MMO rules you live by.




I was gonna say something about people who would not team with stalkers so out of hand, but those pugs are just way too cute. You win this thread!



Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
1) Nobody with bad use of caps. I find that players that name themselves using all caps or can't be bothered to use them at all also can't be bothered to be decent human beings in a text environment. There have been exceptions to this, sure, but few and far between.
I count many people who don't use caps as friends, and I have no idea where you're coming from with that generalization.

If anything, I find there's very little correlation between "decent human being" and "grammatical accuracy."

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Anyway, I live by different rules in different MMOs. In City of Heroes, I don't really care how my teammates spec or how they play in most of the content because it really doesn't matter. The point is to get together and wreck things up with superpowers.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
I count many people who don't use caps as friends, and I have no idea where you're coming from with that generalization.

If anything, I find there's very little correlation between "decent human being" and "grammatical accuracy."
He was specifically referring to people with character names in either all or no caps. Not bothering with caps in chat isn't so bad, but if you don't care enough to even bother using proper capitalization when you name a character it's a different matter.




Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
No offense, but I'll believe it when I see it. Not holding my breath.
Try signing in to beta, or reading the beta forums. Your outlook seems ridiculous in light of simple facts.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
Rule #1: I am always in charge. You dont like it get off my team.
This is poorly stated, but I could actually agree with it. I get very irritated at people who, when you're trying to lead a team, decide that they know best and ignore the leader, going off and doing their own thing. It's especially annoying when people do stuff like decide, even in the face of the leader asking them not to, to stealth missions.

However... Notice how I said "could" and not "do"? That's because...

Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
Rule #2: Dont question my tactics. Dont like it see rule number 1.
This is indefensible.

A good leader listens to people who he or she is leading. This doesn't mean that you have to do what it is they're asking; ultimately as the leader, you are in charge. However, by being this inflexible, your first rule above which, by itself, sounds like a poorly stated rule-of-thumb with some merit behind it, comes off more like a huge ego trip.

I've always found it much better as a team leader to at least address teammates' concerns when they're expressed. If it's not a major inconvenience or you don't have any compelling reason not to do what they're asking, suck it up and do it. Maybe it means that it will take longer to finish the mission. Who cares? I'm not here to watch a clock, I'm here to hang out and have fun. And sometimes, I've found interesting things and people precisely because I don't really care whether something takes 20 minutes or an hour.

So yeah, I really was ready to stick up for you, but instead, I'm going to have to pretty much hope like the others that I don't accidentally get stuck on your team. I'm sure if I do, the second I get an inkling of your "GTFO" attitude, the experience will be rather short-lived.

On a more serious note, my main rule is not to worry so much about failure. As others have pointed out numerous times, it's just a game. So you got defeated in a mission. So what? It has always at least passingly amused me how upset some people get if they, for example, fail a trial. What, do you never plan on doing another one? Did you have something more important to do with that 20 minutes like, I dunno, watch something crappy on television? Shoot, even now we have a bickerfest thread going on about botching the spring fling mission ritual and getting a small debuff.

I can't help but roll my eyes when people complain so much about how it's destroying their fun. I just want to smack 'em and boggle at how little it takes to pee on their parade.

I have spent countless hours of wasted time in this game doing things that are wholly unproductive. And almost without exception, I have never come away from it angry. The few times I did, it was because someone was deliberately being stupid, not because of the time I'd put into it. The game is my hobby. Some people spend hours on a golf course positively sucking, but as they say, a bad day on the golf course beats a good day at work every time. That kind of captures the essence of how I feel about the game.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
He was specifically referring to people with character names in either all or no caps. Not bothering with caps in chat isn't so bad, but if you don't care enough to even bother using proper capitalization when you name a character it's a different matter.
Fundamental attribution error. Possibly confirmation bias as well.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



1) Follow the tank.

2) Don't bail on a group at a bad time. In CoH, that means don't leave in the middle of a TF or trial.

3) Don't grind. That's usually the point at which an MMO stops being fun for me.



