10 Worst X-Men?




Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
My list for worst 10 X-men
10 Wolverine
9 Wolverine
8 wolverine
7 Wolverine
6 Wolverine
5 Wolverine
4 Wolverine
3 Wolverine
2 Wolverine
1 Wolverine

Now why I don't like my number 1 is not because he is popular or anything like that I hated him when I first saw him plain and simple. And since we don't get much comics in my neighbourhood and there was no internet at those times I never knew he was one of most popular guys and was quiet shocked when I heard it. Than I realise humanity's attraction to crap characters and products in general now nothing shocks me anymore.
I'm calling bull on this. "I am going to look cool and edgy by saying I never liked one of the more popular comic book characters and saying he is terrible!" Reel it in, hombre. Its all good and fine to say you don't like a character, but tht doesn't make them terrible.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



There needs to be some sort of version of Godwin's Law that pertains to comic discussions eventually becoming arguments about Wolverine.


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I have it on good authority that Wolverine fought the Nazis. At least in current continuity.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Out of curiosity, what would you guys say are the ten worst HANDLED X-Men? The ones that should have been awesome, but were turned into massive piles of suck?

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
Out of curiosity, what would you guys say are the ten worst HANDLED X-Men? The ones that should have been awesome, but were turned into massive piles of suck?
I don't know about massive piles of suck, but to me the worst handled (developed) X-People were:


Some have had their moments, and some great stories that make the lack of development even worse. Iceman and Angel in particular should be far more developed as characters. Banshee was frickin Interpol before he was a thief or an X-Man, he has a great sibling rivalry, but he was never much more than a background player. Chamber had such an interesting concept, I have no clue wtf he's supposed to be now, clone of Apocalypse or something? All these characters have so much potential, though few of them are now in weird spots to be developed more.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I'm calling bull on this. "I am going to look cool and edgy by saying I never liked one of the more popular comic book characters and saying he is terrible!" Reel it in, hombre. Its all good and fine to say you don't like a character, but tht doesn't make them terrible.
Wolvie is a little boring you have to admit but I can see why others like him. Nothing is wrong with you not liking a popular character.

I later grew to respect him once the writers learned how to show off his abilities more...which they have done with other rmutants like X-23 and Sabertooth.

They also need to do the same with Beast I RARELY see beast use his powers...like ever lol.

I think Marrow had good potential actually it's just the execution was all wrong...much like Cyclops.



How DARE they put Beast in there!

Mine are *ahem* (not in order and includes some regulars that may not be actual xmen and most are ones I just dont like)

Emma Frost
Jean Grey
Artie & Leech
Nate Grey

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
My list for worst 10 X-men
10 Wolverine
9 Wolverine
8 wolverine
7 Wolverine
6 Wolverine
5 Wolverine
4 Wolverine
3 Wolverine
2 Wolverine
1 Wolverine

Now why I don't like my number 1 is not because he is popular or anything like that I hated him when I first saw him plain and simple. And since we don't get much comics in my neighbourhood and there was no internet at those times I never knew he was one of most popular guys and was quiet shocked when I heard it. Than I realise humanity's attraction to crap characters and products in general now nothing shocks me anymore.
I went thru an elitist period once; thinking that mainstream humanity's taste was sorely lacking. Thankfully I came down from my Ivory Tower and realized most people are fun, entertaining, and that just about everyone has something insightful to offer.

I don't get why more people like Taylor Swift than Mozart, but I know that I'm the one being poor company if I run them down for it.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I don't get why more people like Taylor Swift than Mozart, but I know that I'm the one being poor company if I run them down for it.
Perhaps... but at least you'd be right.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I went thru an elitist period once; thinking that mainstream humanity's taste was sorely lacking. Thankfully I came down from my Ivory Tower and realized most people are fun, entertaining, and that just about everyone has something insightful to offer.

I don't get why more people like Taylor Swift than Mozart, but I know that I'm the one being poor company if I run them down for it.
That's just a fad, I'm 99.99999999% sure people wont remember Taylor Swift in 200+ plus years like we all do Mozart.



We'll remember who we're told to remember. No more, no less. That's how history works.

Well, we won't. We'll be dead. But someone will.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
That's just a fad, I'm 99.99999999% sure people wont remember Taylor Swift in 200+ plus years like we all do Mozart.
quick, name a popular female singing sensation from the 1930's.
Nothing springs to mind?

How about the 50's?

It'll take a lot fewer than 200 years to bury Taylor in the sands of history.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It'll take a lot fewer than 200 years to bury Taylor in the sands of history.
If it wasn't for an SNL appearance and that idiot Kanye...I may not have known who she was today.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
quick, name a popular female singing sensation from the 1930's.
Nothing springs to mind?

How about the 50's?

It'll take a lot fewer than 200 years to bury Taylor in the sands of history.
Yeah. Judy Garland, Ella Fitzgerald, Debbie Reynolds... who's ever heard of them? There were plenty of singers popular then that you don't hear of anymore, sure, but names do spring to mind from those. Every decade generally has some people that will stand the test of time beyond that decade, for at least a few decades (though lasting centuries is a pretty mean feat).

Anyway, for the list, I was surprised like others to see Beast on there. He's pretty solid compared to most of the others.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



i suppose part of it is perhaps that its that beast. the best most of us probably think of for dear old dr mccoy is the blue furball(probably fewer of us associate him with the new lion-like beast, though i think its kind of interesting). Its a distinct look, it provides a nice contrast with his intellect and etiquette, it sticks in your head. beast with big hands and feet..ehh, not quite as distinct. I know that I like him, but he is blue, super agile, clever, and unusual looking, so that is kind of a given.



I disagree with Cypher. Since his resurrection in Necrosha every use of his power has just been made of win.



Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
I disagree with Cypher. Since his resurrection in Necrosha every use of his power has just been made of win.
I agree, they have done a great job with his resurrection.