Not sure if you all saw, but...




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Yea, that's what caught my eye immediately as well.
It was mentioned as a component of one of the powers, prolly wherever the negative resist was... I can't recall which power they said when they were talking about them. All the bases were covered.



Psionic abilities are, nominally, energy-based. No matter how it is conjured, there is an outreach of energy to connect it to the target (a fireball is fire, magical or otherwise); I mean, honestly, Leo, have you never read a comic book?

Look at Raven. Her senses can be skewed by high enough energy fluctuations, as Martian Manhunter's can, as almost any psychic ability can (example: Magneto's helmet. Are you going to believe it's just really, what.... sturdy? No.). Electromagnetic interference = defense, which is one of my main gripes to Energy Aura, as much as I love it.



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
NuclearMedicine's head must've exploded.

After I made the presentation for Radiation Armor, Warboss had a huge grin on his face and gave me a high five. I returned the favor when he made the case for Radiation Melee.

I can't say for sure, but I think he may, or may not have leapt out of his chair and did a somersault when Rad. Armor was chosen. He certainly was giddy as a school girl for quite a while.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Yea, that's what caught my eye immediately as well.
Synapse did have energy resist in the second shield as well. He nearly didn't include any neg resist in the prototype.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
so complaining about it not being 'realistic' for rad armor to protect vs psi is a hollow exercise.
*searches thread for the word 'realistic'*

*finds 1 entry by Nethergoat*

Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Psionic abilities are, nominally, energy-based. No matter how it is conjured, there is an outreach of energy to connect it to the target (a fireball is fire, magical or otherwise); I mean, honestly, Leo, have you never read a comic book?
That depends what type of psionics are present. But AFAIK, psionic energy isn't regular energy. Because psionics are not governed by the same laws as energy and yet is itself specialized so as only making specific phenomena occur (a psionic user would have to know or be capable of manipulating or creating energy or fire or mineral, etc. *with* their psionics otherwise it does not transcribe into such effects at all).

Just because psionics can make fire doesn't mean psionics is fire-based. Just because psionics can create kinetic force doesn't mean psionics is kinetic-based. So on and so forth...

Electromagnetic interference = defense, which is one of my main gripes to Energy Aura, as much as I love it.
Electromagnetic is Electric Armor which is why Electric Armor resists psionic damage...see Static Shield a.k.a. electrostatics/eletromagnetics.

Again, you can say Radiation can be used to make such electrostatic effects, but it'd be reaching to justify the effect being there. That Electric Armor has psi resists was a stretch but it makes sense (electrostatic, static/white noise, etc).

But anyway/sarcasm, let's see how we stretch Rad Armor to justify giving it everything one could ask for in an armor set...I'm sure it won't be corny, cheezy, cheap or lame at all.




Having been fortunate enough to have been part of the process I would like to include a couple of comments.

I really enjoyed hearing the other ideas people had surrounding the concept of Radiation Armor. It was nice to see others in the crowd enthused about the set concept.

I liked the skeleton that was created for Radiation Armor, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the initial ideas for powers get dramatically changed to make the set work better both functionally and thematically. I'm looking forward to seeing where the dev's take the skeleton.

I also liked the other power-set ideas that were thrown out. Air Control sounded like a great idea, and I wouldn't be disappointed if/when they come out with a throwing weapon set. There were a couple of other set ideas that were mentioned that were great as well, but my tired memory isn't helping. Some things may not be my "cup of tea", but it's been nice to see more diversity of power sets added to the game.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
*searches thread for the word 'realistic'*

*finds 1 entry by Nethergoat*
You're super good at pointless nitpicking while your argument goes down in flames around you.

Next time I'll throw in some spelling errors for you to jump on, really give you a thrill.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post

Electromagnetic is Electric Armor which is why Electric Armor resists psionic damage...see Static Shield a.k.a. electrostatics/eletromagnetics.

Again, you can say Radiation can be used to make such electrostatic effects, but it'd be reaching to justify the effect being there. That Electric Armor has psi resists was a stretch but it makes sense (electrostatic, static/white noise, etc).
So you are alright with electric armor and 'electromagnetic radiation' having psi migration.

