Not sure if you all saw, but...




Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
I was there, and the design process was awesome to be part of.

These are my rough notes of the 9 powers we came up with-

Rad armor-
Shield 1- SL, toxic resist
Sbield 2- fire, cold, neg resist (neg may be moved to the auto power...)
Shield 3- mez and psi resist
auto regen/end recovery
Click absorb power
Taunt aura, foe minus damage
Click foe -HP self heal
Self nuke attack
T9 meltdown mode ending with self destruct

The Click Asorb needs enemies in range I believe- and from what I remember Synapse saying, he always add a +Regen effect to the absorb mechanic because just adding HP is a bit too squishy.. IE your real HP heal faster while the absorb "shield" is getting smashed.

Wait, you were there and you didn't let me know! (no I wasn't there) Man, first FlagrantFowl did it last year and now you!

Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
The same way a Shield often does? The same way SR can dodge many of them? The same way it prevents you from being held by the force of gravity and the way it prevents you from being held by a block of ice and the way it prevents you from being held by the power of dark energy and the way it prevents you from being held by mental control?

The cosmic energy coats your synapses? It's magic? The radiation is concentrated in the nervous system and rapidly heals any overload in that system very well?

How would radiation block a sword or bullet?

Exactly! If someone cares about the RP aspect then let them figure their own way of how it can be done.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So *I'm* empirically determining that psi is energy-based? I'm dictating that psionics must have a component that is detectible or interruptible by radioactive means?

I think you have it backwards. I'm not the one dictating how psionics work (my explanation leaves psionics intentionally vague because the nature of psionics is *make-believe*) based solely on the statement that "because comics said so". I am challenging radiation's ability to thwart psionics beyond the explanation of "because it's radiation".
It's this simple. Radiation disrupts psionics. How do we know that? Because radiation armor is radiation and it disrupts psionics, and the game mechanics are the physics of the game world. Radiation disrupts psionics because in the physical reality of the world of CoX, radiation disrupts psionics.

And it's not entirely unprecendeted. Nuclear radiation often is very heavy in EMP. Electric Armor uses EM radiation to disrupt psionics. EMP arrow can afflict nervous systems as per the description in the game. It makes sense within the "logic" of the game that something heavy in EM could protect from psionics.

I mean, if you could explain how real world psionics work in regards to radiation and why the ability to produce radiation at will wouldn't impact them, I guess you'd have a point.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
How do fire, electricity, and darkness make sense? As has been said by various others it's a game/comic with about a billion things in it as is that don't "make sense". You can't think of anything in the game from a real world perspective.
Because we all know that in the REAL WORLD, psychic mind bolts can totally pwn radioactive body armor!

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Energy resistance was in the set. I'm sure it will be the highest resist type, as the trend has been for fire to have high fire resists, elec to have high energy resists, dark to have high negative resists, etc. Negative energy, by extension, will likely be the lowest resistance.
Thanks, that all falls in the learning more than what was in the notes, and nice to hear.

Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
As far as the toxic damage aura that was mentioned, but I believe it's part of the Bio Armor set they also announced and they didn't want overlap in two sets that would be released relatively close together. Can hardly blame them for that.
Nope, sure can't.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by oOStaticOo View Post
Jebus man! Give it up. It's a "Superhero Game". Stop trying to introduce logic and reality into my make believe, unrealistic game! It has no value here. If I want to be a 3 foot tall catgurl/bat hybrid swinging a gigantic sword that weighs 4 times as much as I do and is 1.5 times taller than me, let me do it! If I want to say that Radiation Armor can resist Psychic powers, let me do it! It's a game! Not reality.
*munches on cookie*

Eh, you can do that now. Hell, I pretended spines are throwing daggers and not bone fragments sticking from my body and that energy aura is a telekinetic aura made of psionic energy on another character.

Blame yourself if you're some piece of fail that can't be bothered to read the forums without it 'ruining' your game. I have every right to posting my opinion on these boards as you.

And it's not about 'logic and reality', it's about consistency.

