What are your characters' favorite enemies to fight?
most of my characters have a villain group as a theoretical nemesis
Tomb Fisted Kid - the Skulls
Savage Shaman - the Banished Pantheon
Calescent Carnival - Carnival of Shadows
but in practice I just fight whatever, I don't really go after any particular group. Largely because I find fighting the same group to become boring
Family on my Mind Controllers/Doms. Confusion on the bosses then watch their Singularity pets fling them to and from like so many leaves!
Hilarious stuff! Anything amusing will do, Cadavers exploding on themselves, Ruin Mages caught in their own earthquakes, Rom eating his (klaatu verada) Nicti and so on.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Battle Matron (Beam/Dev) - Freakshow, just levels 'em.
Inv/* tankers - Council, so much fun with zero danger.
A few of my Science origin heroes were unwilling participants in Crey experiments (I know, cliché) and so they have a vendetta against them specifically.
Light Wizard, Mind Control/Empathy Magic Defender) prefers to fight any magical villains (Cot, Banished Pantheon, etc.)
Most of them though will fight any enemy they must, though.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
Xanta, my giant Troll girl, has a natural hatred for the actual street gang, the Trolls. Part of her backstory has the Trolls terrorising a small community she was protecting, which she didn't take kindly to, plus they stand as an example of everything that's wrong with being strong and irresponsible about it.
Mage-Killer Po, my house cat turned human-cat monster by magic experimentation, is naturally inclined to want to hunt down and kill mages, believing their meddling with nature to be dangerous, especially when done by unethical, horrible people.
Hatarla, my fallen angel, tends to pick on anything demonic or monstrous. As an outcast of her own kind and a person who lived a life of violence and sin, she wants to salvage what's left of her existence by fighting back the evil she used to serve.
Akili, my lizard girl, hates ruthless criminal corporations. Produced as part of a genetic engineering project to create mutant super soldiers, she started out as a pure anarchist fighting to challenge oppression and authority wherever she could. Mad at the world, as it were. Eventually, she narrowed down her anger against just the specific kind of people who harmed her personally, which is people like Crey, Malta and Aeon Corp.
That's all I can think of at the moment, without walking into concepts that specific characters of mine hate, like mind control or torture or the like that aren't specific to an enemy group.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
My main has a grudge against Crey. He wasn't an experiment, he was actually a scientist who was developing cybernetic limbs to replace ones that people had lost. Crey wanted his research to use in their Revenant Hero project and he refused to sell it to them, so they blew up his lab. With him in it.
After using the prototypes of his cybernetic limbs to replace his natural ones the explosion destroyed.....he's just a LITTLE ticked at Crey.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
My hero Anti-Council Man loves to fight Freakshow.
Only a few alts or I'd be here all day:
Throw-Down Kid- Tsoo, Rikti and any street gang in King's Row
Nemean Sol- Trolls, Outcasts, generally those he feels were responsible for the Hollowing
Tempest Tamer- any rival of the Tsoo, so mostly Warriors. He's also taken an interest in trying to save Croatoa.
Eagle Eyes- Arachnos, Crey
Verasta- CoT, Banished Pantheon, she's ex CoT and makes an effort to hunt those who would abuse magic
Sylver Bayne- He's an Arbiter so he fights anything Recluse tells him to. On his own he likes to hunt signature heroes, Longbow, and his own Arachnos troops to weed out the weak.
First Born Son- CoT, Banished Pantheon for work. Scrapyarders and RIP's for play.
Anthem Vargas- Any street gang group so Hellions, Outcasts, Skulls, Trolls, Warriors. He also makes time to steal as much weapons and tech from Crey as possible.
Access Denied- Signature heroes as assignments. Beyond that he's a data thief so any tech group, Arachnos, Crey, Malta Group, Longbow, really anyone that may have information that he can sell to those interested.
That's a few, but almost all of my toons have some nemesis organisation in mind.
@Sylver Bayne
Pinnacle Server
In terms of IC grudges, my RP main, Thomas Harper and his 'brother' Amairgin both have a deep-rooted loathing for Carnival of Shadows and Circle of Thorns, for story reasons that are too long to go into. I was pretty happy to be able to give Thomas Carnies as Lore pets though; that really messed him up, the first time those manifested.
My Praetorians feel pretty strongly about Devouring Earth (no surprise there), but now that one of them has been living on Striga, she's also developed a healthy disrespect for the Council.
As for just 'loving to fight,' Amairgin (Illusion/Storm) loves to fight the Pantheon in DA. Ravagers are his new favorite pet.
All of them.
At once.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
On Benchpresser? AVs....

