So I built Excalibur... Pendragon Spoilers
I don't believe this is mentioned anywhere in the storyline (Unless I missed it) but when you build Excalibur for a Titan Weapons character a dialogue box pops up:
"These fragments are of the mighty Excalibur sword. A blade wielded by Pendragon, the PRAETORIAN VERSION OF HERO 1 So Pendragon is Hero 1? I find this pretty interesting. Edit: Does leave the question, how did Praetorian Hero 1 end up in the Black Knights? Also what blade did Hero 1 in our world? |
In all seriousness though, this all depends on what Hero 1's connection to King Arthur Pendragon was, as to my understanding, you need some connection to the family line and a noble spirit to wield Excalibur.
Is he a descendant? (Which would mean in theory he's actually descended of Mordred, would also explain the surname.) Is he a reincarnation? Maybe just a spiritual successor of someone so like King Arthur, it's pretty much the same person.
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Edit: Does leave the question, how did Praetorian Hero 1 end up in the Black Knights?
In any event, if you want to learn more about the Knights and Pendragon, you should play through Night Ward and Belladonna Vetrano's story arc.
Also what blade did Hero 1 in our world? |
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
Ok thats what I thought, what confused me was the Praetorian version is a gigantic sword and in Primal it looks like a dagger.
Arturia "Saber" Pendragon of TYPE-MOON's Fate/Stay Night franchise demonstrates:

Here we see the Holy Sword of Promised Victory; Excalibur in its normal form, albeit semi-invisible.
Here is that same blade after it, and its wielder have been tainted by darkness:

You can see she went from a Broadsword character to a Titan Weapon character with sufficient corruption.
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What does it loook like?
Does anyone have a pic of the sword... Or an explanation of how to craft it? Can a level 50 character do this retroactively? I'm actually actively looking for a pic to show to someone.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Does anyone have a pic of the sword... Or an explanation of how to craft it? Can a level 50 character do this retroactively? I'm actually actively looking for a pic to show to someone.
And any Titan Weapons character can go to Ouroboros after completing the trial and unlock the costume via Merits. (I believe Empyrean).
Obviously it's not being wielded by a player there, but the unlock looks the same, and is colorable. You can unlock it with a recipe which drops in Magisterium (currently going for ~900 million, sheesh - hopefully that will drop once people stop farming the first phase and figure out how to complete it consistently?), or you can unlock it with 10 Empyrean merits, but only on a character that has completed the Magisterium trial. Maelstrom's Pistols 2.0, basically.
The only decent Titan Weapon that'll actually work with the animations....and it's beyond endgame. Hooray!
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
The only decent Titan Weapon that'll actually work with the animations....and it's beyond endgame. Hooray!
Thanks for letting me know, though. At least I can stop wishing I had it now that I know I can't. Can we at least get a few medieval-looking Titan Weapons that AREN'T tied to a major NPC, then?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
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I know, right? I mean there are some serious real life titan weapons out there, or things close to them such as the actual German Zweihander.
But that's OK, I understand technical limitations and time constraints. But when we finally DO get a decent real-looking Titan Weapon, what happens? It gets locked behind what seems intended to be by far the game's hardest task, and still locked behind a random chance drop. I don't know this for a fact, but I can't imagine even WoW loot is this unwieldy to obtain, since I think an item drops for every member.
I mean, it's a cool sword. I'd buy it. But I can't have it when it requires a high-tier raid and I can't use it when it requires a character who has Titan Weapons and has participated in this thing, which I plain do not have. I have a Titan Weapons character who could use the weapon, but she can't.
"Disappointing" is the word I'm looking for, I suppose.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Obviously it's not being wielded by a player there, but the unlock looks the same, and is colorable. You can unlock it with a recipe which drops in Magisterium (currently going for ~900 million, sheesh - hopefully that will drop once people stop farming the first phase and figure out how to complete it consistently?), or you can unlock it with 10 Empyrean merits, but only on a character that has completed the Magisterium trial. Maelstrom's Pistols 2.0, basically. |
Wait, can you unlock his pistols with Emp merits now? Cause I've got a DP Fender sitting at low incarnate that might be worthwhile on. Not that I ever play her, storm isn't as fun as i thought it might be...
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Both trial-locked costume parts annoy me on principal, moreso thanks to their stupidly stupidly stupid chance of stupid drop rate.
As if the Ascension armour wasn't bad enough...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I thought it was pretty obvious that Pendragon was the Preatorian Hero 1, as soon as he mentioned Excalibur.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I do think that if you purchase it via Ouroboros that it should be unlocked account wide while the recipe can be used to unlock it for that character only.
That would seem a lot more fair than the current version imo.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Hero 1 used Excalibur, and he gave it to Ms. Liberty before he left to fight the Rikti. It's the sword she wears on her hip. She can't use it, but I think the scabbard is supposed to convey healing powers.
Or at least, I would be interesting to see him and Honoree duke it out for the sword.
Hero 1 as stated used excalibur he is a decendant of the pendragons(by blood or by spirit) Excalibur it's self is essentially an incarnate level artifact and depending on it's wielder changes size and shape.
Hero 1 is exceptionaly powerful in combat hand to hand and with a weapon so it makes sense he uses a on handed broad sword version of the blade freeing a second hand for metric F*tons of damage with a free hand.
Miss lib can't use the blade so it would make sense that it is a tiny thing put out of the way, I also belive however that the scabbard protects her.
pendragon even before claiming the sword used only titan weapons and some magical dark blast attacks hence why excalibur became a titan weapon for him.
How I see it from the story arcs and all the lore I could find out about the two characters our version of hero 1 could handily whoop the crap out of pendragon (possibly even tyrant) without excalibur if he wasn't bat poo crazy from the rikti mind ****. And with excalibur practilly nothing could stop him hence the extreme urge to keep the blade the hell away from him currently.
Kaoru Nan'drak 50th seasoned Broad sword/regen werewolf scrapper Justice
Founder and leader of The Crimson Moon -justice-
Both trial-locked costume parts annoy me on principal, moreso thanks to their stupidly stupidly stupid chance of stupid drop rate.
As if the Ascension armour wasn't bad enough... |
If the issue is that it's a locked costume set, well...that's a whole 'nother can of worms.
I don't believe this is mentioned anywhere in the storyline (Unless I missed it) but when you build Excalibur for a Titan Weapons character a dialogue box pops up:
"These fragments are of the mighty Excalibur sword. A blade wielded by Pendragon, the PRAETORIAN VERSION OF HERO 1
So Pendragon is Hero 1? I find this pretty interesting.
Edit: Does leave the question, how did Praetorian Hero 1 end up in the Black Knights? Also what blade did Hero 1 in our world?