Originally Posted by Quantum_Shield View Post
1. No, just that the underlying physics is closely related and that they use some similar mechanics. Look at the power list and compare, they're quite different in effect but they are resist sets with psi resist and a self-heal.
So then it *is* a semi-waste of time since the mechanics are so similar. I mean, we could just put on a vaporous or glowing aura (or atomic aura) and pick Invulnerability for your radiation character if the above Hulk example is the example of Rad armor...

2. If you're that deeply morally offended by a set, you don't have to buy it. Really. No one's holding a gun to your head.
I honestly don't care *finishes cookie*

Perhaps you're reading ulterior motives in my posts?

(I could make it sound less cheap, but I really don't feel like explaining enough real-world physics to explain that psionics by definition would involve the manipulation of energy (the physics concept rather than the in-game damage type). Alternately, if I was permitted to define the physics of psionics, it would be trivial to explain. Rad sets manipulate gauge bosons, psionics are transmitted by either a gauge boson not yet discovered or an as-yet-undiscovered manipulation of one of the less well-understood gauge bosons (likely this just to avoid sporking the Standard Model and/or running afoul of next week's new theory of quantum gravity) => Rad can thus manipulate psionics well enough to reduce their effect: psi resist. QED. This is how I justify my FF/Rad taking the psi epic pool. If that seems overly broad to you, I remind you that we're discussing a power class that can do everything from def debuffing to raising the dead after using their corpses as porta-nukes.)
I'm sure the many psychic character players will enjoy your definition of psionics being just another form of radiation, though.

As far as game mechanics go, though, since psionic is its own damage type and radiation is just another form of energy just like sonic and electricity, your definition cannot be correct. If only a small difference like you describe were needed to differentiate damage types, then why isn't energy energy damage, sonic sonic damage and radiation radioactive damage?

Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
It's this simple. Radiation disrupts psionics. How do we know that? Because radiation armor is radiation and it disrupts psionics, and the game mechanics are the physics of the game world. Radiation disrupts psionics because in the physical reality of the world of CoX, radiation disrupts psionics.
Examples? Because there is no precedence that radiation makes one more resistant to psionic damage at all.

And it's not entirely unprecendeted. Nuclear radiation often is very heavy in EMP. Electric Armor uses EM radiation to disrupt psionics. EMP arrow can afflict nervous systems as per the description in the game. It makes sense within the "logic" of the game that something heavy in EM could protect from psionics.

I mean, if you could explain how real world psionics work in regards to radiation and why the ability to produce radiation at will wouldn't impact them, I guess you'd have a point.
If your only example is EMPs then perhaps I should paste the description of Static Shield?
"You can create a field of Static Electricity around your body. This Static Shield protects you from Hold, Sleep, and Disorient effects as well as Endurance Drain, Recovery DeBuffs and enemy Teleportation. Static Shield can also help normalize your synaptic activity, granting you good resistance to Psionic Damage. Recharge: Fast"
EMP doesn't disrupt psionics but if a specific character wanted to explain defense or resistance to psionic damage then that would work for them. The other way around, you'd have to define psionics as disruptable by radiation which it does no do directly. Here's the description of EMPulse:
"You can unleash a massive pulse of electromagnetic energy. This EMP can affect machines, and is even powerful enough to affect synaptic brain patterns. It will drain the Endurance and HP Regeneration of all affected targets and leave them incapacitated and Held for a long while. Additionally, most machines and robots will take moderate high damage. However, this power uses a lot of Endurance and leaves you unable to recover Endurance for a while. Recharge: Very Long"
Yeah, EMPs are effective against synaptic brain patterns, not psionic energies. Not even Electric Armor's Static Shield 'blocks' psionic energy. It'd make more sense for radiation to simply debuff psionic damage more than other damage types, but no, it has no precedence of manipulating or dissipating psionic powers without attacking the source.



Mr. Hulk doesnt use radiation to protect himself. His body is what protects him, just because it was radiation that caused it. I think of him as Invunrability brute kinda guy.

I suppose the other sets dont make much thematic sense either, but for some reason rad just seems to make less sense than the others.

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



I'm not sure that the verisimilitude offered by the concept of Radiation Armor is even the main issue, here.

