What old plot threads could we pick up on?




When learning about Project: Locke, Gordon Stacy said "I thought Dr. Vahzilok had the market cornered on this kind of mad science!" This got me to thinking... Yeah, he does, doesn't he? What happened to the guy? I mean, I know we defeat him in the 15-20 arc the Vahzilok Plague, but is that the end of him? Then I remembered an old suggestion I'd had - to have Dr. Vahz make a comeback in the 40s, complete with brand new engineered abominations. No longer slow, dumb, stitched-together corpses and instead fast, deadly, perfected killing machines like what you'd see from the tougher Resident Evil creatures.

But then it occurred to me that Dr. Vahzilok is just one plot which has potential, but goes just about nowhere and sort of ends, and there are so many others of them. I realise each new writer for this game seems to regard his or her predecessor's work with contempt, but I've said enough about this in other threads. Instead, let's see if we can't come up with a collection of old stories that never got told which probably really should.

*Blood of the Black Stream and the story behind Gadzul Oil. Obviously. That's the first thing anyone thinks of. Even without an Epic AT attached to it, that storyline would probably be worth telling.

*The Clockwork King. If he's supposed to "die" in the Synapse Task Force, who's powering the Clockwork who protect Penelope Yin, and who's the one who shows up for her in the Lady Grey Task Force? Clearly, the guy survives, but I want to know what happened to him in the intervening time.

*The Luddites. Who are these guys? Why do they dress like medieval peasants? Why do they hate technology? Why do they shave their heads? Why do they use swords and crossbows? They seem to hate Dr. Aeon because of his PTS, but how do they know about this?

*The Goldbrickers and King Midas. A long time ago, someone mentioned that the Golden Roller was so obviously King Midas inside his car and... Um, is he? I don't know. I've never seen King Midas and I've never heard a description of him. Why would he be hiding inside a car? And why does he know so much about technology? What IS the Goldbrickers' deal, anyway?

*Tub Chi. In Praetora, Tub Chi Tan is a co-leader of the Syndicate who respects honour and loyalty above all else, and that's a pretty cool story. But we've never seen Primal Earth's Tub Chi that the Tsoo and contacts keep talking about. What does he look like? What does he want? What kind of story can we tell about him?

*The Skulls and the Petrovic brothers. I may be misremembering, but I understood that the Petrovic brothers are the founders of the Skulls. I don't know if they show up anywhere, but I haven't seen them. I don't know why they decided to start a gang, I don't know if they had black magic powers before they did, I don't know how they found them, I don't know what they want... And considering the Skulls just sort of "stop," it might be a good story to tell.

*The Hellion Girlfriends from Hell. A while ago, I complained that these were just ugly unfunny gimmicks, but one of Twinshot's missions actually has a VERY cool twist on that: The Hellions don't know they're demons. We see the horns and the wings and the tail, but as far as the Hellions can tell, these are just perfectly normal hot chicks. They don't know these succubus demons are using them, they don't know their girlfriends are plotting to summon their demonic masters... They just don't know. And that's a very, very cool story that I really wish could be told proper, but it just isn't. Also... Who IS the leader of the Hellions? I know it can't be 3K Kelvin and I KNOW it can't be Duke Mordrogar.

*The Trolls, the Outcasts and the Warriors. Wasted potential is all I'll say. All of these gangs are so cool, but nothing much is ever made of them. Yeah, the Trolls and Outcasts get some spotlight in the Hollows, but Frostfire isn't the Outcasts leader, just their founder and not all that powerful, and Atta doesn't seem to be the Troll in overall control. And the Warriors have such potential, but they're turned into Iliad cosplayers. Who IS their leader? Odysseus? Heracles? I forget BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER! It almost never comes up. Mercedes Sheldon has a cool arc with them, but you can swap the Warrior names around and nothing will change. Oh, sure, it won't match the Iliad word for word, but the story itself won't change. All of these factions can do with so much more fleshing out and I'm sure there are plenty of stories to be told about them. The Trolls are dumb but violent, the Outcasts are cunning and always on the hunt for members and the Warriors are obsessed with honour and combat, plus they're powered by magical artefacts. There's room for story here.

