What new Primary power we should ask now?

Agent White



your idea is not bad khorak, however i do have a problem with the tier 1 soldiers being fully single target dmg

if you look at it a little more realistically if you have 3 gunners shooting into a mob of 10 guys, bullets will miss/go through targets and hit unintended targets or multiple targets. the only way to guarentee they could all be single target shots is if they were all snipers, which regular soldiers in an intense combat situation are not gonna have the accuracy to do that

the tier 2 pets are fine doing lots of them, but it sounds like they should basically both be commandos as the commando currently is maybe little less dmg per attack

the tier 3 pet is good, sounds like it would take place of the spec ops and do a better job at it if the control get adjusted to have lower rech times since only 1 guy is shooting them instead of 2



I do not like the idea of replacing mercenaries. Rather than go out and buy a new toy, break out the duct tape and fix what we have. How?

Serum is almost universally regarded as suckish. I've personally never tried Mercs so can't comment. However, here be an idea to replace it: Air Strike. You hear a plane fly overhead and bombs drop on parachutes. Each bomb acts like a pseudo-pet so you can slot RIP IOs in it. The bombs do high damage and knockdown, so provides some mitigation too. They would take a bit of time reaching the ground, and would probably be used like Seeker Drones- and alpha absorber. Make the Soldier's Full Auto a wider cone. Shorten the recharge on all of Spec Ops' support abilities by a ton. Take Flash Bang down to 35 seconds and increase the stun. Change Rifle Butt to the ranged stun in Assault Rifle so they run in less. Tear Gas should have a recharge of ~60 seconds and the damage debuff should last the same. Increase the damage on SCAR Snipe. Increase the Immob on Web Grenade so it can be perma without enhancements. If these guys are supposed to be the support then make them actually be support! Also, you should probably change all of the knockback to knockdown, the scatter really hurts damage. Most of their AoE is cones.

Voila, they are now strong. Oh, and still mercenaries. Your idea is basically designing a set from the ground up anyways, so instead of replacing what we have, just make it a new set- soldiers. Which are different from mercenaries.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post

Serum is almost universally regarded as suckish. I've personally never tried Mercs so can't comment. However, here be an idea to replace it: Air Strike. You hear a plane fly overhead and bombs drop on parachutes.
How the hell a plane will drop a bomb inside a cave?? are they kamakasi style?
How the hell they are going to allow plane to fly over any civil area of paragon city droping bomb??

Welcome to City of WAR!!
You better have a bunker, because it raining bomb!

I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac



Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
How the hell a plane will drop a bomb inside a cave?? are they kamakasi style?
How the hell they are going to allow plane to fly over any civil area of paragon city droping bomb??

Welcome to City of WAR!!
You better have a bunker, because it raining bomb!
This. LOL

I agree with you on Serum though. I haven't played a MM past 30 in a long time so I hesitate to weigh in too much, but aside from general stats issues with the pets it's pretty clear there's a big gap in strength between the T7 powers and I think that's where a 'revamp' should happen if one did happen.

Have they ever actually swapped out a power on a live set? That may not be possible at all. I think rather than changing it to a killstreak reward we could just buff serum... have it hit ALL the pets, give it some neat effects, and/or rebalance the effects to make it reasonable to also alter it's recharge so it can be perma'd.



I came up with the idea of a Mad Scientist Mastermind some time ago. Its first tier pets would be three Experiments; small weird looking critters, probably doing toxic/lethal damage. Then two Assistants; "scientist looking" guys with, say, lightning and freeze guns. And the top tier pet would be your Creation; I've always pictured it as something resembling the Doom Cyberdemon.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
your idea is not bad khorak, however i do have a problem with the tier 1 soldiers being fully single target dmg

if you look at it a little more realistically if you have 3 gunners shooting into a mob of 10 guys, bullets will miss/go through targets and hit unintended targets or multiple targets. the only way to guarentee they could all be single target shots is if they were all snipers, which regular soldiers in an intense combat situation are not gonna have the accuracy to do that
Rifles are single target weapons, that's the reality of it. There's a reason untrained idiots attempting to go full auto on their AK-47's fare so badly. And if you want to go into the reality of it, that's why modern military fireteams have an LMG; to put down the heavy automatic fire.

