What new Primary power we should ask now?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Vimes_NA View Post
Thematically I love it, but mechanically it seems too similar to what we already have. What if each of their attacks had a chance to proc various secondary effects (kd, bleed, slow, -res, -damage, etc) instead of having one effect all the time? It would go along with vengeance and confuse nicely imo. You could also give them a drink grog power with the t9 upgrade that would give them a random buff when used.
It was only meant as a general thematic concept with a few mechanics proposed, but I figured most of those would be streamlined by the Devs should they choose to pursue such a powerset. As chaotic as pirates were, I think the idea of random debuffs/buffs would be pretty cool, plus it would irritate OCD min/maxers to no end.



I really think we could really use a Science/Mutant themed set. I pitched one to Synapse a few months back that I called "Abomination Summoning" and he thought it sounded interesting.

Not that I ever expect to see it, but the gist is that the creatures you summon are laboratory test subjects/accidents. I figured the low tier pets would be similar to the Praetorian Ghouls, but I can't really remember what I'd suggested for the other two pets.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Atilla_The_Pun View Post
I like where you're going with this, but lets mix it up a bit.

Rather than T7 being a Gang War clone, make it a PBAoE that drops the Incubators. The Incubators are a debuff (Think Acid Mortar or MM Poison Trap for the attack mechanic) that draws aggro, and when they (the Incubators) are defeated they spawn a weakened version of the T1 alien minion.

Also, have the Minion and Lt. spawn an Incubator when they are defeated.

Love the "facehugger hold", but it should probably go on the Lt.s.

As you say, more SciFi, less magic!
that give me another idea, instead of a copy/paste gang war, you select one of you hechmen and it will place a a field of egg that work like the proximity mines.when they explode any target hit will have a "facehugger" that will cause confusion. They even could add the infested hamido look in the UG itrial.

Mutan alien Insect

Minion- Hive worker
+regen,+res(exoesqueleton),melee/range attack, When they die they spanw 3 underline with similar attack, but they have acid blood, when they die they mini nuke like Nemesis robot and give a -res/Toxic DoT

Lieut- Hive warrior-
+regen,+res(exoesqueleton),melee/range attack,maybe fly? They are your DMG dealer when they die, they spanw 2 parasite that will debuff. Whne the parasite die, they spanw a AoE confuse cloud


tier 7 power Hive nest- AoE confusion,it will place a a field of egg that work like the proximity mines.when they explode any target hit will have a "facehugger" that will cause confusion. They even could add the infested hamido look in the UG itrial.

Boss- Queen
+regen,+res(exoesqueleton)MM class, Buff/debuff attack and Summon 5 Swarm larva and incubators
The Incubators are a debuff (Think Acid Mortar or MM Poison Trap for the attack mechanic) that draws aggro, and when they (the Incubators) are defeated they spawn a weakened version of the T1 alien minion.
When they queen die it give a Vengace type AoE buff called Frenzy


I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac



I have more ideas for MM Primaries than air to breathe but reading up-thread as someone said: I'd like them to fix what we have first before giving us any more broken crap. However, assuming that's done:

1) An elemental set. However the four basic elements don't lend themselves to 6 minions so we use earth, wind, water, fire, Mind and the Boss is an amalgam creature called the Gaia.

2) Arachnos spiders. The animations are all done already...just need to code them to obey...or not as most pets are wont to do...

3) I like the celestial/angel idea as a perfect counterpoint to Demons. Needs a good secondary though...

4) The medieval set is nice too but it might look a bit too much like Zombies only alive. Staff and Bow for the Minions, Knights for the Lts and a wizard for the Boss works really well it seems. I liked the idea of one Knight with sword and shield and the other with TW. Keeps them interesting.

5) Subterranean creatures might be interesting. 3 Morlocks, 2 hybrid Morlock/monster hybrids and the Boss would be animated magma.

6) Shadow Beasts. 3 Imp-like minions, 2 Shades and one Umbral Beast with less howling/barking.

7) Illusion/Mind is a good idea too IMHO. All the summoned critters are mental constructs of some kind. Minions could be ranged, Lts melee and the Boss would be called a Nightmare and be some terrible monster.

But as I said...no more new stuff until existing stuff gets fixed...

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Not sure if it has been said already but I would like to see Atlantean pets. Using the announced Water Blast set at the last summit and the Staff Fighting, trident weapon. Some decent pets can probably be made.

