Why the Cosplay Policy hurts CoH
I think you are totally wrong, and I completely disagree, but explaining why would be very out-of-character and immersion-breaking while I'm wearing this costume, so I will explain it at a later date.
That is very disappointing. To think of all the time I spent trying to vacuum all the tinsel out of my carpet.

Two whole replies before somebody didn't get it, not bad ;P
well I always put my costume on before I play although the zombie hands are not keyboard friendly
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
Until recently, the Cosplay Policy (section 4.1 of the ToS) was at best a minor deterrent to play; people would ask, but you could just point out that it was completely unenforced, and they would ignore it. But today, the GMs have started enforcing this policy, and the fact is, it's a stupid policy, and I think it should be dropped entirely.
I am unable to find any Terms of Service listed on the CoH website or on the support site. If you can provide a link, that would be helpful.
In the current User Agreement, section 4 relates to Accounts and Payments.
In the current Rules of Conduct, item 4 relates to posting or linking to sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content.
In the current Forum Rules and Guidelines, rule #4 deals with making public any private communications from NCSoft, Paragon Studios or even other users.
I find nothing in any of the above links relating to Cosplay, so I'm not sure how you are using the term here and what ToS you are referring to.
EDIT: If by "Cosplay" you mean violating intellectual property, copyright or trademark of characters, that has been enforced for as long as the game has been in existence. It got enforced even more heavily after the Marvel lawsuit, but it was still enforced before that. Anyone telling you it was completely unenforced or ignored was blowing smoke out of their backside.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Until recently, the Cosplay Policy (section 4.1 of the ToS) was at best a minor deterrent to play; people would ask, but you could just point out that it was completely unenforced, and they would ignore it. But today, the GMs have started enforcing this policy, and the fact is, it's a stupid policy, and I think it should be dropped entirely.
There are a number of flaws with the Cosplay Policy. First, cosplay can be expensive, and not everyone can afford good costumes. Secondly, this is particularly punitive for people who have a large number of alts, and you don't even want to think about alt-hopping to check for a particular enhancement; if you thought the 30 second logout timer was long, having to completely change before logging in is ridiculous. Furthermore, the cosplay policy unfairly penalizes some character concepts more than others. "Guy in trenchcoat with two guns" is easy, "giant robotic exoskeleton" is... not easy. A lot of people have a lot of time and effort invested in characters that are very difficult to pull off, and at least one GM wasn't even letting people go to the tailor or a trainer to pick a new costume! The fact is, I think a lot of us have been playing CoH in our normal clothes all along, and I think the game was plenty fun; I am not at all convinced that I needed extra help getting into the spirit of the game, and really, when it's implemented as pushy enforcement like this, it's mostly just intrusive. It doesn't create immersion, it just creates resentment. Frankly, if the cosplay policy isn't dropped, I think a lot of people will stop playing CoH entirely. At the very least, I think GMs need to be a lot more forgiving of amateur-level costume efforts. |
I really wouldn't think on it too much. Something like this crops up once a year <.<
If you're referencing something, please provide a link. If you're just making this up, then you're not being clear enough for this to be funny.
I don't see why people complain about the forced cosplay in this game, at least with this costume creator I can come up with an ingame costume that's going to match what I have in my closet. Now the forced cosplay in Aion is insane. I'm supposed to sit around my house dressed like that?

