is all high level content as stupid as the ITF is now?




Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I found it to be a boring slogfest with everyone on the team dying over and over on nearly every mission. You might say, well, that team didn't know what it was doing, but my contention is that there should never be game content that is fun only after you've done it enough times to have mastered it (a common criticism I have towards the iTrials as well, btw). Because a lot of us will never bother with tedious content after the first time through it.

You had a bad team. There's very little reason you should be dying over and over on the ITF. I've occasionally run into trouble against the end boss, mainly on teams that were lower than level 50. But the ITF is IMO one of the most balanced game experiences for a few reasons:

1) Lack of large volumes of enemies with mezz keeps the ground relatively even for squishies. Everyone gets a chance to torpedo enemies, not just melee classes who are immune. (IMO the rest of the game is severely unbalanced in this regard, with some characters facing instant lockouts due to mezz while others are effectively completely immune and simply blow through it.)

2) -Defense in the enemy attacks creates a rare situation for this game where enemies are middle ground between too easy or too hard, and have a good chance to kill IOed characters after a couple of shots if they aren't careful, without just killing them instantly with one huge hit (eg like in many incarnate trials).

3) The enemies are difficult to mezz, but also not impossible.

IMO the ITF should be the model for all Task Forces.


ADDENDUM: The "speedability" of this TF isn't unique to it. It's actually an issue related to it being so easy to bypass enemies more than anything. If they wanted to prevent that in the future, one solution to discourage it is to have all (or at least many) enemies in the instance charge toward the team once final or mid bosses are attacked, as if those spawns were ambushes. Part 2 of that is make a rule that enemies aggroed in that way ignore the aggro cap, and each enemy beyond the 16th gets a 1% bonus to ToHit. You could still power through the map at max speed, but doing that would be at somewhat more of a disadvantage.

(This is the classic way older MUDs handled this issue FYI, since it was often easy to "run" past enemies by quickly spamming directional controls.)



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
It's interesting to me that the focus of this thread has landed solely on the fact that it was a "speed" run. Well I recently did my first ITF ever, and it wasn't a speed run at all. And afterwords I was left mystified as to why anyone thinks the ITF is even remotely fun. It gets lauded in these forums, left and right, as one of the most fun TFs in the game, irrespective of any rewards that may come with it, but I just don't get it. I found it to be a boring slogfest with everyone on the team dying over and over on nearly every mission. You might say, well, that team didn't know what it was doing, but my contention is that there should never be game content that is fun only after you've done it enough times to have mastered it (a common criticism I have towards the iTrials as well, btw). Because a lot of us will never bother with tedious content after the first time through it.
Sounds like it was just a terrible team with terrible players.


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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I just did the ITF for the first time in years. It was simply stupid.

Every character simply ignored the foes and ran through the missions past them, taking out only the ones they needed to. There was no challenge to it. 90% of the foes may as well not have been there.

Is the rest of the high level this stupid now?
Just did a 40 minute Master RSF (successful) on Victory, thanks Madame_Pistacio.

With Incarnates, everything but the trials is trivially easy.
You literally have to unslot your incarnate abilities outside Alpha and maybe go with a SO build to have a challenge.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I just did the ITF for the first time in years. It was simply stupid.

Every character simply ignored the foes and ran through the missions past them, taking out only the ones they needed to. There was no challenge to it. 90% of the foes may as well not have been there.

Is the rest of the high level this stupid now?
As others have pointed out, maximizing rewards often dictates moving through the TF as quickly as possible to maximize reward per unit of time. WST rewards often enunciate this issue as it doubles the reward making the TF more worthwhile to run.

Consider that most people can only play for a limited amount of time and for those who want to progress their character in strength, that often means choosing the activity that is most efficient which most would argue is a speed WST or speed trial.

Of course, there are lots of goals that players will have that will require other types of play, you may just need to look a little harder or form your own TFs/trials to shoot for these alternate goals.

Additionally, I don't think I would consider the ITF to be "high level," since the TF will allow any toon 35+ to participate. I would encourage you to run the TF on a sub 50 team of toons with only SOs or generic IOs, I would wager that you will find the TF much more challenging.

I suggest you adjust your perception of what "high level" content is as toons are now allowed to level to essentially 51 everywhere and 53 in certain instances. In the same sense that I don't expect a level 10 toon to street sweep mobs in Atlas Park, I also wouldn't expect a 51 to stop and worry about level 48 mobs.

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
With Incarnates, everything but the trials is trivially easy.
You literally have to unslot your incarnate abilities outside Alpha and maybe go with a SO build to have a challenge.
Arguably you could exempt or run AE. Of course, people complain about being lower level for the former and the latter is is openly shunned irregardless of mission choice.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I just did the ITF for the first time in years. It was simply stupid.

