is all high level content as stupid as the ITF is now?




They could solve all speed run exploits by naking every mission in the game including all TFs and trials Defeat Alls on top of their other objectives.

Apart from street hunt 'Defeat X Mobs in Zone Y' type missions. Defeating all the mobs in a zone would take far too long.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
They could solve all speed run exploits by naking every mission in the game including all TFs and trials Defeat Alls on top of their other objectives.

Apart from street hunt 'Defeat X Mobs in Zone Y' type missions. Defeating all the mobs in a zone would take far too long.

Except that i still haven't seen any compelling evidence that not hunting down every enemy in every mission is an exploit. i suppose to some forms of OCD it might seem like one, but that's neither here nor there since there's no official policy to support it. There are also missions with glowies that can be completed without clicking any of the glowies as well. Obviously completing the mission without clicking every glowie is an exploit.

(This post is more for arth's benefit since you're obviously posting tongue-in-cheek. (Which can be painful if you need to speak while doing it.))

Edit: Plenty of people have been running "shardy"/xp/loot ITFs even this past week, but it becomes less common when there's an enhanced completion bonus and multiple alts to run through it.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



How is a task force that can be run at 35 high level content?




Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
*shakes head*
Blame lambda?
People have been doing speed TFs LONG before lambda came out.
Yeah, with you on this. Speed TFs have been typical for a long time.

I might see them being more prevalent if there are more people with level shifts and Destiny than there used to be people with superteams or IO builds, which does seem likely.

Edit: I should point out that the ITF is one of only two TFs that I regularly see people explicitly broadcast what amounts to kill-all (or at least kill-most) runs. These are so-called "shard runs". The only other TF I see that done for is the Lady Grey, and I see that far more rarely. So no, the ITF is not always run as you saw it. What I find weird is that you never ran into it run like that before.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Any task that gives a big reward at its completion is an invitation to get it over with as fast as possible so as to get that big reward.

The Katie Hannon TF was the first big example of that when the reward from all TFs were equal: One random Rare Recipe. And since KHTF was the easiest to speed through (before SpeEden was discovered), it was sped through.

Now that Merits and reward tables makes the big reward at the end proportional to the average length of time to do the TF, or, makes the reward random; well then, every TF or Trial is now a candidate for speeding.

That's a step up from just one being the targeted speed object, but it's still a bad reward mechanic. And that's not opinion. Objectively, holding out a big reward until final completion is a bad reward mechanic if you don't have ways to brake speeding through *all* of the TFs and Trials. Otherwise, human nature being what it is, players will rush to the biggest reward for the least time-effort.

I've been lobbying the Powers folks, and they've said they're mulling it over, to change the reward system by lowering the final reward and raising the drop rates during the tasks. But that hasn't happened yet except in small ways, such as the mid-trial rewards recently added to some of the iTrials.

But, if you don't want a Speed ITF, look for 'steamroll' or 'kill-all' or 'shardtastic' ITFs. The ITF is a drop bonanza because of all the Bosses and EBs and, at least on Virtue, there are still plenty of kill-all ITFs which are not speed versions.

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It is not necessary or wise to always do every tf as fast or as slow as possible. I like tfs to be an efficient use of my time. I want the reward in a reasonable amount of time, I want to feel that my character contributed to the completion of the tf, and mostly I want to have some fun while doing it. For some people fun is RPing along with the story line, for others its seeing if they can take the hit from the exploding nictus on their controller without dying, and a ton of things in between. Sometimes we run speed tfs, sometimes we run kill all tfs, sometimes master runs, sometimes its a all specified AT tf, and sometimes its a normal run. Normal for me is work as a team, stealth and ATT where its helpful.

I remember when the ITF first came out and we went on our very first run, slowly going through each mish, completing everything. Four hours later we finished. Was it fun, yes. Do I want to sit on a TF for 4 hours? No. yes that was a long time, but it was a first run.
As everyone became familiar with the TF, as the devs fixed and players worked around the horrible lag, mapserver disconnecting issues. and as powers in the game changed ( incarnates) the ITF had the potential of getting faster. Normal runs are much faster than that now.

The devs recognized the average time it takes to complete a TF and reward merits are based on that amount of time. (when they started reward merits) The ITF rewards less merits than other longer tfs. Being the WST, gives good incentive to do it quickly.
I don't run all my characters through the WSTs, but if i did that would be 14 50s and probably 8 more above 35. That would be a lot of time, especially if they took more than 2 hours a piece.