*Dreck, Bile, Clamour and Upstart. Where are these guys? Dreck is supposed to be the leader of the Freakshow, but he shows up all of once, and in a mission that doesn't matter. He's supposed to be this opportunist who plays the Freaks for fools and uses them for his own ends by selling their services to Crey. And what of Bile the Technophile? How does a guy who hate technology accept drawing his strength from technology? There's room for a good story here. And what of Clamour? Yes, the Sister Psyche TF is about her, but she could show up again, especially in place of "Clamour Boi." And what of Upstart? He doesn't even exist anywhere in the game. There are only about two references to him being in jail in the whole game, and that's it. Dreck fears him. He sold him to the cops and wants to keep him in Jail. The Freakshow love him because he's supposed to be charismatic. Isn't that the perfect opportunity to start a civil war within the Freakshow?

*The Freakshow in general. At one point, the Freakshow were taken seriously. They were a crazy, frightening, unpredictable and extremely violent gang, something like your typical Raiders in your typical post-apocalyptic or cyberpunk dystopian future. They were insane, and thus their antics were somewhat funny in a cynical way, but they were still incredibly dangerous. They just don't seem to be relevant any more. If they aren't showing up just to be goofy and serve as a parody, they show up as "insert faction here" mercs for other people. And... Didn't they rebel against Dreck for selling their services for money once already? I'm sure Clamour's faction of anti-corporate militants might have something to say about that. I'd really like to see the Freakshow become relevant to the game once more.

*The Rikti Traditionalists. This was a great idea - the homicidal alien race we thought we were fighting turns out to be a peaceful, enlightened people cut off from home, fallen on hard times and consumed by a violent dictatorship. The fall of wisdom, if you will. Tragic, poetic and unexpected. But they never actually do anything. They show up once in Division: Line that's ostensibly about them, then once in Serpent Drummer's arc that's once more about them, but they don't really seem to have any effect on events following these. In fact... There ARE no events following these, just about. Gaussian's arc isn't about the Rikti and the Dark Watcher's arc is about Hro. But there really is no resolution to the Rikti on Earth, no trip to the Rikti homeworld... We don't even know how the Traditionalists helped us.

*Cimerora. Why did we go there again? I mean, I get that that's where the Well of the Furies is supposed to be, but we don't know that when we first go there. And what did stopping Requiem have to do with anything? I get that the Letter Writer knew about the well and gave the Midnighters the crystal in an effort to mask his removing of the well from Ouroboros by a torrent of heroes and villains, but I never got why heroes and villains wanted to go there in the first place. What does Montague have at stake in Cimerora?

*Croatoa. Again - what happened to this place? Will something come of it? Winter events, I guess, but will something MORE come of it? Almost every other place and storyline in City of Heroes ties into something more, but Croatoa just feels like I stepped into a whole other game for 10 levels then came back. Nothing from the rest of the city matters to Croatoa and nothing from Croatoa matters to the rest of the city.

*Bat-Zul. Yeah, him. Is he content to soak his plucked chicken butt in a lava hot tub for all eternity? What did he hope to achieve by animating the Clockwork around the PTS? What's the significance of the Cap Au Diable demons? Shouldn't that story either lead to something or at least be mentioned somewhere? Shouldn't Virgil go on to do something more than fail to trick still more villains?


Of course, all of these are just me. That's what I remember off-hand. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you don't care, maybe you care about something else. So, let me know. Which old, abandoned storylines would you like to see picked up on? "The Shadow Shard" and "The Banished Pantheon" probably don't count since those are almost certainly already in the works, but if you want to discuss them, go for it. But aside from those, what other storylines would you like to see revisited?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Y'know, I like these ideas. Especially the Vahzilok, Luddite and Golbrickers ideas.

Concerning the Petrovic bros, though... they appear in the Bonefire arc and they turn out to not be any different from the regular Bone Daddies. They're Marrowsnap and Marrow Drinker.



I'd take any of these over more Praetoria.

