Using Ion on Civilians in TPN (Yes, this happened)




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That's not how I see it at all. I see it as those people sucking. I'm sorry, but this stuff is not that hard. Perhaps you view this attitude as self-professed "elite" players dissing the "little guys" but we're talking about an awfully low bar for "elite" here. This isn't "listen to a detailed discussion of the trial beforehand and remember the details". This is "don't do X" or "stop doing X right now!"

Plenty of us are just fine with that. And we're not going to be tolerant of those who aren't. As usual, there will by derriere-hats who take positions like mine too far and are tyrants with the league star. That's unfortunate and I don't advocate it, but that's life.

I won't be evasive; I have an agenda. I will do what little I am able to to get the trials changed. I have no idea whether I will succeed or fail, but from my perspective I already won a round of Keyes. Maybe this is too gloat-y, but I feel like I and a few others saved that trial from obscurity at the hands of its biggest champions. Now it's time to address the remaining messes in hopes they might be salvaged.



I think Keyes is much improved. I think Keyes had completely different issues. For what it's worth, I think the damage pulses were nerfed into meaninglessness. I wasn't a big fan of them, but I didn't hate them as much as most people seemed to. At their current damage levels, I'm not sure why they're there at all.

Keyes suffered from very different problems than what we're discussing, IMO. It suffered from tedious repetition (which I believe TPN also suffers from to an extent), and from effects which could kill you without recourse (which MoM suffers from to an extent in the Penelope room).

Don't mistake my arguments against you as blind acceptance of everything about the iTrials as wonderful. Each of the UGT, TPN and MoM have things I'd like to see changed or improved. For me, they are all relatively small changes that I think would greatly improve the overall experience.

Here's an example. In the UGT, nothing in the trial tells players that being Targeted means they should move away from other players. Nothing tells them how to avoid being targeted in the first place. Nothing tells them what is about to happen when the Avatar channels the Will of the Earth, or how to avoid it. That's bad design. It's doubly bad because it does tell you how to avoid some other effects. "Get behind the avatar." "Get near Desdemona." But this effect? Nah, figure it out on your own.

Notice though that I don't particularly want the devs to remove those mechanics - I want them to make the mechanics less mysterious, because you still have to play well to avoid them even if you know what to do. Today, the only way to know what to do is to find out from players who learned it in beta, or people they passed it on to, or to go outside the formal community. Do you know how I figured out how to avoid "Targeted"? I looked at (off-forums) posts of data showing the War Walkers' powers. I would probably never have figured out how it worked just by running trials. And that's just not cool.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA