Link your current fave (worksafe) Webcomic!
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
My #1 top SFW webcomic recommendation for CoH players has comedy, parody, is all-too-accurate of table-top RPG, does witty re-writing of popular SF stories into something that actually makes sense... and sadly is not allowed by the forum rules.
So instead you get a #2 SFW webcomic suggestion:
Kevin And Kell
Thumbs up again to Wayward Sons, Freefall, Girl Genius, Evil Inc, Real Life Comics, Gunnerkrigg Court, Misfile (my guiltiest indulgence), and MegaTokyo.
Please keep 'em coming! Reading webcomics is one of my major hobbies outside of CoH, so this thread has been great! So far have added Kiwi Blitz, Spinnerette, Springiette, and Ps238 to my "read frequently" bookmark folders. I especially like this one of the latter for showing off non-combat superheroes. Nice!
Dr McNinja
He's a doctor. And a ninja. Need more be said?
The Order of the Stick
A must for those who like D&D
Heroes, Inc.
Public Domain Golden Age super-heroes. Hasn't been updated in several months
Union der Helden
A German webcomic with photos instead of drawings. Also hasn't been updated in months.
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
My #1 top SFW webcomic recommendation for CoH players has comedy, parody, is all-too-accurate of table-top RPG, does witty re-writing of popular SF stories into something that actually makes sense... and sadly is not allowed by the forum rules.
The long-running screenshot webcomic Darths and Droids has just started covering "Star Wars: A New Hope", but it's best to begin at the beginning since it miraculously makes the prequels thoroughly entertaining and the character of Jar-Jar Binks actually funny.
Also worth an archive crawl is its inspiration, the equally hilarious DM of the Rings (maybe its creator will cover The Hobbit, too).
While both series absolutely nail player personality types, from the min-maxer to the munchkin, the real fun for a pen-and-paper RPGer is how well the two comics capture the spirit of DM'ing. In the former, the game is run by a hapless improviser type who can barely keep up with his players, while the latter is a classic plot-on-a-rail campaign that the players are constantly trying to disrupt.
Oh, good.
In that case, TrueGentleman nailed it: Darths And Droids. Be sure to start at the beginning.
Yes, it is that good. All the MMO players, RP players, and/or sf/f fans who I have introduced this to have laughed and enjoy that webcomic.
Hahaha! I found a new favorite comic.
How did I miss reading Ps238 all these years?
(The previously mentioned Girl Genius is a similar experiment, having begun as a regular comic and now published first on the web. It's also well drawn, extremely entertaining, and highly recommended.)
Today's Questionable Content...Martin being a jerk or just doing what's best for both of them? I fall on the doing what's best side because they had their time and it was obvious she was doing her best to sever that tie before leaving. Seeing each other again would only bring it back.
Today's Questionable Content...Martin being a jerk or just doing what's best for both of them? I fall on the doing what's best side because they had their time and it was obvious she was doing her best to sever that tie before leaving. Seeing each other again would only bring it back.
I don't think Padma was trying to sever ties the last few strips, I think she was legitimately busy getting ready to leave. For Martin to just lie to her like he did was just selfish and immature. Grow up Martin - go see her, say goodbye, suffer the heartache.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
IMO: Jerk. He lied to her after all, and not for any sort of noble reason. Not that Padma is much better. Knowing she was leaving she had no call to start something up with Martin in the first place.
I don't think Padma was trying to sever ties the last few strips, I think she was legitimately busy getting ready to leave. For Martin to just lie to her like he did was just selfish and immature. Grow up Martin - go see her, say goodbye, suffer the heartache. |
Sometimes being selfish is the best thing a person can do. She had no right to expect anything other than the response she got after her actions. I think he did grow up by not rewarding her bad behavior and treatment.
Not a regular read of mine, but I'm a big fan of Katie Cook, so I wanted to plug her webcomic:
Gronk, which is published on Fridays.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Without repeating already mentioned sites, these are additional ones I'm reading:
Schlock Mercenaries
Sinfest (mild fan service, language)
Girls With Slingshots (mild fan service, topics)
Today's Cartoon
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
The Trenches
Octopus Pie (1-2 times a week updates)
Romantically Apocalyptic (weekly, maybe, updates)
Atland (bi-monthly updates, fan service)
Citizen Dog (reruns of ended newspaper strip, but I rank it right next to Calvin and Hobbes!)
