Using Ion on Civilians in TPN (Yes, this happened)




I was just leading a TPN on Freedom. I explained, many many times, NO AoES, NO DMG AURAS, NO PETS.

We got to the stage where Maelstrom is outside, and someone decided that Ion judgement is a single target attack. If he'd have had tier 4, we'd have instant wiped. As it was, he took us from around 150 public opinion to 30 in one move.

I usually don't have many bad PuG stories, but this one was so special I though I should share. What do you think about using Ion on civilians? Was he farming them? He chose the right judgement then. Though maybe he could have gotten more if he had using Pryonic or Vorpal or Void, as the chain may have ended prematurely.

I propose that any player that kills 30 or more civilians should get a badge.

"Griefer" - You are the best at griefing. You griefed an entire incarnate trial into failure.

"Griefer" would give an accolade that stops the use of the team-up teleporter.

Either that, or make a very special badge called "Idiot", displayed in size 70 font, that cannot be unequipped. Though I guess badgers would still try and get it, so that may actually be a horrible idea.

TW/Elec Optimization



Heh 5 minutes ago someone was broadcasting in Freedom AP about some idiot who used Judgement on civvies



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Did you remove them from the league?
No, we kept him until we wiped so that we could point fingers at him

Wouldn't would anyone to accidently reinvite him you know. If we kicked him, we wouldn't have time to 1 star him and put bad notes down.

Seriously though, after that the trial failed in about 30 seconds.

TW/Elec Optimization



On my first TPN I did similar. I was on the outside team; my toon is Kin/Energy, so nice buff/debuff and I'm very single target focused. Initially Telepathists were susceptible to knockback; so I would Power Push them away from the cits, making it easier for the other league mates to take 'em down.

Four or five Telepathists in I hit Ion instead of Power Push. Yes, it was an accident. I announced it in league immediately. And apologized. Profusely.

Luckily everyone was new to the trial and forgiving. We were able to rebuild PR and had a successful completion. I was terribly careful the next few runs, but now the Telepathists are immune to KB so I don't bother with Power Push on that stage.

I dunno about the guy on your trial; it might have been a mistake, it might have been on purpose. I wasn't there. I certainly wouldn't appreciate some kind of special badge or title for a mistake like that.

Some people seem to close their chat windows when they get on a trial. Others just don't pay attention. It sucks but it happens.

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This highlights the problem that I kind of have in general with the incarnate trials. I love the story and the epic feel of them but a single clueless player can just about instantly fail most of them. And these are with regular runs, not even the badge runs.

For example, In the Lambda trial, all it takes is a single person dancing in the cutscene then running backward once Marauder spawns and he'll exit the zone and instant-fail the trial.

In the Underground trial, all it takes is a single confused person fighting the Avatar using Rebirth or Barrier and the avatar gets buffed to the point of being unbeatable. Or using confused judgement can cause a league wipe that many leagues don't recover from.

In Minds of Mayhem, a single person using uncontrolled pets, aoe knockback, or aoe mez powers in phase 2 or phase 4 can cause trial failure.

And so on. Each trial has something like this and I find it incredibly frustrating. What I'd like to see is the trials not necessarily be easier to complete, but at least be more difficult to fail.



Originally Posted by syrusb View Post
On my first TPN I did similar. I was on the outside team; my toon is Kin/Energy, so nice buff/debuff and I'm very single target focused. Initially Telepathists were susceptible to knockback; so I would Power Push them away from the cits, making it easier for the other league mates to take 'em down.

Four or five Telepathists in I hit Ion instead of Power Push. Yes, it was an accident. I announced it in league immediately. And apologized. Profusely.

Luckily everyone was new to the trial and forgiving. We were able to rebuild PR and had a successful completion. I was terribly careful the next few runs, but now the Telepathists are immune to KB so I don't bother with Power Push on that stage.

I dunno about the guy on your trial; it might have been a mistake, it might have been on purpose. I wasn't there. I certainly wouldn't appreciate some kind of special badge or title for a mistake like that.

