What the "Win" in Pay to Win means to me.




Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
May I ask a question. I will not argue with anyone's response and I hope you'll answer with a yes or no. Obviously I can't force you to and I don't mean to presume I can. Please note, I will not quarrel with any of you because of your answer nor will I hold any hard feelings. I'm honestly curious. I feel that the two sides are talking over each other.
Do you believe that I am not telling the truth (either willfully or not) when I say that I don't care about what other people do and that some real money items affect how I feel about the game independent of other players' actions?
Honestly? No I don't believe you. Why? Because what you're saying is contradictory. You have no logical reason for disliking anything being for sale in the market that doesn't have something to do with another player.

Any item being for sale does NOT affect you in any way beyond it being an option to purchase. In fact items NOT FOR SALE are more likely to diminish the game experience for someone than anything that IS FOR SALE.

If something being in the market bothers you... ask yourself why... really ask. If it does bother you and it ultimately comes down to "I did this to get this. If I can just buy it then it cheapens the experience for me" then ask yourself how exactly this purchasable option cheapens anything you do. You don't HAVE to buy it.

I honestly believe anyone who tries to use that BS excuse against the market is really saying "It cheapens the experience for me knowing that while I may avoid buying this item from the market and earn it in game which is the right way to play... somewhere someone else will buy it which is the wrong way to play and that this somehow in some way diminishes any effort I have made to get it without buying from the market"

How you "feel" about something in game or what your idea of what is the "right way to play" should not impact how another player plays the game.

It's sorta like equality for minorities. Just because someone or a group of someones don't like a specific minority for whatever reason, be it religious, ethnic, orientation, etc, doesn't mean that minorities should be denied equal rights under the law.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
TF's faster = reward merits get adjusted down.

That said, I don't really mind the pay2win (as we tend to use the term here).

Subscribing gets you the largest amount of pay2win in Paragon.

Get a sub.



Funny thing.

Here are the things I've spent real money on in CoH:

Harlequin costume temp, wanted it badly.
Tons of costume bundles, but I did that when they were sold for 9.99 in the day.
A costume slot for my main account, since five isn't enough.
A server transfer or two to move pvp toons.

Oddly enough, I have *not* bought a single Purple set. Not a one.
And I have been begging for purples or PvP IOs to be sold on the market for the longest time...and then I figured out why I haven't used the Paragon Market to get these items.

Simply, the money isn't an issue but the non-resale factor of the items is very much an issue. In the end, I'd rather just have 40 billion infamy by spending Paragon Points than I would a set of Apocalypse, since that will go a lot further for me...but unfortunately if they do this prices will likely inflate to crazy levels.

There is one ingame item I would drop ingame money for in a second and that is the Hit Point accolades, Demonic, Megalomaniac and Force of Nature, account-wide, cos I am soooooooooooooo tired of grinding those on keeper alts. But that would probably be untenable for the Devs and quite frankly, it would just about lower my logins to zero as all I do now is accolade and incarnate then roll new alt. Heh.

Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post

To give you a similar example, I remember when I first got into manga about 21-22 years ago. At the time, finding anime was a real chore. You had to call around, check in different stores. I found the chase fun. Today. Well, now I can just download the stuff in 5 minutes. I lost a ton of interest in anime after that. The chase is gone and while the stories are no more sillier than they were when I was 18, I find that I mostly just don't care anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old.
That's funny because I still pay a king's ransom for Strangers in Paradise blueline books (signed by Terry Moore) and I've made specific trips to see him in person so I can get sketches, autographs on my issues and even hang out with him. I could go on Ebay and get sketches and autoed items but I'd just rather do it myself and have the satisfaction of knowing I have unique items...like say these French perfect-bound SiPs that came my way because a friend helped him with some translation and I get to keepsake them for a bit while he moves around. Kinda like having the keys to Fort Knox but having to return it in a few weeks, heh.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
That's funny because I still pay a king's ransom for Strangers in Paradise blueline books (signed by Terry Moore) and I've made specific trips to see him in person so I can get sketches, autographs on my issues and even hang out with him. I could go on Ebay and get sketches and autoed items but I'd just rather do it myself and have the satisfaction of knowing I have unique items...like say these French perfect-bound SiPs that came my way because a friend helped him with some translation and I get to keepsake them for a bit while he moves around. Kinda like having the keys to Fort Knox but having to return it in a few weeks, heh.
Strangers in Paradise was a great series. I have the trade paperbacks, I should probably read those again. Thanks, you took me back a few years.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm always sort of astounded by threads like this, in that so few people evidence any ability to think conceptually or burrow underneath the surface of an issue.

