a month to Paragon. I spend it on all kinds of things. I love giving them money because the game gives me and my friends a great deal of pleasure.

At the same time, I still play at Wentworths to get things, I still covet the purple drops I get, etc. The real money market has not replaced anything in the game, just given it another aspect, IMO.

My in-game accomplishments mean just as much as they did before to me, even if I am using an enhancement I bought with cash or one I bought with influence, mainly, I think, because my goal in game is to have fun. Nothing more. I do not play the game for a sense of accomplishment.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Don't kid yourselves folks.. whether you call it pay-to-win, pay-for-performance, or whatever, it cheapens the game experience for all.

I just decided to pop back onto the forum after a long absence and see what was new with CoH, a game I spent over 3 years playing just about daily.

Have to say, it is very sad (but not surprising) to see the direction this game has taken since Freedom & the real $ market went live. Players can apparently not only buy all the rarest items in the game, but now they have introduced these 'amplifiers' as well..

Disappointed to see the game fall so hard & fast after so many good years. Definitely glad I made the decision to cancel my two subscriptions when this mess started.

I'm sure it won't be long before they throw in purchasable character levels as well.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Don't kid yourselves folks.. whether you call it pay-to-win, pay-for-performance, or whatever, it cheapens the game experience for all.
That's funny. My game experience hasn't changed at all and I'm not using paid content aside from what my small bout of costume-piece snagging with Super Packs has given me.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Have to say, it is very sad (but not surprising) to see the direction this game has taken since Freedom & the real $ market went live.
You mean how we're getting new issues every 2-3 months with open beta, new content every week in the store, and a noticeable spike in developer activity/involvement? Wow. That is sad to see. /not

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I'm sure it won't be long before they throw in purchasable character levels as well.
Right, because it's soooo hard to level as it is.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
That's funny. My game experience hasn't changed at all and I'm not using paid content aside from what my small bout of costume-piece snagging with Super Packs has given me.

You mean how we're getting new issues every 2-3 months with open beta, new content every week in the store, and a noticeable spike in developer activity/involvement? Wow. That is sad to see. /not

Right, because it's soooo hard to level as it is.
/all this.

Seriously, what was that? A "I left, and I'm coming back to tell you I'm still gone, ha ha" post?



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Right, because it's soooo hard to level as it is.
Exactly my point. Thank you. Between power creep, class homogenization, pay-for-performace, etc. CoH has been dumbed down to the point there is no need to do anything beyond faceroll the keyboard.

Wonder how long 'til achievement badges can be bought in the store..



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
/all this.

Seriously, what was that? A "I left, and I'm coming back to tell you I'm still gone, ha ha" post?
What? No 'can I have your stuff' comment? No 'Well, bye' .gif?

Yep. Totally right. The opinions of previous long term customers matter not at all. No reason anyone should care about that. I have totally waited months, nurturing all my pent up nerdrage this entire time, just waiting for the proper opportunity to let it all out!

Or it could be, I just actually was interested in checking out the game that I played and enjoyed for a long time and seeing what has changed.

Nice to see the CoH community has also fallen quite far since I last played as well..



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Exactly my point. Thank you. Between power creep, class homogenization, pay-for-performace, etc. CoH has been dumbed down to the point there is no need to do anything beyond faceroll the keyboard.

Wonder how long 'til achievement badges can be bought in the store..
I'm getting really sick of hearing 'power creep' lately. Like, I kind of want to vomit every time I hear it.

That said, I think you've taken your point of view to a very serious extreme. If the game is such a problem, why are you posting? Why are you using Blizzard-game terms like 'faceroll' to judge this community's skill? You want class homogenization? Might want to look at your own purview first.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Nice to see the CoH community has also fallen quite far since I last played as well..
Ever stop to think that we're responding so bluntly because your first post in this thread was:

1. Not constructive?
2. Blatantly false?
3. Snarky?
4. Arrogant?

You can't come into a thread and proclaim how the game stinks and things are terrible and you're leaving and good riddance, and then expect people to give you more civility than you've given them.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post

Ever stop to think that we're responding so bluntly because your first post in this thread was:

1. Not constructive?
2. Blatantly false?
3. Snarky?
4. Arrogant?

You can't come into a thread and proclaim how the game stinks and things are terrible and you're leaving and good riddance, and then expect people to give you more civility than you've given them.
Better said than I was going to do.

And no, no interest in your stuff - plenty of my own, thanks.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Don't kid yourselves folks.. whether you call it pay-to-win, pay-for-performance, or whatever, it cheapens the game experience for all.
Can you illustrate how the experience is cheapened? In what ways has your play experience been made less enjoyable?



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
CoH has been dumbed down to the point there is no need to do anything beyond faceroll the keyboard.
All games are getting easier these days. Simple fact. They're trying to appeal to more casual gamers and younger/less experienced gamers.

But that's an argument for another thread.


Anywho, on topic, my response would be:

"Let people spend money how they want. After all, it's their money and they can waste it how they want."

Paragon Studios offers services in exchange for money (Laugh and you die). This is the basic business idea of just about everything.