But not Radiation armor having psi mitigation because you can't find a way to explain how radiation would protect against psi attacks when you just named one way...

Also its very good of you to empirically determined that psi energy is not on a form of energy that we can determined the laws for in a comic book game.

I am very interested in your treatise on the laws that govern magic and bring you expertise in determining how we cna harness or deflect it in our comic book world.

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



So *I'm* empirically determining that psi is energy-based? I'm dictating that psionics must have a component that is detectible or interruptible by radioactive means?

I think you have it backwards. I'm not the one dictating how psionics work (my explanation leaves psionics intentionally vague because the nature of psionics is *make-believe*) based solely on the statement that "because comics said so". I am challenging radiation's ability to thwart psionics beyond the explanation of "because it's radiation".



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post explanation leaves psionics intentionally vague because the nature of psionics is *make-believe*....
I believe you've answered your own question.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



it's really not worth it to argue. If the devs include psi resistance in it, they do. Whether it works within your concept of what rad armor should and shouldn't be isn't really their concern.






Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So *I'm* empirically determining that psi is energy-based? I'm dictating that psionics must have a component that is detectible or interruptible by radioactive means?

I think you have it backwards. I'm not the one dictating how psionics work (my explanation leaves psionics intentionally vague because the nature of psionics is *make-believe*) based solely on the statement that "because comics said so". I am challenging radiation's ability to thwart psionics beyond the explanation of "because it's radiation".
Fine, you want techobabble, have some technobabble. We've established to your satisfaction that Electric abilities involve manipulation of the electromagnetic force and allow for psi resistance via manipulation of said electromagnetic force by whatever mechanism. Now let's look at what we know of Radiation powers. Rad Blast gives us proton, electron, neutron and neutrino manipulation abilities from the named blasts, while Rad Emission gives us EM Pulse (the EM is short for electromagnetic). I feel quite confident to therefore state that Rad sets therefore include some ability to manipulate the electromagnetic force (and given Neutrino Bolt in fact the broader electroweak force), just like Elec albeit on a somewhat more brute force scale (slamming a burst of particles at a target rather than the "finer" manipulation done by Elec allowing things like sleep and end drain).

Given that Elec uses, well, electrical effects, it's safe to say that Elec operates by the more "classical" mechanism of moving charged particles around. Rad, as it turns out, is also quite good at moving charged particles around (Electron Haze, Proton Volley), albeit along more orderly paths than Elec (presumably by generating virtual photons in roughly the same way it generates actual photons in X-Ray Beam; photons are the force carrier particle for the electromagnetic force). Generating "static" would thus presumably be a more difficult operation for a Rad than an Elec, but since the manipulations required could take place within close or zero effective range presumably control would be better as well. Either could (for example) use some variation on a Faraday cage (an effect which is specifically an attenuating effect rather than an all-or-nothing affair, justifying the choice of resistance rather than defense for both sets and modeling Elec's extreme energy resistance well) as a protective effect. How exactly this would work against psi I have no idea, but it's consistent with what we know of Elec's workings and probably the most "realistic" way for both sets to work.

The justification is far from perfect, but welcome to comic book physics.

Sorry, but you asked. And asked. And then asked some more.



1. Now you're making a case that Rad Armor is redundant when you've got Elec Armor.

2. Still sounds cheap to me.



Jebus man! Give it up. It's a "Superhero Game". Stop trying to introduce logic and reality into my make believe, unrealistic game! It has no value here. If I want to be a 3 foot tall catgurl/bat hybrid swinging a gigantic sword that weighs 4 times as much as I do and is 1.5 times taller than me, let me do it! If I want to say that Radiation Armor can resist Psychic powers, let me do it! It's a game! Not reality.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
1. Now you're making a case that Rad Armor is redundant when you've got Elec Armor.

2. Still sounds cheap to me.
The obvious answer is 'cos it does...'



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
1. Now you're making a case that Rad Armor is redundant when you've got Elec Armor.