"the game is easy so who cares!"
"why do you care if I have fun!"
"I can do all that stuff anyway, it's just more annoying and tedious, so what's your point!"

In the interest of not getting Geko's very enlightening thread sent to the Elephant's Graveyard I'll leave it at that.

Here's hoping 'everyone' is right and they don't overreach on this.

Although in this instance history is not on 'everyone's' side.
Fundamentally, I think caring too deeply about what other players do in game is setting one's self up for disappointment and stress you just don't need in a past time.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Fundamentally, I think caring too deeply about what other players do in game is setting one's self up for disappointment and stress you just don't need in a past time.
Oh so true my friend. The worse cases are the one's that desire to "control" what you do in the game you pay your 15 bucks a month to play.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Still not sure how what someone else buys for their character affects me?

I haven't noticed a decrease in drops, inf, xp, etc since these supposed "pay to win" items have went live.....

Frankly unless someone were to tell me or I saw it in their buff icon...not sure how I am supposed to know/care they spent real money on these....

Since xp boosters, amplifiers, dual insps, etc.. have went live... my game has not changed one bit.

Then again I don't feel the need to get all worked up over what someone else is doing when it doesn't affect me

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I believe the first half of that statement is impossible for non-socipathic human beings.
I think that relies on a reading of my question out of the context we're discussing.

EDIT: (Not in response to Arcanaville, I just didn't want to make a new post)

What I find absolutely fascinating about this discussion is the complete inability of the participants (on both sides, I count myself), to accept what the other says at face value. I am becoming more convinced by the post that this is exactly like politics or religion. We come at the problem from different starting points, different value systems and so when I say something like, "Some items in the marketplace bother ME irrespective of the actions of others", others who disagree can't even comprehend how that can be true. Many responses to the question I posed are along the lines of "we believe you are not lying, but you're still wrong." Which is amazing to me because I honestly can't see how either side could be wrong here. People can like different things. I see this as little different than saying, "I like the color green but not the color orange." I doubt anyone would feel the need to ascribe motive to that statement. It's just a statement of preference.

Likewise, I don't like certain parts of the game being sold away in the marketplace. I am an attorney and have spent many years arguing both sides of an issue. I fully understand how to tease out biases. I do not care what other players do (in this context Arcana...meanie!). I care, because I think selling certain things make the experience of earning them meaningless. I also realize that no matter how many times I state that, some folks will nonetheless believe that I am trying to control what they do. I can't change that. Nor will I argue against it any longer. I see no point. We have different beliefs. That's not going to change.

Just to let folks know, I don't object to the market or even selling many items in it that affect the game. I have very deep reservations about selling the amplifiers, what goes in the super packs and the purple IOs. Other than that, I use the market often and am quite happy about how it's helped fund such quick expansion of content.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I think that relies on a reading of my question out of the context we're discussing.

EDIT: (Not in response to Arcanaville, I just didn't want to make a new post)

What I find absolutely fascinating about this discussion is the complete inability of the participants (on both sides, I count myself), to accept what the other says at face value. I am becoming more convinced by the post that this is exactly like politics or religion. We come at the problem from different starting points, different value systems and so when I say something like, "Some items in the marketplace bother ME irrespective of the actions of others", others who disagree can't even comprehend how that can be true. Many responses to the question I posed are along the lines of "we believe you are not lying, but you're still wrong." Which is amazing to me because I honestly can't see how either side could be wrong here. People can like different things. I see this as little different than saying, "I like the color green but not the color orange." I doubt anyone would feel the need to ascribe motive to that statement. It's just a statement of preference.

