The big letdown: Staff




Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I'm sorry, that goes way beyond "misinterpreting". "Streaks are possible" does not equal "I'm constantly missing" in any wild stretch of the imagination.
"Streaks" are impossible if all attacks involved have 95% final to-hit. The Streakbreaker won't allow it. If your "overall accuracy," which is your worst accuracy since your last hit, is over 90%, then the Streakbreaker will kick in after a single miss and force a hit on the following attack. It is functionally impossible to miss twice in a row with attacks that have 95% accuracy.

The only way you can get a situation where two 95% accuracy attacks in a row miss is to toss in a lower-accuracy attack before them, have THAT miss and have it drag you down to a lower Streakbreaker bracket. This happens most commonly with unslotted brawl or any of the Veterean attacks, or any other Temp attacks. These have a base accuracy of 75% and will drag you down into at least the 70-90% Streakbreaker bracket where the Streakbreaker will only kick after two consecutive misses.

However, this is no longer an environment of 95% accuracy. Once you start tossing in inaccurate attacks, you will miss more. That goes without saying, but it's true twice over because you will be helped to hit less often. This is also not an issue in regular usage of Titan Weapons. To achieve Momentum, you need to hit with a Titan Weapons attack, which means it doesn't make sense to toss in non-Titan-Weapons attacks and then complain about not hitting fast enough. If you ARE only using Titan Weapon attacks, then those can be slotted to the 95% to-hit cap without too much difficulty. At the very least, it is simple enough to slot them to have THE SAME accuracy, so if one of them is hitting at 95%, they should all be.

Titan Weapons suffers from a few problems, I will admit, but Streaks at maximal accuracy are not one of them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
"Streaks" are impossible if all attacks involved have 95% final to-hit. The Streakbreaker won't allow it. If your "overall accuracy," which is your worst accuracy since your last hit, is over 90%, then the Streakbreaker will kick in after a single miss and force a hit on the following attack. It is functionally impossible to miss twice in a row with attacks that have 95% accuracy.
Been covered, thanks. Didn't know the streak breaker pushed it down that low at 95%. Doesn't feel right, but I'll take the Wiki's word for it. However, I find it highly unlikely that many people have enough accuracy/+tohit to find themselves constantly at 90+% hit chance against every enemy. My whole point was that Reppu made a statement that we were doing something wrong if we ever missed more than once. That was bull.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Been covered, thanks. Didn't know the streak breaker pushed it down that low at 95%. Doesn't feel right, but I'll take the Wiki's word for it. However, I find it highly unlikely that many people have enough accuracy/+tohit to find themselves constantly at 90+% hit chance against every enemy. My whole point was that Reppu made a statement that we were doing something wrong if we ever missed more than once. That was bull.
I agree with this. Accuracy is highly dependent on the enemy you fight. Spectrals debuff you, Rikti Drones are plain hard to hit and Nemesis soldiers often benefit from Vengeance, especially in the chaos of the AoE-heavy Titan Weapons. I agree completely that low accuracy hurts the set.

I just wanted to oppose the common misconception that you can somehow get bad miss streaks regardless of your accuracy. I've seen people triple-slot ++ Accuracy SOs in their powers because they're convinced their accuracy is not enough.

My advice for anyone worried about streaks is to do two things. First, monitor your Last Hit Chance from your Combat Attributes. This gives you the accuracy at which you made your last swing. If this reads 95% and you whiffed, that's rotten luck. If that reads 78%, though, you can't expect to hit all the time because something's preventing you. Secondly make a brand new chat tab and put ONLY to-hit rolls in it. If you think you're getting hit too much or you're missing too much, take a look at your swing accuracy and take a look at your rolls. Don't be surprised if you see yourself rolling 96 and 97 seemingly a lot more often than you should, and don't be surprised if you see enemies rolling 2 and 3 quite often. When you start getting streaks of hits through your defences or misses with supposedly high accuracy, that's usually the reason.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Been covered, thanks. Didn't know the streak breaker pushed it down that low at 95%. Doesn't feel right, but I'll take the Wiki's word for it. However, I find it highly unlikely that many people have enough accuracy/+tohit to find themselves constantly at 90+% hit chance against every enemy. My whole point was that Reppu made a statement that we were doing something wrong if we ever missed more than once. That was bull.
More than once in a row. Interpretation is a queer aspect, isn't it? Regardless, you are being rather rude about this whole exchange. Do you have something to prove? Or are you just being aggressive because I use to be aggressive and that's a validation to be aggressive?

It helps to be nice, you know.

Moreover, you were the one who made a critical error claim. You said, and it's been quoted, you can miss multiple times with a 95% hit chance due to that 5% hit chance. That's an impossibility in the interpretation you did not clarify as "in a row". That was your own mistake, not mine.

Ultimately, calm down.