Game-wise, any fear of the set already being overpowered will be realised in extreme fashion if the Tier 1 guys also start kicking out any sort of AoE attack on top of the Tier 2 men. It's far better for the Tier 1 guys, gameplay-wise and thematically, to just be sturdy, no-frills ST damage dealers. Solid, reliable. Just like the average infantryman.

the tier 2 pets are fine doing lots of them, but it sounds like they should basically both be commandos as the commando currently is maybe little less dmg per attack
I don't want Commandoes because I don't want Commandoes. Which is moot because the Commando isn't a Commando. This is a set revolving around soldiers (irrespective of them being national, private, or mercenary), so I wanted a set that remained themed as a squad of soldiers. That theme is ruined by randomly tossing Rambo in there because someone lost sight of what they were making and start dumping various military tropes where there just isn't room. Not to mention that the men remaining relatively nondescript stops them clashing with any background or RP.

Less is more, keeping themes and designs tight and unified is always better. Look at Bots, Thugs, Demons, Beasts....they're all effectively themed sets and they're better for it. Ninjas are doing well, then suddenly go to crazytown by just hurling in a full-on demon at the end....I wanted Ninjas for my natural Mastermind, and now I have this magical fire spirit? THANKS. Though arguably Beasts also does this, just not to the same level, with the Dire Wolf. It's the same with Mercenaries, the set loses proper cohesion by having three normal soldiers (or hobos), then suddenly dropping in two modern day, black-clad ninja analogues, and then Rambo. 'Plundered the TVTropes military section' isn't quite enough of a link. Makes them all a commando, or all special forces, don't just do the military equivalent of making a politically correct superteam with one black person, one white person, one asian person, etc....

Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Oh, and still mercenaries. Your idea is basically designing a set from the ground up anyways, so instead of replacing what we have, just make it a new set- soldiers. Which are different from mercenaries.
Who the hell would still use Mercenaries if they built a Soldiers set that wasn't crap and didn't look so dated and rubbish?

I didn't bother wondering how they'd go about doing it; pull a 'Fitness' and let people keep their current powers until they respec it, remove Mercenaries and 'replace' it with the new set so it can't be accessed anymore but people who still have Mercenaries can respec it and so on....whatever. I'm looking at how they can approach rebuilding a soldier set for modern CoX because in case no-one noticed, Mercenaries is seven years old and it sucked even when it was introduced. Now we've got Thugs which looks more like a soldier set than mercenaries does (squad leaders with command auras? Uh, hello? Soldier much?) powerwise, without even getting into all the games newer, better designed sets having new mechanics.

Soldiers are the most basic, expected staple you'd think of for masterminds in this game, and we basically don't have them. None of us can have a paramilitary or be some sort of military hero leading troops, which frankly sucks. You can command animals, gangs, demons, zombies, ninjas, robots....but any sort of trained infantry? Pffft. You can try the seven year old sucktastic Mercenaries set which....isn't really very soldierly or mercenary.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Originally Posted by khorak_EU View Post

Less is more, keeping themes and designs tight and unified is always better. Look at Bots, Thugs, Demons, Beasts....they're all effectively themed sets and they're better for it. Ninjas are doing well, then suddenly go to crazytown by just hurling in a full-on demon at the end....I wanted Ninjas for my natural Mastermind, and now I have this magical fire spirit? THANKS.

The oni make more sense in a demon set, Ninjas should have a Human Mistic ninja, with a fire sword. Perfoming jutsu like Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden.

I also agreed with everything else you say, Merc/ need a complete make over, maybe more that ninja need >.>

I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac



Since we now have them as Lore pets at incarnate level, I'd like more of an open class for them starting out.

I'd personally take Raluruu pets.

Other than those a Celestial pets class.

Maybe a roman class pet.

And of course...aliens!!

I'll also add my humor and say clowns.