Likewise, I don't like certain parts of the game being sold away in the marketplace. I am an attorney and have spent many years arguing both sides of an issue. I fully understand how to tease out biases. I do not care what other players do (in this context Arcana...meanie!). I care, because I think selling certain things make the experience of earning them meaningless. I also realize that no matter how many times I state that, some folks will nonetheless believe that I am trying to control what they do. I can't change that. Nor will I argue against it any longer. I see no point. We have different beliefs. That's not going to change.

Just to let folks know, I don't object to the market or even selling many items in it that affect the game. I have very deep reservations about selling the amplifiers, what goes in the super packs and the purple IOs. Other than that, I use the market often and am quite happy about how it's helped fund such quick expansion of content.
I have some questions for you:

Why do you have reservations about anything being in the store?

How does anything being in the store impact your gameplay?

Your "feelings" are just as valid as anyone elses. With that said, feelings have to be tempered with logic. You don't have to like everything that goes in to the store. But is it logical to deny adding it when it can generate income that will keep the game going?

No one is ever forced to buy any specific thing in the store. If someones values/beliefs tells them "these things are bad for the game" that's fine. They don't have to partake of them. But denying others the opportunity to buy specific things (by lobbying to have stuff kept out of the store or removed from the store) simply because they don't like it, or they think it somehow hurts the game based on their beliefs and values that others may not share, doesn't seem very fair in my opinion.

Everyone should have the opportunity to speak to the devs with their dollars. Some things will sell very well and those dollars tell the devs what many people want. When things don't sell well the devs know what is less appealing to the player base on average. Preventing things from ever being added or removing things from the store only stifles our voices. Now that doesn't mean I advocate putting any and everything in the store. Some things would just either not make sense or fundamentally side-step the game as a whole (like say being able to buy a lvl 50). There's logical reasons to not add some things. When it comes to decision making it's not usually wise to just let feelings (as irrational as they can be) be the guiding factor in determining our conclusions. Tempering those feelings with logic helps to create a balanced outcome.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
On the other hand, I earned the Roman set from the ITF. Now, this is no great feat, thousands of others have done so as well. But I have a bit more affection for that set because I earned it.
Interesting. I earned it once and had absolutely no use for it on that character. I looked at it in the costume creator and contemplated various costumes that I might use on a new character incorporating those pieces, but since they weren't available starting out they remained useless and I never bothered chasing them again.

I was happy when it became potentially available for everyone from the start. It didn't kill a piece of the game for me, it brought a dead piece to life.

What I find absolutely fascinating about this discussion is the complete inability of the participants (on both sides, I count myself), to accept what the other says at face value. I am becoming more convinced by the post that this is exactly like politics or religion. We come at the problem from different starting points, different value systems and so when I say something like, "Some items in the marketplace bother ME irrespective of the actions of others", others who disagree can't even comprehend how that can be true.
When you say that it bothers you irrespective of the actions of others, but then outline why it bothers you in a manner that incorporates the actions of others it makes your statement seem self-contradictory. Of course, if you didn't include the potential actions of others you'd just be highlighting your own kooky hang-ups (and I've never met anyone who doesn't have a kooky hang-up or two, so that's not meant to be an insult). Nonsense isn't necessarily sensible, no matter how reasonably we try to present it - so maybe it *is* exactly like religion or politics...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
You're wrong.
He's really not. Maybe you don't feel the same way, and that's great, but I certainly share EG's sentiment. If, tomorrow, they released a "Badge Pack" on the market, containing every badge in the game, I would lose interest in hunting badges. Even if I never actually bought that pack, I wouldn't care nearly as much about badge hunting, simply because I'd know, in the back of my mind, that I could just buy it with two simple clicks. The effort, to me, would lose meaning.

