What new Primary power we should ask now?

Agent White



I now suggest a pure biting eating powerset. Sounds weird, but we've done the main stuff, why not something odd? Mixture of Lethal and Smashing damage and maybe some toxic. Your character could attempt to chomp the foe or consume them. Perhaps a self heal wherre your character chomps the foe and is healed. Just a thought.

(No, not suggesting we animate the foes being held by bites.)




Not sure why this wasn't one of the originals. When I think of classic Masterminds from, say, Batman TV show, they all had hired goons to do their work.

Honestly, if I had a wish for Masterminds, instead of a new primary set I'd love customizable henchmen or at least a customizable selection of each type of henchmen. Not sure how difficult that would be but if I could just wish something into existence it would be that. Especially with the Mecha costumes coming out; I'd probably play Robots finally.



Originally Posted by wudake View Post

Not sure why this wasn't one of the originals. When I think of classic Masterminds from, say, Batman TV show, they all had hired goons to do their work.

Honestly, if I had a wish for Masterminds, instead of a new primary set I'd love customizable henchmen or at least a customizable selection of each type of henchmen. Not sure how difficult that would be but if I could just wish something into existence it would be that. Especially with the Mecha costumes coming out; I'd probably play Robots finally.
We have thugs. They're the "everyman" goon that you might see on hero shows.



TBH, I'd rather the made the current sets customisable rather than introduce new ones.

I want to have my Thugs as boiler-suited Bond villain henchmen instead of generic gang members.



Some kinda Science Experiments/Mutants-themed set.
Maybe the ranged attacks could be derived from Radiation Blast?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Balthazael View Post
TBH, I'd rather the made the current sets customisable rather than introduce new ones.

I want to have my Thugs as boiler-suited Bond villain henchmen instead of generic gang members.
I'd rather they focus on Pet AI first and foremost. Plus from what I've seen of Beast Mastery not measuring up to the other primaries, it needs tweaking first.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



I'd like to see some money spent on quality over quantity right now. There definitely needs to be a balance between the two and right now I think it's a little off. If they were to ask for an updated version of the Consolidated Mastermind Issues and Problems thread and attempt to go through and address everything in it I think that would be great.



Please fix Mercenaries. They don't have to be the bestest set evar.. but can we please just buff them to a manageable level? Serum should be changed to 'Stim Pack' and all the soldiers do the 'AWW YEAH' and lose 10 hp then go on an uncounterable killing spree.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



Some kind of melee weapon using dudes that AREN'T ninja would be nice. but primarily I want customization, at least for Mercs/Thugs/Ninja.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Floating Weapons, a la Battle Maiden, would be cool. They fit a bunch of concepts, from telekinesis, to magic weapons, to remote controlled tech things, to ghosts.

Tier 1 could be standard floating swords, Tier 2 could be... bows? Or staves/spears? Tier 3 could be a hammer/battleaxe.



Originally Posted by Mosquito View Post
Floating Weapons, a la Battle Maiden, would be cool. They fit a bunch of concepts, from telekinesis, to magic weapons, to remote controlled tech things, to ghosts.

Tier 1 could be standard floating swords, Tier 2 could be... bows? Or staves/spears? Tier 3 could be a hammer/battleaxe.
It's a neat concept but I'm not entirely sure.. It's almost too generic.

We need a kitty set. all tiers just make kitties. Tier 1 is white kitties. Tier 2 is black kitties and tier 3 is nyan cat.

It pukes rainbows doing all damage types.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



A lot of the ideas in this thread are pretty cool but I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Rikti yet, they would make an awesome psi-dmg mastermind set.

Here would be a possible setup:

Psionic Dart 1 - Ranged, Moderate DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge

Summon Rikti Monkeys 1 - Summon Rikti Monkeys

Mental Blast 2 - Ranged, High DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge

Mental Clarity 6 - Ranged, Focus Rikti Henchmen

Psychic Scream 8 - Ranged (Cone), High DMG(Psionic), Foe -Recharge

Summon Headman Gunmen 12 - Summon Headman Gunmen

Happy Thoughts 18 - Buff Rikti +Damage, +Resistance, +To Hit, +Recovery

Summon Chief Mentalist 26 - Summon Chief Mentalist

Words of Encouragement 32 - Ranged, Empower Rikti Henchmen

The Lore behind this set would be pretty easy to come up with saying that the Rikti Traditionalists, although abhorring violence, have begun to join some psychic heroes/villains in hopes of proving their commitment to peace with Primal Earthlings and gaining their trust.(or something like that)



Personally I don't want a rehash of an enemy group as a pet set. That's what Lore is for.



Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
How the hell a plane will drop a bomb inside a cave??
The same way that Robotics Mastermind's Drones drop from the sky (inside a cave), or Thugs Mastermind's Enforcers climb out of a manhole (inside a cave).

In other words, "Repeat to yourself 'it's just a game, I should really just relax'."

Mercs does need some help, particularly in their lack of defenses and decent mitigation. (And I definitely agree with renaming it to "Soldiers", because a Mercenary could literally be anything)

As for actual new sets... I'm all for Pirates, with Swabbies (armed with Cutlasses and weak pistols) as the T1, a Boatswain (with mediocre attacks but rope-related holds and immobilizes) and a Gunner (with pistols and a variant of Grant Cover - i.e., they're providing cover fire for the Swabbies) as T2, and the First Mate (Leadership toggles, and powerful pistol attacks) as T3. The MM himself would be the Captain, of course.

I can even see the appeal of a Clown set. Or, possibly a little more generically, Circus Performers. Clowns for T1, Acrobats for T2, and a Strong Man for T3. Possibly a Lion and Lion Tamer combo for T2, but that may be stepping on Beast's toes. The Mastermind himself would be the Ringmaster, with sonic attacks delivered through a megaphone.

I like the idea of Apes thematically (say, T1 Chimps, T2 Orangutans, T3 Gorilla), but I can't really think of what powers they'd have (other than generic Super Strength attacks for the Gorilla), and it'd probably require a new skeleton.




Mini Robot tanks that drive around and launch missiles and shoot their cannons and machine guns!



I want Goblin pets!



I like a lot of the idea's for Merc/Solider. With that in mind... I just tossed this together. Probley broken but seems to fit many of the suggestions.

Teri1: Summon Soliders
2 Basic Soliders.. single shot, Burst
First upgrade: Improved Body Armor *see Wolf Spider Armor*, Combat Training: Offensive
Second upgrade: Pummel

Sniper : single shot, Executioner Shot (No fancy, just a single aimed shot)
First Upgrade: Aim (Quick recharge), Stealth power
Second Upgrade: Sniper Rifle (useing new Snipe mechanics for instant shot)

Tier 2: Heavy Weapons/Support
Heavy Weapon (Big MG): Burst, Heavy Burst
First Upgrade: Combat Training: Offensive, Vengence type power (Him only), only triggers when MM pet goes down, Small Heal/end and +Dmg/Rech buff for 15s *Does not trigger from called reinforcment pets)
Second Upgrade: Full Auto

Tier 3: Commander
Basic: Backhand (High Damage, KD attack), Burst, Rally Troops (ST Heal +Rec +Rech for 10s. Will not target a solider generated by Call Reinforments)
First Upgrade: Tactical: Assualt, Tactical: Manuvers
Second Upgrade: Lock On! *Surveillance*, Call Reinforments *Calls 3 basic soliders, stat wise like gang wars*

Damge Focus is on the Tier 2 pets, and the Sniper. 2 Basic soliders add an interesting mechanic due to them having some Status protection. Commander is all about supporting the rest of the team. I used Tactical: A/M due to them having higher base %.

The only other thing in mercs that really stinks.... Serum. I really dont know what to do with that power. Looking over the other MMs serveral have pet spawning power here, 1 has a heal, 1 has a placate power, 1 has a pet AoE buff.

Guess it would really depend on how this set plays with the above changes.

Main: Praetor Imperium Elec/SS/Mu