Of course my dream is to be able to create my own class under the costume creator(and using the 4 legged rig).

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



Something new would be nice, but how about fixing the AI bugs introduced with the four legged rig first? That's for MM's and trollers.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Chill_Out View Post
Self duplication, like multiple man. A comic staple.
I really like this idea. They already have the capabilities to make a doppelganger of our characters for the tips missions. So it is possible to make a visual copy, but the only problem would be changing the power for each tier of pets.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
So we get Beast/ that was the #1 requested power set.
Now that we finally get it which new pet We should ask for?
What ever it is PLEASE NO MORE WOLVES or LIONS!!! They seriously burned out that concept.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Khorak, you are assuming that everyone agrees with your view of soldiers. And yes, if you just introduced soldiers without buffing mercenaries no one would use mercenaries. That is not what I'm suggesting. I'm saying buff mercenaries instead of replace it with a completely different powerset, since perhaps some people like having Rambo. What you are saying is "I think this set is rubbish, the design is rubbish, everything sucks, everyone has to agree with me!" so instead of fixing it like they have done with every other buff in the history of the game, you want them to replace it with your vision of soldiers. Your vision seems to be based around what is real, despite this game not being real. I'm not saying these guys shouldn't exist, I'm saying they shouldn't completely replace Mercs, because then you'd have a lot of pissed off Merc players.

And if you'd read the post, I gave suggestions to help fix Mercenaries. And as for an airstrike not being plausible in a gave, could just go with you throwing out a bunch of bombs yourself.

And yes, Oni seems out of place in the ninja set, especially since his face looks like the designers got drunk and went comatose while drawing it. Oh, and yes, I have suggestions for Ninjas too:

First of all, their T7 power should be changed. Perhaps it is just because I always pair nins with an active secondary, but I stop using Smoke Flash in the mid 20's. It costs too much endurance. You could conceivably give them something like Gang War instead, with a few alterations. For instance- ninjas strike from the shadows, yes? Then make the ninjas that appear have Hidden on, and give them only melee attacks. This way, they all strike out with a critical at the same time. Have them stick around about 2/3 the time of the Gang War thugs. Give them higher damage but lower health. In this way, not only do Ninjas gain a place to put more of those pet uniques, but they further cement their place as the MM damage kings.

Well that's my first idea for them, my second is this: Giving each ninja the inherent Conservation of Ninjitsu, which works thusly: In any martial arts fight, each side has only a finite amount of ninjitsu in a given encounter. Therefore, one ninja is death incarnate, while an army is nothing but cannon fodder. So give all the ninjas a weakened Vengeance ability that goes off when they die, much like Nemesis lieutenants. The fewer the ninjas remaining, the harder they are to kill and the harder they hit. This effectively turns their squishiness into a weapon.

Installing one or both of these suggestions would make Ninjas an actual force to be reckoned with, as they should be. If both, then of course the extra T7 ninjas should NOT have the vengeance power. Also, make the Oni better at prioritizing, either take away his sword or teach him to use it with one hand and throw fire with the other.

Perhaps give them an optional costume update. Put a drop down menu in the power customizer to choose between different models. Currently, yes, they look like crap. Same with mercs. But again, optional. And no, making you do it when you respec is not optional, because then you could never change your build ever without converting to the new version.

Oh, and yes, both a medieval set and a cloning set would be awesome.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Khorak, you are assuming that everyone agrees with your view of soldiers. And yes, if you just introduced soldiers without buffing mercenaries no one would use mercenaries. That is not what I'm suggesting. I'm saying buff mercenaries instead of replace it with a completely different powerset, since perhaps some people like having Rambo. What you are saying is "I think this set is rubbish, the design is rubbish, everything sucks, everyone has to agree with me!" so instead of fixing it like they have done with every other buff in the history of the game, you want them to replace it with your vision of soldiers. Your vision seems to be based around what is real, despite this game not being real. I'm not saying these guys shouldn't exist, I'm saying they shouldn't completely replace Mercs, because then you'd have a lot of pissed off Merc players.
And you're assuming that what you think of my comments is what's happening. I do not care in the slightest that my being forthright with my views is too threateningly much for you to handle, and you have to pass it off with a poor ad hominem attack upon my motivations. I'm not ladening my posts down with an endless pile of indefinite articles and reaffirmations that this post about my opinion is, in fact, about my opinion, because someone wishes to feel offended when I assume they're adults who don't need telling.