I don't care whether other people have "bought" or "earned" their builds. The fact that I have the option to buy it, actively detracts from my desire to build anything in the first place.

I think that's what EG was getting at, too.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
He's really not. Maybe you don't feel the same way, and that's great, but I certainly share EG's sentiment. If, tomorrow, they released a "Badge Pack" on the market, containing every badge in the game, I would lose interest in hunting badges. Even if I never actually bought that pack, I wouldn't care nearly as much about badge hunting, simply because I'd know, in the back of my mind, that I could just buy it with two simple clicks. The effort, to me, would lose meaning.

I don't care whether other people have "bought" or "earned" their builds. The fact that I have the option to buy it, actively detracts from my desire to build anything in the first place.

I think that's what EG was getting at, too.
Now on the surface one could say this is irrational. But there is a very logical reason NOT to add such a "badge pack". Such an item in the store would actually diminish an in game activity. It would rob the buyer of the incentive and opportunity to engage in the badge hunting activity which has its own rewards like xp/inf, accolades and reward merits.

Acquiring IO's in an of itself is not an activity with associated rewards in the traditional sense. I know, some people can look at it like acquiring is an activity and the set bonuses are the reward but that's a bit abstract and not the "traditional" way such things are viewed IMO. IO's are a reward (often random) for engaging in specific activities or through use of various currencies earned through in game play (merits of varying kinds). The store adds a way for real world currency to be used to acquire these things. In most cases however it's far more cost effective to use in game means to get these things at least as far as I have seen. But for the convenience and the real world cost, I don't mind people buying them since it supports the game. It's like the people buying these things are buying me new content for the game.

The amplifiers are nothing more than hour long multi-aspect inspirations when you really stop to think about it. To me they're something I'd never waste money on... but hey for anyone who buys them regularly... more power to ya and thank you for spending money to develop my game ^_^

I personally believe, however, that it is irrational to stop engaging in an activity you enjoy (playing coh) because the market allows people to use their real world money to purchase in game items. There is no logical reason why you should no longer like playing the game just because you have an OPTION to acquire things in a different way than you typically did... especially when that option potentially pays to keep the game alive and growing. The only conclusion I can come to when someone makes such a declaration is that they compare what they do and have to what others do and have regardless of their claims to the contrary. And somehow when someone else gets something they "worked so hard for!" by simply spending real world money, or even if they just have the opportunity to do so but don't exercise it, it inexplicably invalidates everything they accomplished to get or do whatever it was they got or did. There is no logical explanation why an option merely existing has this profound effect on someone's outlook of the game.

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



There is nothing in this game to win, therefore arguing that anything sold on the market is a pay2win gimmick is a failed argument. What you could argue is pay4ease.

Like how as a 7+ year veteran, thanks to the 8 hour Double XP Boosters I bought, I can finally pay4ease my way through those horrible levels 1 - 25 (I personally detest them.)

Does my pay4ease make the game unfair for the people I'm playing with? No. Why? Because we will all eventually reach the same destination

Yes, I know I'm late in the thread. No, I didn't read every single post.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
He's really not. Maybe you don't feel the same way, and that's great, but I certainly share EG's sentiment. If, tomorrow, they released a "Badge Pack" on the market, containing every badge in the game, I would lose interest in hunting badges. Even if I never actually bought that pack, I wouldn't care nearly as much about badge hunting, simply because I'd know, in the back of my mind, that I could just buy it with two simple clicks. The effort, to me, would lose meaning.

I don't care whether other people have "bought" or "earned" their builds. The fact that I have the option to buy it, actively detracts from my desire to build anything in the first place.

I think that's what EG was getting at, too.
Not to nitpick but... doesn't that mean you are letting what others can/might do affect you?

I could care less how much defense Hero X has...and hey if they have more through amplifiers and I am teaming with them...guess maybe my mission/team will do slightly better?