Every character simply ignored the foes and ran through the missions past them, taking out only the ones they needed to. There was no challenge to it. 90% of the foes may as well not have been there.

Is the rest of the high level this stupid now?
Not really. And neither is the ITF. From what I see, it's not normally run that way. People usually take their time and wipe the floor with the enemies, looking for drops, since the missions are packed with bosses and elite bosses.

However, the ITF is the Weekly Strike Target right now so speed runs are more common. I was on a run last night under 20 minutes. It was announced and recruited specifically as a speed run.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I just did the ITF for the first time in years.
Every character simply ignored the foes and ran through the missions past them, taking out only the ones they needed to.
This is soo 2008.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Blame Lambda.

Edit seeing no one is reading my later post:
Yeah, I should have said that they are more prevalent because of speed iTrials. A lot of the players that were not doing speed runs got used to doing speed runs because of Lambda.

Sub 20 minute ITFs had been happening frequently long before anyone knew what a Lambda was, now please return to your regularly scheduled cantankerous posting.



In my experience, speed ITFs were only marginally faster than a kill-most or kill-all, and the potential rewards you'd get for defeating more enemies negates the time you might save.

I've never understood the fascination with trying to run something 5 or 10 minutes faster, especially the ITF.

Other TFs or trials might see a difference in speeding or not, but I think you should probably take each one as their own case. Some are worth speeding through and some aren't.

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Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
The practical problem with speed runs is that not all characters can run through the Shadow Cyst cave without getting creamed. I dread speed runs when I'm running a unstealthed squishie because I am almost certain to be killed if I try to run through the mobs, and I'm almost certain to be killed when the ambushes spawn in response to the shadow cysts being destroyed. And, no, knowing that your allies will simply be rezzed is the wrong answer: in-game lore has established that the emergency teleporter can fail, and I for one would be very hesitant to count on it thousands of years before it was invented...
I stopped reading here. Why on earth would you join something advertised as a speed run with a character you know can't speed run it?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
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Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I found it to be a boring slogfest with everyone on the team dying over and over on nearly every mission.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one. My TF experiences are so different from what I read about on the forums that I wonder sometimes if I'm even playing the same game.

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Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
In my experience, speed ITFs were only marginally faster than a kill-most or kill-all, and the potential rewards you'd get for defeating more enemies negates the time you might save.

I've never understood the fascination with trying to run something 5 or 10 minutes faster, especially the ITF.

Other TFs or trials might see a difference in speeding or not, but I think you should probably take each one as their own case. Some are worth speeding through and some aren't.
I've been on a 25 minutes ITF. You cannot run a kill all ITF in 25 minutes.

As others have pointed out its usually the reward. Also people actually find trying to beat their own best time fun. Yeah I know fun. A foreign concept more and more on these forums. I forgot everything in an mmo needs to be a painful slog even after you've done the tf or mission 50+ times.

Carry on.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Ive run a few ITFs this week on Virtue with my main blaster Bentley Berkeley. From the OPs description it could of easily been one of my groups.

My typical ITF takes around 45 minutes, Ill take any AT lvl 35+ who wants to join.

SOP for each part is as follows.

Part 1: Secure the hostages. Once they are done we move on from the caves. WHat else would a hero do, waste time fighting or rescue the damsel?

Once OUtside Fly straight up, I really dont give a rats *** if the team follows or fights thier way up. I am securing the oracle and getting her to the altar asap.

Part2. Get it done ASAP. Keep moving, dont slow down for ambushes, and if one or more are capable of going off solo to speed it up all the better. That is real team work in my book.

Part 3: I designate a point tank for the team and go point blanker myself. General leap frog is the name of the game, when a generals number drops grab some sky and move on to the next.

Part 4: Rommy and Roofs. No time to waste, rommy is on the verge of gawdhood and even a second spent on needless battle while he lives risk more then the moment.

I only lead them. I never falter or fail them, and will take anyone willing with me.

Yet I can still recall those old days. When the ITF was brand spanking new, when you didnt always have enough 50s and had to work with lower lvl capped groups and no incarnate powers. For those this TF goes from fun to frustrating to say the least.

You see the game is at its best for all when you dont NEED anything but the company of others doing thier own thing to have fun to. If I need something from someone else besides just thier company then it goes from fun to responsable for others fun and that isnt really all that fun for anyone.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
ADDENDUM: The "speedability" of this TF isn't unique to it. It's actually an issue related to it being so easy to bypass enemies more than anything. If they wanted to prevent that in the future, one solution to discourage it is to have all (or at least many) enemies in the instance charge toward the team once final or mid bosses are attacked, as if those spawns were ambushes. Part 2 of that is make a rule that enemies aggroed in that way ignore the aggro cap, and each enemy beyond the 16th gets a 1% bonus to ToHit. You could still power through the map at max speed, but doing that would be at somewhat more of a disadvantage.