2. Still sounds cheap to me.
1. No, just that the underlying physics is closely related and that they use some similar mechanics. Look at the power list and compare, they're quite different in effect but they are resist sets with psi resist and a self-heal.

2. If you're that deeply morally offended by a set, you don't have to buy it. Really. No one's holding a gun to your head.

(I could make it sound less cheap, but I really don't feel like explaining enough real-world physics to explain that psionics by definition would involve the manipulation of energy (the physics concept rather than the in-game damage type). Alternately, if I was permitted to define the physics of psionics, it would be trivial to explain. Rad sets manipulate gauge bosons, psionics are transmitted by either a gauge boson not yet discovered or an as-yet-undiscovered manipulation of one of the less well-understood gauge bosons (likely this just to avoid sporking the Standard Model and/or running afoul of next week's new theory of quantum gravity) => Rad can thus manipulate psionics well enough to reduce their effect: psi resist. QED. This is how I justify my FF/Rad taking the psi epic pool. If that seems overly broad to you, I remind you that we're discussing a power class that can do everything from def debuffing to raising the dead after using their corpses as porta-nukes.)



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
I was there, and the design process was awesome to be part of.

These are my rough notes of the 9 powers we came up with-

Rad armor-
Shield 1- SL, toxic resist
Sbield 2- fire, cold, neg resist (neg may be moved to the auto power...)
Shield 3- mez and psi resist
auto regen/end recovery
Click absorb power
Taunt aura, foe minus damage
Click foe -HP self heal
Self nuke attack
T9 meltdown mode ending with self destruct

The Click Asorb needs enemies in range I believe- and from what I remember Synapse saying, he always add a +Regen effect to the absorb mechanic because just adding HP is a bit too squishy.. IE your real HP heal faster while the absorb "shield" is getting smashed.
I would have expected to see energy resistance and maybe a toxic damage aura... I am not sure I get the psi resistance... but overall nice to see this set concept get some attention. I look forward to seeing/hearing more.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Considering ESP is not real, and neither is covering yourself in noxious radiation armor, this thread delivers.



I find it hard to believe someone would be so opposed to the reasoning behind an armor set being able to resist Psionic energy. There's no real world example of Psionic energy or how the physics of Psionic energy would work. So anyone can make up any reason for why it does and it's just as valid as your reasons for why it doesn't.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Im all for a bit of comic phsyics in the game but I just dont see anyway that radiation could protect you against anything! Theamatically, its a terrible idea.

'Ive been irradiated, now I can resist damage' ....How?

I wsa very dissapointed when they chose this. We do need more armour, but I was hoping for one that actualy made sense.

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
I would have expected to see energy resistance and maybe a toxic damage aura... I am not sure I get the psi resistance... but overall nice to see this set concept get some attention. I look forward to seeing/hearing more.
Energy resistance was in the set. I'm sure it will be the highest resist type, as the trend has been for fire to have high fire resists, elec to have high energy resists, dark to have high negative resists, etc. Negative energy, by extension, will likely be the lowest resistance.

As far as the toxic damage aura that was mentioned, but I believe it's part of the Bio Armor set they also announced and they didn't want overlap in two sets that would be released relatively close together. Can hardly blame them for that.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
Im all for a bit of comic phsyics in the game but I just dont see anyway that radiation could protect you against anything! Theamatically, its a terrible idea.

'Ive been irradiated, now I can resist damage' ....How?

I wsa very dissapointed when they chose this. We do need more armour, but I was hoping for one that actualy made sense.

Bruce Banner would like a word with you.



Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
Im all for a bit of comic phsyics in the game but I just dont see anyway that radiation could protect you against anything! Theamatically, its a terrible idea.

'Ive been irradiated, now I can resist damage' ....How?

I wsa very dissapointed when they chose this. We do need more armour, but I was hoping for one that actualy made sense.
How do fire, electricity, and darkness make sense? As has been said by various others it's a game/comic with about a billion things in it as is that don't "make sense". You can't think of anything in the game from a real world perspective.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post

2. Still sounds cheap to me.
Awww...aren't you just the cutest thing! Here have a cookie

[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child