I would like to see a MM set with no theme. Just tier 1, 2 and 3 pets with powers but no pattern to one another. So it would be like a group of heroes or villains brought together by the MM, like a miniature Justice League. One pet would be a melee specialist, another ranged, a support specialist, a taunter type and of course, controls.

I also want cowboys/indians, insects, aliens and the angel sets.

I have never really found Mercs to be that bad. They have their downsides compared to other pets but in the end, they still held up well through content I played. The 'stay' command is a Merc's best friend. I say leave mercs be and just create Guerrillas or Green Berets. Gorillas! Vicious monkeys like in Rise of the Planet of the Apes or Congo. Strong smashing attacks and they throw bananas and fling their feces at targets.



I was giving this idea some thought earlier and I have 2 possible ideas - one would probably preclude the other getting in any time soon as they have a somewhat similar theme though.

These are just my crazy ramblings >_< I freely admit they may be unworkable or at least not what most folks want. (They are very much what I want though.)

1) Cimerorans - I have an interesting idea for a mechanic for them too; instead of the usual "3 minions, 2 Lts. and a boss" setup, what about:

6 Underlings - Pilum attack at range, Gladius up close - they have some defense from their shield abilities, most crucially Phalanx Fighting and Grant Cover, so an individual Legionaire is easy pickings, but the whole pack might actually be relatively resilient.

2 Minions and a Lt - all from the second power; - 2 Immunes Surgeon-like Minions and an Oracle-style Lt with Time Manipulation powers.

1 Boss, a Centurion who acts like a much much much superior version of the Underlings, and has Leadership abilities instead of Grant Cover and Phalanx Fighting.

For personal attacks - sword abilities! I figure the bonus for being a squishy that melees might actually make them worthwhile, though probably still not great. Might theoretically be worth taking for the -Def though. Maybe.

For a level 18 Support power I can think of a few options, but the one I like best is "Reinforcements" - which would replace your henchmen instantly, the replacements already being upgraded and equipped with some kind of short term "vengeance" buff. Of course the ability would be on a long-ish cooldown.

The main idea is it's a very careful consideration when you want to actually use it - the only henchies who'd get the Vengeance buffs are the ones that arrive via the power, so if you use it when just your Underlings are dead, it might not be as valuable as waiting until your army is wiped... on the other hand if you do that you may get KO'd for your trouble.


The other is more traditional MM - Knights!

3 Footmen (Sword and Shield, with a crossbow at range, but they prefer melee), 2 Knights (Similar to the footmen but stronger, can use a weaker version of Shield Charge), and a Paladin to top it all off. The Pally is a Titan Weapon/Empathy type.

Sounds pretty plain so far right? Here's the odd bit about this set - similar to the above I see a sword for the MMs personal attacks... and at level 18 the MM gets a very unusual support power called 'Warrior-Leader'.

The idea here is it's a shield-looking toggle (and grants you a token amount of personal defense and damage resistance, but those aren't the point of the power) that has a Fury-like effect on your henchmen. As you fight with your personal attacks, they gain confidence in your ability to lead them and do more damage as a result.

I figure it makes sense for this kind of theme to allow the mastermind to be more directly involved in combat, and indeed provide incentive for them to do so.

Just my crazy ideas < . .>

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Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
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How about nictus?

You get Nictus Bolt right away, which is PB or WS colorable (one or the other). Your Tier 1 pet would be a Create Lesser unbound nictus. You don't get a second tier pet, but you can get the ability to change into a nova or a crab (at a higher level). You could get this power somewhere in there.

Summon Lesser Shadow Cyst Crystal (Targetable location)
Summons a smaller shadow cyst crystal that works like Gang warfare with little unbound fragments. The damage would be different and either at the end of its duration or when its destroyed it explodes and causes Foe Disorient, similar to its normal cousin

Your second pet would be a Create Greater Nictus Essence, which would be somewhat fluffy-like.



I'd like to see some canon based ones:


Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



I have my personal favorite, but instead of that I would like them to fix the pet AI they broke with the four legged rig "BEFORE" they do anything else in the game.

They are trying to pretend like it is not broken and "any" request other than them fixing the AI first need to take a backseat despite people's need/desire for new shinnies.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Transforme give me a new idea for a robotic set.