I didn't see a post stating which ATs would have access to this power set. Sounds like it'll go to Tanker/Brute, but the implications of melee ATs having the capability to grant -HP/-DMG debuffs, is a little worrisome. Hopefully the other ATs will get power sets that bring them back to a state of relevance. (see blaster )

Don't get me wrong, it's great on a certain level...Tankers needed something, but it seems melee classes are getting a lot of attention right now.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
And it's not about 'logic and reality', it's about consistency.
Examples? Because there is no precedence that radiation makes one more resistant to psionic damage at all.
I am still trying to figure out how you find it perfectly normal that radiation makes you resistant to bullets and swords. Where is that precedent? What makes lethal resists acceptable to you, but not Psi resistance?

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by ChargingStar View Post
I'm not sure that the verisimilitude offered by the concept of Radiation Armor is even the main issue, here.

I didn't see a post stating which ATs would have access to this power set. Sounds like it'll go to Tanker/Brute, but the implications of melee ATs having the capability to grant -HP/-DMG debuffs, is a little worrisome. Hopefully the other ATs will get power sets that bring them back to a state of relevance. (see blaster )

Don't get me wrong, it's great on a certain level...Tankers needed something, but it seems melee classes are getting a lot of attention right now.
Although this thread was started in the Tanker forums, the idea was to have Radiation Armor for all 4 melee ATs: Tanks, Brutes, Stalkers and Scrappers. I don't recall any of the panelists limiting this to just Tanker/Brute sets.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So *I'm* empirically determining that psi is energy-based? I'm dictating that psionics must have a component that is detectible or interruptible by radioactive means?

I think you have it backwards. I'm not the one dictating how psionics work (my explanation leaves psionics intentionally vague because the nature of psionics is *make-believe*) based solely on the statement that "because comics said so". I am challenging radiation's ability to thwart psionics beyond the explanation of "because it's radiation".
It's precisely because it's make-believe that lets people try to present the challenge. From a logical perspective, once you make the assumption that direct mental attacks on other people are possible the only set that reasonably justifies any psionic protection at all is Willpower.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I would really like to see another set with a damage aura...



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
As well as the precedence for other Energy Based sets to cover the psionic hole. Electric and Dark Armor. Different types of energy interact in different ways. It just so happens that Radiation based energies can resist psionic energy. There's nothing in the game that has ever said it can't, so there's no break in consistency.

To be honest, I find the concept of Rad Armor more likely to interact with Psi energy than Crystals (Stone Armor) having some capability to defend from it.

[edit] Just something to consider: Radiation, in real life, does cause mutation. What's to say someone who is mutated by radiation doesn't grow new neural pathways that help protect the mind from psionic attacks?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Radiation Armor!!!
Yeah, Warboss is going to have an insufferably monstrous ego for the next couple years now.

Though how anyone will tell the difference...

Yesterday at the Plummit, the design a powerset panel went with Radiation Armor in a tight victory over Air Control. I believe the design we came up ended up being a mix of resistance and regen/absorb. It also had a PBAoE debuff toggle and Fallout style self-rez. In short, it sounds awesome and I can't wait to know more about it once development starts.
What should be REALLY nice is the toggle Toxic resistance. You mean we're going to be less vulnerable to Vaz puker zombies at low levels?

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Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
How would radiation block psionic attacks?
Applied Phlebotinum

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Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Awesome. I was just on ustream so it was hard to hear. I was hoping some sort of write up was done. I'm not sure I like a self destruct. Although if there is debt protection and a self rez then it could work well.
It's not a self-destruct per se.

It's looking to be a unique power that's part nuke, part self-rez.

If you use it while you're alive, it's a "regular" nuke.

If you die and then trigger it, think Rise of the Phoenix. Except with a mushroom cloud.

As I said, this looks to be totally unique to non-Incarnate powers. It's not just a limited use power that only works if you fail. But a power that can be a regular part of your attack sequence.

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I look forward to the new set. I, amongst many, have been wanting a radiation armor set for years.

I hope for some defense/to hit debuffs and some resistance/-damage powers. But since kinetic melee didnt come close to the other kinetic set I am not very hopeful that rad would be similar to the existing rad set.

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
It's not a self-destruct per se.

It's looking to be a unique power that's part nuke, part self-rez.

If you use it while you're alive, it's a "regular" nuke.

