What are your characters' favorite enemies to fight?




As a primary Kheld player, I hunt Council for story purposes, but I'm more or less ambivalent about other villain groups. I do avoid anything with powerful End drain as I have little in the way of a counter to that, outside of relatively rapid recovery.



My main toon, Angel of Retribution, doesn't really have an origin that lends her to having arch-nemesisis...nemesises...nemisisi...whatever. But as she runs around, she tends to make an extra effort when it comes to the Banished Pantheon or the Circle of Thorns.

My alt, a Peacebringer called Pale Fallen Angel, was in-story an FBSA agent who saw her husband and infant son killed in a Nictus attack, then became the new host of a dying PB to take revenge on them. Nothing like a little tragedy to bring out the best in a character!



My main doesn't have a favorite enemy to fight. My scrapper, Magnificent, though really likes beating the snot out of Crey and 5th Column, since Crey were the ones that turned her from a tiger into my obligatory catgirl, and 5th Column because they are so dumb and clumpy they make for great eviscerate/spin/jump back/shockwave targets.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



My current main is Brawling Humiliator, and his favorites were Nemesis, by far, especially +4 Warhulk Bosses, but when he hit DA, it was obvious the BP were goin' DOWN.

And for some strange reason... he likes to pummel (nee grind) the Roman armies into goran dust, but they do fight back well. Probably why he likes them, they're good fightin' peoples.

/Bonus points for knowing that reference
//Can't believe I spelled it right... although there may or may not be an apostrophy there... Seems to be iffy at best on that.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Council. Hands down, every time.

No other foe seems to have mastered the ability to pack 500 guys into a 10x10 space, primed for tanking & spanking, or nuking, or optimal controller utilization, or whatever role you happen to be playing. It's like they're their own worst enemy.


They should just put signs over their base doors that say "FREE EXPEEZ INSIDE."



For my kat/SR scrapper main, most of the 50+ enemies are my favored but I actually like beating malta guys. I am not sure why but being a natural hero himself he gets ticked about malta's "Supers will be doom of planet so lets get rid of them" view. His ticking gets worse when he become incarnate and actually become a "Super"



I can only think of 3 of mine that have "favorites"

My main and namesake is, essentially, a Circle of Thorns breeding project gone awry in the form of a 12 year old girl. Her favored is (duh) CoT. She's not sure which ones are her genetic material donors, so she's just going to have to punch all of them to make sure her parents get hit too.

One of my alts, Alditha, is a barbarian titan weapon user who got told to go touch that 'glowing snake symbol'. She hates both the Fifth Column and the Council. Honestly she can't keep them straight and doesn't really care about their whole history. She just wants to flatten them because that's not how you be Germanic.

Finally, there's Yvette, one of my just started characters over in Praetoria. She's the result of (Primal) Vanessa DeVore trolling (Praeterian) Vanessa DeVore via the masks given to new Carnival of Light members, some paint, some slight of hand, and a parcel of wards to cover her tracks. She's going to love smacking around the other Carnies (Light, War, and Vengeance) mainly just for the lulz (of course that's her main reason for doing anything).



Red or Blue:

Longbow and Malta.

My first Villain made it from 40 to 50, just killing Longbow in repeatable in Warburg. (This was before the change to Warburg repeatable missions many years ago.) I think that is my only character with the "Villain" badge.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

All of them.

At once.
I've seen him do it before.

Nalrok Ath'Zim - Rikti. Rikti dish out lots of NegEnergy/Psi damage, and since Nalrok is Dark Armor, it basically bounces off of him. Plus, their annoying drones have a HUGE weakness to negative energy damage. It's like fireworks when I land in a group full of them.

Neuronomicon - Again, Rikti. It's a blast to use Deceive on Guardians and get capped defense with insane recharge. It's even more fun to Deceive high level CoT and snag Fortitude, and/or have a personal dummy with Chill of the Night.

Deathgrind - Like Dechs said above, everything at once. I have probably died the least amount of times on any character ever with DG. I sometimes wonder why I took Resurgence; then I remember that if someone takes him out, they're screwed.

Beam Time - Freakshow and any group with robots. Beam Rifle shreds robot enemies, and Time is just a wonderful set no matter how you shake it.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



A subject I like that never gets old. Aside from game mechanics preferences ...

Djinniman doesn't have an enemy faction, but he does have an archenemy so perfectly fitted to him that I find it hard to believe he was created by someone else: Scirocco. Both characters are from the same area in the same region (the Beqaa Valley), and their themes are similar. More interestingly, their stories and development arcs are mirror images of each other. Scirocco is a human who believes he cannot do good because of a curse. Until he was given additional development in Dark Astoria, Scirocco's story was all about how his condition controlled him. Djinniman is a genie who must do good because of an unbreakable magical compulsion. His personal arc was all about coming to see doing good as important for its own sake as opposed to a duty. I still find it amazing that Djinniman's backstory predates the public announcement of anything related to Scirocco by six months.

Kid Eros and Haruspex are actually from the ancient world, so they like things involving Cimerorans. Kid Eros, as the Champion of Love, also has a particular hatred of Hamidon, given what Hamidon did to his own girlfriend in the Terra arc. (Actually, I find much of the fun of Kid Eros is thinking up ways he might get involved with factions other than the obvious ones; I once came up with an interesting story in which he met the Clockwork King, another where he fought a seductive spirit-thing in Croatoa, etc.)