You will have your New and different robot, However you like then but They will have a new mechanic.

When you Put then in agresive they will change form and show some kind of gatling gun, rocket laucher,ect.They will have more attacks and a faster cycle attack. Also when you Put then in BG they will change form again but this time they will look more sturdy and resislent, they will have more shield, and buff active in this form.

This way, the mode you put your robots on will affect the way they will behave and improve that mode. I.E. If one of then have BUff or heal, when you put then in BG he could lose his attacks and focus on heal/repair your robots. In BG more They would live more and agresive deal more dmg.

I have no idea how to explain the aparence something futurisc and military like machine... >.<

I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac



Snakes Summoning



Rock Band, always rock bad

Originally Posted by Radiac View Post
I vote for Cheeta's idea, I want a rock and roll band as a pet set. I also want the option of making them an all-female band (Gem the Holograms play Paragon City! Woo-hoo!)
Even more support



I'm hoping for a Science themed set sometime. Thing someone posted his idea for a "Blob Monster" set a few months ago. It was pretty nice.



i proposed a duplication/cloning set a while ago in the suggestions forum, and it made a lot of sense and was really nice [i was quite proud] but now im not sure where it was...

but i'd like Swamp Summoning with tuatha like creatures and a tidbit of plany attacks mixed in...

or the Celestial Summoning with nothing tooo angel specific since the devs are touchy about that, and have it more sky/elemental ish and hit two birds with one stone.



One super pet with multiple themes..

The Tier pets are incorporated into it, so in essence each new pet would be upgrade and the pet would change in physical appearance. Or go on the cheap and the Pet doesn't change appearance wise and just gets new powers.

Honestly the 2nd route would make it more viable because as with any new mastermind pet set they look to make 3 new models. So instead of making 3 new models for 1 set, they can make 3 new super pet models.

Frankenstein monster theme.
Giant Robot theme.
Biomorph theme - like living organism, human like mob that has living tissue in the shape of weapons or whatever.
Ancient Demon theme - Basically like demon summoning just its one larger pet.
Human sidekick theme - For all intent and purposes its just like having another player with you. Instead of dying he ports out and ports back in when summoned.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
My wish now would be a set of a Angel/Celestial Set.

Minion-Angel-Staff- one pair of wing
Liut-Seraphine-Dual blade 3 pair of wind
Boss-Arcangel-BS/Titan WEapon 2 Pair of big wing

All with the ability to fly, I want flying pets. The attack could be Some energy melee attack, Or to be a first for MM Some Melee weapon Like a Sacre flaming sword/staff.

It make sense since we have demon, and would be a very heroic focus set, something we "don't" Have.Also it would very easy to create since they would be human model with already exiting Set. They could also satisfied those that wish to have a Knight set.
For some reason I thought of this...




Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
or the Celestial Summoning with nothing tooo angel specific since the devs are touchy about that, and have it more sky/elemental ish and hit two birds with one stone.

They already have angels in the game as early as Dark Sabbath, we have had satanic demons/demon worshippers in the game since I0 and they are adding more angels as antagonists(seemingly) as part of the Incarnate storyline (Angel of Vengeance)

Though I do agree they should not make a set that was too thematically limiting



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Monsters. Or plants. Or yeah, Seers or something would be nice to fill that mind control void
Originally Posted by Chill_Out View Post
Self duplication, like multiple man. A comic staple.

With regards to Monsters... there was an excellent suggestion a few years back for a Mad Science-styled set of Abomination pets. It was pretty sweet. I think it is in the old Lady Jade power suggestion thread somewhere.



Originally Posted by anonymoose View Post
Have you ever run the villainous tip mish where you have to rescue a bunch of Wailers? The Wailers are squishy but if you're running a toon with +DEF or heals etc. you can get to the end of the mish with all 3 Wailers still alive.

It's hilariously OP, they'd never let us have pets like that.
external pets + you as a damage dealer is never the same as a powerset balanced around its pet's and the player's damage is also balanced around/relies on those pets. You and 3 wailers isn't the same as a time/sonic def or rockband/time mm



Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
They already have angels in the game as early as Dark Sabbath, we have had satanic demons/demon worshippers in the game since I0 and they are adding more angels as antagonists(seemingly) as part of the Incarnate storyline (Angel of Vengeance)

Though I do agree they should not make a set that was too thematically limiting
True That! I really hate the double standars of the developers

We can't have female version of pets because they think is sexist to have a women been control by man but nobody care if a women control a 6 men. how many female only groups are out there already? How many of then are dress in sexy way(I'm looking at you Sister Solaris!)?