My suggestion is similar to some others here. Ask the team leader if its a speed run or not. If you aren't interested in a speed run, find one that isn't, or start your own. There are plenty of people after the drops and xp, etc.

Bright and Shiny,
American Wonder



I know people have been doing speed TF's for as long as they can - but this was different.

In low level content someone might be able to stealth to the end of a mission, find a safe place and teleport the team, then attack the boss. But in this solo characters simply ignored the enemies they ran past and soloed a crystal while all of the surrounding enemies attacked them, ignored the enemies and ran to the next crystal. The enemies simply were not a challenge or a threat.

At the end of the ITF to get the 300 kills they flew to the towers and used ion judgement to simply wipe out hundreds of foes (presumably multiple ion judgement, but I don't know). Wiping out 300 ITF took maybe 1 minute.

There is a difference between doing at TF as fast as you can - which I am fine with - and the TF not presenting a challenge except how fast you can run or fly.



Oh.... those...
I have been on those teams before. They are a fly by the seat of your pants tf. Live if you can, if you die, hope you can rez yourself.
I remember the first time i was invited on one. I was told, if you don't think you can make it, just stand by the door. I have been on a few since, but not many. It's not my cup of tea.
Its not that the TF is not challenging. Its that they have built their characters to take the challenge, and probably used some other buffs and empowerments, to make themselves .virtually unstoppable. Another note, they can only aggro 16 (that is aggro cap isn't it?) at a time. So once they have the attention of 16, the others ignore them until one of the ones aggroed ones dies or finds another target.

Bright and Shiny,
American Wonder



Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
Why do you need to waste time beating on the traitors when there's Sybils in danger? Why do you need to waste time when there's Shadow Cysts bringing forth dangerous nictus from the other sides of the galaxy? The first two missions in a serious, realistic view demand focusing on the objective only. Heroes wouldn't risk having the Sybils harmed because they provoked their captors' allies. And I believe both heroes and villains wouldn't let a crystal that spawns more threats remain intact any longer than necessary.
The practical problem with speed runs is that not all characters can run through the Shadow Cyst cave without getting creamed. I dread speed runs when I'm running a unstealthed squishie because I am almost certain to be killed if I try to run through the mobs, and I'm almost certain to be killed when the ambushes spawn in response to the shadow cysts being destroyed. And, no, knowing that your allies will simply be rezzed is the wrong answer: in-game lore has established that the emergency teleporter can fail, and I for one would be very hesitant to count on it thousands of years before it was invented...

From an in-game point of view, making sure your own team survives the assault is more important than roaring through the cave at top speed. A helter-skelter mad rush is also not advised if you want to avoid hurting the very people you're trying to save with lightning blasts, fireballs and nuclear detonations.

Furthermore, freeing the sybils is completely pointless if you leave hundreds of enemies in your wake who will simply recapture the hostages after you free them. But in the game the freed sybils simply flounce past hoards of minotaurs and soldiers.

Finally, competent strategists would not barrel through crowds of enemies, auras blazing, leaving hundreds of enemies chasing after them, allowing them to be surrounded and overwhelmed just as they reach their goal. But we all know the way the game works: the mobs quickly lose interest and don't follow. Which is complete balderdash in reality.

If these missions were done the way they'd be done in the real world, we would defeat or chase off all hostage-takers, collect all the hostages, escort them back to the boat, see the boat off, then assault the temple on the hill. A mad rush is unnecessary because the sybils are useful to the Cimmerorans, so they won't kill the women. But we all hate escort missions with our very breath and soul, and are all glad we don't have to escort all those sybils out of the tunnels.

In summary, you can't justify a speed run with real-world logic when its success depends on completely unrealistic in-game logic (AoEs can't hurt friendlies, freed hostages just waltz out unharmed, mobs lose interest quickly, and the aggro cap is some small manageable number).

The real problem with speed runs is that the devs created conflicting goals when they introduced valuable end-of-task rewards like rare recipes (in the KHTF), Notice of the Well (weekly strike task), Empyreans and rare salvage (iTrials) for tasks that some players need to complete slowly (defeating many mobs). Further compounding the problem are badges that depend on performing the same task repetitively (such as the WST).