I had forgotten a lot of these which is a shame as one of the reasons I fell in love with CoX was because of its rich and detailed background. Unfortunately, I doubt we'll ever see many of these stories explored mostly due to the Lorekeepers behind them now having left Paragon.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Tub Chi. In Praetora, Tub Chi Tan is a co-leader of the Syndicate who respects honour and loyalty above all else, and that's a pretty cool story. But we've never seen Primal Earth's Tub Chi that the Tsoo and contacts keep talking about. What does he look like? What does he want? What kind of story can we tell about him?
Actually his primal Earth counterpart does show up.

For two whole missions.


In A level 50 arc which requires jumping through a lot of hoops to unlock (requires like 4 badges to get).

Also, sadly, his model isn't unique.

Here he be

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
I had forgotten a lot of these which is a shame as one of the reasons I fell in love with CoX was because of its rich and detailed background. Unfortunately, I doubt we'll ever see many of these stories explored mostly due to the Lorekeepers behind them now having left Paragon.
That's been my impression, as well. When Rick Dakan and his original team wrote the story behind City of Heroes, they left a lot of what were later described as "story seeds" - storylines which were hinted at in realised content and for which there was room in the overall world history, but which haven't been explored, themselves. The idea was that these would be explored in portions as the game developed, but that obviously never happened. Instead, the writing staff abandoned them and replaced them with other implementations that are a lot like what was originally there, but not quite. Hence why the FBSA only shows up in old arcs, and in new arcs we have SAM, instead. And while I'm flattered, I still like the FBSA better.

I've heard tell of this being actual practice in the studio - old writers leave, new writers come in and what kind of boss would make writers finish other people's work when they clearly wanted to tell their own stories, instead? To my eyes, this is a problem, because it leaves the game's story a patchwork of threads started and never finished, plots that just sort of stop with no resolution and plot points that clearly meant to lead up to something which never happened. I know it sucks for an author to be sat down and told to write for the characters of someone who's no longer even with the company, but sometimes that just has to happen. The old stories are good, and I'd like to see them explored.

Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Actually his primal Earth counterpart does show up. For two whole missions. Villainside. In A level 50 arc which requires jumping through a lot of hoops to unlock (requires like 4 badges to get).
So, Viridian. Got it. Don't unlockable contacts show up in the Contact Finder now, though? I know Veluta Lunata does, at the very least. Have you tried to see if Viridian won't show up, too?

Also, I stand corrected. Tub Chi does show up. However, that still leaves the story of his past, his aspirations and his organisation untold. I'd like to hear about the origins of the Tsoo (aside from "They recruit from the Hmong community!"), about how they came upon the magic inks, about who their ancestors are whose spirits fight alongside the Tsoo warriors, about what Tub Chi wants and why he wants it. There's a story to tell there, and an interesting one, too.


*Mayor "Spanky" Rabinowitz. There are allusions that he was with the mob, I believe, and there are allusions that he sold his soul to a demon. That might be an interesting angle to explore. Hell, we know more about the late President Marchand of the Etoile Islands than we do about a historic mayor of Paragon City.

*Seb Frost. Sebastian Frost is supposed to be godfather of the Family, and I assume that applies to both the Paragon City and Etoile Islands branches. Playing through the hero game, you'd almost think the Family don't HAVE a leader. The villain game is a bit better, giving us the power struggle between Emil Marcone and Guido Verandi, but Seb Frost is only mentioned once, and that's only because one NPC in one mission is his nephew. This guy needs a much bigger role in the game. The Family in general needs a much bigger role in the game. They are a very serious, very efficient organised crime ring that has existed for... What, 100 years now? We need to know that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*The Trolls, the Outcasts and the Warriors. Wasted potential is all I'll say. All of these gangs are so cool, but nothing much is ever made of them. <snip> And the Warriors have such potential, but they're turned into Iliad cosplayers. Who IS their leader? Odysseus? Heracles? I forget BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER! It almost never comes up. Mercedes Sheldon has a cool arc with them, but you can swap the Warrior names around and nothing will change. Oh, sure, it won't match the Iliad word for word, but the story itself won't change. All of these factions can do with so much more fleshing out and I'm sure there are plenty of stories to be told about them.
Odysseus actually appears in the Mortimer Kal SF.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



The coralax. Aside from Calistyx trying to awaken the leviathan, they don't seem do much. Just show up in parts of Port Oakes, and in the hollows (speaking of which, what are they up to so far from the isles?).