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
Be nice. Have fun. Follow the tank. Cats rule. The dog did it.
Pretty much this, except for some reason i don't seem to group much with tanks nowadays, so i just follow whoever does the most smashing!



Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
1) Follow the tank.
No... not unless he's the leader. Any random bad tank destroys your group if you blindly follow whoever is playing the tough guy. If the leader goes over to one group and the tank goes to another, you let the tank suicide and you heal the toughest person who went with the group.

Doesn't come up in CoH that much because of how linear things can be in missions, but in other MMO's this is a huge pet peve of mine. Lots of people playing online games tell people to follow some certain archetype and it's just nonsense. I've played games wehre some people only wanted to follow the guy with move speed auras so they could very quickly go the wrong way and split the group up. I've played games where people always follow the healer, so all the aggro runs right over to them.

I even get this on Counter-Strike. The Terrorist team spawns with ONE guy with a bomb and FOUR people call out a bomb site they're going to rush, then they get in an arguement over what the guy with the bomb did because everyone involved has some random person in mind they want to follow instead of the ONE person who stands out on their map.

The group leader is the group leader, not the dingbat who logged onto one class or build or spec or types faster or spams the microphone chat, or is biggest and shiniest, or has the best costume, the most hours played, the most max levels...

Follow the group leader.




Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
1) Follow the tank.

Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
Follow the group leader.
Just echoing this. The tank is not necessarily the group leader. Infact more times than not, the leader is not the tank and being a tank doesn't make you a better leader.



When I say 'follow the tank' I mean that literally, get your butt behind the tank, let him take point and get initial aggro. I realize that CoH is easier and more AoE-centric than many MMO's, thus it is much more tolerant of alternative tactics and outright sloppy team play in general, but 'follow the tank' can still be a good idea when the team isn't overpowered for the instance. In other MMO's I've played, when running through tough dungeons, if a squishy class runs ahead of the tank and pulls initial aggro he's apt to die quickly. If the healer tries to keep him alive the healer will often gain heal aggro, meaning the tank now has to pry the mobs off of the healer. I've seen too many team and even raid wipes that happened exactly this way, even caused by people who have played long enough to know better.

So... follow the tank.



  • Respect the other players. Everybody has their own idea of what is fun to them and who are we to mock them if we ourselves cannot understand the magnitude of fun that a roleplayer/badger/pvper/base builder/AEer has.
  • Make every experience unique in its own way.
  • Be true to yourself, dont try to blend in with the crowd.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Personally, I'd go with two things:

1. Wheaton's Law.
2. If you're not having fun, something's wrong.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
That's right. pal. Keep walkin'.

Bah fine...I will then! *mutters*

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Intrinsic View Post
When I say 'follow the tank' I mean that literally, get your butt behind the tank, let him take point and get initial aggro. I realize that CoH is easier and more AoE-centric than many MMO's, thus it is much more tolerant of alternative tactics and outright sloppy team play in general, but 'follow the tank' can still be a good idea when the team isn't overpowered for the instance. In other MMO's I've played, when running through tough dungeons, if a squishy class runs ahead of the tank and pulls initial aggro he's apt to die quickly. If the healer tries to keep him alive the healer will often gain heal aggro, meaning the tank now has to pry the mobs off of the healer. I've seen too many team and even raid wipes that happened exactly this way, even caused by people who have played long enough to know better.

So... follow the tank.
Who needs tanks? I don't follow anyone slower than me and if the team is too slow to pay attention to where I've jumped too next on my PB, they don't get to complain that I haven't left them any mobs to kill.

So, Floaty's rules.

1. Have fun, always.
2. Kick arrogant jerks and whiner babies off the team quickly. These people are not fun.
3. No vacillating. I REALLY hate when a team just stops for a breath, and then no one takes any initiative about getting going again. The team can rest if they want to, *I'M* gonna go hit that bad guy over there.
4. See #1.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
Rule #1: I am always in charge. You dont like it get off my team. No I dont care if its only 2 missions till the end on a Dr.Q TF, gtfo my team right now or be booted when the mish ends. Why did you join my TF squad? Oh thats right you wanted to get it done sometime today in a timely fashion, well that is what #1 is for.