People who need the experience (sub-50s in the ITF or iXP on trials), or people who need raw materials (shards on the ITF, threads on iTrials) can have a hard time finding a team or league that satisfies their needs, when the most experienced players who are organizing them long ago completed those requirements and are now focused solely on the one end-of-task reward.

I prefer to do TFs and trials in the most efficient way possible for the maximum gain. Speed Lambdas are bad because you don't get many astrals, and they have a very high failure rate unless you have mostly +2 and +3 characters. And they don't take that that much less time to complete than doing them "right."

In the worst case, trying to speed through these TFs and trials actually takes longer than staying together and maintaining a coherent focused force that packs a bigger punch because all your damage and debuffs are working together. If everyone is split up and dying and people are waiting around for them to come back from the hospital, you're just wasting time.



I know that at least half to 3/4 of the ITF's I've seen advertized on Justice are what I call Shard/XP runs as opposed to Speed runs

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I just did the ITF for the first time in years. It was simply stupid.

Every character simply ignored the foes and ran through the missions past them, taking out only the ones they needed to. There was no challenge to it. 90% of the foes may as well not have been there.

Is the rest of the high level this stupid now?
I call BS on this post. You have played for years yet the weekly TF being speed run is somehow an "issue", bullocks. If they put the settings on -1 and they are running around the TF +2 to the enemy this will happen WAI.

If you want a regular ITF or anything else don't join the weelky tf or any other activity being run for speed, really simple.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
The practical problem with speed runs is that not all characters can run through the Shadow Cyst cave without getting creamed. I dread speed runs when I'm running a unstealthed squishie because I am almost certain to be killed if I try to run through the mobs, and I'm almost certain to be killed when the ambushes spawn in response to the shadow cysts being destroyed.
This is bad speed-running. For good speed running, the squishies will be covered in lovely Ice armour or similar buffs, or know to bring along a suitable stack of purple candy. If peoples' speed runs are littered with dead squishies, then they definitely are Doing It Wrong. (Said as someone who speed runs ITFs on a zero-def Fire blaster.)

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I just did the ITF for the first time in years. It was simply stupid.

Every character simply ignored the foes and ran through the missions past them, taking out only the ones they needed to. There was no challenge to it. 90% of the foes may as well not have been there.

Is the rest of the high level this stupid now?
The simple answer to this is - form your own ITF. Yes, there are others that feel the same way you do and will join your team. Advertise an XP / Shard / kill all / plow - whatever. People know what you are talking about and will join.

On a personal note. I too used to believe speed runs to be stupid and bypassing what i found to be the "meat" of the game. However, after running ITF (which is still argueably the best TF in the game) and all of the other "high level content" many hundreds of times.... it got a little tedious.

I now greatly enjoy speed runs and find it fun and challenging in itself to form a great team and try to push for a faster time.

If you were to form a kill all, I might join you with a tank or mastermind. I do still enjoying killing stuff eh

If you wanted a speed run, I might grab a scrapper or debuffer.

Don't get down on one run. Play the way you want and you probably will make a lot of friends who want to do the same. Theres no reason to look down on others for playing a way that you don't approve of.

Its a game. Have fun. I am.

"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
:/ Speed runs were done this way long before lambda.
Yeah, I should have said that they are more prevalent because of speed iTrials. A lot of the players that were not doing speed runs got used to doing speed runs because of Lambda.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



It isn't just ITFs. I honestly haven't found a single STF, Dr. Kahn, LGTF, LRSF, or Barracuda that wasn't a skip-all-mobs speedrun since I started playing again a few months ago. The one LGTF I did go on that wasn't a "speed run" entailed one player stealthing the mission objective and everyone else doing a completely useless "lets clear all enemies" after the mission was long since finished. The team disbanded after the first mission due to a conflict of interests. In fact, the only high level TF I've seen that doesn't get speed runs is the ITF. And, it is advertised as not being a speedrun that really emphasizes the problem. All the other TFs and SFs I've mentioned above, they were never advertised as a speed run when I joined them. They were just implicitly speed runs, and I was the idiot in the group because I was the only one who didn't assume it was a speed run. Rushing through the entire meal and wolfing down only the necessary parts is the norm now.

At some point, a lot of people just quit enjoying these task forces. I prefer to steamroll run them myself: You kill what is in your way as you fight to your objective. That way it feels like my heroes are overcoming a mountain of dangerous opposition to save the day, instead of having to rush to the mission door before someone stealth finishes it, or getting ganked by swarms of enemies because two or three guys have run ahead and you're trying to catch up.