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat
For Kestrel and Surruna (DB stalkers), it's definitely Crey... There's old animosity between the two of them and certain segments of the company's R&D division. That's particularly true of any Crey they find in the Shard.
The bird-things in general will always go after other Rularuu, anywhere they find them. That's a combination of the duty they were given by their creator (More or less "protect the humans from others of our kind"-) and sheer territoriality... And lunch. They consider natterlings tasty.
My Peacebringers hunt Voids. That's very much an "Oh, you did NOT just fire that thing at me!"-kind of situation. They don't take kindly to Quantums either, for similar reasons, and any Galaxy they come across is likely to find himself on the 'you get fried first'-list, too.
Whisper and Anteros (Praetorian Carnie stalkers-) have it in for the Talons of Vengence because of that business with the Carnival of War in First Ward. Semnai (former Seer psi blaster) goes after her sisters.
A lot of my crew now have a serious beef with Mot (and by association, his minions-) for one reason or another...
For Chanter (Dark corr), it's on behalf of Dark Astoria's spirit population. He may be a rogue, and one of Ghost Widow's cronies, but he still hates to see mostly-helpless ghosts devoured and abused.
The Nemissary (Dark defender) and his Unquiet Bride (Necro MM) aren't too pleased with that situation, either. Like Chanter, the Bride is concerned for the dead. Nem is an Oranbegan Death Mage... "semi-reformed" or not, he takes direct attacks on the city and the Circle's disembodied members seriously.
Kephren (my siren) is just ticked over what the creep did to Marcus... She was fond of the guy.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
Sparkly Soldier Yuki's story revolves around a future war against the Nictus, so any mission that has her fighting the Council, especially the Nictus, is all kinds of appropriate for her. A lot of the dialogue surrounding those arcs ties in smoothly with her own story, from portentous rumors by the Council soldiers about Arakhn and Requiem to just their exasperation with her constantly getting in the way (as one Galaxy Archon said, "Sparkly Soldier Yuki again? Would somebody just shoot her already?"). Plus, the idea of a giddy otaku schoolgirl thwarting their schemes time and again is just so much fun to imagine: I can just see Arakhn burying her face in her hands while Requiem's in the background banging his head against the wall upon receiving the news that a middle-school girl and her talking toy cat just ruined another one of their plans.
Astorian Shade, as her name suggests, has a serious grudge against the Banished Pantheon, and her progress through the game is really the story of her becoming powerful enough to eventually return to Dark Astoria and challenge the newly-awakened Mot as an incarnate to avenge herself, her family and her hometown. Anything involving the Pantheon sends her on the warpath, and her very first fight against the Spirit Masks, by luck of the game mechanics, just happened to perfectly sum up her feelings about them. She was rescuing a hostage from the BP, fought the zombie guards, then drew her axe on one of the Spirits as it approached and began smashing and chopping at the wooden mask. The hostage was freed and tried to run over to thank her, but Shade instead kept swinging at the mask until the hostage finally gave up and ran for the exit. Had that been a written story, she would have kept furiously swinging the axe long after she'd reduced the mask to a pile of kindling.
My other characters aren't driven so much by any particular conflict, though Twilight Detective's an occult noir-style detective from Salamanca trying to get to the bottom of what happened to it and stop the Red Caps once and for all. He also has an uneasy relationship with the Cabal, since they use the same sort of magic he does toward the same goal, just much more powerfully and indiscriminately.
"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."
Okay... while I've got a lot of alts (altaholism - I don't suffer from it, I enjoy every moment!) Only a few have developed enough to have 'favored' enemies.
Black Mask Brawler (Inv/SS Tanker): Circle of Thorns and Banished Pantheon, by preference. He's drawn to misuse of magic enemies.
Lady Courage (StJ/Shield Scrapper): Council & 5th Column, some Arachnos. She's a legacy hero, taking up the mantel of her WWII era Great Grandfather Captain Courage
so she seems to end up butting heads with the WWII Remnant groups often.
Rat Bite (Claws/Ninjitsu Stalker): Lacking any other ninja-like group, Rat Bite tangles with the Tsoo by preference. She also tangles with the Warriors quite a bit, as a result.
Operative Rathbourne (SoA (Huntsman Build)): Takes a sadistic pleasure in disrupting Arachnos plans not her own.
Galvanique (Elec/Elec Brute): A little backstory here
When Galvanique was just starting off as a hero, she got into a situation way over her head, finding herself fighting for her life in a three-way gang war between the Council, the Family, and the Tsoo. Longbow came in an (not unreasonable) took out everyone there to stop the violence. But when the Longbow Captain in charge came across Galvanique, decided that capturing a 'Super Villain' as well as all the other criminals would be good for his career. In short order, Galvanique found herself locked up in the Zig, supposedly the Mastermind behind the entire incident. After Arachnos broke her out, she's held a grudge against the Council, the Family (and Marcones by association), the Tsoo, and most especially Longbow.
Cerebral Kortex (Mind/Psi Dominator): Making a clone based of DNA that they were about 80% sure came from the Clockwork King prior to being reduced to a brain-in-a-jar
probably not the brightest of ideas they Crey scientists ever had, but at least one that makes a degree of sense. Turning the clone into a Brain-in-a-jar just to see what happens, on the other hand? That was just plain stupid. Needless to say, Cerebral Kortex does have a grudge against Crey, and a love-hate relationship with Primal Clockwork.
Challenger 8 Challenger 8 doesn't know who decided to throw her into an underground maze full of deathtraps and other, better armed people, and then set them all loose with the message that only the first person to find their way out would survive
but since the destruction of Galaxy freed her from the Maze, she's tried to find out. She really has a thing against any organization that treats people as things. CoT, Vahzilok, Trolls, Lost, Crey, Arachnos, Devouring Earth, Malta, Restructurist Rikti
I think you get the idea
And yeah, that's just a handful of my alts
-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-
Mine is perrrrty much anything that gets in his way or world domination..... Even including Lord Recluse >

All my characters tend to fight more...plotting factions (e.g. Nemmy, Malta, etc.)
Hate fighting Psychics...damn -Rech...
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
For rian and sera(and most of my angelic characters), demons, any kind of supernatural evils are kind of their things to stomp. rian also likes fighting giant monsters and evil divines. Rian loved ripping into mot, and attacks rularru every time he doesnt have to do one of those hideous shard tfs to get at him.
violet tendencies likes fighting crey because im cliche' and made them her origin, though she also has a thing for devouring earth(in a way she is becoming a sort of hamidon herself, and is taking down the flawed version)
and dire worg..anything evil, but especially 5th column, hes hoping to still meet up with his dear old dad and pound him into a coma.
most others are general interest characters , frostkat beats up on winter lord as often as she can since he was the one who was her inadvertent origin, and due to her religious background, really doesn't like 5th column. and pax cant wait to take a swing at the battalion, since they may have destroyed his homeworld.
My three mains:
"A little known history" about Crey, before they went all cloney with recovered hero DNA, they tried to create super soldiers with cybernetics. (Before this humble storyteller learned Crey canon...) To create said super soldiers Crey 'bought' political and war prisoners to experiment on. During the First Rikti War, Crey 'field tested' these super soldiers, programmed to fight the Rikti.
Favored enemies: Rikti, when the old programming kicks in. Anything Crey, but especially Paragon Protectors(the rivals)
A scout/scientist/archeologist/anthropologist from an alternate ethereal 'shadow' dimension. He has 'found' an 'ancient enemy' that retreated/disappeared/ran away from his home dimension. Here, they long ago created a vast underground civilization, forgot where they came from, and split into two warring factions.
Favored enemies:Circle of Thorns and Mu
Black Librarian:
An homage to Warhammer 40,000. Black Librarian aka BL aka 'Bill' is a Space Marine psionicist who was rescued and trained by Eldar Harlequins, who are the keepers and guardians of the hidden Eldar Black Library. He was transported to this earth/time by a powerful Warp Storm.
Favored enemies: "False Harlequins"(i.e. Carnies) and anything that has 'alliances' with 'Daemons' (i.e. Thorns, Devouring Earth, Rularuu, and the new Mot Ravagers)
plus one extra
Llama Sue:
A Shazam-esque (Captain Marvel?) avatar of an ancient Mesopotamian guardian spirit
Favored enemies: Anything trying to hurt her friends
My Fortunata, Oougel, is an escaped Arachnos science experiment in hybridizung human psychics and Soldiers of Rularuu who remains displeased with their original intent to mass-produce her and use her as a tool. She cuts them down wherever she sees them, regardless of level, and picks missions against them preferentially. As a young demigod who views Primal Earth as belonging to her, she also naturally takes umbrage at any extradimensional invaders, including Rularuu.
My time manipulating Controller/Defender (two versions of him) is always pleased when his enemy-of-the-day turns out to be Nemesis, because of an IC event a long time ago in which Nemesis made a disastrous slip of the tongue and let the Hour Thief into his vast stores of spare time, and has yet to get him out. He also finds it somewhat cathartic to fight Malta, the Council, and the Fifth Column, as a WWII veteran who lost friends to the Might For Right act.