Also, do quote where I said Titan Weapons is "The top set", and not "Top tier" in this conversation? I'm very curious.

Spoiler Alert: I didn't.

In fact, have a quote that applies to you, now.

Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
If you have to put words into my mouth to refute what I'm saying, don't bother arguing. You've lost and you know it.
You must be an oracle, if you correctly guessed how much that applies to you right now.

PS: It's a shame your petty viewpoint turned this into a competition. Maybe that's why you're taking this so rage-inducing seriously?



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
More than once in a row.
That doesn't change my response one iota. You're just splitting hairs now. Stop it. It's pathetic. You're wrong and you know it. Now go away.

Moreover, you were the one who made a critical error claim. You said, and it's been quoted, you can miss multiple times with a 95% hit chance due to that 5% hit chance. That's an impossibility in the interpretation you did not clarify as "in a row". That was your own mistake, not mine.
And I admitted it. Still doesn't change my point. Mainly because you're not going to be 95% hit chance against every enemy you face no matter how well you slot.

Also, do quote where I said Titan Weapons is "The top set", and not "Top tier" in this conversation? I'm very curious.
Hm, misattributed statement. However, I never actually said you said that. The person whose argument you scooped up did, though.

You must be an oracle, if you correctly guessed how much that applies to you right now.
Not at all?

Virtue Server
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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
And I admitted it. Still doesn't change my point.

Hm, misattributed statement. However, I never actually said you said that. The person whose argument you scooped up did, though.

Not at all?
So you can make mistakes and it's 'kay? Hrm. Also, you actually need to quote that part you claim is true, still.

Pot, meet the Kettle.

Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
That doesn't change my response one iota. You're just splitting hairs now. Stop it. It's pathetic. You're wrong and you know it. Now go away.
Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
If you have to put words into my mouth to refute what I'm saying, don't bother arguing. You've lost and you know it.
I know it's painful to lose your own generated 'competition', but try to be mature about it.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
So you can make mistakes and it's 'kay?
As long as I own up to them. When are you going to own up to yours rather than pointing them out and pretending they're wrong?

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
As long as I own up to them. When are you going to own up to yours rather than pointing them out and pretending they're wrong?
... And yet I have been. I agreed Staff Fighting is fun. I said Titan Weapons has it's flaw, Endurance Management and hitting, that, while can be managed, are flaws.

And that Fire Imps were apparently never a highlight in Fire Control even though Machine Gun Imps were AMAZING.

I, on the other hand, never once questioned people who are having fun with Staff Fighting. I DO believe people who follow purely aesthetics are wrong, just as much as I feel you cannot have a game with out them. This seems to be commonly mis-quoted from me, but I digress.

If I am guilty of anything, it is simply not agreeing with you, and yet I still agreed Titan Weapons has it's flaws, but they are flaws one can easily fix.

Damage Scale disparities cannot be fixed by any amount of buffing. They are hard-coded. That is where Titan Weapons shines. Large damage scales with momentum, Average with out it, massive Radius. These are things no one can change with in-game tools. Period.

Does it make more sense now that it's a bit more 'clear'? I don't really care, as long as your attitude persists, and your clearly faux perceptions are to paint me as a 'villain'.

... When, in hilarity, I've done everything you've asked. You just don't want to accept it and be wrong. Stop making this into a competition. Nobody is going to win.



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
... And yet I have been. I agreed Staff Fighting is fun. I said Titan Weapons has it's flaw, Endurance Management and hitting, that, while can be managed, are flaws.
How about the part where you tell us we're doing something wrong if we miss more than once in a row?

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
How about the part where you tell us we're doing something wrong if we miss more than once in a row?
... Because, you are. Unless you get terribly, TERRIBLY unlucky, as in if you want I can do the math for you on the odds of you going...

Miss - Streakbreaker - Miss - Streakbreaker - Miss - Streakbreaker...

I can do it. You're going to not like the results and you already KNOW the results.

So, yes. If you are missing that often at 95%, you're probably just horribly unlucky. You have to be horribly unlucky. BUT, if you're missing so much in the first place and it's not due to 5% luck shenanigans, your build may have massive ACC/ToHit issues, and for Titan Weapons that is a Big Problem.

If you can't take the base-level debuffing or 'Purple Patch' To-Hit penalties in trials, your build is flawed For Titan Weapons.

So, let me restate this:

Unless you're amazingly, cosmically-damned unlucky, or got amazingly heavily debuffed, you're doing something wrong with your build and Titan Weapons, if simple Purple Patch is making the set 'unplayable'.

Now, are you going to stop being an egomaniac about a game that does not exist?



Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
... Because, you are.
Nevermind multiple people telling you you're wrong and NOBODY backing you up. Okay... Yeah, no more battling with an unarmed foe. *click* ( Edit: Haven't tried since the new forums. That's how long it's been. How do you ignore a poster on this damn thing? )

Virtue Server
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I should also throw in that Staff Fighting appears to have the Hail of Bullets problem. A lot of people will tell you Hail of Bullets is a bad power because Rain of Arrows is better. But the fact is, if you want crashless nukes at all Dual Pistols is one of only 4 possible options. The fact that it's not the best of these options doesn't mean it's a poor power. Yet many people will leave this power out entirely and compare Dual Pistols to Energy Blast with a straight face.

If you want a melee set with significant defense bonuses, by my count there are only 4 games in town. 2 of them offer a single target version and 2 offer a cone version. Once you concede that, and that some people will be playig this set just for the utility bonuses, further arguments about the "numbers" become irrelevant. There is no way to objectively rate utility powers.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
If you have to put words into my mouth to refute what I'm saying, don't bother arguing. You've lost and you know it.
Child till the end. Had to 'win' their artificial argument by ignoring the person they forced into it.


Anyway, uh... Tex.

What are you talking about? How do you compare Hail of Bullets to an entire power set? It's not illogical for people to compare power sets.

... Also Dual Pistols in general is a bunch of below average or bad attacks. Hail of Bullets being the 'best' power in the set and even that is out-matched. Badly.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I hate the momentum mechanic. With staff I get to skip 0 and go right to 60. With TW everything seems to take forever.
This is the main reason why I'm rerolling my TW toon into a SF one. I've already have 2 SF toons of different types (1 brute, 1 stalker) and am having great fun both solo and in group play with both. So count me in as fan.



Originally Posted by Hell Razer View Post
Staff fighting is a great concept and fun to play, or it was til I realized the dmg output just isn't there. Staff fighting is a melee set and therefore should have an above average damage output. It doesn't, it's average at best. Such a disappointment making it another set to sit in the closet along side the Beast MM, again a great concept and fun to play but the damage just isn't there.
Back to the topic at hand, SF is fine for damage and is fun to play.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Back to the topic at hand, SF is fine for damage and is fun to play.
Absolutely. Well, if you can get past all the staff jokes from your teammates.

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Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Nerf titan weapons!

(wait, I thought TW's damage wasn't exactly great?)
True, but staff is new and therefor to be mocked... apparently.

My staff toon does fine, even on nothing but ATO's and pre-order-bonus-O's.

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My beef with Staff was the timing of the release, should have been with the stalker revamp since stalkers can use that set.

Perfection of soul + brute = win. Admittedly I'm still leveling that brute but I've always hated the blue chugging necessary for chasing fury and the forms have solved that issue so far.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
My beef with Staff was the timing of the release, should have been with the stalker revamp since stalkers can use that set.

Perfection of soul + brute = win. Admittedly I'm still leveling that brute but I've always hated the blue chugging necessary for chasing fury and the forms have solved that issue so far.
Regen's QR, WP's QR, Superior Conditioning, and Superior Conditioning should have solved any end problems Brutes ever saw. This is a pet peeve of mine by the way, because Scrappers should have gotten Superior Conditioning.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Regen's QR, WP's QR, Superior Conditioning, and Superior Conditioning should have solved any end problems Brutes ever saw. This is a pet peeve of mine by the way, because Scrappers should have gotten Superior Conditioning.
unless, of course, you are too low to have those powers



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
My beef with Staff was the timing of the release, should have been with the stalker revamp since stalkers can use that set.
Why does that matter?

Perfection of soul + brute = win. Admittedly I'm still leveling that brute but I've always hated the blue chugging necessary for chasing fury and the forms have solved that issue so far.
That issue was already solved if you built right...

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
unless, of course, you are too low to have those powers
In the case of Regen's QR, that'd mean you're...level 3.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
That issue was already solved if you built right...
With a massive total of 2-3 slots per power and filled with mighty TOs I suppose I must have really screwed up my slotting.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
With a massive total of 2-3 slots per power and filled with mighty TOs I suppose I must have really screwed up my slotting.
Meh, at TO levels, EVERYONE has end problems. That's not a brute thing. Level 12 comes in a blink, though.

Well, run sewers, get the recovery buff, and get decently lucky with the SO drops there and there's no end problems even at TO levels. But, DFB usually powers you straight through to DOs if you run it enough to get all 4 buffs.

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I'm currently running a Staff/WP stalker, and having a blast (lvl 34 now). It does some pretty good damage and of course the AoE is a much welcome addition for some crowd control. I slotted the Devastation IO set in Serpent's Reach (seems way more powerful now, and I plan to change it to Apocalypse later on) and put Sirroco's Dervish in my Eye of the Storm.

I may not be as powerful as your TW brute or as "cool" as your StJ stalker, but I'm ok with that



TW and Staff are not god tier, but are nowhere near bottom. Both seem to really only click with certain secondaries. TW with Elec or Energy, Staff with Dark or Invuln.

Everything goes with willpower so I won't bring it up.