[SPOILERS] Shadow shard--wait, what?




Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
If "you didn't learn it at the start of the game" makes something a spoiler, there's really NO part of lore we can discuss here
Of course there is. Just use proper warnings.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



There are actually people on these forums who think spoilers don't apply to any content that's been out for a while.
False. Spoilers don't apply to any content at all. If you don't want to find out things about the game before you encounter them, don't go where people talk about the game.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
False. Spoilers don't apply to any content at all.
Well, yeah. I know you're aiming for blunt, but you're telling me what I've been pointing out about your community. On other forums, and certainly among my friends, when it comes to books, movies, or games, spoilers are a big no-no. We protect each others opportunities to experience the big "reveal" moments. It's part of what makes a community welcoming.

I play for the stories. I hate the thought of avoiding these forums, and I hate, hate, hate the thought of warding new players away from these forums. But, in the course of running many and frequent RP teams, I do come across many new players who are playing for the stories.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
You can easily know who the Midnighters are, while only having a vague idea about the Shadow Shard, because hints are sprinkled throughout some early missions. Enough to make it interesting, but mysterious. And its mystery is part of the intrigue. This seems to be flying over some peoples heads. Analogously, you're saying it's no big deal to blurt out some information from chapter 5 of a book, while I'm still reading chapter 3.

I'm not going to attempt to change anyone's mind here. I wouldn't be so foolish. But I guarantee you're going to irritate people by carrying this line of reasoning around with you.

Please keep spoilers out of thread titles. And by spoilers, I mean spoilers to new players.
Damn..get over it. If they are such NEW players..why would they be trailing about the forums reading every lil thread? They would actually be IN the game. Its not like teh post was made just to annoy people with spoilers.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Damn..get over it.
Quite elegantly put, and actually, you're making my point better than I can; but if you're suggesting that your community might not be good place for new players, then I feel badly both for your community, and for new players.

I am absolutely not being sarcastic.

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I know you're aiming for blunt, but you're telling me what I've been pointing out about your community.
It's not my community; I just hang out here. </berra>

I play for the stories.
I play for...well, I used to play for the stories. Now I'm Just Here For Godzilla.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
your community
First off, let me be clear, I agree that a thread title is a poor place for that particular information...

But I think it is odd that you keep saying "your community," aren't you a part of that community merely by playing the game and/or posting here? You seem to be saying you aren't a part of all this somehow... which is either elitist or bizarre.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
False. Spoilers don't apply to any content at all. If you don't want to find out things about the game before you encounter them, don't go where people talk about the game.
You crack me up sometimes.

Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
If they are such NEW players..why would they be trailing about the forums reading every lil thread?
I think the point was they didn't even have to read the thread... as it was in the title...

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Geez... it's not like the revelation about the Rikti (REAL spoiler below)....

...being genetically enhanced humans from an alternate Earth.



I honestly think posting Spoiler in the title is not a bad thing.

HOWEVER, in a place on the forums where game mechanics are generally talked about and so is lore almost on a DAILY basis, it's nigh impossible to not run into something you didn't know if you weren't a new player of the game.

I agree with Venture in this case. If you don't want to know something about the game that would be a spoiler I'd urge folks to be slightly cautious about reading COH & COV general discussion. The title of this section of the forums almost screams for stuff folks didn't know and don't want to know yet, being easily found.

General discussion about the game is NOT just about game mechanics. Which btw some folks may not want to be spoiled about either, should we then be careful about not talking about game mechanics? Or how about the discussions about Paragon Wiki? Serious question here, where do we draw the line?

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Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
First off, let me be clear, I agree that a thread title is a poor place for that particular information...

But I think it is odd that you keep saying "your community," aren't you a part of that community merely by playing the game and/or posting here? You seem to be saying you aren't a part of all this somehow... which is either elitist or bizarre.
The community of players I've found, and helped build, on Virtue over the past two years is wonderful, fun, welcoming, and mutually respectful. And not many of them visit the forums very often, if at all. A couple of them only come here to leave me a PM. So I kind of see the forums as an insular community away from the game. There is a lot of one upmanship here, and a lot of arguing for sport, rather than arguing for a common understanding of each other. If disdain for those things makes me elitist or bizarre, then take your pick, I'll wear that badge.

Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Geez... it's not like the revelation about the Rikti (REAL spoiler below)...
The last time I argued against spoilers, it was because someone casually spoiled exactly that. Supporters of the spoiler came out of the woodwork, and I lost that argument, too. Apparently, there really is no limit when it comes to this.

I'll admit that I shouldn't have even brought it up in this thread. Heck, to you folks, *I* probably seem like the negative voice in this thread. And maybe you're right, but I hope not. There's nothing like RPing a "big reveal" mission where a player realizes what's really going on for the first time. I'd like to see more of that, but it feels like I'm being told to "just get over it, it's not that important to us". If that is a good summary of "the community" here, then yes, take it, it's your community.

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Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
HOWEVER, in a place on the forums where game mechanics are generally talked about and so is lore almost on a DAILY basis, it's nigh impossible to not run into something you didn't know if you weren't a new player of the game.
Fair enough, but does that absolve the rest of us from practicing behavior that attempts to be considerate for others? Simple courtesy and all that... I'm surprised so few are interested in simply being polite.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by ketch View Post
The Dream Doctor, one of the founding members of the Midnight Squad, noted Rularuu as his counterpart. But what that means exactly is a mystery.

Given the nature of these things, I think both possibilities can co-exist. Rularuu has been described as consuming dimensions and adding them to his being. Physical places could exist within him, including one in which he is paradoxically trapped.
I think one of the other clues hints that they are joined, that perhaps Rularuu is an Aspect of the Dream Doctor the doc discarded/cut off somehow.