I don't need a defense boost; for example, 8 hours straight. If I find myself in a situation where I do need more... I gots insps

I think this whole argument over what other people are spending their money on is silly; especially when it doesn't affect my xp/inf gain/drops. Like I said before.... I see it as a non-issue when it comes to how I play.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I hate to tell you this, but some guy was born with athletic talent and was 6' 6" in high school. He made the team with no real effort on his part thanks to his genetics. He got the letter and it meant nothing to him. High school football was a given, he was disappointed that he did not get into pro football.

It meant something to you because you worked hard for it. The fact that others did not have to work hard for it didn't change what it meant to you. Maybe you just ignored that fact, or maybe you didn't realize that others did not have to work for it.
No, the athletically gifted guy still worked for it.

He had to show up for practice and games just like the rest of the team.

The fact that it came more naturally to him isn't particularly relevant. Regardless of the athetic talent involved, that letter was earned for being there and participating.

You couldn't just plunk down $5 at the school store and have the same letter.

That was his point. What the letter meant to the athletically gifted guy isn't particularly relevant either, since Geko was referring to its importance to him.

I somewhat agree with his stance.

Where I differ is that I don't care if someone else purchased a reward that I earned. *I* know I earned it, and that's all I really care about.

To use the same athletics analogy: Sure, maybe that schmuck over there bought his letter to put on his jacket, what difference does it really make though?

The schmuck isn't in any of the team pictures. There's no record of him having played in any of those games. There are no statistics permanently etched into that school's history that were accomplished by him. And most importantly, he did not have the experience of being on that team and playing in those games.

It isn't the letter itself that has meaning, it's the memories associated with the earning of that letter that are what Geko really treasures, whether he realizes it himself of not.

The guy who bought his? He doesn't have those memories. And that is the most important distinction between the two.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Do you believe that I am not telling the truth (either willfully or not) when I say that I don't care about what other people do and that some real money items affect how I feel about the game independent of other players' actions?
To be clear, your premise is that if something can be both earned and bought, it lessens the value of earning it. Correct?

It doesn't matter if you never buy it yourself, the simple fact that the option exists, lessens the value of earning it. If NO ONE ever buys it and everyone only ever earns it, earning it is still cheapened by the mere possibility of buying it.

It seems a rational, if weird, position. I don't feel that way in general, but it doesn't seem crazy or anything.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Other people paying to win in this game just helps me win more.

Prices on the AH drop. Teammates get better builds. I complete more TFs faster. The game gets more development funding.

"Pay to win" in this game means nobody loses.

Basically the way I view the concept, particularly with a niche product as long in the tooth as this is (yet still lively and fun mind you), I'm not cut to the quick by one monther johnnyhotcakes equaling or surpassing the stats on my toon that may have taken many months acquiring accolades-ios-incarnates to achieve. It can potentially lead to better pugs with fewer deaths and faster progress.

As far as any other ramifications emanating from pay/win I'll leave that to others to ruminate over.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Do you believe that I am not telling the truth (either willfully or not) when I say that I don't care about what other people do and that some real money items affect how I feel about the game independent of other players' actions?
I believe you. But then, I also don't have any trouble with the idea that having the option of buying something at the store makes achieving it in game feel less satisfying to you. It isn't a view I share, but I don't think it's silly, or illogical, or impossible.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



you know, given the prevalence of farming enemies who cant hurt you and specific ultra easy missions, I really cant say that I can be sure that anyone has "earned" anything, outside of maybe the "really hard way" badge, and even then, they could have leeched on to an otherwise skilled group of characters and contributed minimally. Its just not something I have cared about. maybe you got that shiny illusionist badge back in the day when it took a heck of a lot longer and you only fought level appropriate enemies, or maybe you just sat there one night kicking one master illusionist spawn who conned grey to you for a few hours and only can claim you earned it by virtue of patience..or you just joined a farm and pretty much had it handed to you. maybe you got your full set of pvp ios by fighting some tough opponents and lucking out..or maybe you and some buddies just traded kills for it.