And what about the Banished Pantheons' presence in Striga? The closest thing we get to an explanation is the "the unnamed" exploration badge...



Point of order - A technophile is someone who loves technology.

That said, I'd like some kind of story followup to Unai Kemen's arc. At the end of it, werewolf world blinks out of existence. And then we never take the time to figure out how or why this happened, we're just satisfied because we beat up Requiem in a different dimension. Why not? This could easily be an Incarnate-level story outside of the trials. Find the mastermind behind the dimensional ruptures, find the cause of the ruptures, figure out how to prevent a similar instability from obliterating Primal Earth. Stuff like that.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



We had a thread line this around this time [url="http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=243232&highlight=plot+thread&page =5"] last year.

There was another one much like it that was much larger. A redname commented in it.

I can't remember who it was or what the thread was called.

Everything that's been posted in this thread was posted in it.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*The Skulls and the Petrovic brothers. I may be misremembering, but I understood that the Petrovic brothers are the founders of the Skulls. I don't know if they show up anywhere, but I haven't seen them. I don't know why they decided to start a gang, I don't know if they had black magic powers before they did, I don't know how they found them, I don't know what they want... And considering the Skulls just sort of "stop," it might be a good story to tell.
Regarding this, both of them show up as completely generic Skull bosses in standard missions. One in just a really generic standalone, and the other, IIRC, in the last mission of the Bonefire arc, but they're never identified as being special in any way. It's more like when the website did their writeup the writers went back and used some dartboard decision making to say "those two guys, they're the leaders."



Sam, sometimes I really wish you were the one in charge of things for this game.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*Seb Frost. Sebastian Frost is supposed to be godfather of the Family, and I assume that applies to both the Paragon City and Etoile Islands branches. Playing through the hero game, you'd almost think the Family don't HAVE a leader. The villain game is a bit better, giving us the power struggle between Emil Marcone and Guido Verandi, but Seb Frost is only mentioned once, and that's only because one NPC in one mission is his nephew. This guy needs a much bigger role in the game. The Family in general needs a much bigger role in the game. They are a very serious, very efficient organised crime ring that has existed for... What, 100 years now? We need to know that.
He actually shows up in Viridian's arc too. Similar to Tub Ci he doesn't really do anything, but there you go.

As for old plot threads, I still want to know what's up with Lady Grey, and to a lesser extent Dark Watcher.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*The Goldbrickers and King Midas. A long time ago, someone mentioned that the Golden Roller was so obviously King Midas inside his car and... Um, is he? I don't know. I've never seen King Midas and I've never heard a description of him. Why would he be hiding inside a car? And why does he know so much about technology? What IS the Goldbrickers' deal, anyway?
They get technology from Doctor Aeon (mentioned in one of Marshal Brass's arc). And we know from Dr. Shelly Percey that Midas looks like he's made of gold, and that it's some kind of body paint.

Flammond no doubt told you what he told me. Only one who could have done it is my boss, Dr. Aeon. He's been using the Gold Brickers to carry out thefts and attacks on his own. Trading them technology for their services.
The problem with old Midas is that I can't treat him thanks to his skin condition. Oh, he's not really made of gold, you know. Paints himself that way, thinks it makes him look tough. Men. Still, his skin is harder than diamond, and it's making treatment a bit of a problem.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I want them to have Dr Vahzilok reappear in the 40-50 level range as the leader of an off-shoot of Freakshow. Freaks already have Meat Doctors in Redside content, so I want that built upon.

Cadaver underlings with bombs attached
Reaper Minions with chainsaws
Freakshow Minions with Eidolon implants for small Dark or Rad attacks
Meat Doctor Lieutenants
Mortificator Lieutenants with 'Chemical Waste' toxic damage flamethrowers
Eidolon Lieutenants
Freak Eidolon Bosses, Dark or Rad Eidolons with Freakshow implants for a Super Stunner ressurect and claw arm
Meat Tank Bosses, a classic Freakshow in a (albeit smaller) Dr Vahzilok meat suit, high natural health regeneration, lots of cone/AoE attacks and the usual chance for self rez
The good Doctor Vahzilok himself, complete with Freakshow armour over his meat suit. Keep his gatling gun/grenade launcher arm, replace the other with a Freak claw which can grab chunks of flesh off himself to throw and spawn large groups of Cadaver pets, plus act as a lethal weapon. Add on the Super Stunner self ressurect and that's an AV to be afraid of.

