Link your current fave (worksafe) Webcomic!
Dreamless - Complete
The Dreamer - Ongoing
The Phoenix Requiem - Complete
A few historical fiction/fantasy webcomics (enjoyed by someone who usually falls asleep during history lessons).
Most of the comics i would suggest have been mentioned already, but here's a few that either weren't or i missed the suggestion...
Gypsy Girl Press is actually several different comic series, all with a certain charm.
Skin Horse is a webcomic about a US Government agency largely made up of the nonhuman products of mad science and tasked primarily with helping other nonhuman products of mad science fit into society. Largely SFW. Nick, the foul-mouthed VTOL/Osprey with a human brain even has a language filter built in.
Scenes From A Multiverse is largely SFW and updates three times a week.
Guilded Age is a D&D/Fantasy MMO themed comic that does have NSFW language and situations sometimes. Edit: (Actually, pretty much any page where Frigg Akerfeldt appears is guaranteed to have NSFW language.)
Kukuburi is about a dreamlike world where thoughts and desires can reshape reality.
Grrl Power is a weekly comic about superheroes, but one of the main characters' language ranges from NSFW to very NSFW.
Johnny Wander is a comic largely about geeky/nerdy stuff and a group of friends living in NYC.
Saint's Way is a superheroic comic that occasionally has violence and has been on hiatus since 11 December.
There's a lot more comics that came to mind as i was writing this post, but i really need to get back to packing. Ta.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
haven't seen this posted yet. But anyone who liked Dragonball Z will like
Its updated 3-4 times a week. (3 for the normal story, 4 for the specials) It's based on a tournement of 20 different Dragonball timelines. The art is very well done as well. |
hadnt heard of it... i read all of it now. it's good. could use someone with better english skills as sometimes it is hard to read, but nothing too serious. Also some of the "specials" which are backgrounds have bad art in my opinion, and crud stories, but over all they're ok... so i just added this to my list ^.^
also since no one mentioned it... sidenote: yes i read all 500 pages of DBM today... |
I like it for the main story. Should be interesting to see what Frieza's family is up to when the SUper Namek special is finished.
ClintarCOH - Twitter

Cheshire Crossing
Wendy Darling, Dorothy Gale, and Alice Liddell team up!
Mary Poppins shows up!
The Wicked Witch of the West and Captain Hook...hook up?
Hasn't updated in a while, but is a great read!
Story Arcs I created:
Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!
Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!
Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!
Romantically Apocalyptic - A comic about the few human survivors of a nuclear war... none of them is what I would call sane.
Interesting style and more than just a few times really weird.
Super Stupor - sadly discontinued, but still fun.
Oh, and this is pretty much the only SFW strip
quite a few of them are actually outright evil... but still great fun

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
I was getting really worried cause the first 2 pages of this thread was all fairly mainstream webcomics and not many really good not too well heard of.
and then I saw someone link Candi and I got really worried
Then someone linked Derelict and won my heart
So first I will shamelessly plug myself with The Chronicles of Avernyght which updates Mondays usually
The War of Winds
Just a few
I love webcomics <3 I even recently started a little podcast about them. If anyone wants to come on and chat with me about them let me know

I was getting really worried cause the first 2 pages of this thread was all fairly mainstream webcomics and not many really good not too well heard of.
and then I saw someone link Candi and I got really worried Then someone linked Derelict and won my heart ![]() So first I will shamelessly plug myself with The Chronicles of Avernyght which updates Mondays usually The War of Winds Everblue Amya Just a few I love webcomics <3 I even recently started a little podcast about them. If anyone wants to come on and chat with me about them let me know ![]() |
Okay, technically it was published comics/graphic novels instead of a webcomic. But since everything is now available online, it counts, right? ElfQuest is directly responsible for my enjoyment of online comics, manga/anime, and most recently City Of Heroes.
Super Stupor - sadly discontinued, but still fun.
Oh, and this is pretty much the only SFW strip ![]() quite a few of them are actually outright evil... but still great fun ![]() |
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Just gonna add in a few, i don't remember seeing them mentioned, and my idea of NSFW might be skewed.
Sluggy Freelance
The Gutters
I need to get around to reading Schlock Mercenary. The writer Howard Tayler does a writing podcast i love, and the stuff he mentions from SM sounds pretty cool. Gonna be adding others here to my list.
Used to read 8 bit theater, but he wrapped that up a while back.
8-bit Theater and VGCats used to be 2 of my favorite comics as well as Bob and George, but they're all pretty much over.
Haven't seen it listed so am adding:
All the webcomics I normally read have already been mentioned, except this one.
How I Killed Your Master
The style of the comic is an old fashioned Kung Fu movie in webcomic form.
Just found this, and it´s actually pretty funny... if at times creepy adorable
Ralf the Destroyer
...or just plain weird
And then there is Imagine THIS
about a guy that cracks and imagines his plush toys were alive... his Teddybear is kinda, well psycho
And last (for today) but not least, Exterminatus Now
A (really un-)healthy mix of Warhammer 40.000 and Sonic the Hedgehog.
I know the thread title says worksafe webcomics, but it´s too much fun to not post it.