The Sidereal Knight's mother was a Legacy Chain agent slain by the Banished Pantheon, and his uncle is a Radiant of Light assigned to Dark Astoria. Given that, plus the Sidereal Knight's own affinity with light in the darkness, the new Dark Astoria is practically tailor-made for him. Another character of mine, the time-lost highwayman Twilight's Candle, is also a "hero of the shadows" associated with light, who also found that arc to his liking.

Professor Beltane, nineteenth century time traveller, enjoys fighting Nemesis, the only one of his enemies who is still around. I have a number of other characters from the same milieu, both heroes and villains, and I always enjoy sending them against Nemesis. One, the Dampfjaeger, is supposed to be an advanced Nemesis automaton himself. He enjoys Nemesis missions because he hopes to run into the actual Nemesis, the only person who can fix his defective programming. (He also has a Nemesis Army costume. Friends tell me they're always targeting him by mistake in Nemesis missions, which amuses me.)

The Gorseling is a bad-tempered faerie creature, so he likes Croatoa.

Joe Fedora is the ghost of a minor criminal from early 1930's Paragon City. He prefers to fight the Family, as well as ghostly enemies. He is also a distant relative of Belladonna Ventrano (Ghost Widow), and he has devoted his afterlife to proving wrong her belief that the dead cannot change.

Citizen Zombie, with an inherent ability to speak to the dead, is a patriotic Necromancy/Thermal mastermind. His family is composed of anti-hero activists who no longer speak to him. His character theme is a rejection of the dictum that "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." In addition to magic foes, especially those associated with the undead or ghosts, he also frequently fights anti-American groups such as the Council, the Fifth Column, Malta, and especially the various factions of Praetoria, with a particular dislike of the Resistance.

And there are many more. It's rare for me to have a character who doesn't come with some kind of factional preference. And let's not even get into game-mechanics preferences, like my numerous Lethal damage dealers with mez protection whom I'm always sending against Carnies ...

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post

Citizen Zombie, with an inherent ability to speak to the dead, is a patriotic Necromancy/Thermal mastermind. His family is composed of anti-hero activists who no longer speak to him. His character theme is a rejection of the dictum that "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." In addition to magic foes, especially those associated with the undead or ghosts, he also frequently fights anti-American groups such as the Council, the Fifth Column, Malta, and especially the various factions of Praetoria, with a particular dislike of the Resistance.

The Resistance are the PRO-Freedom faction in Praetoria. If there is an anti-American faction in Praetoria, it should NOT be the Resistance. Granted, some of them use borderline (or beyond-borderline) terrorist tactics, but even those Resistance members have the INTENT of freeing Praetoria even if their METHODS are a bit twisted.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Just as we get Vanguard alerts for Rikti Invasions, The Council have there own that reads....

[Council Alert] A Torv Vermundr has been spotted in Peregrine Island! Avoid creating attention to yourself to be mentioned on Police Radio bands and have ear plugs on standby!

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"



I have a character that chases almost all the burning buildings in Steel Canyon if he gets the chance.

I have a fire/fire scrapper that I locked at 28 so that I could always have Tsoo to fight whenever I wanted to, as they used to drop off the radio system around 29 and safeguard Tsoo are a bit too few and far between, and this was before the new Tsoo at 50+. Thankfully, I made a kin/en brute version to level all the way to 50, so he'll be getting the drop on them before long(think he's only 46 now)

1 patriotic character MA/shield (yes, I went there, though am debating making a street/shield version) that's all about hunting Council and 5th Column and probably Malta at some point.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post

The Resistance are the PRO-Freedom faction in Praetoria. If there is an anti-American faction in Praetoria, it should NOT be the Resistance. Granted, some of them use borderline (or beyond-borderline) terrorist tactics, but even those Resistance members have the INTENT of freeing Praetoria even if their METHODS are a bit twisted.
Praetoria is too gray. All Resistance is built around a guy who wants to beat the guy that stole his imaginary wife, so...



Contra - Crey, he's still trying to find out why they chose to clone him;
Nerva - Longbow, at least officially. Unofficially, she's trying to break free from Arachnos;
Irons - Malta, he's pretty sure they've been messing around inside his head;
Nova - Rikti, payback after getting stuck on the other side of the portal for years;
Millennia - IDF, to put a stop to the Praetorian invasion before it escalates beyond control;
Zemblanity - Council, they keep trying to put the Nictus persona back in charge;
Seminova - Hero Corps, for repeatedly failing to warn her about the presence of Void Seekers and Quantum ordnance.



My character TheGrouch, well... He hates everyone, but what he hates the most is authority. So he hate everyone, but he really hates Longbow, Arachnos, PPD, RIP and Crey. Any one who is on top or authority. TheGrouch was an anarchist when he was young, but now he's an old man.

When he was young he was a punk, rebeling saying no to authority, and causinh lots of property damage. When he grew old his hatered spread from authority to everyone. He would yell at anyone to get off his lawn, while holding his shotgun.

One day he was struck by lightning and all the advil he was taking kept him alive. The lightning charged him and gave him super powers by turning his anger into energy and fire.

Now he can't control his anger causing him to beat and or kill any one that gets in his way, or looks at him funny. TheGrouch is more of a rougue, vigilanty type. Not really a hero or a villian.

He still enjoys beating down authority.



Circle of Thorns always tend to be my favorite - maybe it's from playing redside and doing the respec trial ad infinitum?



Rocky likes to beat up Devouring Earth, hydra and shvians as they are all nature in an unnatural state, but hates Carnies for their mind control.

Mulch likes to attack any humans but hates anything that has fire in their power sets. He almost always refuses to attack his brothers of the Devouring earth.

All my toons hate going up against Freaks and CoT's, and all like the council for thier easy squishyness.

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)