Terranova - should it be renewed or not?
Will it actually get a second season? Probably not.
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I really wanted to like Terra Nova but it failed to deliver on almost every level. Well maybe "failed" isn't quite the right word. Maybe it's been so mediocre that it's basically missed every opportunity to be interesting, edgy or unique.
It's like the "warmed over leftovers" version of TV sci-fi. There's nothing in it that I haven't already seen in some variation on other sci-fi shows for years. We've already had the "amnesia" episode, the "fake scientist" episode and several "trapped away from the base" episodes. It's almost like a weird re-imagining of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine with the "space station" (a.k.a. Terra Nova) on the other side of the wormhole (that leads back to 2149) but with characters which are for the most part one-dimensional and boring. They keep bringing up this bit about how Commander Taylor supposedly survived on his own for like 150 days before anyone else showed up - given that he's pretty much the only vaguely interesting character I almost wish the show was just about him during that time period. The rest of the characters are borderline disposable at this point.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Lothic pretty much summed up my feelings on the show. My life wouldn't be greatly improved one way or the other. I watch the show when I remember it's on, but it hasn't made my DVR or Xfinity online rotation. If it's renewed I'll probably continue to watch it (when I remember) but if it disappeared. Meh. I don't mind so much the family aspect of the show, but if you are going to write about teenagers and kids and families at the very least write it well.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
I started out really wanting to like it as the previews seemed good enough, but couldn't get into, nor stay with, the show after the first 3 or 4 episodes. Once I missed an episode to something else and didn't feel like I'd really missed anything important, I basically stopped watching unless there was nothing else compelling on.
Something has to pretty much hook me early on, or I wander off, hehe.
Also, any show with a line like "The two of us, we suffer from a Shakespearean relationship that borders on Greek tragedy." should be purged with flame.
Also, any show with a line like "The two of us, we suffer from a Shakespearean relationship that borders on Greek tragedy." should be purged with flame. |
...in the context of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and delivered lamenting disagreements on pizza toppings.
Trying to deliver it seriously, though... that's not so smart.
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I gave up on this show after the 4th episode. The weak writing and the (apparently) bullet-proof dinosaurs killed it for me.
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I've kept with the show, longer than I really wanted to. It has some potential, but it really doesn't seem to be interested in developing that potential; it seems to be wanting to be melodramatic instead.
Melodrama is fine, but it seems a waste to have such a huge budget for special effects to develop melodrama. It's almost like they throw a little bit of dinosaur in each episode to remind us: Oh yeah, we're in the past. Right. Dinosaurs and the like. Good thing that brachiosaurus stuck their head up last issue; thought we were just out in the jungle somewhere.
It's kinda sad that a sci-fi show got approval for such a huge budget, and will end up failing. Just gives the networks more ammo in their "no-big-budget sci-fi shows"...
I find your lack of signature disturbing.
Get rid of the kids (violently), show more dinosaurs, have the portal break so that the next run is the last one that gets through... from then on they're on their own.
Show is Bragarbage. Cancel it.
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WARNING: I bold names.

This was a miss with a tremendous amount of potential. Poor vision, writing and teenlight focus just murdered any chance it had.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Sounds a lot like the BBC's Outcasts - which used stasis ships instead of the time warp, and Mysterons instead of the dinosaurs - but was also epically preachy, cheesy and astonishingly poorly acted and directed.
The BBC are known for giving shows time to pick up, but this was nuked from orbit after a contracted eight-episode run. From the episodes I've seen, TerraNova deserves no mercy from FOX...
...whereas they could have kept this much cheaper little show called Firefly going...
*grumble* *grumble*
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

I like it. Just saying. Commander Taylor reminds me of my grandfather.
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I'm enjoying Terranova. With that said though, Fox has had better programs that have been cancelled in the past.
I agree with all of those who get it a resounding "Meh."
I wouldn't be the slightest bit sad to see it go.