If you die and then trigger it, think Rise of the Phoenix. Except with a mushroom cloud.

As I said, this looks to be totally unique to non-Incarnate powers. It's not just a limited use power that only works if you fail. But a power that can be a regular part of your attack sequence.
What many fire armor people have been asking for for years for RotP.

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
At first glance it sounds weak. I'd like to know more specifics.
Think of it as a cross between Willpower and Elec.

It's primary mitigation is Resistance (with exotic resists being part of the toggles instead of based in a click heal).
It's secondary mitigation is Regen.
It's tertiary mitigation is persistent Debuff.
It's quaternary mitigation will be the Absorb/Ablative effect.

Think about slathering on some set-based defense on top of this and how fricking evil it would be.

Spikes could still cause this set problems, since it relies on Regen rather than Heal. But the Absorb/Ablative power is functionally similar.

Also, we're looking at a dual-purpose heal/recovery power that uses thresholds of damage to determine which effect is dominant
  • Low-to-no damage = High recovery, low regen
  • High damage = Low recovery, high regen
All in all, this sounds like an exceptionally interesting set to play, and with IOs, could rival Elec for sheer general durability and damage output potential.

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Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
still doesn't explain how radiation resists psionics.
The radiation is on a frequency/spectrum that interferes with psionic emissions.

The radiation has altered the person's brain chemistry/"mental frequencies", rendering them less vulnerable to disruption.

Etc. Etc.

*Insert Handwavium Here*

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Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Neither of them have psychic protection, tho.
I have but three words for you.

World War Hulk.

Also, Spidey's "Spider Sense", is semi-psychic in nature.

Your character doesn't have to have thematic explanation for how every armor set works...the powerset does. Otherwise, we'd be justifying why every armor set should have equal values of protection to all types of attacks.

That's why we have uniqueness in the sets and variety in their mitigation. Why doesn't Energy Armor have psionic defense or resistance? Oh well, it has recharge, endurance and lots of other defense so it's all right.

My point is, I'd rather the armor have no psionic protection at all in exchange for better debuffing power as the set's hook. The whole proposed set looks exactly like how much time was probably put into scribbling up the concept...basically, pulling it from the *** in a few swift moments.
You're thinking the set is going to go in exactly as discussed at the panel.


It still has to be developed, balanced, etc. So the form that it finally takes if/when released will likely be somewhat different (with at least SOME information from the original panel surviving).

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Originally Posted by Telperion View Post
I'm not noticing any Energy resist in the set? Yikes.
Energy was in the second shield. It was just missed in transcription.

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Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
He certainly was giddy as a school girl for quite a while.
Be honest. Schoolgirls looking at lethal levels of sugar and caffeine overload aren't NEARLY as giddy as he was!

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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
I believe you've answered your own question.

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Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
As well as the precedence for other Energy Based sets to cover the psionic hole. Electric and Dark Armor. Different types of energy interact in different ways. It just so happens that Radiation based energies can resist psionic energy. There's nothing in the game that has ever said it can't, so there's no break in consistency.
Dark Energy is different as it is the inverse of energy. Electricity is special since the brain functions through (*insert handwave*) electric currents that can be overridden to make mental attacks less effective.

But I've never taken the position that radiation armor could not have psionic resistance, just that radiation armor doesn't *need* psionic resistance. As pointed out below, does the set not have enough alternative means to overcome psionic attacks without requiring a special hand-wave to add direct resistance to a damage type it wouldn't normally or conceptually resist?

To be honest, I find the concept of Rad Armor more likely to interact with Psi energy than Crystals (Stone Armor) having some capability to defend from it.
Emma Frost?

[edit] Just something to consider: Radiation, in real life, does cause mutation. What's to say someone who is mutated by radiation doesn't grow new neural pathways that help protect the mind from psionic attacks?
That's Biotic Armor.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The radiation is on a frequency/spectrum that interferes with psionic emissions.

The radiation has altered the person's brain chemistry/"mental frequencies", rendering them less vulnerable to disruption.

Etc. Etc.

*Insert Handwavium Here*
So we either have to borrow from Electric or Biotic to justify this? Why even bother, then? Are you that desperate for psionic resistance?