And I can't recall where, but I also remember some line hinting/stating that the Shadow Shard IS Rularuu himself; he is his own prison.

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Fair enough, but does that absolve the rest of us from practicing behavior that attempts to be considerate for others? Simple courtesy and all that... I'm surprised so few are interested in simply being polite.
As you can see from my first line I agree. However I expect to see spoilers in this part of the forums. Hell the fact that Paragon Wiki is talked about constantly (where any player who is curious about what it is, can be insta spoiled about a lot of things if they go there) I think is an issue enough.

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Fair enough, but does that absolve the rest of us from practicing behavior that attempts to be considerate for others?

More seriously: spoilers are not inconsiderate. They do not impugn anyone's race, gender, religion, national origin, sexual identity, etc. They're just a fact someone, somewhere, might not already know. A relatively inconsequential fact, in the grand scheme of things, for that matter. Mangling a line from a dead white guy, it neither picks anyone's pocket nor breaks anyone's leg if they unexpectedly learn Snape kills Dumbledore (but is really a tragic hero), Rosebud is a sled, Norman Bates did it, Newhart is all a dream, etc. What's inconsiderate and, to me, more than a little silly is expecting the entire world to walk on eggs when discussing fiction because someone might hear something they didn't already know, and doubly so when in a forum designated for discussing a particular work.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
What's inconsiderate and, to me, more than a little silly is expecting the entire world to walk on eggs when discussing fiction because someone might hear something they didn't already know, and doubly so when in a forum designated for discussing a particular work.
Do the rest of you feel this is the case? I'm honestly asking. If I'm in the wrong, I'd like to know, so that I can stop being in the wrong. In many forums and wikis, the policy is to speak freely but tag or warn about your spoilers. Are the rest of you of the opinion that this is kind of silly?

Keep in mind, some of you seem to be confusing "spoiler tags" with "no discussing spoilers". As I said on the first page, I'm not arguing against discussing spoilers. I do it, too. I just don't do it blatantly, without warning, out in the open, with a microphone, and with a bewildered look on my face when someone throws a tomato at me.

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Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
I don't really consider that a spoiler... it would be like me saying Battle Maiden comes from Warrior Earth!
I like this.

step 1: player discovers some lore in game after 7 years and is surprised by the lore
step 2: player posts the lore on the forums
step 3: player claims that the lore they were surprised to discover in game is not a spoiler



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Do the rest of you feel this is the case?
An unrealistic expectation is not inconsiderate. An unreasonable demand would be, but you don't seem to be demanding anything.

Venture's examples (impugn anyone's race, gender, religion, national origin, sexual identity, etc.) are on a different level, and irrelevant.

Spoilers are inconsiderate, but being inconsiderate is not the worst thing one could do. I would rather have common courtesy, though.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



In answer to the OP, I seem to remember reading about them creating it before i12, when the Midnighters were just another part of obscure game lore rather than an actual group with members, locations and story arcs. I cannot remember however, where I may have read it but it was likely in the Shard itself.

Regarding the posting of spoilers, I'm inclined to agree with Captain Electric. Discussion of spoilers on the forum is inevitable but keeping them out of thread titles would be polite. To give an example, I am a big fan of certain HBO series and therefore, there are threads in the Hero/Villain culture thread I do not read as there would likely be rampant discussion of spoilers. I can simply see the title of the thread and move on. Whereas if someone posted a thread in that forum titled: "OMG! ******* dies in Season 5!", I would be somewhat annoyed.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I like this.

step 1: player discovers some lore in game after 7 years and is surprised by the lore
step 2: player posts the lore on the forums
step 3: player claims that the lore they were surprised to discover in game is not a spoiler
Well even if someone had told me this I'd be like "Oh" -- Its so insignificant thats why I don't see it as a spoiler. In fact, I posted this because I thought this information contradicted the rest of the games information and was wrong. (Like when someone had wrote Tyrant was dating Dominatrix or something like that. It was in the lore and the person screwed up not realizing they are related.)

It would be like if in the Matrix you told me Neo uses an AK-47 or uses Jujitsu fighting style.



Honestly, I'd love to see more of the lore of the Shadow Shard and Rularuu explained.

Where's the Midnight Squard/Ouro arc (or trial) where we end up going back in time to help the Dream Doctor imprison Rularuu? Honestly, that could be an entire Signature Story Arc once we get down with "Who Will Die?"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
What's inconsiderate and, to me, more than a little silly is expecting the entire world to walk on eggs when discussing fiction because someone might hear something they didn't already know, and doubly so when in a forum designated for discussing a particular work.
Agreed. There's no telling when someone is going to be shocked and appalled by some tidbit of information that is revealed. Oft times I see such reactions to things I find inconsequential even if I'm particularly interested in the story or characters involved. In order to please them all we'd have to preface everything said with spoiler tags, and if we were going to do that we might as well just assume that everything IS prefaced with spoiler tags and get on with things.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I don't really care about spoilers, they don't affect my gaming. Then there's the other guys who don't really care.

However, I do understand the viewpoint of someone who'd rather not be spoiled, especially as blatantly putting the spoiler in the thread title.

Also +1 to spoiler tag being available.




Example of spoiler thats been in the game for years and not many people know.

Romulus wasnt the first person from Cimerora to be turned into a nictus, his personal guard Dorjan was!

^^^^ Thats the kind of lore/info that people would find interesting when they come across it, so personally i do think also that spoilers of all kind, regardless of age, should be left out of titles. Bad form!

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