Devs Communication

Agent White



So, I have been growing tired of this game and ventured out to check some others. I noticed many of these other games update and inform the player base of what is in store for the near future. CoX has been my only game for a while but I started straying...I still....hope to stay here but I digress. These other communities get news about what's coming out ; why don't we? Where are the dev letters or state of game address? It would be nice to see the game head in a fresh direction as it is rather repetitive.



You do know that as a VIP you can read the beta forums and see much of what is coming up, right? And also that there's already quite a bit of information about issue 22, even though it is currently at most in closed beta? Would it be that much better if all of this information were conveyed from developers and not from players? I'm glad they're spending a lot of their time working on the game, myself.



We get them periodically, unfortunately since Paragon is a small studio and the game code is... let's say "special" being handed along to so many different devs in its time, that they really can't promise too many features ahead of time for fear that they won't work as promised or they simply won't come out. Players react very negatively when promises don't come true, and will often harp on the devs repeatedly for missed deadlines even when the deadlines are presented with caveats.

So, as aggravating as it is, they just don't tell us because we string them up worse when they do and bad things happen. We do get fairly frequent updates on what's coming down the line and what's planned and the devs are pretty good about hopping into the forums personally, and we have community leaders like Zwillinger to act as company liaisons and give us the heads up on a lot of stuff. it's there, it's just not as straightforward as it could be oftentimes.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
I noticed many of these other games update and inform the player base of what is in store for the near future. CoX has been my only game for a while but I started straying...I still....hope to stay here but I digress. These other communities get news about what's coming out ; why don't we? Where are the dev letters or state of game address? It would be nice to see the game head in a fresh direction as it is rather repetitive.

From Dev communications, I know that coming to the market (and some of these will also be available with in-game merits) are:
  • Carnival of Light Costume Set
  • Coyote Travel Power
  • Super Packs
  • Dark Wolf Vanity Pet
  • ATOs and their upgradeable Superior forms from Catalysts
  • Elemental Order Costume Set
  • Enhancement Converters
  • Cherub Vanity Pet (OK, this one was a leak)

Incidentally, I knew the release dates of the Winter and New Years Packs before they went live.

I know the next Tier 9 VIP rewards is the Fire and Ice Costume Sets (that's with an 's')

I know that the Spring Fling (Valentine) Event will be the same as previous years but this time they added Valentine Tips that's very story driven and a lorist's squeam (squee + dream).

I know the next Signature Story Arc has a major plot point and will come out next week.

I know that Issue 22 Beta will start within a week or two and it will have a revamped Dark Astoria as a co-op Incarnate zone geared for solo-advancement. And that it will complete all the Dark Sets for Controllers, Corruptors and Doms.

I know that Staff Melee is coming some time after Issue 22.

I know what bugs are actively being pursued (Known issues list)

I know what patches will be coming to Live weeks ahead of time.

I know that the major story arc of Praetoria is coming to a close and a new one concerning the Battalion will be beginning.

I know that there will be a Retro Sci-Fi costume set sometime in the future.

I know that future costume sets will be made more equitably with same or very similar pieces for both male and female models with appropriate exceptions to the rule.

I have access to a huge chunk of most mechanical stats and formula the game uses (try getting *that* from the devs of other games).

I know the real names of many of the Devs and can engage them in one-on-one PM conversation (which I only use in the most extreme cases... I don't want to abuse that access lest I lose it). And still many of the Devs will respond to anyone, even a name they don't recognize from the forums (try doing *that* with the devs of other games).

And judging by this thread, I now know just how much you know. No wait, I already knew that, too.


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Ya know, you say that the developers don't tell us whats on board next. that is a claim that i find patently false, the don't give dates to things, but given how dates slip and users are not always a forgiving lot, I feel that the general time-frames keep us about as in the know as i was on the other mmos i have played. I would also add that I have played a quite a few mmos(its funny, i hate the genre, but its kinda what pc gaming is increasingly about... when in rome) , and i do see a great deal more direct discussion here between players and developers. Babs and castle werevery good for discussion, David has directly asked me, individually about things i asked for while posting on the weekend, didnt see that in swg, didnt see that in ff XI, nor pso nor any of the many games i have tried (will give props to tumerboy over on the competition online, he does the legacy of babs and such proud). paragon is in the interesting position of being just big enough to actually be able to respond to us, within reason, and small enough to be able to care without having to poll massive numbers of people and moving large, difficult to alter schedules. so as for your first point, I simply do not see it, we get state of the games, we get q&a sessions(which can be limited in info, but sometimes you have to ask the right question to get the right answer.), we get producers letters, and we get the ustreams which often are significantly informative. I know everyone is nuts over glow-stick wow, and maybe they have all this interaction too, but we are still getting it 7 years on, this isnt a 3 month fling, its a marriage.



