Coffee Talk Highlights, Dec 21, Doing MoM with Baryonyx and Dr. Aeon




Zwill is wearing a bear hat. It takes me about 10 minutes to get the darned old screencap software working.


Texas Justice won the Real World Hero auction for Zwill's hat. Z feels bad about selling someone a worn, 3 year old hat.

Z greets me seeing that I'm back after missing last week.

Baryonyx arrives to talk about the recently released trials.

short2care: people sure do like doing MoM O.O

Some groans and Z runs the joke into the ground.

CoHChaosCreator: I'd love to join you on your MoM!
ZedOmega: They're going to milk MoM for all it's worth.
desi_nova: I did your MOM last night Trebek!

Zwill does his Connery impersonation.

TANGENT: SNL Celebrity Jeopardy

TANGENT: Adobe ceasing Flash development.

Chat starts singing the Flash Gordon theme by Queen.

B: "You think MoM is bad, Dilemma Diabolique. DD. The Double D trial. We're not doing this on purpose."

psychoti: MoM has Double Ds already, right?
Raithnor: MoM's more like EEs
desi_nova: I think they're larger than DD's
psychoti: Just be glad that the second word doesn't begin with "d-o", or you know how people would refer to the "DILemma DIabolique"...

Z: "People are talking about rocks. Evidently rocks are hurting more than they used to now. Give advice that people are being emperiled by rocks."

B: "Well, some people are just leaving the outside alone. If you can do that, good for you. But that does cause problems leaving the telepathcists up."

Z: "You don't need many people out there. It can be done with two or three."

The only thing the Tele's do is turn the citizenry against you and the pacification debuff. Citizens can't even be damaged by AoE's until they're converted. Conversion is delayed by about 15-20 seconds.

Z: "Not a good idea to have pets, though."

B: "The citizens are tough, not tough enough to take a big beating, but more than you'd expect from a citizen."

Talk about griefing.

Z: "It's not the rocks that are damaging you more, it's the debuff making the rocks damage you."

kwsapphire: Q: what triggers getting TPed out of the TPN buildings? Someone told me its after all 4 terminals are clicked, but it seems we've been kicked before that.
TheNetPQA: three terminals.

Talk about the trial rewards.

Z: "There are going to be some interesting things you can buy with incarnate threads soon, like Enhancement Converters."

Some discussion on if that bit of info had been released yet or not. Apparently it'd been revealed in discussion about the Super Packs.

And now we talk about MoM.

Z: "The pace is a little different, you can take as much time as you like between major encounters so long as no one talks to Desdemona."

Black Pebble wants to show off a shot of Issue 22.

B: "It's literally just 5 straight AV fights and it's the most story-intensive trial."

coh_beastyle: And there are awesome periods of downtime with NPCs coming in that you can talk to

TANGENT: Telepathist/Telepathacist pronunciation. It's apparently Telepathist.

Z: "Back onto MoM, giggity!"

Dr. Aeon walks by.

Z: "What's your experience been with MoM?"

Aeon: "That sounds kind of creepy."

They've gotten Christmas cards, one from Samuraiko and one from Carbine Studios and one from ArenaNet.

Aeon refuses to do his troll-face face.

TANGENT: Zwill's bear hat and using it to peek into windows.

B: (quietly) "Pedobear must be stopped!"

Tunnel Rat is in chat talking from her apartment.

No one can find Black Pebble's screens.

TANGENT: Discussion of favorite vocal communication software. Skype/Vent/TeamSpeak/Mumble, etc.

Aeon is making faces in the background.

Z: "What's wrong with your eyes?"

A: "I'm doing something to amuse the people."

Z: "Did you just come over here to photobomb?"

A: "Yes."

multifoiled: I got screenshots of your Mom.

Z: "You're all hanging around hoping for Issue 22 screenshots, not to watch me fumble around. So here, have a screenshot!"

Z: "Apparently I accidently the sound."

B: "Can we say what this is?"

Z: "It's in Dark Astoria, and this is new."

A: "That looks like the concept art I sent in."