{}... .-
My main, Elltenia, has a respect/hate relationship with Battle Maiden and her followers from War Earth.
A bit of backstory on this...
Elltenia is from a fantasy-based, 'Tolken-esque' world where humans occupy the same world as elves, dwarves, goblins and many other races. When she ended up on Primal Earth, all the technology and laws gave her more then just a minor headache!
Fast-forward a few years. Elltenia has acclimated to this world a bit (..shes still isn't all that fond of technology though..) and has been hired by Portal Corps along with a few other heroes to do some exploratory work through their portals. She ends up on War Earth, battling against enemies she can finally understand fully. She ended up fighting against Battle Maiden herself, but couldn't defeat her, so she grudgingly had to retreat. (OOCly, we lost too many party members to RL, and there wasn't enough of us to beat her as an AV. Story-wise, it worked great for my character. )
Fast-forward a bit more, and the Praetorian offensive against Primal Earth begins. Low and behold, look who's leading the offensive against Steel Canyon. (It was a purely epic moment when I Ell charged headlong at Battle Maiden (much to the surprise of the rest of the team, who were going 'WTF?!') and used [Head Splitter]. BM used the same attack, and both ended up getting knocked off their feet!)
To a lesser extent, Elltenia's favorite enemies are The Warriors, the Traitor Cimerorians, and the CoT, simply because they are enemies that she can understand and, on a certain level, empathize with.
"The part of me that is leaving... is going to miss the part of me that is staying..."
My toons usually have a specific enemy group involved in their backstory, and so when I am on a mission with that enemy group, I tend to get a bit... Personal with clearing the map.
Though by no means are any of them limited to said group. Until ssk'ing and the mission difficulty sliders, almost all my toons had a very specific route they would take to level up. Hellions till I could enter Perez, where I would then chew on hellions/skulls till I could get into boomtown. Council till 14ish, lost till 21. Bp in da till 23. Sky raider luits till 27 or so in tv, then freaks till 31ish. Again freaks, or nemesis in creys folly. Rikti, and whatever got in my way in rwz, and last couple levels in PI, mostly chewing on nemesis.
Favorite enemies? Oh yeah!
Star Jewel
Circle of Thorns, mainly because they kidnapped her sister and used spells to transform her in a ... hero.
Carnies, they're usually a good challenge for her.
Circle of Thorns, because they kidnapped her, used spells on her and changed her into something she doesn't want to be ... a hero.
Banished Pantheon, they don't use magic for good. She does, except to burn them.
Star Titan
Arachnos, he fears spiders. Especially the big ones.
Crey, because one of their scientists experimented on her.
Star Sparkle
Void Hunters, because they always pick on the little ones.
Hero: Star Jewel(50)
Associates: Gemstone; Storm Lock; Star Sparkle; Dawnshade; Lunara; ...more
Enemies: Shadow Vine; Tirana Q; Forte Cadenza; Black Ion; Pursuit; ...more
Therra Malevola - Circle of Thorns. Blames them (as well as one of my other characters) for her existence in general.
Hellion Keller - Pretty much any "gang" that isn't under her control - Hellions, Skulls (though factions of both are finally coming around - IE, grey go her,) Warriors, the Family, Arachnos...
Feliney Assault/Feliney Mischief - Crey. FA was the result of experiments. FM rescued FA, but basically became a villain (rogue, now) because of it. FM would also see the Cabal as nothing more than a mystic version of Crey.
All Khelds - will happily hunt Void mercenaries. Especially fun when a team feels they have to "protect" me or tell me to stay back - just to see me jump forward and smack the hell out of the void.
Narcissea - Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon, Mu.... honestly, she's a tomb robber with an... "understanding" with the ghost of an ancient priest that tried possessing her. Anything ancient interests her, since it'll either give her more power or a quick buck.
As the topic says: from an in-character standpoint, do any of your characters prefer to take on certain enemy groups over others? A "Favored Enemy" if you will. And why do they prefer to fight that type of foe?
For example; my main hero, Takezo "Akuma Ryu" Himura, is a time displaced samurai warrior and a martial artist to heart. So his favorite enemy groups tend to be Tsoo, Knives, Warriors, Cimerorans, and Black Knights. While twisted and evil four out of six (counting Cimerorans and the Traitors as two different groups overall) of those are, he still respects them as fellow warriors and worthy adversaries... And the ego stroke of besting them.
Though he derides the Knives and Talons of Vengeance as "dim witted, violently, and brutish berserkers."
Meanwhile, any of my magic characters, naturally, prefer fighting any magically inclined group, though not out of proving superiority, but simply because they better understand a Circle of Thorns than a Malta Titan's software.
So how about yours?
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