What's Terranova? :P
Seriously, Jurassic Park is my all time favorite movie/book and when I heard about Speilberg doing this...
I realized before I finished the article, that I'd want to stay away from it as one of two things would most likely happen;
A) I'd get really into it and have it jerked away ala No Ordinary Family.
B) It'd end up being an elaborate set piece thats rarely seen, in favor of attempting to capture the Lost audience with drama.
Decided I'd pass and just pick up the complete seasons on DvD down the line, if it ends up being worth anything.
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My opinion is that it's too dramatic and not focused or epic enough which is really kinda sad cuz there are a lot of things that could be epic. Dystopian future, pioneering past, time travel...the two interacting with each other...Dinosaurs... And yet we're getting this wild west teen drama CSI want-to-be conspiratorial drama crap that isn't really anything more than static that if i miss it I don't care, but it's something to waste an hour on.
I like it. Just saying. Commander Taylor reminds me of my grandfather.
I'll just put it this way:
I liked Captain Sisko more than Commander Taylor.
I liked Odo more than Jim Shannon.
I liked Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax more than Dr. Elisabeth Shannon.
I liked Jake Sisko more than Josh Shannon.
I liked Doctor Bashir more than Dr. Malcolm Wallace.
I liked Major Kira more than Lt. Alicia Washington.
I liked Garak more than Mira.
I liked Quark more than Boylan.
And so on...
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Well like I implied yesterday Commander Taylor is definitely the most well developed and interesting character of Terra Nova. The problem is that I don't think he's strong enough to carry the dead weight of the entire rest of the show.
I'll just put it this way: I liked Captain Sisko more than Commander Taylor. I liked Odo more than Jim Shannon. I liked Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax more than Dr. Elisabeth Shannon. I liked Jake Sisko more than Josh Shannon. I liked Doctor Bashir more than Dr. Malcolm Wallace. I liked Major Kira more than Lt. Alicia Washington. I liked Garak more than Mira. I liked Quark more than Boylan. And so on... |
I don't think it'll get renewed. I had a vested interest in the show; it's filmed in my home state of Queensland here in Australia, and I recognized a number of Aussie actors in lead roles. And the location is fantastic, up near rainforest country.
But like the show it was paired with out here, Ringers, it continued to fall flat every other week whilst forgetting there was a big sub-plot about a war to control the future from the past. We kept getting wet melodrama with the teens (Spielberg was producer on this; was his mandate 'family programming at all costs, let's get the Twilight market?'), only occasional thought about just how tough it would be to live in this era of history and barely enough conflict to keep the show running.
The only plot with the son betraying not only his family but potentially the colony for his girlfriend was a damp squib, being written off as 'oh, just don't lie again son, it's alright' after a build of tension.
The dinosaur era is dangerous, tense, survival territory stuff. Not 'family drama, isn't it great to live in an unpolluted Pand...I mean, Earth' business.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
When I saw the previews, I was excited. The show seemed interesting.
Watched up until episode 4 or 5 before I got bored. I really wanted to like the show too.
As for should it be given a second season... I'd say yes - mostly because (at least this is how I see TV series) season 1 is generally the setup/premise season where they establish characters, the general plot, the settings, etc.
The second season usually picks up the pace since all the back story is out of the way.
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When I saw the previews, I was excited. The show seemed interesting.
Watched up until episode 4 or 5 before I got bored. I really wanted to like the show too. As for should it be given a second season... I'd say yes - mostly because (at least this is how I see TV series) season 1 is generally the setup/premise season where they establish characters, the general plot, the settings, etc. The second season usually picks up the pace since all the back story is out of the way. |
I think it would have been really awesome if they had established some actual characters set in 2149 and developed that side of the story in parallel with Terra Nova. Except for a few brief glimpses in the pilot episode we really know practically nothing about 2149 or why anything related to it should matter. The show has dropped hints that there are some "big bad evil" people back in 2149 which not only threaten Terra Nova but drive the whole Sixer opposition against it. But who are "they" and why are they important? I simply have no reason to care whether Terra Nova succeeds or not because I have no real understanding of the forces standing against it.
I guess what I'm saying is that using the entire first season to "setup" a show is fine as long as they give us enough confidence that it's all leading up to something. Shows like Babylon 5 managed to pull that off - I'm just not getting that same reassurance here. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Well next week's episode is the last episode of the season and maybe the series.
So now that the last few episodes wasn't focused on teen romance, does it deserve another season?
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