Z: "What was it? Like a face with pointy teeth?"

B: "Get the whiteboard over here, he can draw it for you in five seconds."

B: "That actually looks like a more refined drawing than your original concept art."

B: "Let's talk more about MoM."

Z: "Or Malaise. Or Mother Malaise."

Z: "Oooh, this looks awesome! I have to do this more often!"

Z: "It's a good thing Sean is a writer and not an art designer."

B: "If you look in the background you can see the previous image."

Z: "The War Wall looks outstanding."

Z: "This is kind of a cool little tool here."

Aeon continues to add to his drawing.

Z: "This image is from Dilemma Diabolique trial."

B: "The Double D trial..."

Z: "You call it the DD trial. You call it the Double D trial and your mind starts going in the gutter."

A: "You do the Double D, then you do MoM."

Z: "I better put it on the screen so Von Krieger can get it."

TANGENT: The robot from Buck Rogers.

coh_beastyle: Dr. Aeon's scribbles are turning into Picasso back there

Z: "What the hell is that thing?"

A: "It's a work in progress!"

B: "Now you can give it a body!"

Z: "It's a new AV: Derpy!"

Z: "Do you want to talk about Malaise?"

A: "The one I killed or the one you killed?"

Malaise: he's a tank and spank encounter until 50% HP, then he pulls memories out of your mind of GM's. It's a rnadom choice of 3 out of 16 nightmares.

Z: "Don't fly during that stage."

B: "That puts 5 pink fields on random players. IF you happen to be in the air when you get hit with World of Anguish. It grows over time, so it will grow in three dimensions."

Solasau: This whole trial sounds like a homage to Freddy Krueger.

B: "Incandescence can be used to good effect..."

Z: "I refuse to believe that!"

Talk about the Penelope Mayhem segment.

Z: "Here's a hint: Just don't run in an kill the storm voids. You want to pull them to her or pull her to them. I've seen multiple trials fail because people are just AoEing the Voids willy-nilly."

B: "She's untouchable, but she will give chase."

psychoti: You can drag her all over the place. MoM is in drag.

1:31 Black_Pebble: Skipping for me, but I'm 10k feet in the air atm.
1:31 Tunnel_Rat-1: Seems like that human cannon is finally working, BP!
1:31 coh_beastyle: Wow, that's pretty cool, Black Pebble.
1:32 Black_Pebble: I wish Tunnel Rat had a heart. :-(
1:32 coh_beastyle: Watching it during flight.
1:32 Solasau: She does, it's buried in a tunnel.
1:32 Black_Pebble: A heart she didn't rip out of a puppy, that is.
1:33 Tunnel_Rat-1: Hey, you're locked up in the SPCA, you're fair game.

TANGENT: Black Pebble watching the Ustream on an airplane.

B: "So he can't stop us!"

coh_beastyle: Don't be so sure
coh_beastyle: he'll hijack the plane
coh_beastyle: turn it right back around

Black_Pebble: I have nothing but love in my heart for all. And every day, I hope that one day Tunnel Rat will see that it's okay to be kind and frabjulous.

Talk of portals and Dopplegangers.

A: "Defeat ALL the Tilmans!"

Z: "Quick! Someone get to editing images! Black Scorpion could do it. When he gets back the entire game will be ponies."

Z: "Black Scorpion is a bit of a Brony, he might like that."

A: "I want to see a Black Scorpion pony."

Talk of how the last room looks awesome.

B: "It's meant to give that sensation of "No one can come here to help you."

Z: "I was getting my butt kicked in that."

Talk of Mother Malaise.

B: "If you avoid bringing the Nightmares to her I supposed you could DPS Mother's Mind. But bringing the Nightmares over will nullify her resistance to everything but Phasing. You can use Knockback."

TheNetPQA: Watch out for Knockbacks on the Nightmares too

You have the sever he connection to the Well of the Furies, which is connecting Mayhem to the Seer Network.

TheNetPQA: Also on Storm Voids. Dont KB the things that need to be placed

SnowGlobeCoH: Q: Why the timer penalty on the rezzes in the MoM trial? Isn't the lack of DPS enough of a penalty?