Rule #2: Dont question my tactics. Dont like it see rule number 1.

Rule #3: Do what you do best and have fun, do anything to impact my fun and GTFO my squad.

Rule #4: Dont blame others for your weakness. If you keep dieing and feel like yelling at the leader for not getting an empath to baby sit you then see Rule #1.

Social Rules:

Always love the ladies, insult the riffraff,mock the animorphs, and tip the bartender in rare salvage worth a min of 1 mil a piece. Never indulge the children in textfights nor duels. Live by your characters values when in character. Never use RP as an excuse to be a perv or a rude curse spewing social deviant.
*adds to never team list* Never joining your teams, appreciate the warning.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Who needs tanks? I don't follow anyone slower than me and if the team is too slow to pay attention to where I've jumped too next on my PB, they don't get to complain that I haven't left them any mobs to kill.
This is fine provided what you're doing isn't getting squishies killed, if it is, expect to be told or kicked. Depending on what form you're in, can be very easy to get squishies killed with radial KB.

Follow the tank is a good default to avoid wipes, unless the tank is being an idiot and going over his aggro cap all the time, but for many toons and teams is unnecessary.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



1.) Golden rule and all of its corollaries that apply to real life......treat people as you want to be treated//leave the place (supergroup stocks) as good, if not better than, as you found it//etc.

2.) The response to any variety of "can I bring my <insert toon>?" is "play what you will have fun with, we'll make it work."

3.) Review badges during any sewer run/DfB to identify new players, then welcome them to the game.




Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
This is fine provided what you're doing isn't getting squishies killed, if it is, expect to be told or kicked. Depending on what form you're in, can be very easy to get squishies killed with radial KB.

Follow the tank is a good default to avoid wipes, unless the tank is being an idiot and going over his aggro cap all the time, but for many toons and teams is unnecessary.
Kinda difficult to get squishies killed when I a) generate more threat than squishies on my PB, and b) don't leave the mobs alive long enough anyway.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Kinda difficult to get squishies killed when I a) generate more threat than squishies on my PB, and b) don't leave the mobs alive long enough anyway.
I've played on numerous teams where the PB knocking everything away from him combined with the troller firing off his AoE immob at what he thought was a tight group at much the same time combined with a couple of AoEs going off getting the AoEers nuked by the backlash has been the sort of mess created. But then I play against +3/4s that don't insta die quite a lot, if you're facerolling 0/+1s, not an issue, nothing left to shoot back.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



1. I agree with Dechs: if something isn't fun, don't do it. Being miserable for hundreds of hours so you can have a few minutes' worth of fun later is never worth it.

2. Play nice. Insulting somebody else is never worth it. It's pointless, they don't benefit from it, and the drama just expands. Don't do it.

3. If you want to decide what task the team is going to take on, recruit the team yourself, or shut the ____ up. If they did they work of recruiting the team, they get to decide.

4. TGIF: Tanks Go In First. If you want to decide how fast the team moves from spawn to spawn, and what spawns to skip, and what direction the team goes at each intersection, roll a tank or (maybe) a brute and lead from the front. Otherwise, shut the _____ up. Nobody likes a back-seat driver.

5. Blessed are they that expect the worst, because they can be pleasantly surprised.



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
I've played on numerous teams where the PB knocking everything away from him combined with the troller firing off his AoE immob at what he thought was a tight group at much the same time combined with a couple of AoEs going off getting the AoEers nuked by the backlash has been the sort of mess created. But then I play against +3/4s that don't insta die quite a lot, if you're facerolling 0/+1s, not an issue, nothing left to shoot back.
Playstyles and builds vary a lot.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Fundamental attribution error. Possibly confirmation bias as well.
Mordin Solus?

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------