[SPOILERS] Shadow shard--wait, what?





Warning! Spoiler above!

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More of a lore fact then a spoiler, some loading tips have them some times to.
Lets just hope there isn't a thread title in a few months time called Back Alley Brawler dies!!! or something like that because then that would be a much bigger spoiler :P



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Already requested a mod add a spoiler tag.
Which is, admittedly, what I should have done, and then left it at that. Rabble-rousing isn't a hobby for me, pointless arguments stress me out, and after making a dozen posts in this thread, I wholeheartedly believe I achieved nothing at all. If you've seen one Internet thread where two parties reinforce their own opinions for several pages without budging an inch, you've seen them all.

In the time I spent arguing on the Internet about spoilers, I could have run some RP mission teams, worked on some AE arcs, written, drawn, produced something. This wasn't productive. Really, I'm bothered more by not being able to get that time back than I am by the spoiler.

If you loathe spoilers, let me be an example for you. A stupidly bad example. To paraphrase the community, "Spoilers are here to stay, but the door's right over there." If it were only that easy. Without the General Discussion forum, I wouldn't have known about Von Krieger's Coffee Talk Highlights, Golden Girl's comics, Zombie Man's guides and tips, Venture's insecure machismo, Steelclaw's comedy, and most importantly, Electric Knight's pancakes. All good reasons to visit this forum.

They say that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, but I'm never going to spoil the game for anyone.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Start a new thread with that as the title.
Ho ho ho ha




I agree it's a spoiler, and should be kept out of the title of the topic. As spoilers go it's not a massive one and it's not game changing, but it's impolite to put spoilers in topic titles.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
More seriously: spoilers are not inconsiderate.
Some people don't like spoilers and get upset by them.
If you post spoilers in a careless fashion, you are not considering those people.
That is, one-hundred percent, inconsiderate.

Being inconsiderate is casually dismissing how others feel, and that is precisely what your post was in its entirety.

Some people think facts about stories should be hidden, others feel they should be freely discussed.
Being considerate is a compromise where they're still discussed but a warning is given first.

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Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
Some people don't like spoilers and get upset by them.
If you post spoilers in a careless fashion, you are not considering those people.
That is, one-hundred percent, inconsiderate.

Being inconsiderate is casually dismissing how others feel, and that is precisely what your post was in its entirety.

Some people think facts about stories should be hidden, others feel they should be freely discussed.
Being considerate is a compromise where they're still discussed but a warning is given first.
Totally agree with this.

When I first started, I created an alien, who I gave the back story as an indentured servant to the Rikti, whose entire planet was subjugated by the Rikti. I wasn't aware of the Rikti secret, so I just assumed that they were average, run-of-the-mill aliens. I started playing him, someone read the bio, and so graciously told me what the Rikti really were. The character was ruined for me, so I deleted him.

How can you not consider a blatant spoiler inconsiderate? I can't unread the spoiler until I run that arc; it's forever with me.

A little consideration goes a long way.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



I totally agree with everyone that putting a spoiler up front like that in the title thread is very inconsiderate, I am not against spoilers just a fair warning is all I ask, no matter if you don't believe it is a spoiler or not and people really need to be more considerate and polite in this world, a little bit goes a long way

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Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
Some people don't like spoilers and get upset by them.
If you post spoilers in a careless fashion, you are not considering those people.
That is, one-hundred percent, inconsiderate.
And some people don't like the word "bollocks" and get upset by it.

Some people think information like 'there are Tsoo in Steel Canyon' are spoilers.

To keep from upsetting any of them we'd have to cease communication altogether. But then someone would be upset by the silence.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Some people think information like 'there are Tsoo in Steel Canyon' are spoilers.

To keep from upsetting any of them we'd have to cease communication altogether. But then someone would be upset by the silence.
The difference is, there's no story plot to Tsoo in Steel Canyon. If there was a lone Tsoo, who you had to search for as part of an arc, who gave you an important piece of information about Tsoo lore that you can't get otherwise except than from other players who also got it, it would be a spoiler.

We're not talking about no spoiler ever. We're talking about the Title of threads blatantly spoiling information that isn't widely available. A more appropriate thread title would have been "Shadow Shard question - POSSIBLE SPOILERS". It gives warning to all readers that the thread may contain story arc information that they may not want to have spooned to them.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Honestly. I think everyone needs to just step back, take a couple deep breaths and chill.

If not, I'll have to get upset. And you wouldn't like me when I'm upset. Because I'm like

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I disagree that this is a "spoiler." It's a line of text taken from an offhand remark made by a mission giver that has very little to do with the arc. It's not like you run a series of missions and then the contact says, "Now it's time to let you in on a secret." It's a statement like "As you know, Synapse spent his teen years in Kansas."

IMO simply discussing the content of a mission is not a "spoiler." In fact I think the insistence that we never talk about our day to day missions is a negative mark for RP in this game, and why most of it revolves around hanging out in a bar. Screw "story"; give me coherent (or at least semi-coherent) continuity and stop trying to shoehorn a single player storyline into a multiplayer game with repeatable content (looking at you, incarnate trials). When I can't even tell who is alive or dead in the current continuity (and even TALKING about someone being dead is a "spoiler"), ERP with catgirls in the D suddenly looks like great world-building in comparison.



From what I gather, the squad gave Rularuu a multiple personality disorder and used the Shard as a place where his personality conflicts wouldn't harm the rest of the universe.

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Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
The difference is, there's no story plot to Tsoo in Steel Canyon. If there was a lone Tsoo, who you had to search for as part of an arc, who gave you an important piece of information about Tsoo lore that you can't get otherwise except than from other players who also got it, it would be a spoiler.
No, it wouldn't, it would merely be an NPC location. A dry bit of info that doesn't spoil any plots. The lore itself might be an interesting historical factoid about the Tsoo that also didn't spoil anything. Kind of like knowing about Korriban, or that the original Sith cross bred with humans doesn't spoil A New Hope.

We're not talking about no spoiler ever. We're talking about the Title of threads blatantly spoiling information that isn't widely available. A more appropriate thread title would have been "Shadow Shard question - POSSIBLE SPOILERS". It gives warning to all readers that the thread may contain story arc information that they may not want to have spooned to them.
If I know something, presumably it's widely available knowledge. Tip-toeing around every tidbit of information to avoid accidentally enlightening the potentially ignorant is a senseless exercise.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Some people don't like spoilers and get upset by them.
If you post spoilers in a careless fashion, you are not considering those people.
That is, one-hundred percent, inconsiderate.
No, because the expectation is unrealistic. Any given piece of information about a fictional work can be considered a potential spoiler. People who are "upset by spoilers" are thus essentially asking that no one discuss fiction with them. In such cases it is easier for them to remove themselves from the conversation than for those having the conversation to cease, especially when (again) the conversation is taking place in an area designated for it.

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Nobody's asking for the conversation to cease, just for spoiler tags when appropriate, in order to give those people a chance to remove themselves from the conversation, exactly as you've said they should do. This section of the boards isn't specifically designated for lore discussions, after all, just general discussion of the game that doesn't belong in a more specific subforum. In fact, if the threads currently on the front page are an indication, discussion of the game's story is only one of many topics discussed here.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Nobody's asking for the conversation to cease, just for spoiler tags when appropriate
But "when appropriate" potentially applies to any given morsel of information. That being the case, just assume that everything is a spoiler and it saves the trouble of having to designate specific things that may or may not be spoilers while avoiding the surprise of something that was seemingly inconsequential going undesignated.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



just don't include possible spoilers in the thread title

problem solved and many pages saved




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
But "when appropriate" potentially applies to any given morsel of information. That being the case, just assume that everything is a spoiler and it saves the trouble of having to designate specific things that may or may not be spoilers while avoiding the surprise of something that was seemingly inconsequential going undesignated.
Potentially, yeah. But I think there's a reasonable definition of spoiler that exists somewhere between "everything is a spoiler" and "nothing is a spoiler". As I said back on the first page, I don't think this particular piece of information qualifies as a spoiler. But there are certainly some things that should qualify as spoilers, like the several in RWZ or Praetoria, and especially with a recent influx of new players, the truly unrealistic expectation is for all of those new players to completely shun interaction with other players because any contact might involve information they haven't learned yet.



It's said here http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rularuu_the_Ravager that He was trap in it and doesn't say The Midnight Squad created the Shadow Shard.

Also how can something be spoiled if it Common Knowledge.

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How are the following potential thread titles a "spoiler"?

The Truth about Rikti: possible spoilers
Praetorian loyalist arcs: contains spoilers
Shadow Shard origins (SPOILERS)
The Many Lives of Marcus Cole (spoiler alert!)
Who Will Die: I hacked the game (spoiler thread)

Answer: none of them.

I used to feel a small shiver of excitement whenever I came across a thread that contained <Omega Level Clearance Required> as a replacement for any and all information about what used to be hidden behind it (and I'm still not going to say what it is). It is inconsiderate to spoil plot elements that other people might not yet be aware of, and it really takes very little effort to include such a flag.

It not a case of "removing ourselves from the boards entirely", but instead that we should each be able to make our own choices about whether we want to know the spoilers or not. I avoid spoiler-tagged threads about missions and arcs I've not yet run, until I've run them. For the information to be outed in a thread title actually spoils my enjoyment of the arcs in question.

So those of us who want to avoid spoilers are just asking for a bit of consideration from the community at large - just because you know something, doesn't mean everyone knows, or that everyone wants to find out from you rather than in-game. Let us each make that decision for ourselves.

Edit: I will be PMing Zwil to ask for a new forum section to be added, along the lines of "Missions, Plots, Arcs Discussion - Spoilers", to see if this problem can be effectively eliminated.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Edit: I will be PMing Zwil to ask for a new forum section to be added, along the lines of "Missions, Plots, Arcs Discussion - Spoilers", to see if this problem can be effectively eliminated.
waste of resources when these kind of forums have a Spoiler Tag option they can turn on



When you want to talk about things that could spoil something for others, you can easily hide it (that is, if the thread title itself isn´t a spoiler).
Highlight to read:
Use the color #364D5D and your text will be invisible until marked... as you´ve just seen for yourself

Hmm, maybe I should re-post this in the Quick n Dirty Tips thread, to make it easier to find.


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Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
When you want to talk about things that could spoil something for others, you can easily hide it (that is, if the thread title itself isn´t a spoiler).
Highlight to read:
Use the color #364D5D and your text will be invisible until marked... as you´ve just seen for yourself

Hmm, maybe I should re-post this in the Quick n Dirty Tips thread, to make it easier to find.
That's supposed to turn the text into the color of the Hero Skin right? If that's true, may want to point out that the tags won't work for everyone on the forums, since we've seen a number of people recently mention that they use the Villain Skin.

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