B: "The timer penalty is meant for players to bring their own rezzes, inspirations, the Rez other powers that sort of thing."

Aeon is being creepy in the background, and I miss it because I'm watching myself type.

SnowGlobeCoH: Q: Why does it interfere with Player Rez ability? With that dialog, I always get a "target busy".

B: "You can cancel the Desdemona rez ability."

Aeon is stalkerishly peering over Z's shoulder.

TANGENT: Cartoons.


TANGENT: Netflix

Steelhelm812-1: Q: in the praetorina invasion in May, where the prae AVs being played as devs?

Some of them were, not all of them.

A: "I was Marauder. I was insulting people and people were getting all up in my grill about Cleopatra."

Canis_L: The one advantage of having Diabolique next is that I can't see many ways to make her any more annoying to fight than she already is with Siphon Speed and phase shift.....

A: "Oooh, we'll see about that my friend!"

B: "We can't talk about it. The one thing I can say is that each Praetorian has been different and given additional abilities."

psychoti: Q: Someone brought this up in another UStream, any particular reason that the DA zone is released at the same time as powersets that are weak against the mobs of that zone? (Negative Energy)

Z: "That is a cruel and sadistic coincidence."

B: "There's not just the old villain groups showing up in DA."

Z: "Oh hello TheNet."

Net: "I'm just over here to harass you guys."

Z: "That's what he's doing."

B and A are alternating leaning left and right, Zwill tells them to stop it.

B: "We'll stop if you answer a question."

Talk of what Z got his kids for Xmas.

Z: "Cars 2, aka Pixar's jumping the shark, a lot of Legos, a lot of clothes."

psychoti: "Up" was terrible too.

Outrage from all three on that.


Canis_L: Michale Caine has been in a LOT of turkeys over the years...


The trollface face!

Z: "Time to troll Sean again! How's your new girlfriend?!"

Z got his wife a new crockpot.

Talk of XMas gifts.

Z got a 27 inch LED monitor rather than a new GFX card for his home PC since there have been mentions of a new technology and thus the prices on the current good cards dropping.

B: "I just want 4 hours of uninterrupted time with Skyrim."

Arrow to the Knee meme.

Aeon prefers Dark Souls.

B: "This is like the mega-tangent."

TANGENT: Grocery shopping

coh_beastyle: I used to do TFs in Cimerora, then I took Time's Arrow to the knee.

TANGENT: Steam sales

Z talks about him be alt-schizophrenic last night, playing 5 characters.

B was playing an Ice/Fire Dominator.

Z: "I just don't play dominators. I like Controllers, Scrappers, and Brutes. MY highest level Dom is 18."

A: "I have a Grav/Psionic Dominator."

B: "Are you excited for the Grav changes?"

Z: "I was seeing..." I missed the name, "playing around with Grav. And I was all like "Wow, you can do that?"

Z: "It's about noon. We ought to go and get lunch."

A: "Or we could stay for another two hours!"

Talk of lunch.

TANGENT: The various ways to wish someone happy holidays, merry Xmas, etc.

1:59 coh_beastyle: You know, the best thing I ever heard was someone in Ski Chalet calling it,
1:59 coh_beastyle: "The Greed and Avarice Festival"

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Totally not Dark Astoria. Dark Astoria doesn't look frikken awesome. Red war walls? Yes please!



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
SnowGlobeCoH: Q: Why the timer penalty on the rezzes in the MoM trial? Isn't the lack of DPS enough of a penalty?

B: "The timer penalty is meant for players to bring their own rezzes, inspirations, the Rez other powers that sort of thing."
That didn't answer my question, Zwillinger. An already failing trial cannot recover with that penalty in place.

Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
SnowGlobeCoH: Q: Why does it interfere with Player Rez ability? With that dialog, I always get a "target busy".

B: "You can cancel the Desdemona rez ability."
Zwillinger, please pass along to the powers that be that a Player Initiated rez should override the trial dialog box. The target has no ability to see if a player is trying to rez them.

