If there were no rewards in CoX what would you do in game?




Imagine you cannot gain any XP, get no new powers, no influence, etc. Maybe you are max level, everything is slottted with purples. You have every badge. There is nothing left to buy.

With no rewards to influence what you do in game, what would you do?

I find teaming to be the most satisfying. I like a variety of foes and a variety of maps. I suspect I would want to team with people for radio missions. A fair amount of variety that is very convenient.

I would do Sutter's TF because it is epic and fun, maybe the Posi's. The other TF's I would probably avoid because they are long and tedious.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Imagine you cannot gain any XP, get no new powers, no influence, etc. Maybe you are max level, everything is slottted with purples. You have every badge. There is nothing left to buy.

With no rewards to influence what you do in game, what would you do?

I find teaming to be the most satisfying. I like a variety of foes and a variety of maps. I suspect I would want to team with people for radio missions. A fair amount of variety that is very convenient.

I would do Sutter's TF because it is epic and fun, maybe the Posi's. The other TF's I would probably avoid because they are long and tedious.
To be honest, i would quit playing. I am a gambler and the random drop rewards is a major thing that keeps me playing. That is why i could play Diablo 2 for years, i never get tired finding new unexpected trinkets.

Of course, there is more than that to the game but really, with no random rewards, i would leave very soon.

That is why also i am thankful that the Merit system did not turn out ot be just "choose your reward" thing. The opportunity to gamble Merits for Random Recipe rolls is really a blast for me.

Did i said that i loved gambling ?

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Easy. Early 90's Rapper themed costume contest.


Also on Steam



Pre-Freedom...lots of *headdesk*
Post-Freedom...lots of in-chan WTF?!?



I'ld do what i did before inventions came along, hang out with random people and friends under Atlas and do some of the most random/fun things!

I've always said i miss those days Maybe i need to set up a one more night like that!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Well I have a lot of experience with that from years ago. More inf then I could spend on all the alts that I could make, no xp, no inventions, all Hami'd out.. basically the character from that time was just about finished as finished could get.

I still kept playing them.. I would solo, team, run TFs and Trials.. spend hours out in the shadow shard just running around on the gravity geysers.. or teleporting friends into midair (my personal favorite in the shadow shard). I would bounce around and explore little nooks in the old faultline map without fear of dying to the spawns. Actually I spent a lot of time jumping off of buildings and building hoping now that I think about it. I'd engage in light hearted RP every once in a while. Write character fiction, or at least think of fiction in my head and go do something in game to reflect why I was doing what I was doing.

It was just sort of freeing as I could just play for the sake of playing and enjoyment of it.. not that I don't do so now, it was just simpler back in the early days.



My main has been in that state since she filled her last Incarnate slot. The answer is I would play an alt. If that's not possible, I would quit.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
My main has been in that state since she filled her last Incarnate slot. The answer is I would play an alt. If that's not possible, I would quit.
Pretty much this. A game without a point is pointless.



Originally Posted by Traska View Post
A game without a point is pointless.



I play the game because I like playing a super hero, never cared about rewards.



Pinky: "Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?"
The Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky—try to take over the world!"


Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
CoH players are stupid and incompetent compared to WoW players.
As was said in Gran Torino, "Your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind", let CoH be one of those things. Don't forget, forgive.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Imagine you cannot gain any XP, get no new powers, no influence, etc. Maybe you are max level, everything is slottted with purples. You have every badge. There is nothing left to buy.

With no rewards to influence what you do in game, what would you do?
I actually have a couple characters like that. My fire/sr scrapper is level 50, he has all T4 incarnate abilities, he is purpled out, and his build is such that I'm unable to significantly improve on any part of it without sacrificing another part. So rewards are essentially meaningless to him. I have a dark/shield scrapper who's in the same situation.

Both of them, I run some incarnate trials (mostly the ones that I haven't run a billion times, like MoM, UG, and DD), I solo archvillains, I run task forces sometimes and do the occasional hami raid or MS raid. I sometimes play around in random AE missions just to check them out.

If the entire game were like that though, I'd probably have quit playing by now.