Zombie man, Mr Knowitall

Everything Zombie said is right as usual...
But the OP has got a point, Im missing dev letters and state of the game...
But thats just because I like to read more about the game, not because I feel I lack information about whats coming.

And I like they save some surprises too.
I hope they are secretly working on Pools and Epic power customization, updates of old iconic heroes costumes and powersets, tons of backparts, etc...

What I miss the most is Noble Savage posts...
I cant even find the All things art: Costume suggestions thread.
And they should close the Sexy Jay thread now he is gone forever



You think City of Heroes has bad developer communication? Seriously?
They WEEKLY have coffee talks, answer questions and actively comment on the forums. We are spoiled as hell.

If you want to see bad developer communication, head over to Warhammer Online. Even our very own Andy Belford left it to rot and die, for CoH.

@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter



another note: every game is repetitive...

and...aren't State of the Game Address' a once a year thing?



I know that we were getting a monthly Dev letter/State of the game letter for a portion of last year, but like always, it has stopped. I do have to wonder if they are not focusing too much on the Freedom Friday thing on Facebook, which a number of people who are working during the day, cannot follow, and by the time you get home, it becomes a long mish mash of things to go through.

Lack of communications though? That I would have to disagree with. All you have to do is look at the Dev and Community Digests to see how often they communicate with us.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
So, I have been growing tired of this game and ventured out to check some others. I noticed many of these other games update and inform the player base of what is in store for the near future. CoX has been my only game for a while but I started straying...I still....hope to stay here but I digress. These other communities get news about what's coming out ; why don't we? Where are the dev letters or state of game address? It would be nice to see the game head in a fresh direction as it is rather repetitive.
Are you kidding? Weekly Q&As ( On Facebook, yes, but a clean-up transcript is always posted here, easier to follow than the actual FB discussion because the answers are placed right under the questions ), frequent "redname" postings in the forums, etc.... The dev communication is outstanding, you just have to open your eyes.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I don't always like what they do, but these devs "DO" communicate much more than some other communities. If they were acting like EA has been for the past decade, then I think you would have a point.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
From Dev communications, I know that coming to the market (and some of these will also be available with in-game merits) are:
  • Carnival of Light Costume Set
  • Coyote Travel Power
  • Super Packs
  • Dark Wolf Vanity Pet
  • ATOs and their upgradeable Superior forms from Catalysts
  • Elemental Order Costume Set
  • Enhancement Converters
  • Cherub Vanity Pet (OK, this one was a leak)

Incidentally, I knew the release dates of the Winter and New Years Packs before they went live.

I know the next Tier 9 VIP rewards is the Fire and Ice Costume Sets (that's with an 's')

I know that the Spring Fling (Valentine) Event will be the same as previous years but this time they added Valentine Tips that's very story driven and a lorist's squeam (squee + dream).

I know the next Signature Story Arc has a major plot point and will come out next week.

I know that Issue 22 Beta will start within a week or two and it will have a revamped Dark Astoria as a co-op Incarnate zone geared for solo-advancement. And that it will complete all the Dark Sets for Controllers, Corruptors and Doms.

I know that Staff Melee is coming some time after Issue 22.

I know what bugs are actively being pursued (Known issues list)

I know what patches will be coming to Live weeks ahead of time.

I know that the major story arc of Praetoria is coming to a close and a new one concerning the Battalion will be beginning.

I know that there will be a Retro Sci-Fi costume set sometime in the future.

I know that future costume sets will be made more equitably with same or very similar pieces for both male and female models with appropriate exceptions to the rule.