If the trial rez dialog box is present, it should automatically cancel if a player rez is available. End of story. To do otherwise (ie. the current situation) is to make a bad situation even worse.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Great, now I have "Pac Man Fever" running in my head.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Great, now I have "Pac Man Fever" running in my head.
It's driving you crazy?

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Thanks for the write up

The concept art for DA... that face... with the teeth... looks like a huge Hydralisk. X_X

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



"Up" was a wonderful movie.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I guess I should feel honored, the first time in a while I'm able to catch one of these and I make the Recap twice, and inspired a tangent (on a tangent?)

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



So it looks like Antimatter/Positron is part of the DD trial? Sure looks like his silhouette in one of the pictures there.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



That thing looks like an Alien Queen with some hipster facial modification.



Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
So it looks like Antimatter/Positron is part of the DD trial? Sure looks like his silhouette in one of the pictures there.
Actually that's Blue Steel after Anti-Matter bites it in Who Will Die and BS takes up his armor. That little yellow thing is his badge, and that's why is aura is blue instead of the typical green AM's radiation usually is.

Edit: positron. I have no idea why I keep referring to his evil twin. XP



Although you missed last week's awesomeness of Staff Fighting...I forgive you...

Thanks VK

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



"Up" was awesome and for some reason there was a lot of dust flying around the room in the first 10 mins which led to my eyes getting a bit inflamed and thus watery.

I bawled my heart out.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
"Up" was awesome...
I agree, Up was a great movie!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
So it looks like Antimatter/Positron is part of the DD trial? Sure looks like his silhouette in one of the pictures there.
It is the outline of Positron/Anti-matter.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It is the outline of Positron/Anti-matter.
It's the outline of his/their -armor-.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It is the outline of Positron/Anti-matter.
Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
It's the outline of his/their -armor-.
Why does it look like there's a tiny little face on the silhouette's shoulder?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
"Up" was awesome and for some reason there was a lot of dust flying around the room in the first 10 mins which led to my eyes getting a bit inflamed and thus watery.
I bawled my heart out.
Oh, I'll agree that beginning of Up was very, very well done. It's the rest of the movie I think is terrible. And no, I'm not going to get into it here. I mentioned it during the UStream though.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Zwill is And now we talk about MoM.

Z: "The pace is a little different, you can take as much time as you like between major encounters so long as no one talks to Desdemona."

Black Pebble wants to show off a shot of Issue 22.

B: "It's literally just 5 straight AV fights and it's the most story-intensive trial."

coh_beastyle: And there are awesome periods of downtime with NPCs coming in that you can talk to
These guys haven't done this more than once, have they?

The majority of players will be doing their MoMs first on a league that's comprised mostly of players that have already done it. Even in the first 2 days of moM going live, it was nigh impossible to stop and "take as much time as you like" to read the blurb. "awesome periods of downtime"? On a trial?




The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
"Up" was awesome [...]
I preferred the low-budget Brazilian knockoff, "Down".



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
These guys haven't done this more than once, have they?

The majority of players will be doing their MoMs first on a league that's comprised mostly of players that have already done it. Even in the first 2 days of moM going live, it was nigh impossible to stop and "take as much time as you like" to read the blurb. "awesome periods of downtime"? On a trial?


I'm somewhat confused by what you are saying but...

I actually really like how the MOM trial is laid out. As a leader I can go phase by phase saying what to expect instead of typing all of it during the trial and not actually participating in the trial (for the 99% of the time).

With the MOM trial, I can say, this happens in phase 1, we all enter and then I can participate too!

Everyone can stock up on inspirations/etc, swap out Destiny powers/etc, really would like to see more of it in the future.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Yeah it was a good Ustream. I am soo glad I got them running on the MoM jokes, heehee I also got them to tangent about the tv stuff cuz I asked if they were gonna watch the season finale of American Horror Story and that got the ball rolling on what they watch. In case you didn't know already Short2Care in the Ustream is me, for whatever reason it won't let me put a number first in my handle on there.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



MOM will also be story intensive which is nice.