Addicted to melee, what's the cure?




Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Better still, team up with Another Energy Blaster and just ignore the whole 'KB is Bad' issue completely!
Once long ago (it was probably before I1) I was on a team with six energy/energy blasters, one energy/electric blaster and one empathy/energy defender.

That level of KB unleashed in indoor maps is practically a war crime.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by SuperT View Post
Sounds like you have a fever... and the only prescription is MORE MELEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I put my pants on the same as anybody else; one leg at a time.

Just, once my pants are on, I make gold records!

That's a heck of a lot of suggestions. There will definitely be more melee, but I guess I'm looking for a little variety to spice things up.

Hmm.. now what to choose, heh. I used a bit of hyperbole in that first post, there are a few things I haven't given due diligence. I never got very far with the VEATs, so might check those out. Also, after playing with Dark control in beta I might give a Dom or Controller another go. I love me some dark powers.

And, at the risk of getting eSmacked by Dechs, I realized that the only AT I've never tried is a Warshade.

Guess what's first on the list of fresh alts.



Originally Posted by MayorOfAngrytown View Post
And, at the risk of getting eSmacked by Dechs, I realized that the only AT I've never tried is a Warshade.

Guess what's first on the list of fresh alts.
It's all good.

Just be careful. The MFing Warshade road is long, dark, fun as hell and hard to come back from. You risk forgetting about your other mains.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Aside from melee, which I undoubtedly have the most of, I find I also like Controllers, or more recently, Dominators. The biggest 'draw' for me about melee is that I can ignore mez effects for the most part and just punch people in the face. Dominators have the ability, if played intelligently, to shut down enemies and then eviscerate them to bits, in melee even, so it tends to work out pretty well.

Blasters are also fun for the complete opposite reason: they kill things before it's a problem.

I'm a bit less attracted to corruptors, but I have those as well, and they tend to play like more defensive blasters. Everything else is probably too much of a support role for me to get too seriously into it.





A Fire/Dark corrupter.

If you cannot take joy in the crushing of your enemy, driving them before you then perhaps the lamentations of their women will bring a smile.

If by level 20 you aren't happy with having run at 0x8 since level 12 - then there is no pleasing you



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Aside from melee, which I undoubtedly have the most of, I find I also like Controllers, or more recently, Dominators. The biggest 'draw' for me about melee is that I can ignore mez effects for the most part and just punch people in the face. Dominators have the ability, if played intelligently, to shut down enemies and then eviscerate them to bits, in melee even, so it tends to work out pretty well.

Blasters are also fun for the complete opposite reason: they kill things before it's a problem.

I'm a bit less attracted to corruptors, but I have those as well, and they tend to play like more defensive blasters. Everything else is probably too much of a support role for me to get too seriously into it.


So much win right here...It made me laugh out loud for reallzzzzzah.



Originally Posted by MayorOfAngrytown View Post
So, I've played this game off and on (mostly on lately) since launch and can never seem to stick with anything but melee.

What's the cure?

I've tried just about everything to at least the teens/early 20s, but nothing seems to hold my interest.

Bearing in mind I solo frequently, what are some suggestions?
I have been in the same boat as you for a long, long time. Cannot seem to get away from my dark/shield/mu brute, ss/fire/fire brute, or my stone/fire/fire brute. They just, well. . . Melt things. . .

Now that being said I have been obsessed (and I mean level 40 in 3 days without farming) with my new Bots/Time/Mace MM. I havent played a mastermind in probably 2 years and all i can say is WOW!! I may not kill as fast as my brutes but holy googly moogly the screen is a beautific plethora of fire, energy, and explosions. And nothing, and I mean nothing, ever hits me.

I havent faceplanted in at least 8 levels and once I get power boost next level nothing outside of incarnate trials will be able to touch me with 55% percent defense to everything (except psy - which I will be at 51%).



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Mez protection. If squishies had it, I'd play them. And they wouldn't be called squishies.
They're called Permadoms.

This goes for the OP too - try a dominator and stick with it. They are far less of a pain to level up than controller and can get quite ridiculous. I have no problems fighting x8 groups solo.

Just don't use Ice Control.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Addition to melee? I'd prescribe 'knock-' of all variety, but particularly of the '-back' flavor, frankenslotted to get full advantage of the power plus more 'knock-'.