Some people seem to close their chat windows when they get on a trial. Others just don't pay attention. It sucks but it happens.
I understand it could have been a mistake. The badges was me attempting to make it funny instead of me just ranting (I deal with anger by using comedy). I wouldn't actually support ostracizing people for killing that many civilians.

I'm pretty that this was just someone that didn't read chat though, judging by ingame behavior.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by syrusb View Post
On my first TPN I did similar. I was on the outside team; my toon is Kin/Energy, so nice buff/debuff and I'm very single target focused. Initially Telepathists were susceptible to knockback; so I would Power Push them away from the cits, making it easier for the other league mates to take 'em down.

Four or five Telepathists in I hit Ion instead of Power Push. Yes, it was an accident. I announced it in league immediately. And apologized. Profusely.
I've never dealt with Telepathists in any run I've done, but for the first stage with the cameras, I've made a point of making a version of my main power tray that has all the non-ST powers removed, just so I don't accidentally hit the wrong power and destroy a camera (I did it once, and it wasn't a big deal and didn't really hurt us much at all, but that was enough for me).

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
What I'd like to see is the trials not necessarily be easier to complete, but at least be more difficult to fail.

This is more or less my take on it too.



Originally Posted by Combat View Post

I propose that any player that kills 30 or more civilians should get a badge.

"Griefer" - You are the best at griefing. You griefed an entire incarnate trial into failure.

"Griefer" would give an accolade that stops the use of the team-up teleporter.

Either that, or make a very special badge called "Idiot", displayed in size 70 font, that cannot be unequipped.

I would suggest that you don't do that....because....

Though I guess badgers would still try and get it, so that may actually be a horrible idea.

Oh you covered that already....

Never mind, move along!

*yes I would do that to get the badges....mmm shiny badges*

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Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
Each trial has something like this and I find it incredibly frustrating. What I'd like to see is the trials not necessarily be easier to complete, but at least be more difficult to fail.
Yeah, really when they design Trials, they should have one Dev on it who's sole job during testing is to try and make sure it fails, then whatever causes the trial to fail based singularly on what THAT Dev did, should be fixed.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Now I feel an urge to use my T4 Ion Judgement on the civvies, just to see it.

I won't, ecause that would be a jerk move for the rest of the League, but if I ever find myself alone there thru a league disband mess up with the option, I'll take it lol.

I found myself alone in the BAF once when something went weird. Waited around for ten minutes but nobody came in. I spent a while trying to take out the Warworks in my own and then gave up lol.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Hey Matt, you seeing this? It's about you.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Now I feel an urge to use my T4 Ion Judgement on the civvies, just to see it.

I won't, ecause that would be a jerk move for the rest of the League, but if I ever find myself alone there thru a league disband mess up with the option, I'll take it lol.

I found myself alone in the BAF once when something went weird. Waited around for ten minutes but nobody came in. I spent a while trying to take out the Warworks in my own and then gave up lol.

I did a SLAM recently that went haywire when people stopped using grenades and using the hospital (aka, bad PuG). I was basically standing alone in a field of warworks smashing him, and I was doing pretty good until the clutter got so bad I couldn't see the nova fist warning. After the league exited, I tried going in solo. Me vs 100. I felt really good until I realized that an enraged Marauder is pretty much invincible to smashing/lethal damage and that the adds where so numerous I couldn't find the crate for more grenades. After killing 50ish adds I gave up and quit.

TW/Elec Optimization



That story is funny. But we could have it worse.

There's a game that had a raid where EVERYONE on the raid (24 players) had to ensure that their power stat (endurance here) stayed EXACTLY between 60% or 20% or it was insta-wipe.

While that game is orders of degrees harder than CoH, even the devs there had to fix that.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
I was just leading a TPN on Freedom. I explained, many many times, NO AoES, NO DMG AURAS, NO PETS.

We got to the stage where Maelstrom is outside, and someone decided that Ion judgement is a single target attack. If he'd have had tier 4, we'd have instant wiped. As it was, he took us from around 150 public opinion to 30 in one move.

I usually don't have many bad PuG stories, but this one was so special I though I should share. What do you think about using Ion on civilians? Was he farming them? He chose the right judgement then. Though maybe he could have gotten more if he had using Pryonic or Vorpal or Void, as the chain may have ended prematurely.