(This is the classic way older MUDs handled this issue FYI, since it was often easy to "run" past enemies by quickly spamming directional controls.)
Interestingly, I think the ITF has one of the best-balanced "speeding" mechanisms of any TF. They just aren't used universally through the TF. It absolutely requires the defeat of what, prior to its release, would have been considered an ungodly number of foes.

Personally, I enjoy speeding. I enjoy seeing how much faster we can run it. Yes, that's an exercise in metagaming. I think that's perfectly reasonable to start doing once you have run something at on the order of hundreds of times. People "metagame" other escapist entertainment, too. Eventually, some of us play the game for the sake of playing the game, not for the immersion. Immersion is good, IMO, but you can't maintain it forever. Given the choice of ignore content I can't be immersed in or find new ways to be entertained by it, I choose to find new entertainment.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
In my experience, speed ITFs were only marginally faster than a kill-most or kill-all
Whatever run gave you that idea was not a speed run.

This was a speed run.*

Even a radically overpowered kill-all is going to take a good 40 minutes.

* This is the best time achieved by me or folks I know personally. It's not typical, even for us. 20-25 mins is more normal.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I don't even see how it doesn't make sense to some people to skip past the rabble and complete the objectives. Why should you kill every single armed-or-not roman in the place? All you're trying to do is free the sibyls, destroy the shadow cysts, assassinate the generals and stop Romulus. Have I ever read the mission text? Maybe I haven't! Just from the sound of those objectives you'd think they must be severely demoralizing at the least.

It is hard to relate to people who do not speed TFs. What's the point of doing them? Yeah experience is great but just by playing the game anymore you have a giant supply of experience boosters and whatnot, patrol experience, the fact that dying in this game means nothing... Leveling is easy. It isn't that speed TFs are necessarily hard, it's that they give you a goal to work towards rather than simply letting you sleepwalk your way through whatever it is you are doing. I find that the "feeling of team effort" in a ploughing TF is thoroughly explored about halfway through the first mission. You're going to start firing rain of arrows, she's going to run in and punch the meanest man in the face, he's going to stand in a corner with healing aura on autofire, et cetera.

On a speed TF, it's a race. Who among us can clear the boss room before everyone else has finished loading the mission? Who knows! It depends on your sense of direction, your rugged good looks, et cetera. The ITF is actually quite a poor example to hold up as "that stupid speedy thing," as Uberguy and others have said, since it adapts much more smoothly than most TFs to being speed-run.



Yeeeeeeeeeah the ITF is, probably, the best TF in the game. Many of the other TFs are not enjoyable and have absolutely ridiculous designs to them; those TFs are an embarrassment. So, the ITF is run a lot. Some teams like to plow through it and some do kill-alls. I did a kill-all earlier this week and it was fine.

I think the OP may want to actually FORM a team and declare it a kill-all or join one (check with the leader what type they're running).



Call me crazy but I think ITF speed runs are really boring. I'll do them every great once in a while but I would much prefer a sweep through (not necessarily a kill-all) because speed runs feel like mechanical subversion to me, the kind of thing a CPU will let you get away with that a real life GM would shut down pretty quickly. IMO just running past everything for the reward is like skipping the "game" portion of game. It's the fighting with the all the Romans and other enemies that I find enjoyable. The ability to just run past everything is IMO a bit of a weakness on the COH engine's part, and one reason I do think other MMOs are better able to create "dungeons." If only those games had our any-AT, exemplar/sidekick design philosophy, it's a weakness of CoH that would probably get me to leave the game. As always YMMV of course.

Incidentally, I like the element of the UG trial that has you kiting Desdemona around specifically because it makes the fight to the bosses more than just a speed through. If I didn't hate the boss enemies so much I would like this trial a lot (even more so if it were an 8 player TF instead of a trial).



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Whatever run gave you that idea was not a speed run.

This was a speed run.*

Even a radically overpowered kill-all is going to take a good 40 minutes.

* This is the best time achieved by me or folks I know personally. It's not typical, even for us. 20-25 mins is more normal.

This was pre i19: before interface/judgment/lore/destiny came out. Typical completion was 15-19 minutes, anything over 20 was /uninstall

Speed ITFs can be completed in half or less the time of a kill all, easily (as Uberguy said), that's not marginal, and offer the best rewards, even for lowbies looking for xp.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Call me crazy but I think ITF speed runs are really boring. I'll do them every great once in a while but I would much prefer a sweep through (not necessarily a kill-all) because speed runs feel like mechanical subversion to me, the kind of thing a CPU will let you get away with that a real life GM would shut down pretty quickly.
Hold on a second. Are you saying you play table top games with GMs who can't adapt to the players doing things that are innovative and force him to react to their tactics, instead of forcing them to react to his story?