First, it is your fault if you choose costume options that you can't provide. They aren't forcing you to take wings. Live within your means is as true in game as in anything else.
Second, with the webcam now on by default in teams (unless you change it under Options), it really hurts immersion to click on a character and just see someone in their pajamas. By violating the rules you aren't just hurting yourself, you are hurting everyone you play with.
I can see relaxing the rules if you are playing solo on a basically dead server, or redside. It could boost their popularity. But then there already is a no-pants server, and that has not attracted as many players as you might think.
This is why all my characters have gone completely nude.
Easy. Problem solved.
TJ, if they haven't yet... they're going to get you next!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
[Joker clap]
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
Until recently, the Cosplay Policy (section 4.1 of the ToS) was at best a minor deterrent to play; people would ask, but you could just point out that it was completely unenforced, and they would ignore it. But today, the GMs have started enforcing this policy, and the fact is, it's a stupid policy, and I think it should be dropped entirely.
There are a number of flaws with the Cosplay Policy. First, cosplay can be expensive, and not everyone can afford good costumes. Secondly, this is particularly punitive for people who have a large number of alts, and you don't even want to think about alt-hopping to check for a particular enhancement; if you thought the 30 second logout timer was long, having to completely change before logging in is ridiculous. Furthermore, the cosplay policy unfairly penalizes some character concepts more than others. "Guy in trenchcoat with two guns" is easy, "giant robotic exoskeleton" is... not easy. A lot of people have a lot of time and effort invested in characters that are very difficult to pull off, and at least one GM wasn't even letting people go to the tailor or a trainer to pick a new costume! The fact is, I think a lot of us have been playing CoH in our normal clothes all along, and I think the game was plenty fun; I am not at all convinced that I needed extra help getting into the spirit of the game, and really, when it's implemented as pushy enforcement like this, it's mostly just intrusive. It doesn't create immersion, it just creates resentment. Frankly, if the cosplay policy isn't dropped, I think a lot of people will stop playing CoH entirely. At the very least, I think GMs need to be a lot more forgiving of amateur-level costume efforts. |
Is that the official position Zwill?
Downside - they only work on people using the Coyote travel power.
To be fixed in Issue 31. Maybe. It's on the radar.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Come on, folks, take a look at the calendar.
Geeeeeeez, ya gotta draw some people a picture.
Come on, folks, take a look at the calendar.
Geeeeeeez, ya gotta draw some people a picture. |

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Actually, I take that back. It reminds me of doing mass-market PC support in a call center, walking in the door right around Christmas. "150 in the queue, if you're not on the phone get there, lunch cut down to 5 minutes, if you are on the phone get off within 15 and onto the next call, move move move! Why are you breathing, get back on the phone!"
Come on, folks, take a look at the calendar.
Geeeeeeez, ya gotta draw some people a picture. |
If he had quoted the policy "Players must wear a costume similar to what their characters are wearing" (but much more legal sounding) then I'd have gotten it.
As it was, he sounded too much like someone complaining about having been caught by the GMs after having made a Superman costume, and not someone complaining about some new, unreasonable policy.
Until recently, the Cosplay Policy (section 4.1 of the ToS) was at best a minor deterrent to play; people would ask, but you could just point out that it was completely unenforced, and they would ignore it. But today, the GMs have started enforcing this policy, and the fact is, it's a stupid policy, and I think it should be dropped entirely.
There are a number of flaws with the Cosplay Policy. First, cosplay can be expensive, and not everyone can afford good costumes. Secondly, this is particularly punitive for people who have a large number of alts, and you don't even want to think about alt-hopping to check for a particular enhancement; if you thought the 30 second logout timer was long, having to completely change before logging in is ridiculous.
Furthermore, the cosplay policy unfairly penalizes some character concepts more than others. "Guy in trenchcoat with two guns" is easy, "giant robotic exoskeleton" is... not easy. A lot of people have a lot of time and effort invested in characters that are very difficult to pull off, and at least one GM wasn't even letting people go to the tailor or a trainer to pick a new costume!
The fact is, I think a lot of us have been playing CoH in our normal clothes all along, and I think the game was plenty fun; I am not at all convinced that I needed extra help getting into the spirit of the game, and really, when it's implemented as pushy enforcement like this, it's mostly just intrusive. It doesn't create immersion, it just creates resentment.
Frankly, if the cosplay policy isn't dropped, I think a lot of people will stop playing CoH entirely. At the very least, I think GMs need to be a lot more forgiving of amateur-level costume efforts.