276 -
Good to see my thread hasn't died a silent death.
More idea's for PICCE's? -
ArcticFahx, Memphis_Bill, thanks for the defense. It's appreciated. But so is the correcting post from Sailboat.
Let me explain why...
I'm dutch, as in "I'm from the Netherlands". It's the little country east of the UK where cheese is gold and wooden shoes are standard footwear (or so foreigners think).
If I mess up the English language by making typos or using words in incorrect context, that's my excuse.
I'm just glad that there are people out there that are willing to correct me. Even if it sounds like nitpicking. I don't mind. I accept that I was wrong, learn from my mistake and move on.
So, no hard feelings, I won't snipe anyone in the back or AS them next time their online for correcting my spelling.
Now, back on topic! -
Quote:The first reply didn't drove me away Father. It did the opposite.You all do realize that the first reply likely drove him away and they hadn't seen all the follow on posts disputing the first reply right?
I've set my profile to auto-subscribe to any threads I start, thus making sure that I check those threads for updates.
The replies I'm getting here are very helpful. I'll have to check my account and the rewards I have to make sure I can get IO's. I hope I do because I already have some ideas on how to reslot the toon to make her a better blaster.
(as you can see, I'm familiar with CiT and Sentinel)
I'll have to look into Mid's again. I did try it in the past but found it hard to fully understand its possibilities. I also took a look at the Wiki and what it has to say about IO's. That and the advise I'm getting here are all increasing my "need" to slot IO's.
I'll be monitoring this thread for more advise but wish to thank you all for everything you've told me so far. You are all of great help! -
Quote:If I need to be VIP the whole plan goes in the trash.I think you need to be VIP.
Before anything, list your power sets, what travel powers you like/want, a general playstyle and what you are looking to get out of IOs...not just 'give her an IO build.' After that, many people will be able to give you a bit more help.
Regarding basic IOing though...you can either use just generic ones, +acc, +dam etc, and get better performance that your SOs. Or you can use the Set IOs for the bonus stats and work towards some great stuff.
I've updated my post listing the powersets. -
After nearly 6 years of service, I think it's time for my L50 blaster to move to IO's. But where do I start?
What IO's are good for an energy blaster?
What do I need to buy and from who?
What combinations would I need?
What should I avoid?
How much will it cost me?
Do I need to be VIP to get IO's?
So many questions...
Any advice or maybe a good up-to-date guide on IO's?
Anyone out there playing an energy blaster using IO's?
---------- [update] ------------
Primary : Energy Blast (all powers)
Secondary : Energy Manipulation (all powers)
Ancillary : Force Mastery - PFF, Temp. Invul., Force o'Nature
Pools : Flight - Fly, Afterburner
(can't check for other pools atm)
I'd like to use IO's to get combined buffs. (don't know much about IO's yet so don't be mad at me for saying things that are entirely impossible)
Something like 1 IO that increases Damage and decreases Endurance Costs
Increases Damage and Range
Reduces Endurance Costs and Recharge Time
The point is that my blasting still costs too much endurance even though I've slotted every power with 1 (or even 2) reductions. And I'm hoping that IO's will solve this.
-------------------------------- -
(posting here 'cause I don't have VIP access)
This is an idea I got yesterday while playing my fire/fire brute and using cceEvilLaugh.
We have all these nice looking CCE's that make changing your costume a lot more OMG! But, what if every primary powerset comes with an inherited CCE, where the animation is actually one of its powers but slightly altered to hide the change itself. (Like ccCast hides the character in light when it changes costumes, or ccPrestoChango hides it in smoke)
As an example I'll take the primary Electrical Blast.
You know what the animation for Short Circuit looks like?
Alter it so it will somehow hide the character when it changes costumes.
(Yes, I know, ccLightning is cool too, but this PICCE - powerset inherited cce - can use color customization)
Another example...Earth Control...
