Fourth 'Transformers' shapes up for Bay to direct




Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
G1 always holds a special place for me, but Beast Wars was for me the best of the cartoon series. Beast Machines starting getting a bit too mystical and I was never that keen on techno-organic Cybertron.

Armada/Energon/Cybertron I have filed under the WSNSOT cataegory: We Shall Not Speak of Them.
Beast Wars and Animated were, in my opinion, the greatest. Animated gets a lot of flack for it's animation style, but it had the most coherent plot, a ton of references to the entire Transformers franchise, and the most competent set of Decepticons out of any series.

Starscream successfully back stabbed Megatron. Megatron got revenge by killing him without giving him even a second to talk his way out of it. Shockwave was a complete bad ***. Starscream came back from the dead and became his own side in the war, dedicated to killing Megatron. Not to mention actually giving Optimus Prime character development instead of having him be the perfect Autobot was really nice.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post

This x a bajillion.

Loved the Beast Wars series! Beast Machines?! Not so much....

But to the OP...

I really liked the first Transformers movie.

#2 was just bad with the shaky-hand cam and all the toilet/trashy humor (and stereotypes).

#3 was just....bad...plothole/story wise...


Oh at least Shia LeBouf is gone from the series so that's always good! Sorry just don't like the actor.
I have nothing against Shia, he did what he could with what he was given, and you know what the say about polishing a only get a shiny stone.

For all three movies, I praise the CGI for the most part. Bayformers 2 I have filed under WSNSOI: We Shall Not Speak of It. Didn't have the heart to watch Bayformers 3 in its entirety.

So what's next in Bayformers 4? Unicron? HOPE NOT



Apparently Shia is out. He only signed on for three, and he's done.

Here's the interesting thing though. According to statements made at Toyfair (which can be read here) the fourth Transformers film is going to be a reboot, a quote "whole new re imagining of Transformers".

That, and given the fact that Hasbro wants to keep everything in the same continuity from here on out (the "Aligned" continuity), and intends everything for the next ten years or so to occur in that continuity, coupled with this interview here in which the executive producer of Transformers Prime mentions that they have talked about a theatrical Prime film leads me to suspect that this film might, and that is a big MIGHT, be an adaptation of the most recent cartoon; Transformers Prime.

If that's the case then I'm all for it. Transformers Prime only has one season under it's belt and it's already one of the best Transformers series ever (or THE best depending on who you ask). Color me cautiously optimistic for this.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
No, two was really more than enough.
I have to say, I haven't really liked any Bay directed films other than The Rock.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Second highest grossing film of 2011, not suprised to hear another sequal is coming.

And while I hope for better/more plot, I'm still going to be in theatre opening night watching it
This. I liked them all. And I will NOT mind seeing a fourth in any way.

Then again, I still like Speed Racer, the second and third Matrix sequels, Wing Commander the movie, and Star Trek V. Even Star Wars: Episode 1. Because I can see the beauty in them regardless of the pablum derived story.

/I'm weird, but y'all knew that right?
//I will say this: Try as I might, I CANNOT enjoy The Last Airbender. M. Night, you owe me, you bastidge.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
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Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Starscream successfully back stabbed Megatron. Megatron got revenge by killing him without giving him even a second to talk his way out of it. Shockwave was a complete bad ***. Starscream came back from the dead and became his own side in the war, dedicated to killing Megatron. Not to mention actually giving Optimus Prime character development instead of having him be the perfect Autobot was really nice.
DonĀ“t really care about Starscream; I want Lugnut and Blitzwing... and as a bonus maybe Thrust from Beast Machines.


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



I don't require Transformers to be G1-or-else. But I have to like the robot/vehicle designs and I have to not absolutely hate the human characters (particularly if they're far too prominent). A good story and particularly good characters can overcome some of those issues (as Beast Wars did with me).

Bay failed on all counts with me.

Originally Posted by houtex View Post
Then again, I still like Speed Racer
I thought Speed Racer was done rather well. It was a bit lengthy, but it felt like they were compressing numerous episodes into one movie, and they did it with what I thought was an appropriate sense of style.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
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-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
No, two was really more than enough.
1 was definitely more than enough. The third one is actually better than the second imo. But then, that isn't a real accomplishment since Transformers 2 is one of the worst films I have ever seen. Take away the pretty CGI and there's absolutely nothing decent left over. No acting, no story, no cohesion, no sense.
Way to many characters doing nothing sensible at all and every single one is an unfunny slapstick sidekick.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Huh, a Transformers film, eh? First since '86...

Seriously. Bay's trilogy were fairly decent action/splosion films without much brain. First was so-so, second was a smidge better, third felt best even though it was still a little derpy and daft in continuity.
But he's not made any Transformers films. Not yet.

They really need to get the guys and gals from High Moon studios on board to make it good. The peeps who are responsible for the ever so good War for Cybertron and upcoming Fall og Cybertron games, which were pretty damn spot on when it comes to canon, or at least respect for it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I'm still waiting for Unicron.

Also, fun fact: I once counted the number of explosions in the '86 movie, versus the first live action film. I believe the number of actual explosions in the Bay film was somewhere around the 50 mark; that's probably being generous.

The '86 film hits that number before the Dinobots take down Devastator.

By the time they're on the planet of junk, that number has doubled.