Basically gecko, the market did not suddenly introduce a binary division between those who worked hard at getting a reward and those who bought their way in, people have been bypassing difficulty for so long that any semblance of "earning" has long been rendered irrelevant. So honestly, I say at least people that have been buying things in the market have possibly contributed something in the real world to be gainfully employed and have money, rather than just running fire farms , stealthing goals in alignment missions, farming the ssa 1.1 over and over and doing speed tfs. If you can tell yourself you earned those rewards, you can certainly tell yourself that you earned some rewards for being gainfully employed in the current economy.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
you know, given the prevalence of farming enemies who cant hurt you and specific ultra easy missions, I really cant say that I can be sure that anyone has "earned" anything, outside of maybe the "really hard way" badge, and even then, they could have leeched on to an otherwise skilled group of characters and contributed minimally.
I hit 50 on a Dark/Dark Brute before I9 and IO's, foolishly not taking Acrobatics.

I think I've earned the right to feel proud of what that Brute is today, especially since I did things The Really Hard Way.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
To be clear, your premise is that if something can be both earned and bought, it lessens the value of earning it. Correct?

It doesn't matter if you never buy it yourself, the simple fact that the option exists, lessens the value of earning it. If NO ONE ever buys it and everyone only ever earns it, earning it is still cheapened by the mere possibility of buying it.

It seems a rational, if weird, position. I don't feel that way in general, but it doesn't seem crazy or anything.
You have correctly stated how I feel.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Not to nitpick but... doesn't that mean you are letting what others can/might do affect you?
No. It it wholly irrelevant what others can do. I recognize that this premise is difficult to wrap ones head around, but it is the truth.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The fundamental principle at work here is the expectation of fairness doctrine in games design. One of its cornerstone principles is that people must perceive a game to be fair in its dealings with its players, or that will be a source of friction between the game and its players. Its impossible to avoid this completely because everyone is different, but within the scope of MMOs all human beings have a psychological need to believe that by at least some definition they are comfortable with the game treats all players fairly. And fairly does not mean "equally" either.
I don't know... For I forget how many years, people have been trying very hard to convince me that the game isn't designed for me, I'm an outlier, what I want isn't good for the game and that the game will never be fair towards me. Hell, the Evil Geko himself once commented that he specifically wanted the game to NOT be designed to appeal to me because of my bad attitude or some such. There's a reason we don't speak to each other.

Somewhere along the line I gave up on arguing with this notion, because it's a rotating cast of ever newer people always giving me the same argument. And besides, the game is always going to be unfair to me if I don't shoot for "the best" but instead only aim for "good enough." It only really bothers me when it gets worse, and niches I thought I had are rendered invalid. You liked Galaxy City and the old missions? Tough, the Atlas Park makeover wasn't aimed at you. It doesn't have to be fair, it has to make money.

That's kind of why I've supported selling power if it's being SOLD as opposed to RENTED out. If we're going to make the game unfair, then at least let's make it consistent in its unfairness and avoid the constant "rental" feel of it.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Interesting. I earned it once and had absolutely no use for it on that character. I looked at it in the costume creator and contemplated various costumes that I might use on a new character incorporating those pieces, but since they weren't available starting out they remained useless and I never bothered chasing them again.
Yeah, this is one notion I'll never support. Having worked for an item does NOT make it worth more and it most certainly doesn't make me value it any higher. For me, it's actually quite the opposite - the harder I worked for something, the higher its cost is to me thus the lower its overall worth unless it comes with a very high value. The Roman gear... Really doesn't have that high a value to justify its cost. It's only ever worth using if I happen to reach it with a character that didn't really need it but could still probably use it, at which point its value isn't all that higher, it just cost me less since I wanted it less and "earning" it came as part of a different activity done for a different reason.

I operate on the following principle: worth = value - cost. In other words, how much an item earned is worth to me is a function of how much value I put on the item itself irrespective of the circumstances of obtaining it, and how much earning it actually cost me in terms of time, money, opportunity and pain-in-the-***. And yes, it's a very real possibility that earning an item incurs such a cost that the item's actual value can never offset it, and I end up feeling cheated. It doesn't matter how hard I worked for the Inf, I CANNOT spend a billion of it for Excalibur and leave thinking the item was worth getting. Especially since, having seen it in practice, it's not even all that great. What Alex made for Xanta (see my sig) is considerably better, even if it's restricted to that piece of artwork.

Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I don't care whether other people have "bought" or "earned" their builds. The fact that I have the option to buy it, actively detracts from my desire to build anything in the first place.
This is something that I think people really need to stop and think about, because this emotional response is very real and not something that can just be hand-waved away. I agree with Slaunyeh's sentiment here - when something is made available through "easy" means, then earning it the hard way makes me feel stupid and, more importantly, it makes me feel like I'm wasting my time. When the /auctionhouse command was first introduced, I swore that I'd only ever use it in emergencies and travel to a real Market whenever I wanted to use it. Then I found myself in several situations where I would need to cross three different zones to get to an actual Market. Then I realised it was more convenient to open the Market next to an Invention Table or a Vendor. Then I realised it was more convenient to open the Market remotely period. I haven't visited an actual Market in probably a year, as a result.

For certain things, the process of obtaining them is part of the fun of having them. For instance, I wouldn't want a paid option to start at level 50, because getting there is the majority of the fun. HAVING this option constantly looming over me, however, causes my subconscious to constantly bug me about "You do realise you're wasting your time, right? You know there's an easier way, right?" That's all fine and dandy for as long as I actually enjoy the journey unconditionally, but even for someone as stuck in his old ways as I am, certain things just bug me. Now when that happens, I grumble and muscle through them because, at the end of the day, one stupid mission full of MoG-using Paragon Protectors isn't that bad. It sucks, but it's easy enough to ignore when it's part of the process. But when I have a choice to just skip it all entirely and shoot straight to the end? Yeah, that effort seems all the more wasted and the annoyance of the situation all the more insufferable.

After having considered my options, I don't mind paying to circumvent built-in annoyances the game has to offer, but I'd rather not have the option to skip what's supposed to be the good part and the point of the game. Even if I don't take it, knowing that I could sours the experience.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
No. It it wholly irrelevant what others can do. I recognize that this premise is difficult to wrap ones head around, but it is the truth.
I understand where you're coming from.

But consider this:

Eventually, the game will shut down forever. We don't get to keep ANY of the stuff we acquired in the game.

Except the memories of having done those things. We get to keep those.

The things you earned, you will remember the fun you had earning them.

The guy who bought those same things? He'll remember typing in his credit card number.

Who wins in the end?

To further your athletic analogy (a rather apt one I think).

Someday, the star quarterback of your football team might recognize you in the grocery store and spend a few minutes reminiscing about the time you won that game by 2 points in the pouring rain and the bus broke downm on your way back.

The guy who bought his letter will never have that happen, because he was not there. The quarterback will remember you as having been a part of something that was important to him in his own life. Whether you even played in the game he remembers is irrelevant, you were there and you were his teammate.

Things like that last forever. The other guy? He has a piece of fabric in a scrapbook, but NONE of the memories and experiences that go with it.

In that sense alone, YOUR letter is worth more than his will ever be. If you were to both lose that letter, you'll still have the memories. The other guy will have nothing.

It's not YOUR experience that is being cheapened by the ability to buy rewards. It's the experience of those buying them that is.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
To be clear, your premise is that if something can be both earned and bought, it lessens the value of earning it. Correct?

It doesn't matter if you never buy it yourself, the simple fact that the option exists, lessens the value of earning it. If NO ONE ever buys it and everyone only ever earns it, earning it is still cheapened by the mere possibility of buying it.

It seems a rational, if weird, position. I don't feel that way in general, but it doesn't seem crazy or anything.

Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
You have correctly stated how I feel.
In other words, to you, the act of building your character is the game unto itself, and you feel that the dev's are belittling that game for you. I can sympathize with that, even if I don't share the feeling. For me (and I imagine the rest of the people that don't share your misgivings), building your character is just an obstacle in the path to having fun playing the game.