Be it Ice Slick, Thunder Storm, Tornado, Force Bolt, Hand Clap, Psionic Tornado, Telekinetic Thrust or just plain old Crane must knock things to bejeebus and back as far as you can as often as you can.

Only then will you understand melee's true purpose and be freed of its sheltered nature.

So says Leo the Sage



Originally Posted by MayorOfAngrytown View Post
So, I've played this game off and on (mostly on lately) since launch and can never seem to stick with anything but melee.

What's the cure?

I've tried just about everything to at least the teens/early 20s, but nothing seems to hold my interest.

Bearing in mind I solo frequently, what are some suggestions?
Might I suggest a Plant Control/Earth Assault Dominator? Instead of relying on your protective toggles, you've got a nice mix of mezzes to keep you from getting overwhelmed and smacking someone right in the face with a big rock is a lot more satisfying than you might think.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Mez protection. If squishies had it, I'd play them. And they wouldn't be called squishies.

Nothing kills the higher end game for me on AT's other than tank/brute/stalk/scrap more than spending a bunch of my time dazed/held/immobed/kbed (at least the latter who have an easy to gain protection worth a dang)

Yes I know about BF's, but you cant spend the entire game under a BF effect, you run out eventually.



Stalker version of claws will break any melee addiction.

Or make an AE map with nothing but Tsoo Sorcerers alternating Hurricane and Chill of the Night.

The Bacon Compels You.



Originally Posted by MayorOfAngrytown View Post
So, I've played this game off and on (mostly on lately) since launch and can never seem to stick with anything but melee.

What's the cure?

I've tried just about everything to at least the teens/early 20s, but nothing seems to hold my interest.

Bearing in mind I solo frequently, what are some suggestions?
Short of a lobotomy? Try an in your face defender such as a kinetic, radiation, or time that thrive in the glow of the buffs/debuffs melee range.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Better still, team up with Another Energy Blaster and just ignore the whole 'KB is Bad' issue completely!
Pretty much how I run my Merc/Storm. If badguys are on their feet, I'm not doing my job.

I do agree on the Energy/Energy blaster though. That was the first non-melee character I got to 50. Want to smack some guys from long, long range? Okay. Want to wreck some face up close and personal like? Okay. Plus blasters get mini-Fury and junior mez protection. Load Power Thrust with some KB and enjoy the view as the cocky sob that just mezzed you goes flying into a different zip code, taking a shot or two before he even lands.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I was like you, my recent alt list was full of melee mans and melee womans. And then I rolled a mind/psi dom.

DFB to 14 so you get a nice set of controls and attacks, then go to town Charlie Brown. Lock 'em down and blast 'em 'til they fall down. Its glorious.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Indeed, Doms still will satisfy you need for the SMASHITY-SMASH Smash but! The AT gives you a taste of the Controller/Blapper Side of things...making you curious about non Melee or Pseudo-Melee sets.



For me its a bit of the reverse, i don't particularly like melee ATs as i tend to loose all orientation once im in the thick of things(caves with big teams...) and inevitably fall off a cliff, or get stuck on some objects, or add that group way over there ... scrapperlock is really too nice a term for me.

That being said i really like the mezzprotection and survivability that melee chars get, so i kinda come from the polar opposite but head in the same direction. Anyway those where my impressions:

1. MM. The BG modus of the pets makes you feel tough, and sets like /FF or /Traps offer mezz protection. It was good, but keeping the pets under control is like herding cats. Also even a tiny error can get all your pets nuked by an AE(yeah i fell off a cliff and the FF gen followed me leaving my pets with murdered defenses...).

Though i dislike the slippery slope of it, if something goes wrong your reduced to a helpless bystander. Not at all like a melee who can pop a couple of inspirations and go to town.

2. Kheldians. I admit i don't get em. They gain alot for being on a team, but to me it felt like i gave only very little back. Unless you count KB. I like their toughness, but didn't care much for their attacks and lack of mezz protection outside dwarf.

Im still playing these regularly, trying to level them up ... i just wish the forms and ranged attacks outside nova would be more meaningful and less frustrating(i like KB on squishies because it helps them, not on tanky ATs though).

3. Domi's. Very fun, very strong. Im really happy with the damage, though you do need to actively manage your defenses. On the other hand, missing 3 holds in a row on a boss can get really old really fast, with no other char i felt so much at the mercy of the rnd post level 20. Permadom can give you nice mezz resists, but most of the time those are not even needed since you have everything under control anyway.