I have access to a huge chunk of most mechanical stats and formula the game uses (try getting *that* from the devs of other games).

I know the real names of many of the Devs and can engage them in one-on-one PM conversation (which I only use in the most extreme cases... I don't want to abuse that access lest I lose it). And still many of the Devs will respond to anyone, even a name they don't recognize from the forums (try doing *that* with the devs of other games).i
Oh sure, but other than that, what do we know?


I think the OP has a point.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Oh sure, but other than that, what do we know?


I think the OP has a point.

What Zombie presented is a quite a bit of info. Plus, we have to remember, the holiday season is just now coming to a close, since most K-12 schools started up again today. Vacations are ending, people are going back to work, and communications should start up again.

Yes, I miss the monthly producer's letters, but considering what is viewable on the beta forums, I would say we have a pretty good idea of what's coming soon.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I'm guessing M_G was being sarcastic. At least, I hope he was.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



As a long-time player and a card-carrying curmudgeon I have had plenty of complaints over the years, but communication is typically a positive trait of the developers of City of Heroes.

The only time I can say that communication was really poor was during the dark days when it looked like Cryptic was going to put the game in a dark corner and let it wither in favor of working on new projects (and most especially the theoretical Marvel game that never materialized).

It IS true that we don't have as much direct communication with the developers as we once enjoyed. I can remember making a suggestion to Chris Bruce of one of those items that we players always think of as "as good idea that should be easy to implement". He wrote back and didn't just say "No, that won't work." He took the time to give concrete examples of the inner workings of the game engine to say exactly why it wasn't nearly as "easy" as I had imagined it must be. My appreciation for the dev staff and their job of coding the game increased a great deal after that.

These days, upper management (meaning NCSoft) seems to have mandated more insulation between the players and the devs. Despite that, the Community Relations team is quite active and we still get to interact with Matt (Positron) and many of the other development staff via the video chats and the Facebook question/answer sessions.

Honestly, while I wouldn't quite call Paragon Studios an open book, I would put them miles ahead of most other game studios when it comes to keeping communications open between the studio and the players; despite the fact that their parent company has made some efforts to curtail that communication in the past.



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
Yes, I miss the monthly producer's letters, but considering what is viewable on the beta forums, I would say we have a pretty good idea of what's coming soon.
I'm a VIP but I only see beta forums for issue 21 which is the current issue and I22 is the one in beta or am I completely missing the actual beta forums?



Winterminal, don't lie, you were just looking for an excuse to use that picture.

This is easily the game with the BEST track record for developer feedback and information.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I'm a VIP but I only see beta forums for issue 21 which is the current issue and I22 is the one in beta or am I completely missing the actual beta forums?
If Issue 22 were a VIP beta, the boards would be visible to all VIPs. If it were in a standard closed beta, those who were a part of it wouldn't be able to say whether or not it was taking place.

Realistically, though, Zwillinger said that I22 would go into beta around the middle of the month. Personally, I'm thinking it won't happen until after Statesman gets offed, which will happen on the 17th.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I'm a VIP but I only see beta forums for issue 21 which is the current issue and I22 is the one in beta or am I completely missing the actual beta forums?
I22 is not in Beta yet.

Additions to the game up to I22 get lumped under I21+. So, they're Beta-ing now things that will be released before I22.

Also, Market releases really don't fall under Issues. So, there will always be a continual Beta testing of things put up on the Market.

When I22 hits Beta, they'll add I22 forums and start deprecating the I21 forums.

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Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I'm a VIP but I only see beta forums for issue 21 which is the current issue and I22 is the one in beta or am I completely missing the actual beta forums?
I22 is not on the beta forums yet. It will be once it's on beta (beta patch deployed to the beta server) later this month. (Barring any craziness found during the devs internal testing of course.)

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I22 is not in Beta yet.

Additions to the game up to I22 get lumped under I21+. So, they're Beta-ing now things that will be released before I22.

Also, Market releases really don't fall under Issues. So, there will always be a continual Beta testing of things put up on the Market.

When I22 hits Beta, they'll add I22 forums and start deprecating the I21 forums.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Oh sure, but other than that, what do we know?


I think the OP has a point.
All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
Given us the Grammatical Angst of Decimate.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.