They even use a similar excuse with beast mastery once. They say that having a animal set would get PETA angry b/c having virtual Person atacking animals would be violence toward animal.(Part of the reason the set is Call Beast MAstery and not Animal MAStery)

Now they will get a weak knee if they use the word angel or anything that look alike in a power set because they are afraid of the religuos comunity getting angry while we have the hellion<A satanic cult>, Infernal<The son Lilith"Wife of lucifer">, and a whole powerset that allow you to summon demon. If you check, like 50% of CoV lore is about Demon and such.

They shouldn't be soo afraid of such triviality and just make it.

I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac



I'd rather have more secondaries.

Give me /Cold or give me death!

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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I'd like a genetic experiment type primary. It would fit in well with a science theme.

The only problem is that they would probaby do a bit of poison/toxic damage which is taken care by necromancy.

Still, if we could get it something like 3 deformed standard minions; maybe have some scars on them or damaged skin, showing they've been the sort of zombie-like brain-damaged minions. Probably be able to inflict a slight slowdown (not much, though). For ranged they could just hurl acid jars or something for damge.

Second tier could either be lab helpers, maybe with a strong focus of throwing varying liquids to cause a decent number of debuffs and they could stay ranged with toxic damage or some such (maybe guns that shoot out liquid that burns the skin and melts steel so it can logically harm bots). Maybe give them psionic damage? Since they've had their minds altered to be more powerful, giving them psionic powers.

Third tier I'm not sure of. I thin this and the second tier could be swapped depending on what would seem more science-y. Either a brute like large creature, maybe with a melee weapon or not. Blunt damage. Knockback perhaps or some sort of stun (he would be very strong, after all). Maybe he could have ice attacks, since he could be made up from all sorts of body parts and experiments.

Second and third tier could easily be swapped. If we went three genetic creatures, a bit of throwing random jars of liquid for range, we could have two brute like creatures. For buffs we could just say the gases they put out buffs the other minions. Then maybe a psionic based 3rd tier minion.

Or if we go for a brute at the end, I've outlined it above.

And now I want it in game :/



Originally Posted by dmurray View Post
I'd like a genetic experiment type primary. It would fit in well with a science theme.

The only problem is that they would probaby do a bit of poison/toxic damage which is taken care by necromancy.

Still, if we could get it something like 3 deformed standard minions; maybe have some scars on them or damaged skin, showing they've been the sort of zombie-like brain-damaged minions. Probably be able to inflict a slight slowdown (not much, though). For ranged they could just hurl acid jars or something for damge.

Second tier could either be lab helpers, maybe with a strong focus of throwing varying liquids to cause a decent number of debuffs and they could stay ranged with toxic damage or some such (maybe guns that shoot out liquid that burns the skin and melts steel so it can logically harm bots). Maybe give them psionic damage? Since they've had their minds altered to be more powerful, giving them psionic powers.

Third tier I'm not sure of. I thin this and the second tier could be swapped depending on what would seem more science-y. Either a brute like large creature, maybe with a melee weapon or not. Blunt damage. Knockback perhaps or some sort of stun (he would be very strong, after all). Maybe he could have ice attacks, since he could be made up from all sorts of body parts and experiments.

Second and third tier could easily be swapped. If we went three genetic creatures, a bit of throwing random jars of liquid for range, we could have two brute like creatures. For buffs we could just say the gases they put out buffs the other minions. Then maybe a psionic based 3rd tier minion.

Or if we go for a brute at the end, I've outlined it above.

And now I want it in game :/

I could see this easily. Three mildly scary Minions, two monstrous Lts and a lab assistant Boss throwing stuff on the other pets and debuffing the enemy.

I'd also like to see something spectral like Illusion or something close to it. Some sort of a mind or spirit Pet set. Clearly different from the very solid pets we have now...

"Comics, you're not a Mastermind...you're an Overlord!"



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
i proposed a duplication/cloning set a while ago in the suggestions forum, and it made a lot of sense and was really nice [i was quite proud] but now im not sure where it was...