I used to be a GM like that. I've met other GMs like that. I thought they sucked, and didn't play with them any more. I decided I didn't want to suck, and didn't GM my own games like that any more.

Speed runs are not breaking the rules. They are simply being as efficient as possible by doing the minimum actually required. The closest I would say any come to truly perverting the intent of any mission is when people intentionally fail missions to cut time. Most stereotypical comic book heroes would not do that, at least not if failure led to the harm of others. Of course, not all our characters have to be stereotypical heroes, or heroes at all, so that point is not really unambiguous.

There is no failing a mission like that in the ITF. There is only avoiding fighting what you don't have to, and burning what you do have to fight with white hot nuclear fire.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Speed runs are not breaking the rules. They are simply being as efficient as possible by doing the minimum actually required. The closest I would say any come to truly perverting the intent of any mission is when people intentionally fail missions to cut time. Most stereotypical comic book heroes would not do that, at least not if failure led to the harm of others. Of course, not all our characters have to be stereotypical heroes, or heroes at all, so that point is not really unambiguous.
Indeed, I was so happy when I read that they were stopping mission fails on TFs, since I always thought it was stupid. Then found out you could fail 2 missions total? All I could do was LOL. Since the main issue (that I noticed) was LGTF, and there are only 2 failable missions on that TF, one of which you only fail if you're doing a solo/duo run, which meant the change didn't even affect lgtf.

IMO, if you fail any 1 mission of a TF you should fail the whole TF, I'm sure many would disagree with me though.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
This was pre i19: before interface/judgment/lore/destiny came out. Typical completion was 15-19 minutes, anything over 20 was /uninstall
Things I can tell you do that we don't - you were targeting the Nictus Essences. (Actually, I like to do that, but the team normally doesn't do it that way. Our best times recently though have been when the Essences are defeated by AoEs and the like.) You look like you also have a very nicely built team there, four Corrs and four high-end damage scalar ATs for maximum force multiplication. I can't tell powersets, of course, but that looks like it's built for speed.

In contrast, we pretty much always speed with whatever people bring, occasionally tweaking if we have too much AT imbalance. Lately we just run with whatever. We often have 1-2 non 50s along.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Hold on a second. Are you saying you play table top games with GMs who can't adapt to the players doing things that are innovative and force him to react to their tactics, instead of forcing them to react to his story?

No, I'm saying that I play table top games because the GM reacts at all. IMO speed runs are an aberation of wonky game mechanics and the limitations of a CPU's inability to account for munchkin tactics, and not an "adaptation." Functionally, IMO they are no different than an extreme and improbably min/maxed build which a skilled GM would also suitably handle. They're not cheating but I don't consider them an especially broad victory for game design either.

Case in point, if in a superhero table top game, if the PCs did something as silly as race to the final room past dozens of guards thinking those guards weren't going to keep chasing them like they do in the CPU version of this game, they'd have a nasty surprise awaiting them. Same with assuming that only 16 enemies at a time max would bother to aggro on you, and that enemies would leash after 200ft or so if you didn't hit them back.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Hold on a second. Are you saying you play table top games with GMs who can't adapt to the players doing things that are innovative and force him to react to their tactics, instead of forcing them to react to his story?
I agree with you here. In fact, in the case of the ITF, clearing all the missions would really be screwing with the story. Remember, we travel back in time to do the TF. Killing hundreds of people unnecessarily is a definite no-no in time travel scenarios.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Things I can tell you do that we don't - you were targeting the Nictus Essences. (Actually, I like to do that, but the team normally doesn't do it that way. Our best times recently though have been when the Essences are defeated by AoEs and the like.) You look like you also have a very nicely built team there, four Corrs and four high-end damage scalar ATs for maximum force multiplication. I can't tell powersets, of course, but that looks like it's built for speed.

In contrast, we pretty much always speed with whatever people bring, occasionally tweaking if we have too much AT imbalance. Lately we just run with whatever. We often have 1-2 non 50s along.
It was 2x fire/cold, 1x sonic/cold, 1x fire/kin, 1x fire/shield, 1x elec/shield, 1x spines/wp, 1x fire/mental. That was super stacked, but tbh it was what people normally brought anyways, we all had similar interests in min/maxing and builds. Post i19 we stopped trying, the new incarnnate tiers kinda ruined it for us.

For Rom: It all dies super fast from aoe, with just a bit of single target to make sure the 2 nictus died before rezzed rom dies. Drain Psyche and Benumbs on the nictus maximize how effective killing all of them all at once is.

I really miss the race for top times, it was the most fun thing to do in the game for many people I grouped with. And while Oedipus Tex mentioned speed ITFs are boring, I consider it the opposite, calculating every move to minimize the amount of time you do each task no matter how small is quite exciting.