I propose that any player that kills 30 or more civilians should get a badge.

"Griefer" - You are the best at griefing. You griefed an entire incarnate trial into failure.

"Griefer" would give an accolade that stops the use of the team-up teleporter.

Either that, or make a very special badge called "Idiot", displayed in size 70 font, that cannot be unequipped. Though I guess badgers would still try and get it, so that may actually be a horrible idea.
Had a very similar thing in the first few days after TPN hit. I remember one league, and this guy was either an idiot, literally handicapped, a new player, or trolling. After the leader said (in PD, before we ever began) not to use Aoe's or pets outside, he constantly kept ask for more details. Something like..

No Aoes outside right?
No aoes, none at all! pets either?
No pets either!
So, can I use my lore pets?
What about my voltaic senty? It is a primary power, not a pet.
NO pets, of any kind.

At this point I was getting annoyed, as he was clogging up the league chat with his idiotic questions. But there was more!

No aoes right? But, can I use my epic cones?
NO! Since when are cones not aoes genius?

And I am pretty sure after allll this, he was another person who used Ion, as soon as we got into the trial.



Originally Posted by syrusb View Post
On my first TPN I did similar. I was on the outside team; my toon is Kin/Energy, so nice buff/debuff and I'm very single target focused. Initially Telepathists were susceptible to knockback; so I would Power Push them away from the cits, making it easier for the other league mates to take 'em down.

Four or five Telepathists in I hit Ion instead of Power Push. Yes, it was an accident. I announced it in league immediately. And apologized. Profusely.
And this is why the badge "suggestion", tongue-in-cheek or serious, was simply absurd. Mistakes do happen, and that's a pretty powerful punishment for a mistake.

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Originally Posted by Combat View Post
I understand it could have been a mistake. The badges was me attempting to make it funny instead of me just ranting (I deal with anger by using comedy). I wouldn't actually support ostracizing people for killing that many civilians.

I'm pretty that this was just someone that didn't read chat though, judging by ingame behavior.
The LFG lockout isn't as bad an idea as some people are doomsaying.

Blasting the civs (or a similar botch) once or twice in the run of an evening can be an isolated misclick, but doing it regularly is griefing and should be branded as such. And there are people who do it regularly.

Forming a league takes time and energy on par with herding cats. And then there's the trials themselves, most of which have some sort of hair-trigger failure condition even if your group is strong enough to handle the enemies. That's a lot of effort to have go down the drain just because someone unwittingly invited a troll.



Well there are some surprising ways this trial can get you, too. For example, Cognitive Interface. Even attacking something single target with that slotted can mess you up because the confused enemy can attack a civilian or a camera.



Good for him for demonstrating what a poorly designed Trial the TPN really is.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Actually, what I REALLY want is the power for team/league leaders to use captions, like the developers. Big font, right in front of every player. Not in some obscure chat section, but big and visible on the screen. If nothing else, it would help a little to make sure people at least had a chance to read the instructions we give.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
Actually, what I REALLY want is the power for team/league leaders to use captions, like the developers. Big font, right in front of every player. Not in some obscure chat section, but big and visible on the screen. If nothing else, it would help a little to make sure people at least had a chance to read the instructions we give.

ugh no. There's enough spamming of text and fx already.

A compromise might be to give the League Leader some brighter text colour by default. If a functioning league all has their league chat window open it's simple enough to follow instruction

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
ugh no. There's enough spamming of text and fx already.
Half the time the special warning announcement texts are partially obscured for me anyway. Chat and league windows are left and right of my screen. With so much going on I generally don't have time to move windows fast enough to get the whole message.

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Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
ugh no. There's enough spamming of text and fx already.

A compromise might be to give the League Leader some brighter text colour by default. If a functioning league all has their league chat window open it's simple enough to follow instruction
You are being VERY optimistic about the average league...

Besides, a league leader shouldn't need to do this during the middle of a fight. Every trial has a relatively easy period at the beginning without tons of craziness that would give a leader time to address the league.

TW/Elec Optimization