"IMO, we should try fixing the current Mercs instead of rebuilding them" is the actual content of your entire paragraph. And in all that, I've actually bothered to have a coherent 'vision' of what the set should be; what we have now doesn't, and that's one of the big reasons why it's a pointless mess. We've got Soldiers who want to be direct ST ranged damage with a medic squeezed in who's also a grenadier (what!?), who are trying to fit in with Spec Ops who want to be stealthed (of all bloody things) sniper/controller things, who all have to fit in with some ripped action hero who wants to cone enemies he just AoE knockbacked into the rafters. Screw theme for a moment, none of these ideas work with each other. The fact we're trying to squeeze Saving Private Ryan in with NAVY Seals, led by John Matrix, is problem numero uno why Mercenaries has turned out so badly. So carve out the crap and stick to what the set should be doing; just a bunch of soldiers.

And if you'd read the post, I gave suggestions to help fix Mercenaries. And as for an airstrike not being plausible in a gave, could just go with you throwing out a bunch of bombs yourself.
And if you'd done less weird complaining, I'm also suggesting how I'd fix mercenaries. By stripping the whole thing out and rebuilding it. As far as I see it, trying to 'fix' mercenaries is trying to build on a swamp. The foundation is inherently unstable, so the fix job will end up making the end result unrecognisable anyway. Unless it's a half hearted patch-up which will just leave the thing looking like a Frankenstein monster; they'll just throw a load of damage at it so people will shut up because bad guys be lying down now. They might as well go the whole hog and relaunch the set for 2012.

Originally Posted by asgard_NA View Post
Since we now have them as Lore pets at incarnate level, I'd like more of an open class for them starting out.
Oh I'd definitely stab someone in the gizzards for a Longbow or Vanguard set. Preferably Vanguard. Love the glowy stuff. I'd also +1 the Romans.....as long as they give us a proper Roman shield on them.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Answer me this: What would you or anyone else lose if soldiers were added and mercenaries buffed?

Now this: What if we just gave up on mercenaries and added soldiers, how much would people lose then? I'll answer this one: an entire powerset.

That is what I'm going off. With your idea you are completely replacing a set that some people like, with a set they may not like. There is a reason they have never done this: its stupid. You aren't trying to fix mercs, you gave no suggestions for trying to fix mercs- you gave suggestions akin to a new powerset replacing mercs. Just because my view differs with yours doesn't make it "weird complaining".

Yes, those are all problems with mercs, problems that my suggestions (the ones you seem to be ignoring) would help to fix. They aren't irreparable; if you take the time to look you can see many ways in which they can be improved without replacing the whole thing. I'm not accusing you of any ulterior motives or attacking you in any way, I am simply disagreeing with your view.

I realize I failed to address the medic: give him a fast recharging AoE heal, take away his brawl attack, take away his grenade or turn it to knockdown. Give him fast recharging Empathy buffs that he won't use on those that already have them.

There, problem solved without burning him and sticking another soldier in his place. All of the other problems you stated I already addressed. Without attempting to remake the entire set.

Also, I disagree with any suggestion that involves taking an existing enemy group and turning it into an MM set.



As much a love a good old fashion Flame war I don't think it worth it.

khorak_EU and Mad Grim YOU ARE BOTH RIGTH!!!
Merc suck{fact} and a fix/change/remake would be nice. Not matter what! anything is better than what we have... that is piece of <Insert opinion here>.khorak_EU Give a very good idea about a "New Power set" that would be good for MM(As topic implies) No harm.

You don't need to prove which of you have a best solution, Merc aren't getting buff anyday soon, atleast not before they fix Beast/ and that is a fact.

This is a open opinion Thread not a fix Merc/ so CHILL OUT!