No rewards means my sub goes bye-bye and I never log in.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Imagine you cannot gain any XP, get no new powers, no influence, etc. Maybe you are max level, everything is slottted with purples. You have every badge. There is nothing left to buy.

With no rewards to influence what you do in game, what would you do?

I find teaming to be the most satisfying. I like a variety of foes and a variety of maps. I suspect I would want to team with people for radio missions. A fair amount of variety that is very convenient.

I would do Sutter's TF because it is epic and fun, maybe the Posi's. The other TF's I would probably avoid because they are long and tedious.
This is pretty much how I play already.
I play as Electric-Knight, probably 80% of the time, if not more... And the rest is on a lot of different maxed characters and/or the occasional new alt, but... My fun and play is never about the process of leveling up, instead it is just about using my powers, experiencing the game through my characters and having fun!
Everything I need just comes along with playing (inf for enhancements) and I don't use IOs the way most do, so I just play.

I frequently just run radio missions solo... kinda like one-off comicbooks for a quick read.
I duo with my wife, team with friends, role-play with role-players and decorate bases!

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd do the same stuff that I do now
Yeah, this.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



While I love my 50's...if there was no "point" (rewards) to playing them at all..I prolly would not play them.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I don't think I'd play. Progress is pretty much the heart of the game. The stories here aren't the most engaging and I can't imagine playing for those alone.



And, it's funny, because I often enjoy these games the most when I'm "done" with a character.

The same thing happened here that did in my first mmorpg, a long time ago... in a galaxy far far away (before the dark times...).

I got the abilities/powers/whatnot that I wanted and then I just logged on and... did whatever I felt like! I so very much enjoy having completed my characters' skills/powers and just doing what seems fun or what seems fitting or just exploring something.

It sometimes seems to me that I'll log in and play more once I'm done. It's a really fun spot for me to be in and generally feels like it is "the point" for me, as opposed to what others are referring to as "the point".

I suppose that is because my point for playing is role-playing and/or just the immersion factor.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Imagine you cannot gain any XP, get no new powers, no influence, etc. Maybe you are max level, everything is slottted with purples. You have every badge. There is nothing left to buy.

With no rewards to influence what you do in game, what would you do?
This is an interesting question, because this situation has never actually yet occurred to me. The answer is "I don't know." There has never been a time when I wasn't playing "for" something. Prior to I9 and the invention system, my main could reach 50, then slot HOs, then respec into every epic one at a time, fill in the few story arcs I had not done leveling up (or that didn't exist while leveling up), and work towards badges I didn't have yet. Even if I didn't think about it every single play session, there was always the thought in the back of my head that I hadn't literally done everything yet, so there was always another accomplishment I could eventually work towards, even if I did not do so consistently or all the time.

I don't know what I would do if all of my alts were in a situation where all of them had done everything. But I don't think that will ever happen either, so its an entirely theoretical question. But if the question is what would I do if XP and influence and drops no longer existed, the answer is that would not mean there were "no rewards to influence what I did in the game." It would only mean I would have no rewards left except the ones I made up for myself.

When those are gone, I'm probably gone, although I'm honestly not sure. But those will never be gone.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



To illustrate, I have two level 50s, and eleventy-jillion alts I only ever log one of those 50s on, and that's just because she's my crafter.



I'm an officer in an RPSG. I do that.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Celestial_Fury View Post
I am a gambler and the random drop rewards is a major thing that keeps me playing. That is why i could play Diablo 2 for years, i never get tired finding new unexpected trinkets.

Of course, there is more than that to the game but really, with no random rewards, i would leave very soon.

That is why also i am thankful that the Merit system did not turn out ot be just "choose your reward" thing. The opportunity to gamble Merits for Random Recipe rolls is really a blast for me.

Did i said that i loved gambling ?
I'm the exact opposite; I've barely touched the merit system because I hate gambling.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'd do the same stuff that I do now
GG, you've got nearly 65,000 posts of . You might give it a rest before your face freezes that way...

Oh wait... Nevermind...

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Pick a zone, pick a villain group, and declare war. Probably on the CoT. PitA to kill, and total jerks to their victims.