Its an awesome AT performing well solo and in a team, and the few times the rnd hates you can be covered by inspirations easily.

4. VEAT. Its hard to describe how well rounded these feel(imho you really notice that this is the last AT the devs made), or how well they perform in about any situation either solo or in a team. They also have the advantage that if you do not like the ranged aspect you can just respec(or dualspec) to melee instead. And even if you relapse and play them "only" as a melee, their team buffs will still allow you to bring something else to the team that your other melee chars can't offer.

Personally i liked the VEAT the most so far(fortunata is beating out domis for me due to the team buffs) in my quest for a durable ranged AT, and i see alot of potential with the kheldians ... once i figure them out that is.



Huntsman VEAT is a nice blend of sturdy melee (take bayonet) and ranged.

Plant/Fire/Fire dom is the dom that plays like a Brute. Seriously.



Originally Posted by DragonEye View Post

Nothing kills the higher end game for me on AT's other than tank/brute/stalk/scrap more than spending a bunch of my time dazed/held/immobed/kbed (at least the latter who have an easy to gain protection worth a dang)

Yes I know about BF's, but you cant spend the entire game under a BF effect, you run out eventually.
Pretty much the reason I've been on a Melee/Veat/Dom bender until recently - my Blaster surged back to the front of my played characters since he has a full attack chain WHILE mezzed, my Defender can floor most mobs tohit, and my Controller has a small army of pets to draw aggro away.

And my Bats/Tarps, which I will get to 50... soon.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Either the MF Warshade or that other Mastermind that isn't really anything special but is called GD Mastermind for no particular reason.

Energy/Energy/Power Blaster. Knockback is fun once you realize it keeps you from dying and makes you feel powerful.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



My gateway from Melee into other sets was simpleL I rolled up a Fire/Kin corrupter.

Why? Because what attracted me to melee was that I could make the bad guys fall down, and I liked getting in there with the pack. Also, I'm a -very- fast paced player when I'm fully paying attention to the game (which sometimes doesn't happen, I'll admit), and having a character equally fast-paced made redside content a blast.

In practical terms, it's because you get to do the things you liked best about melee (Make the baddies fall down ded) combined with loads of support buffs that you should keep up when not blasting. In the early came, that isn't a problem. Transfusion and Siphon Power, then shoot stuff.

By the late game, however, you'll have learned all the most important things about playing a ranged/support toon: Positioning, proper targeting, watching allies for heal/recovery as needed, noticing when buffs are wearing off, and when to run like sin after everything goes bad.

You also have a never-ending supply of endurance after getting Transfusion, sky-high damage from your own buffs paired with Scourge (Rain of Fire is amazing for Corrupters), and built-in travel powers in the form of Siphon Speed and Inertial reduction, which gives the equivalent of Super Speed and Super Jump that are actually not suppressed in combat. Many, many Kins ignore these powers, but I love how much they add to gameplay. Slot IOs to softcap S/L/E and then boost Recharge. It's all you need, especially with Clarion Destiny to give mez protection.

A Fire/Time Corrupter will ultimately have less damage, but WAY more control than a Fire/Kin. Slows, debuffs, holds, as well as buffs to your own recharge, recovery, regeneration and defense. My Fire/Time Corr is softcapped against most everything and fires off constant controls and attacks. When he does take some small amount of damage, he can heal it easily. Way fun combination, but lacks the insane damage and speed of a Fire/Kin.

Too many alts to list.



I usually play tanks and scraps, but my favorite hero (and first 50)is a Demon/Dark MM. I also am enjoying a plant/fire. Just some ideas there to try.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
They're called Permadoms.

This goes for the OP too - try a dominator and stick with it. They are far less of a pain to level up than controller and can get quite ridiculous. I have no problems fighting x8 groups solo.

Just don't use Ice Control.

Permadom isnt really good enough for mez protection being that you have to build it up in the first place. You log into the game and have to fight mobs before you can do a mish to build up permadom;.. you die...have to do it again to build up permadom; you forget to hit hasten...gotta do it again. You get ambushed before building up're screwed for mez protection.

Only acceptable mez protection for dominators outside of incarnates is Indomitable Will if you can perma it with a crap ton of recharge since you dont need to build it up.