They want to make this game profitable to keep it afloat, whilst also keeping their playerbase happy. I believe, despite all the gnashing and wailing you see around here, that they do.

The Paragon Market is still a new thing. These Amplifiers have never been seen before on the Market. I'm not sure how they're selling, but by the forum response it should, at least, give the Developers a few ideas on what to do and what not to do if they want to sell performance enhancing items on the Market (Laugh and you're also dead).

The game won't become Play-to-win at any point, because that would tip the profit to happiness scale into dangerous territory. Some may argue that it's already happening, what with XP Boosters, Team Inspirations and IO Sets on the Market. These are items that (In order) only provide a modest boost and isn't 100% necessary, is a situation item and finally, isn't 100% required to play the game and can be earned in-game rather easily through a variety of methods.

Now, if the scenario appears that a "Insta-level 50!" item appears on the Market, I will gladly post a picture of me eating a hat.

That is all.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Exactly my point. Thank you. Between power creep, class homogenization, pay-for-performace, etc. CoH has been dumbed down to the point there is no need to do anything beyond faceroll the keyboard.

Wonder how long 'til achievement badges can be bought in the store..
cry doom moar, plz



To add to the OP, what I usually try to do to a character that I've leveled to 50 is to "IO" him out, usually with orange sets. Purple sets I can do without.

I've seen change after change to the game to reduce the number of IOs that you receive as drops:
- introduction of worthless "recipes" and "powers" to the drop pool
- countless nerfs to AE to prevent/lessen the rate of ticket farming
- Overall drop in the rate of any kind of IO set recipe ( debatable, but that's my impression when killing large groups of mods vs. what it used to be )

Then they turn around and start selling the same items for real money.
P2W, in this scenario, means I have to shell out money to properly fill out my level 50 toons or spend much more time to accomplish the goal.

IMHO, the only items that should be sold on their market are costume/cosmetic items - not anything that impacts performance or leveling rate.

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Thank you again for the responses folks. I greatly appreciate it, as this has given me some insight into this topic. I wanted folks to know that my somewhat serious tone is an attempt to ensure that this controversial topic remains respectful. I'll be back to the argumentative jerk you all know and hate/love/stick pins in his voodoo effigy.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Can you illustrate how the experience is cheapened? In what ways has your play experience been made less enjoyable?
It simply has. I realize that this topic is akin to religion & politics. It's based more on values and beliefs than pure rationality. You're seeking facts to argue against. Try to think of it as a statement of preference.

The issue is more: Do I like this? And less; Does this hurt you?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I mean, if you don't buy them, they don't affect you directly. You're not losing points or money to them, it's not affecting your characters, etc. There's not a finite supply of recipes that purchasing from the PMart reduces in game. You *cannot tell* short of being told (or logging in to another person's account) if they're using PMart purchased items or in-game drops/Wentworths-purchased items.
I think I can offer some perspective here. Not an explanation, mind you, and probably not something that applies to anyone but myself, but give me a few minutes just the same.

My cynicism of our Marketing team notwithstanding, I generally dislike "pay to win" as a concept because it "corrupts" the game. Let me explain. Typically, a game is something I do because it offers me things that real life can't, and specifically because it isn't subject to the same restrictions that I dislike in real life. Our heroes never have to use the restroom, they never get sick, they never get parking tickets (or need to own cars...), they never sleep in or sleep at all, they don't have walk the cat or buy headlight fluid, that sort of thing. Most of that comes with the limitations of what the game can emulate, but some things a game CAN emulate that I really really don't want it to.

One of the things I really don't want games I play to do is mix real money into the game. It's not a question of other people getting more than me or me having to pay for more, or even a question of community. To me, the money side of things is one part of real life I don't enjoy, and having it rubbed into my face in-game is not pleasant for me. A game is escapism. Whether we achieve this through a sense of achievement, a sense of accomplishment, a sense of victory or a sense of invincibility, we are ultimately crafting for ourselves an illusion of success that, like in most entertainment, we use to make ourselves feel better. When the real world intrudes into the game, the illusion is shattered and its greatly diminished.

One of the reason I solo so much is because I make builds based on concept first and on "however much I can be arsed to try" second, and they end up being pretty sub par. This doesn't stop me from play-pretending that my characters are awesome, I just lower the difficulty and have an easy time. That doesn't quite work when I team with someone with an actual strong build. The illusion of power disappears before the reality of power, and I'm left disappointed in general. Now, obviously, this is a quirk of mine, but the broader subject remains:

When the real world and real money start intruding into a game, they tend to corrupt the illusion that the game is really about. They make the game too "real," in a sense. All of a sudden you start trying to figure out who deserves to have what, how can you prevent people from having things, when do you allow people to have things and so forth. All of a sudden it starts feeling less like a game, and that tends to take the magic out of it.

To loop back onto the subject of Amplifiers, why they concern me isn't that other people will play better than I do - I wouldn't be teaming with them either way. It isn't that I'll suddenly have to pay too much - I still control my own spending. It's that my performance in-game all of a sudden starts depending on my wallet, and I start asking a question that I really don't think I should be asking in a game - can I afford to have fun? This is the question I should ask myself before I log in, and once the answer has been found to be "yes," then that should be the last it comes up. Part of the point of a game, at least to me, is to put those questions aside and act as if I could afford the good stuff and as if I do deserve to be the best. Maybe not really, maybe not objectively, but within my little illusion, at least.