Salt Crystals' animation, but then encasing the character in crystals (may look like Stone Armor's Crystal Armor) hiding the change and then the crystals crumble or break revealing the character.
(I've seen Ice Armor tanks use Hibernate for costume changes from time to time)
I could probably come up with more ideas if I'd take the time.
Main point is, the PICCE uses existing (or slightly altered) power animations. So there is hardly any need to create completely new animations.
So, there's my idea...
Now, discuss... -
Favorite enemies? Oh yeah!
Star Jewel
Circle of Thorns, mainly because they kidnapped her sister and used spells to transform her in a ... hero.
Carnies, they're usually a good challenge for her.
Circle of Thorns, because they kidnapped her, used spells on her and changed her into something she doesn't want to be ... a hero.
Banished Pantheon, they don't use magic for good. She does, except to burn them.
Star Titan
Arachnos, he fears spiders. Especially the big ones.
Crey, because one of their scientists experimented on her.
Star Sparkle
Void Hunters, because they always pick on the little ones. -
Since I'm not a VIP I'm not allowed to post anywhere else.
But I've been part of the CoH community since 2005, although after 4 years I took a little sabbatical.
That's a little background information. Now to the matter at hand...
I have but 1 wish; To have art, drawn by some (or one) of our many talented players, of a few of my characters. And I'm not asking for full color action scenes with decorations, enemies and debris.
No, just stances drawn in ink with not too much 3D effects like reflections and shadows.
Why? Because I know my way around Photoshop and am able to color and decorate drawings. But I completely suck at drawing human-like characters with good facial expressions and bodies with properly drawn limbs. It's so bad that my 2-yo son does a better job at drawing stick figures than I do.
But I don't have much to offer. So I'm looking for someone who can do anime style ink drawings and doesn't want anything in return other than the credits and some advertising / worshipping. Your drawings will be posted on my deviantArt page, used on my CoH fansite as decorations and credited where ever I use them in signatures.
I know, it's not much of a deal. I'm just hoping that there's a good samaritan out there that's willing to do this for me.
Again, I'm not asking for top quality stuff. Just good anime style inking.
Will you help me? -
Good stuff! Keep 'm coming!
Here's another from me...
Back in the days when I first started playing, I noticed (after a few weeks) that I was logging the same amount (if not more) hours in-game as I was at work. 40 hours of work each week and 40+ hours of CoH per week. Which leaves between 60 and 80 hours per week to do groceries, house cleaning, other hobbies and sleep.
* quick math *
168 hours per week (7 * 24)
- 45 hrs for work (and travelling)
- 4 hrs for groceries/shopping
- 2 hrs for house cleaning
- 2-4 hrs visiting parents
- 8 hrs for other hobbies (orchestra, movies, car)
- 60 hrs for CoH
...just about 47 hours per week left for sleeping...(that's about 7 hours per day)
Trust me when I say that I didn't get 6 to 7 hours of sleep each day. Usually it was less then 6. Especially during the weekend. I can even remember several weekends that I started playing a TF on saturday afternoon and was still fighting AV's on sunday morning.
And never noticed the sun setting.
Disturbing? Perhaps...but it still blows people's mind when I tell them that 5 years ago I was spending more time being a hero than I was at work.
And I'm frickin' proud of it!
So, "you know you've been playing to much CoX when..." you make more hours being a hero/villain than you are working at your real job. -
(Kinda reviving an old thread that's been locked for posting by non-VIP's)
... when your smartphone's ringtone is the new i21 Atlas Park theme.
(please do not move this thread to a part that non-VIP's can't post in) -
I agree with all of the above xD
Congratz on getting paid to do these things.
I'll patiently wait until you have the time to make me one.
Just send me a tell when you're done -
Congratz on getting in the Top 100!
I once had a lvl 50 fire/empath troller.
After 3 years I deleted her and rebuild her to fire/kin troller.
Now I'm building a second toon with the same origins. But she's fire/fire troller (or radiant emission i think, something like that)
Chances are if I like the fire/fire(radiant) the fire/kin gets rebuild to fire/fire(radiant) troller eventually.
...or something like that. -
Congratz are in order, as such...I send them to you
I'm working on a set of arcs that involves the origin stories of 6 (signature) heroes. Through a series of missions the player will learn the history of each hero.
In the final mission the player has to rescue all 6 heroes (NPC's, EB level) and then move to a room to battle an AV. The heroes will assist you in killing the AV (NPC, AV level, Robot/FF MM). That part is story related and can not be changed.
If you would do this mission with a full team of 8 the AV will have 16 heroes to account for. A bit overkill.
To compensate for this I've been wondering if there is any way to set the maximum team size for the missions or arcs.
If so I could set it to 2. Player and friend/sidekick.
That way the AV would still be tough but not too easy.
So far I've been testing the final mission all by myself ending up with a team of 7 (after rescuing the 6) kicking the [censored] out of the AV within minutes.
Further more, there seems to be a small problem with NPC following the player, but I think that's map related. When picking a map with lots of obstacles the NPC's get stuck.
Any tips on the 'setting team size' bit?
(PS: when I say signature heroes, I mean the heroes mentioned in my signature xD) -
I play CoH/V, my girlfriend plays WOW...
What can I say. We do share the same bed from time to time xD (not living together yet) -
Soul, I love the one of Glaciers. Classic, superb, beautiful.
If you have some spare time...I've got a team of 8 heroes that I'd like to have drawn like that xD -
Not sure if "Compatible Cursors" will fix the scroll-wheel zooming issue. But you could always try.
Myself I'm having some cursor issues. Don't know if any graphics were changed recently but my game-cursor isn't showing more then half the time.
I didn't have this problem yesterday. I didn't see any updates except the pre-i14 download.
I haven't tried the compatible-cursor line yet.
But I find it kinda strange that this suddenly pops up. -
Bummer, the changes didn't save and I just spent around 27k influence for nothing?
[/ QUOTE ]
You sure about that? I never lost any free tailor sessions when I ran into this problem on one of my chars.
[/ QUOTE ]
I got the influence back. So not losing any cause it's not working.
But still...it's not working! -
So here's the story...
I go to an Icon store with my controller.
I have 2 costume slots and want to use the first costume to adjust the second one.
To do this, the first thing I do is save the first costume.
First Original
Then I open up the tailor window and load the saved costume into the second slot.
Load Cossy
I edit it slightly to lose the robe and cape.
Second Cossy
(Notice the red arrow pointing out the skin color? That's not good either)
Then I click accept to save the changes and put on the new costume...
Second Original?!
Bummer, the changes didn't save and I just spent around 27k influence for nothing?
What's going on here?
What good is the loading option if it doesn't work properly?
Changed image links to URL links. -
Tip on this mission is to clear the map (between Lady Grey's spawn and the chest) and leave the spawn around Lady Grey until last, then once she is rescued you can just lead her to the chest.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks LostNinja. -
Song is still roaming free on the interwebs getting more attention every day. Anyone creative enough to make a video out of it? With Coin's permission...
...A minor glitch yet I have no idea what causes it.
During the mission where you have to bring a lady hero to a chest which she has to open (the mission before Craft Lost Cure mission), the lady in dark blue hands you a pot of Midnighters Dust (or something like that), however if she dies before she can give it to you, you won't receive the Salvage. (I believe this to be the cause of the glitch)
The mission might still complete and you'll end up back at the contact in the university. He will give you other salvage which should enable you to craft the cure, however without the Dust you won't be able to craft it. You're now stuck with a mission you can't complete and can't enter the Club.
Solution: Replay the arc using the Ouroboros system and make sure you get the dusty salvage from the lady.
You will still be stuck with an uncompleted mission in your mission list, which you can bug-report in game. But at least you'll be able to enter the club.
(You can't drop the mission like you can with other contacts, not even after completing it using Ouroboros)