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
I wish MT was on anything resembling an actual update schedule rather than the VGCatz schedule. That DPD has been up for almost a month now.
Bear Nuts Comic. Pretty funny story about a group of bears inna zoo. |
hehe, my friend got me into that comic years and years ago.
But then both him and I got sick of it because he just kept drawing it out (the whole relationship, not a relationship, gee I don't know who I like more, I like her, but I don't, but now I do...)...ugh...can only take so much of that. I haven't looked at it for like 3-4 years....
But for me:
xkcd as others have already posted

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
hehe, my friend got me into that comic years and years ago.
But then both him and I got sick of it because he just kept drawing it out (the whole relationship, not a relationship, gee I don't know who I like more, I like her, but I don't, but now I do...)...ugh...can only take so much of that. I haven't looked at it for like 3-4 years.... But for me: xkcd as others have already posted ![]() |
I think I actually got a mention and thank you in Troops of Doom's news section at one point. I hope it was me, anyways.

MT is best read in TPB nowadays. Piro's RL issues makes the new comics somewhat infrequent in the last few months.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Mindcontrolling aliens, two kids and one psycho bunny

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
I was having a lot of fun reading one until I abruptly ran out of archives because the it went on hiatus. Still worth reading what there is, though, as long as you know it doesn't have an ending. SciFi exploration and adventure.
The Adventures of Kanira Baxter - start here
Sadly this was only hours after learning one of my favorites just went on hiatus, too. About the learning curve of a married couple.
Fall On Me - start here
*looks at the list*
Dominic Deegan, Oracle for Hire
Dilbert (add /fast to the end to avoid the full page of stuff.)
Girl Genius
Looking for Group
I don't have the energy or interest in actually putting in the links (insomnia + massive headache = ugh)... but here's my daily watch list:
Kevin & Kell
9 Chickweed Lane
Least I Could Do (semi-not suitable for work)
Safe Havens
On the Fast Track
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (twisted humor for Mensa members)
Girls with Slingshots
Questionable Content
Wapsi Square
Gunnerkrigg Court
The Dreamland Chronicles
Menage a 3 (DEFINITELY not suitable for work)
Eerie Cuties
Looking for Group
Jay Naylor's Original Life (main site is okay... has a naughty section NSFW)
Sequential Art (cute platypus pet FTW!!)
Between Failures
Blooming Fairies (decidedly, definitely and derliously NSFW)
Grrl Power (possibly my favorite super-hero-centric web comic out there now)
Liberty Meadows
Magic Chicks
Khaos Comic (read the disclaimer before entering)
Dumbing of Age (teetering on the edge of my "delete list" but not bad at the moment)
El Goonish Shrive (the artist's comments are as entertaining as the comic)
Bear Nuts (care bears on crack... one of them literally)
Las Lindas (nothing out and out NSFW but definitely suggestive.. unless you enter certain parts of the Bonus Comic section)
Puck (another teeter-er)
Quiltbag (not sure if this one is a keeper... only reading it as it was a follow up to the now-defunct Penny and Aggie)
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
Found a few different ones that I don't recall seeing mentioned...
Two Guys and Guy. Zany comic focusing on two guys named Wayne and Frank along with a woman named Guy. Almost Penny-Arcadeish in the wackiness. Link takes you to the first comic. Could be NSFW with language. Haven't encountered nekkid yet, ttbomr.
League of Super Redundant Heroes. Feels kinda like Troy is writing it. Almost. Also has hints of Empowered, IMO, in the naming of its characters. Again, link goes to the first comic. Same warning applies.
If anyone is into Pathfinder, then a Kickstarter project is being formed to create a Steampunk Campaign which is partially inspired by Girl Genius. The ad for it is currently on the Girl Genius website.
Dirigibles hover silently over dark streets. The hiss of gas lamps mingles with the soft, far-off chanting of wizards. A grizzled mercenary guards the railstation, a rune-inscribed pistol at his side. This is the world of Terah, a Steampunk Campaign setting for the Pathinder Roleplaying Game. The Terah World Guide is slated to come out this July at PaizoCon 2012 and will be the flagship product of Rossi Publishing Games. Although the project is already partially funded and the release date is certain, further donations will allow us to add more art/other content to the World Guide and will speed up the rate at which we can release further supplements once the World Guide has been published. Currently, the world guide contains these exciting features: - The World of Terah: A carefully constructed campaign setting rife with history, culture, and exciting set pieces. Attend the underground universities of Khauzi or explore the inner workings of Clocktower Fortress. - The Spark: A mad scientist who crafts magnificent wonders with a mix of magic, technology, and pure insanity. Based off of the Girl Genius Webcomic by Phil and Kaja Foglio - The Charlatan: A con-man who works fantastic illusions and tricks his way out of trouble with a silver tongue. - The Vykati : A race of tribal wolf-men that lurk near the edges of civilization, fighting to preserve their culture amidst the tumult of industry. - Telepathy and Telekinesis Feat Lines: Psychic powers for the strong of mind or the curious of spirit. - The Runeworker Feat Line: Prepare the battlefield by inscribing runes on walls, weapons or armor. - Automatons: Create mechanical servants or unstoppable vehicles, minute sidekicks or monstrous behemoths. - And Much More: Gain access to new feats, knowledge skills, magic (and not so magic) items, monsters and spells. |
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Most folks already covered the ones I read, but here's a few more I didn't see.
Boxer Hockey
and Three Word Phrase, which sometimes gets NSFW