Injecting "pay to win" in a game runs a very real risk of corrupting what it is that makes a game to begin with, more or less.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
And in my opinion, once those rewards can simply be purchased, I lose much of my interest in obtaining them.
Still, though, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you did it the "hard way". Indeed, if you think that effort was something to be admired in the first place, then the fact that there's now an "easy way" makes you even more hardcore for putting in that effort.

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For me it makes no difference I play the way I have for the last 5 years. Starting at lvl1 and then going all the way to 50 (now sometimes 50+3). I have only purchased a few costumes and Ranged power sets.

I just don't bother with all the extra bibs and bobs. I have fun the way I play and I guess others (at least I hope they do) have fun the way they play.

Happy to be on Defiant.
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Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Don't kid yourselves folks.. whether you call it pay-to-win, pay-for-performance, or whatever, it cheapens the game experience for all.
Yes, yes, we've heard this song before. YOU disapprove. Therefore it cheapens the game for everyone; the game is going down the tubes; etc.

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I have been paying to win since I bought the game. I really don't care how someone else progresses through the game. It doesn't affect my play time at all. It also takes absolutely nothing away from anything I may or may not have accomplished. I don't compete against the rest of the player base, I try to figure out how I can do things better.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Other people paying to win in this game just helps me win more.

Prices on the AH drop. Teammates get better builds. I complete more TFs faster. The game gets more development funding.

"Pay to win" in this game means nobody loses.
TF's faster = reward merits get adjusted down.

That said, I don't really mind the pay2win (as we tend to use the term here).

Subscribing gets you the largest amount of pay2win in Paragon.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
That you need to spend those boosters to WIN. Take the Magistrate trial, if you want to go the real hard way, you are expected to pay for a couple of those +1 Universal level boosters.
You can buy those for a couple of Astral Merits in Ouro, you know.

Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
I've seen change after change to the game to reduce the number of IOs that you receive as drops:
- introduction of worthless "recipes" and "powers" to the drop pool
Those drop from a completely different recipe pool to IO recipes, and have no effect on their drop rate. You can easily check this in game -- watch the combat log, and you'll sometimes see a temp power and an IO recipe drop from the same defeat.

Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
- Overall drop in the rate of any kind of IO set recipe ( debatable, but that's my impression when killing large groups of mods vs. what it used to be )
I don't think the rates had changed when people last analysed the drop rates. If you think you've seen a reduced rate, you can always collect some logs and take a look.

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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Still, though, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you did it the "hard way". Indeed, if you think that effort was something to be admired in the first place, then the fact that there's now an "easy way" makes you even more hardcore for putting in that effort.
It's interesting. For some reason I don't see it that way. Like with IOs now. I used to enjoy the chase of finding IOs. Getting a new shiny was really a treat. Now....eh. It's no different than SOs, just a bit more effort and/or RL cash.

To give you a similar example, I remember when I first got into manga about 21-22 years ago. At the time, finding anime was a real chore. You had to call around, check in different stores. I found the chase fun. Today. Well, now I can just download the stuff in 5 minutes. I lost a ton of interest in anime after that. The chase is gone and while the stories are no more sillier than they were when I was 18, I find that I mostly just don't care anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I'm always sort of astounded by threads like this, in that so few people evidence any ability to think conceptually or burrow underneath the surface of an issue.

"the game is easy so who cares!"
"why do you care if I have fun!"
"I can do all that stuff anyway, it's just more annoying and tedious, so what's your point!"

In the interest of not getting Geko's very enlightening thread sent to the Elephant's Graveyard I'll leave it at that.

Here's hoping 'everyone' is right and they don't overreach on this.

Although in this instance history is not on 'everyone's' side.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
May I ask a question. I will not argue with anyone's response and I hope you'll answer with a yes or no. Obviously I can't force you to and I don't mean to presume I can. Please note, I will not quarrel with any of you because of your answer nor will I hold any hard feelings. I'm honestly curious. I feel that the two sides are talking over each other.
Do you believe that I am not telling the truth (either willfully or not) when I say that I don't care about what other people do and that some real money items affect how I feel about the game independent of other players' actions?
I believe the first half of that statement is impossible for non-socipathic human beings.

The fundamental principle at work here is the expectation of fairness doctrine in games design. One of its cornerstone principles is that people must perceive a game to be fair in its dealings with its players, or that will be a source of friction between the game and its players. Its impossible to avoid this completely because everyone is different, but within the scope of MMOs all human beings have a psychological need to believe that by at least some definition they are comfortable with the game treats all players fairly. And fairly does not mean "equally" either.

We can say "I don't care what those players do or are allowed to do" and we might even believe it, but studies have shown that when you're not actively trying to adhere to that principle your brain will not follow the rule.

How the game presents choices to the player, and how it presents choices to all players in general, directly influence how the players perceive the game to be fair or unfair in the psychological sense of the word. That it will affect us is certain. How it affects each of us is the part that is much more difficult to know.

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