New series stuff I found, but haven't completely caught up with yet:
El Goonish Shive
Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant
Lackadaisy (seems to be paused, excellent art!)
Boxer Hockey
Completed, but really worth the read:
Ugly Hill
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
This thread needs moar love for Girl Genius.
Also, Penny & Aggie, which is usually SFW with occasional language and mature themes, but also bloody funny.
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

Most of the ones I read regularly or semi-regularly are already here, so I'll toss this one out there:
Its a short read (completed long ago) and not your normal kind of webcomic fare. At all.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
A Miracle of Science
This one is a completed story, so no new updates.
EDIT: This one is an ongoing space epic: Spacetrawler.
I'm really shocked that no one has mentioned either of my two faves, so I'll happily post them.
Subnormality -- really defies most categorization other than insanely detailed and thought-provoking while still funny. Some strips take a LOT of time to read, but I have yet to regret the time spent on a single one.
Most recent strip
Daisy Owl -- another somewhat odd strip about an owl who adopts and raises two human kids. Odd, cute, surreal and at times completely awesome.
Most recent strip
Worksafe? ok
Amazing Agent Jennifer
Paranormal Mystery Squad
Dreamland Chronicles
haven't seen this posted yet. But anyone who liked Dragonball Z will like
Its updated 3-4 times a week. (3 for the normal story, 4 for the specials)
It's based on a tournement of 20 different Dragonball timelines.
The art is very well done as well.
ClintarCOH - Twitter

haven't seen this posted yet. But anyone who liked Dragonball Z will like
Its updated 3-4 times a week. (3 for the normal story, 4 for the specials) It's based on a tournement of 20 different Dragonball timelines. The art is very well done as well. |
also since no one mentioned it...
sidenote: yes i read all 500 pages of DBM today...
Currently on hiatus, but awesome in style and concept:
Ow! My Sanity
Magical Girlfriend genre + Harem genre + Cthulhu Mythos
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
From my bookmarks, some are on the border of SFW, like Spinnerette and SGVY, which get a bit of fanservice-y. Not all point to the first page, it's just a direct copy of my bookmarks:
Girl Genius Online Comics!
Errant Story » Archive » Once upon a time…
Looking For Group
-Zebra Girl-
El Goonish Shive
Misfile - A comic by Chris Hazelton - Now Updating Every Weekday
-=+ Black Tapestries +=- - No longer being updated
The Wotch
Giant In the Playground - Both Order of the Stick and Erfworld
Keychain of Creation
Kevin & Kell
Gunnerkrigg Court - By Tom Siddell
Eerie Cuties
Ironborn - 8;212
SGVY :: In the Beginning
Venus Envy by Erin Lindsey - No longer being updated?
Penny Arcade - Thulsa Broom
The Dragon Doctors on The Duck : Ch 4, Page 6, Invisible Sufferer
Archive - Twokinds - Updates Wednesdays
WHAT'S NEW with Phil & Dixie - Earlier comic from the Girl Genius authors
Spinnerette - A Webcomic
Slightly Damned - 207
Gaia | Fantasy Webcomic Comic Graphic Novel | » Archive » Cover
I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle -
Derelict: Updates Mondays
Evil Diva
Earthsong - An Online Graphic Novel by Crystal Yates
Wayfarer's Moon - Updates Weekly
Minion Comics - The Lydian Option Issue #4 Page #20
Shifters: The Beast Within ~ An original online comic by Marie Tary - The author is busy rewritting the original series
If you're a Nintendo fan (like me) you should check out Brawl in the Family. It's winds up being mostly about Kirby, but the various characters from Super Smash Bros are all in it as well. Occasionally he breaks away from Smash to cover other games too. The art style isn't that great at first, but the drawings get way better as the comic goes on. And there are even a few musical comics.
Warning! Do NOT show Foamy to precocious youngsters. One of my co-workers accidentally showed it to her 5 year old nephew and the little booger has been addicted ever since. And the s**t that comes out of that kid's mouth...
as far as webcomics i read...