By the time the movie's over, you're looking at just shy of 200 animated explosions.



So basically what you're saying, is that in order to satisfy the Transformer-babies we need more explosions?


They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
I'm still waiting for Unicron.

Also, fun fact: I once counted the number of explosions in the '86 movie, versus the first live action film. I believe the number of actual explosions in the Bay film was somewhere around the 50 mark; that's probably being generous.

The '86 film hits that number before the Dinobots take down Devastator.

By the time they're on the planet of junk, that number has doubled.

By the time the movie's over, you're looking at just shy of 200 animated explosions.
And yet people will still complain about the explosions!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
I'm still waiting for Unicron.

Also, fun fact: I once counted the number of explosions in the '86 movie, versus the first live action film. I believe the number of actual explosions in the Bay film was somewhere around the 50 mark; that's probably being generous.

The '86 film hits that number before the Dinobots take down Devastator.

By the time they're on the planet of junk, that number has doubled.

By the time the movie's over, you're looking at just shy of 200 animated explosions.
It's not the explosions that made it a turn off (for me), it was how Bay handled the Characters. He made Bumblebee not talk (which was copied in the cartoon not long after).

Painted the classic Prime with hot rod flames. Prime didn't have the Matrix of Leadership and had to 'earn' it in the 2nd.

Below may or may not be right, due to poor memory.
And i think they messed up Soundwave with Shockwave. My recalling is that when they cut to the one in space floating around earth was "Soundwave" from what i heard them say but that would be wrong it would be shockwave.

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Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
Painted the classic Prime with hot rod flames. Prime didn't have the Matrix of Leadership and had to 'earn' it in the 2nd.

Below may or may not be right, due to poor memory.
And i think they messed up Soundwave with Shockwave. My recalling is that when they cut to the one in space floating around earth was "Soundwave" from what i heard them say but that would be wrong it would be shockwave.
Nothing wrong with Prime earning his wings first. Character development is a good thing.

And that was supposed to be Soundwave as the satellite in the second film. He was organizing the Decepticons and being an all around task master, which isn't really wrong at all. Shockwave was actually being saved for the third film, as he is one of Megatron's most trusted soldiers, and is a genius in his own right. Shockwave usually doesn't show up in the story until later, considering he's busy with other important affairs.



Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
He made Bumblebee not talk (which was copied in the cartoon not long after).
I actually liked it. Bumblebee, as a character, was probably handled better in the Bay films than he had been since...ever. All Bumblebee used to do was complain that the Seekers had blown out his rear axle, and get ordered by Prime to guard the Ark while everyone else did important things.

Painted the classic Prime with hot rod flames. Prime didn't have the Matrix of Leadership and had to 'earn' it in the 2nd.
See, those flames were intentional. Optimus had to trick the Matrix into believing he was Hot Rod--the only true wielder of the Matrix of Leadership.



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
See, those flames were intentional. Optimus had to trick the Matrix into believing he was Hot Rod--the only true wielder of the Matrix of Leadership.
Ok that got a laugh out of me.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
See, those flames were intentional. Optimus had to trick the Matrix into believing he was Hot Rod--the only true wielder of the Matrix of Leadership.

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Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
I once counted the number of explosions in the '86 movie, versus the first live action film.

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I want to see Bay do a version of My Little Ponies!

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Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
See, those flames were intentional. Optimus had to trick the Matrix into believing he was Hot Rod--the only true wielder of the Matrix of Leadership.
But still, Hot Rod flames are a privilege reserved only for really cool robots.

and not stick-up-his-metal-butt Prime


ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



I think Mark Kermode sums this up best

I just object to Bay's complete and utter *******isation of characters, well established characters at that. Not to mention his oh so hilarious 'hurr, cars on the lawn, lets make all the Autobots clumsy and tactless' in Bayformers 1.

Let's review it, shall we? First off, Megatron. The whole plot is all over the damn shop; first he's the big bad, then he's actually the 'apprentice' (OHGODSTARWARS!) to the Fallen, and then ACTUALLY it was all part of his plan alongside Sentinel....Prime....wait, what was that sound? Oh, don't worry, it was just my grey matter melting into a little puddle of pain and misery.

Optimus. At least they got Cullen to voice him rather than some no-name (the guy who did Primal from BW woulda been ok) but...really? Op was turned from a warrior-doctor-scientist-philosopher into a generic 'badass' attempt. Having Op be either still in need of wing-earning OR the veteran Autobot leader both work fine...but making him as merciless as he was? I get the one off time where he goes all out ("I'll take you all on!") but when he executes both Megatron AND Sentinel in DotM? Sure, great, epic set-piece...but it's not Prime.

And the kill-offs. Oh, boy, the kill-offs. Jazz gets, what, five minutes screen time? Then Megatron snaps him in half. The shot isn't even at a good angle. Most of the Decepticons, barring Megatron and Starscream, die off with barely any characterisation. Yes, the 86 movie didn't do into detail about a lot of the deaths that happened there (they even admitted it was only really so they could intro a new toy line...) BUT! But, you still had all the characterisation that had already been done in the TV series. Bayformers? You might as well have been exploding cardboard cut-outs, for all the impact it had.

As for the humans, well...ONE of these days we'll have a female second or lead who ISN'T just bewbs on legs. One of these days...right?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.