I make my characters for the sole purpose of actually playing my characters, and I don't get to do that on speed runs. I run different task forces because I want to use and fine-tune my usage of that character in a variety of (supposedly) challenging situations and circumstances. The sad part is that other players cannot grasp that concept when I tell them so.

I mean, there are plenty of benefits to steamrolling. Inf for one, experience for two, salvage for three, recipes for four, getting better with your toon for five, fun for six, ishards for seven... you know the drill. In the last steamroll ITF I ran I got a hecatomb recipe, and before that I got an apocalypse recipe. On another toon, when I ran a +4 ITF (ITF from HELL!), I got an unbreakable constraint recipe. I'm a billionaire now, and I didn't get that way by rushing through to get merits or a synthetic hami-o enhancement.

I also wish that, in response to becoming a level shifted incarnate with tier 4 powers in all slots, they would increase the difficulty of their missions instead of staying at +0/x0 and speed running for the rest of their life.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Any task that gives a big reward at its completion is an invitation to get it over with as fast as possible so as to get that big reward.

The Katie Hannon TF was the first big example of that when the reward from all TFs were equal: One random Rare Recipe. And since KHTF was the easiest to speed through (before SpeEden was discovered), it was sped through.

Now that Merits and reward tables makes the big reward at the end proportional to the average length of time to do the TF, or, makes the reward random; well then, every TF or Trial is now a candidate for speeding.

That's a step up from just one being the targeted speed object, but it's still a bad reward mechanic. And that's not opinion. Objectively, holding out a big reward until final completion is a bad reward mechanic if you don't have ways to brake speeding through *all* of the TFs and Trials. Otherwise, human nature being what it is, players will rush to the biggest reward for the least time-effort.

I've been lobbying the Powers folks, and they've said they're mulling it over, to change the reward system by lowering the final reward and raising the drop rates during the tasks. But that hasn't happened yet except in small ways, such as the mid-trial rewards recently added to some of the iTrials.

But, if you don't want a Speed ITF, look for 'steamroll' or 'kill-all' or 'shardtastic' ITFs. The ITF is a drop bonanza because of all the Bosses and EBs and, at least on Virtue, there are still plenty of kill-all ITFs which are not speed versions.
I generally don't like to do full quotes, but a very rare thing has happened and I agree with the above post in its entirety. Try as I might, I see nothing I can disagree with.

It's a basic fact of game design that if you pool much of the reward at the end of a task, then the task itself begins feeling like a chore. If, on the other hand, you spread the reward throughout the task, such as every action brings some benefit, then it becomes actually desirable to take your time and clean house.

I may have mentioned before that I LOOOVE clearing missions, killing everything, searching every nook and cranny and so forth. This habit was born and bred in the original Diablo. In that game, the lower down you went, the harder the game got, but if you stayed on the same level and killed everything, you would be better prepared for the next one. In essence, every enemy I killed helped level me up, fund my gear and give me a chance for random drops before the difficulty spiked up. Even today, this is what I enjoy the most.

I enjoy games where rushing to the destination isn't as important as PREPARING for the destination. If we assume that certain tasks represent milestones, then I want to do everything I can BEFORE I hit that milestone, just so I know I'm not leaving anything behind. General-purpose levelling up and basic loot collection works very well in this way. It doesn't matter if I run three story arcs or one very long one, because I'm not fighting for the reward at the end, I'm fighting for the rewards on the way. When NPCs offer me rewards and I have the option to refuse them, I usually do, because I take their quests not for the rewards they offer, but because I'm looking for quests to do, and chances are the gold, drops and experience in those quests will be worth more than the reward at the end.

I fear that Dark Astoria might follow the path of Task Forces and Story Arcs and back-load its rewards, such that doing anything BUT stealthing through missions is a waste of time, and that would be very disappointing. I sincerely hope that enemies defeated on the way there aren't worthless in terms of Incarnate progress.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I hate speed runs. They're stupid. For some reason, I always wind up aggroing the mobs and dying an instant, grisly death.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Blame Lambda. This is the exact scenario that it needs to succeed.

During the sabotage phase, players are rewarded for taking out weapons crates and containment chambers as fast as possible while ignoring everything else. After 9 months, this is the result.