I'm saying they shouldn't completely replace Mercs, because then you'd have a lot of pissed off Merc players.
FOR REAL!!! Lets be honest, We are talking about merc, I suggest you to open a Thread about merc asking then to say if they want a fix or a remake, EVen the one that migth say they like it how it's (the 1%) They would love to have the modern more common soldier.

I have suggestions for Ninjas too:First of all, their T7 power should be changed.
I love smoke flash, as long you have a macro to auto target oni is very useful. I love your idea about a ninja Gang War(It's OP) but a group +stealth+BUff DMG/DEF would be more easy to perform.

Also Dev don't hear us,Belive me i have make docent of thread about fixing ninjas(That is dam easy buff +def/+regen/+res THEY HAVE VIRTUALY NOTHING) but they never fix it. Good luck you two with merc.

I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac




Giant Spiders, 3rd spider gets a venomous bite. All get Web attack (Immob)

Giant Beetles. Get one Bombardier Beetle (PBAoE fireball) and one Stink Bug (PBAoE toxic) among other attacks.

Would you like to see a 7' tall Preying Mantis? Neither would I. In addition to a 6' range Impale it would get Fearsome Stare.

I can (and have in the past) detail it out more, but that's the bare bones of it.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



I think Cox might try to stay away from any RL religious references

I'd take some in game factions MM set though
like arachnos or Longbow or Pietoria police

failing that

nondescript stuff like the drones from Lore or polar lights



Carnies!!! I would love to have a "joke" sets.

I think the most asked is a "natural beast" set and we got it now (sooner than I thought). Too bad we won't see a bear...

I hope we see a Flying primary. All primary sets are grounded (except for Soul Extraction).

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I just came up with a crazy idea for a alien/ Mutant Primary that are like bugs

alien/insect type look,
Incubators: they spit acid and have claw, They will summon 3 underline when they are defeated,
Warrior alien:standar attack,support, and when they die they summon 2 minion incubators or another type of alien that when it die it reales a toxic AoE
Alien Queen: Control/support basic, MM type pet, it summon underlines that attack his targets

Tier 7 power: is a Alien gang war type of power

I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac



Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
I just came up with a crazy idea for a alien/ Mutant Primary that are like bugs

alien/insect type look,
Incubators: they spit acid and have claw, They will summon 3 underline when they are defeated,
Warrior alien:standar attack,support, and when they die they summon 2 minion incubators or another type of alien that when it die it reales a toxic AoE
Alien Queen: Control/support basic, MM type pet, it summon underlines that attack his targets

Tier 7 power: is a Alien gang war type of power
Loving this direction! On one hand I wonder if the set would be better for the tier one to have a long - recharge hold such as ... dare I say ...'face-sucking' ability as the level 32 upgrade? Maybe the person all attacks could be rad blast def debuff pistols.

And tier 7 needs to be a gangwar style spawn cast on an enemy - causing a stun while the little aliens come out of the mob.

I'm into this - make it so Devs! No more magic; we need more sci-fi!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
...[I]t would be more proper to say this game is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly dying.



I vote for Cheeta's idea, I want a rock and roll band as a pet set. I also want the option of making them an all-female band (Gem the Holograms play Paragon City! Woo-hoo!). I also like the insect idea. It doesn't have as much glamor, glitter, fashion, and fame as the band one, but it's got potential.



Originally Posted by Nyghtmaire View Post
Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
I just came up with a crazy idea for a alien/ Mutant Primary that are like bugs

alien/insect type look,
Incubators: they spit acid and have claw, They will summon 3 underline when they are defeated,
Warrior alien:standar attack,support, and when they die they summon 2 minion incubators or another type of alien that when it die it reales a toxic AoE
Alien Queen: Control/support basic, MM type pet, it summon underlines that attack his targets

Tier 7 power: is a Alien gang war type of power
Loving this direction! On one hand I wonder if the set would be better for the tier one to have a long - recharge hold such as ... dare I say ...'face-sucking' ability as the level 32 upgrade? Maybe the person all attacks could be rad blast def debuff pistols.

And tier 7 needs to be a gangwar style spawn cast on an enemy - causing a stun while the little aliens come out of the mob.

I'm into this - make it so Devs! No more magic; we need more sci-fi!
I like where you're going with this, but lets mix it up a bit.

Rather than T7 being a Gang War clone, make it a PBAoE that drops the Incubators. The Incubators are a debuff (Think Acid Mortar or MM Poison Trap for the attack mechanic) that draws aggro, and when they (the Incubators) are defeated they spawn a weakened version of the T1 alien minion.

Also, have the Minion and Lt. spawn an Incubator when they are defeated.

Love the "facehugger hold", but it should probably go on the Lt.s.

As you say, more SciFi, less magic!

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Pirate Summoning.

We already have Ninjas, I feel that Pirates are not being represented fairly.

For the minion pets, first 2 could be Privateers wielding sabers and pistols, and the 3rd pet could be a Scurvy Dog(reusing a single wolf model from Beast, mangy, foaming at the mouth, and covered in flies). Maybe put an eye-patch or peg-leg on the the dog just for flavor. The dog's bite could cause disease(-regen, -recovery), possibly some other debuffs.

For the lieutenant pets, they could be Buccaneers, also with sabers and pistols but with grenades too. Maybe give them Assault and Vengeance to use for the other pirates(I know, Vengeance is probably a bit OP).

The boss pet should be a Corsair, armed similarly to the Buccaneers but with the special powers of Mutiny(AoE confuse), and Fire Breath(after he takes a swig of rum and lights it on fire). This guy should definitely have a peg-leg, eye-patch, hook, and parrot on his shoulder.

Side powers for the MM should be a single Pistol Shot, Saber Sweep(PBAoE), and Grenade. That leaves the 2 pet upgrades, and one other power. For the last power, they should get Pirate Press(similar to Gang War from Thugs) which summons Freebooters armed only with sabers or rudimentary melee weapons.



Originally Posted by Fugacity View Post
Pirate Summoning.

We already have Ninjas, I feel that Pirates are not being represented fairly.

For the minion pets, first 2 could be Privateers wielding sabers and pistols, and the 3rd pet could be a Scurvy Dog(reusing a single wolf model from Beast, mangy, foaming at the mouth, and covered in flies). Maybe put an eye-patch or peg-leg on the the dog just for flavor. The dog's bite could cause disease(-regen, -recovery), possibly some other debuffs.

For the lieutenant pets, they could be Buccaneers, also with sabers and pistols but with grenades too. Maybe give them Assault and Vengeance to use for the other pirates(I know, Vengeance is probably a bit OP).

The boss pet should be a Corsair, armed similarly to the Buccaneers but with the special powers of Mutiny(AoE confuse), and Fire Breath(after he takes a swig of rum and lights it on fire). This guy should definitely have a peg-leg, eye-patch, hook, and parrot on his shoulder.

Side powers for the MM should be a single Pistol Shot, Saber Sweep(PBAoE), and Grenade. That leaves the 2 pet upgrades, and one other power. For the last power, they should get Pirate Press(similar to Gang War from Thugs) which summons Freebooters armed only with sabers or rudimentary melee weapons.
This. A million times, this.

53 Bots/FF/Mace Mastermind | 53 NRG/FF/Electricity Defender | 50 Time/Dual Pistols/Soul Defender | 50 Demons/FF/Mace Mastermind | 51 Necro/Dark/Soul Mastermind | 50 Thugs/Time/Mace Mastermind | 50 Ice/Ice/Arctic Tanker | 50 Plant/Rad/Earth Controller | 50 Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller | 50 Gravity/Force Field Controller
Yes, I like Force Fields.



Thematically I love it, but mechanically it seems too similar to what we already have. What if each of their attacks had a chance to proc various secondary effects (kd, bleed, slow, -res, -damage, etc) instead of having one effect all the time? It would go along with vengeance and confuse nicely imo. You could also give them a drink grog power with the t9 upgrade that would give them a random buff when used.