I only wish they'd used Dr Vahzilok for the Halloween trial.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*The Luddites. Who are these guys? Why do they dress like medieval peasants? Why do they hate technology? Why do they shave their heads? Why do they use swords and crossbows? They seem to hate Dr. Aeon because of his PTS, but how do they know about this?
Their leader Martin Henri had visions and nightmares of the PTS and the truth to the source of its power. An old man keeps popping up in these visions telling him its his destiny to destroy the PTS. These visions grant Martin some minor super powers to sway people with his impassioned, but mad sermons. He is also being driven insane by them. The swear off all technology, so it's strictly old school weaponry I suppose. As for the head shaving, it's probably just some connection their Monk-like nature. For an enemy group with so little happening around them, they have a pretty rich little backstory really, and if they explored the Luddites, they would have to broach Bat-zul. Maybe that'll pop up as some sort of Incarnate solo content, lol.



I want the Outcasts to come back in starting from 20 on up.

Here's why: They have superpowers.

The entire group is based around the mutant archetype, they exhibit numerous elemental abilities. And then, they just up and disappear. From 20 on up, they could organize, suit up with themed tights and bulk out their numbers with Psychic and whatever else is missing that can be kludged in to work as super powered enemy group. Give a number of their bosses dual themed powers like Frostfire, and throw in a SupaTroll for flavor.

We have cultists, military, voodoo, psychic high-class circus, horror, scientists, time travelers, sorta mirror-verse, aliens, other dimensional beings, Romans and Nazis. Can we get an entire villain group built and based around legit superpowered beings in tights ?

They don't even have to have a major agenda, other than crime, they could just be Radio/Newspaper fodder madlib style.



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post

As for old plot threads, I still want to know what's up with Lady Grey, and to a lesser extent Dark Watcher.
They tug on Lady Grey slightly in the Incarnate, if she's not an actual Incarnate she has Incarnate ties.



Seeing as how Sharkhead Isle is one of my favorite villain zones. I just like fighting the scrapers and the guards. I really wish we knew more about Kirk Cage. (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Kirk_Cage) Who is he? Where did his money come from?

Anyone know anything about this?

"If Pro is the opposite of Con, then what is the opposite of Congress?"

Progressman - Level 50 - Energy/Energy Blaster - 500 Badges




Some interesting plot threads are mentioned in the old lore, such as the implication that Pandora's box was first opened back in ancient Babylon, possibly even implying Gilgamesh was the first Incarnate.

@#$% Prometheus, I want my god king to be guiding my through iTrials, and to be honest, when Prometheus talks down to me, it's annoying, with Gilgamesh, it's understandable given who he was. Besides, if he gets uppity I can just ask him "How's Enkidu?"

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



When I first saw the Girlfriends from Hell, I chuckled because I thought it was a clever character. Then I realized I was in a mission. Then I laughed. Then they hurt me. And I stopped laughing.

Personally I think the Girlfriend from Hell is a continuation of the "Hellion Girlfriend" and "Skulls Girlfriend" characters you see around every once in a while. Hilarious in hindsight to think that they're actually calling the shots, manipulating the Hellions like that and you don't even know at first, either.

Now personally I think there are concepts that SHOULD end after specific level ranges. I thought it was awesome that the snakes just stop appearing after mercy island, with very rare appearances in port oakes. It's cool that you can say you helped completely destroy them, and that they only exist within a certain timeframe.

This game's "level range equals time" mechanic is very cool and it's one of the things I like most about leveling. You actually CAN get the message "Sorry, you took too long, someone else handled it or it never got done" or somesuch message. That's neat. I like that. And sometimes entire groups of baddies can be classified that way too.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Now personally I think there are concepts that SHOULD end after specific level ranges. I thought it was awesome that the snakes just stop appearing after mercy island, with very rare appearances in port oakes. It's cool that you can say you helped completely destroy them, and that they only exist within a certain timeframe.
Well you haven't completely destroyed them in Mercy...

They come back in a 40-50 arc with avengeance, they're tougher, meaner and you face off against the Matriarch of the Snakes (the one who is laying the eggs) who is also suggested to be a minor Incarnate like Trapdoor.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
I want them to have Dr Vahzilok reappear in the 40-50 level range as the leader of an off-shoot of Freakshow. Freaks already have Meat Doctors in Redside content, so I want that built upon.
Hmm, I'm not sure if the Meat Doctors are still working for Doctor V anymore though... it's certain that Doc V and Doc Buzzsaw had a bit of a falling out, and Doc Buzzsaw moved to the Rogue Isles where she works with the Freaks, it's unclear if the other meat doctors followed her lead, or if they're still loyal to Doctor V, though it seems iffy that Doc Buzzsaw would work with Freaks if the Freakshow was dealing with her old mentor.

(If all the Meat Doctors went with Doc Buzzsaw, it would at least explain why you don't see them blueside.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
I want the Outcasts to come back in starting from 20 on up.

Here's why: They have superpowers.
You want to fight people with superpowers? I'm sorry, but we've got Mrs. Jenkins from 4-C lined up to throw rocks at you. Oh, she's empowered by the Well or some nonsense. It'll be fun.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Regarding this, both of them show up as completely generic Skull bosses in standard missions. One in just a really generic standalone, and the other, IIRC, in the last mission of the Bonefire arc, but they're never identified as being special in any way. It's more like when the website did their writeup the writers went back and used some dartboard decision making to say "those two guys, they're the leaders."
Yeah, I know they show up (well, so I've been told), but I never knew these guys were supposed to be the leaders of the Skulls. I've done Bonefire quite a few times, but all I've seen are bosses with non-informative names and the same copy-pasted Bone Daddy description. I'd really like the actual story behind these guys to be explored some more. How did they come upon their powers, why did they decide to start a gang, what do they want? Are they really brothers? There's room there for at least one story arc of at least a few missions.

Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
I want them to have Dr Vahzilok reappear in the 40-50 level range as the leader of an off-shoot of Freakshow. Freaks already have Meat Doctors in Redside content, so I want that built upon.

The good Doctor Vahzilok himself, complete with Freakshow armour over his meat suit. Keep his gatling gun/grenade launcher arm, replace the other with a Freak claw which can grab chunks of flesh off himself to throw and spawn large groups of Cadaver pets, plus act as a lethal weapon. Add on the Super Stunner self ressurect and that's an AV to be afraid of.
You know... That's not a bad idea. The Freakshow, just by the nature of what they are, benefit from both technology and medicine. They're cyborgs on the one hand, but they're also scientifically-enhanced humans on the other. Excelsior causes their bodies to change and they're always looking for tech and magic to help them regenerate, grow stronger and not feel pain. That's right up Dr. Vahz's alley.

I realise the Meat Doctors are separatists, but it does make sense for Dr. Vahzilok to come to the Freakshow for help when his old practice has been rooted out. Think about it - the fiercely intelligent mad scientist at the head of a faction of dumb brute cyber-punks is a pretty classic plot device. It would also put the Doc in a power struggle against people like Bile and Clamour who probably won't like him a lot. As much as I dislike what was done to Requiem when he went to the Council... His dynamic with Arakhn and the Centre in the Kheldian arcs is very well written. There is so much room to have Dr. Vahz feud with Bile over whether it should be technology or medicine that should enhance the Freakshow, as well as whether it should be crazy parties or "ends justify the means" science that's the most important. There's a lot of potential there.

Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
They get technology from Doctor Aeon (mentioned in one of Marshal Brass's arc). And we know from Dr. Shelly Percey that Midas looks like he's made of gold, and that it's some kind of body paint.
Yes, the Goldbrickers do sometimes serve as Dr. Aeon's personal mercenary army, but we don't know much about who they ARE. Clearly, they're their own criminal organisation that's only loosely affiliated with Aeon and have their own goals and motivations, similar to Paragon City's Sky Raiders. We're always seeing them try to drill through walls and cut through steel-barred windows, so high stakes robbery seems to be their MO. And we don't have a physical description of Midas as such. We know his skin is made of something like concrete but he paints it gold, and it's alluded that he got his powers from Dr. Aeon, but we don't know WHO he is or what he ultimately wants.

That's pretty much the definition of a story seed - things are alluded to and hooks are left for a story proper, but an actual story is simply not told. What's worse is that when we DO get story arcs ostensibly about the Goldbrickers... They're never ABOUT the Goldbrickers. We're told to go to places and do things and we'll get paid like good little boys, but there's never any real insight into the broader villain group that's having us do these things. That's a running problem in much of the I6-I7 villain content - we work FOR various groups, but we never work WITH them. As a result, we know much of what they DO, but very little of who they ARE.

Originally Posted by Mad_Scientist_JC View Post
Their leader Martin Henri had visions and nightmares of the PTS and the truth to the source of its power. An old man keeps popping up in these visions telling him its his destiny to destroy the PTS. These visions grant Martin some minor super powers to sway people with his impassioned, but mad sermons. He is also being driven insane by them. The swear off all technology, so it's strictly old school weaponry I suppose. As for the head shaving, it's probably just some connection their Monk-like nature. For an enemy group with so little happening around them, they have a pretty rich little backstory really, and if they explored the Luddites, they would have to broach Bat-zul. Maybe that'll pop up as some sort of Incarnate solo content, lol.
Wowza! Where did you get all that story from? I infer that it's not in the game, or at least not in the game as a storyline, but from what you describe, these guys could make for a VERY cool storyline or two. We could work with or against them in their proper level range, which is 10-20, where we finally get to meet Martin Henri himself, and possibly reveal some connection between him and French monk Father Henri who imprisoned Bat'Zul beneath the mountain. On the face of it, the Luddites are nothing more than a bunch of confused hippies, which is why exploring their storyline and seeing how much deeper it goes could be so interesting.

And I agree - if we bring Bat'Zul into it, especially as his bindings weaken, that could make for pretty interesting Solo Incarnate content. That's actually more or less exactly what I feel Incarnate content should be - messing with the kind of divine and demonic powers that have shaped history and which could pose a massive threat if actually released. I like that idea a lot.

Originally Posted by Progressman View Post
Seeing as how Sharkhead Isle is one of my favorite villain zones. I just like fighting the scrapers and the guards. I really wish we knew more about Kirk Cage. (http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Kirk_Cage) Who is he? Where did his money come from?
Very good point. All we ever hear about Kirk Cage is that he's in charge of the Cage Consortium and possibly shares a name with a Star Trek captain. But we never see him, we never get an idea of how he came to the Etoile Islands or why he's still here. It's inferred that he's mining for Red Coral, but I'm not sure if that's not just Arachnos having him mine for that. There's a story to be told here to establish Kirk as a character. I'd imagine he'd be like the classic ruthless businessman - authoritarian, ruthless and uncaring, but with a special taste for luxury and prestige. I mean, the guy lives in a mining town, but I'd imagine his penthouse overlooking the surface mine pit would be extremely luxurious.

And then there are the Scrapyarders. Who the HELL are these guys? Why are they super-powered? And they have to be, if we're getting beaten by miners dual-wielding pickaxes in our upper 20s when we're already fighting soldiers with guns. Is the Ghost of Scrapyard giving them power? Is the red coral giving them power? Are we supposed to infer that they're just so tough they can resist bullets? I'd like to see a story arc which explores that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think the Tsoo were essentially just a mystical oriental version of The Family.

A cartel from the east newly appeared in Paragon City with their RAGE drug that was actually a healthier alternative to 'Dyne (hey, it doesn't turn you green and fill you with the urge to go live in caves in the Hollows...) and trying to muscle in on the Family's turf.

It's been YEARS since I ran the Tsoo arcs, I can't remember if they were also the ones responsible for the Freakshow's Excelsior supply or if the Freaks manufacture it themselves/get it from Crey Corp