Yes, because nobody EVER did speed TFs/Trials before Lambda....

Oh, wait, yeah, they did. All the damn time.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
But in this solo characters simply ignored the enemies they ran past and soloed a crystal while all of the surrounding enemies attacked them, ignored the enemies and ran to the next crystal. The enemies simply were not a challenge or a threat.

Ignoring all the enemies around the cysts's is just passing up free drops in that case. If the team is that overpowered then it shouldn't take much time at all to wipe out all those bosses around it.




Hmm how bout if you don't like how people are running their teams you start your own team. Sounds easy don't it.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Hmm how bout if you don't like how people are running their teams you start your own team. Sounds easy don't it.
Yes, god forbid anyone actually TELL US their opinions....

Hmm how bout if you don't like what people are saying you don't read their posts. Sounds easy don't it.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I know people have been doing speed TF's for as long as they can - but this was different.

In low level content someone might be able to stealth to the end of a mission, find a safe place and teleport the team, then attack the boss. But in this solo characters simply ignored the enemies they ran past and soloed a crystal while all of the surrounding enemies attacked them, ignored the enemies and ran to the next crystal. The enemies simply were not a challenge or a threat.
No, that wasn't different. Sure, it may be different from what you had previously experienced, but it isn't different from what people were doing before. I've been on teams doing that since the ITF was only a couple of months old. Most of us could do it in our sleep now.

And yes, I mean running past stuff and fighting in the middle of objective spawns only, defeating only the key mobs.

I don't play everything that way, but I do play most TFs that way.

Edit to add:
Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
This is bad speed-running. For good speed running, the squishies will be covered in lovely Ice armour or similar buffs, or know to bring along a suitable stack of purple candy. If peoples' speed runs are littered with dead squishies, then they definitely are Doing It Wrong. (Said as someone who speed runs ITFs on a zero-def Fire blaster.)
Absolutely agree. A speed run where (a) everyone can't keep up on their own or (b) the team cannot provide the support needed for everyone to speed through is a failed attempt at a speed run, or one in which the leaders are being really obnoxious. All speed runners are not obnoxious in this way, and should not be painted with that fat brush.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I know people have been doing speed TF's for as long as they can - but this was different.

In low level content someone might be able to stealth to the end of a mission, find a safe place and teleport the team, then attack the boss. But in this solo characters simply ignored the enemies they ran past and soloed a crystal while all of the surrounding enemies attacked them, ignored the enemies and ran to the next crystal. The enemies simply were not a challenge or a threat.

At the end of the ITF to get the 300 kills they flew to the towers and used ion judgement to simply wipe out hundreds of foes (presumably multiple ion judgement, but I don't know). Wiping out 300 ITF took maybe 1 minute.

There is a difference between doing at TF as fast as you can - which I am fine with - and the TF not presenting a challenge except how fast you can run or fly.
I'm with others in thinking this may just be due to the ITF being the weekly. I've certainly seen fewer speed runs since many people want to acquire shards along with their notice as the end. The nature of those speed runs has changed though; rather than a few solidly built characters solo'ing sybils and crystals, the rest of the team seems as if they can keep up a bit better.



It's interesting to me that the focus of this thread has landed solely on the fact that it was a "speed" run. Well I recently did my first ITF ever, and it wasn't a speed run at all. And afterwords I was left mystified as to why anyone thinks the ITF is even remotely fun. It gets lauded in these forums, left and right, as one of the most fun TFs in the game, irrespective of any rewards that may come with it, but I just don't get it. I found it to be a boring slogfest with everyone on the team dying over and over on nearly every mission. You might say, well, that team didn't know what it was doing, but my contention is that there should never be game content that is fun only after you've done it enough times to have mastered it (a common criticism I have towards the iTrials as well, btw). Because a lot of us will never bother with tedious content after the first time through it.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Ummm I am telling my opinion how about if you don't like it STFU GTFO.
No, that's not "telling your opinion". That is ordering someone else not to tell their opinion. The difference isn't that complicated to grasp, as it's rather large and obvious.

Kind of funny you telling me not to "mini mod" and how you can post whatever you want as long as it follows the rules ( speaking of which, personal attacks and filter dodging are NOT "following the rules".... ) while also telling someone else what they should and shouldn't complain about...

I didn't say you can't post this. Just that you were being rather foolish doing so.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint