[SPOILERS] Shadow shard--wait, what?




Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
An analogy. We all love analogies. And then I'm shutting up about the issue.

Imagine you're a member of a book club that regularly meets up, and you discuss books.

Right at the start, one member of the club stands up and proclaims to everyone there "Professor Quirrell is possessed by Voldemort. I was surprised to learn this."

Some people say "yeah, I knew that". Other people complain that one of the singular plot points of the first Harry Potter book has been spoiled for them. The people that already knew say "don't bother coming here to discuss books if we're not allowed to tell you about them."

Even the person who originally spoke takes this view, saying that because the book has been out for so long, nobody should care about having something explained before they've read it.

Allowing people the choice to avoid the topic would be the polite thing to do, by explaining that they were going to talk about the plot of the book.

By forcing the knowledge on other people, they are being inconsiderate and rude.
Mm, book club is close but not quite. Sitting around a poker table and someone pipes up with that revelation, perhaps. Still not quite right, though. Just in general, it strikes me as rude to throw out spoilers openly like that, as they're kinda being shoved in people's faces whether they want them or not. The forums shouldn't be a place people have to avoid just to avoid spoilers being thrown out IN THE TOPIC LINES of threads. Within the thread, sure.

All in all, though, the simple courtesy of a spoiler notice when posting about plot points like that isn't too much to ask. Or at the very least, keeping the spoilers out of the subject line.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
One random Shard mission on the villain side of things makes an offhand comment that "as if you're inside the mind of a god." I don't remember which mission it was, I don't recall what it was referring to or how it was worded, but this idea has stuck in my head since then, and it has informed my mind's eye view of what the Shard is.
Oh man, I loved that quote.

It's strange.

This entire dimension is suffused with a mystic power.

As if it was all the construction of a single vast consciousness.

As if we were walking among the dreams of a god...

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Getting back on topic (once again), I noticed during Efficiency Expert Pither's "Alone in the Darque" finale that the Shadow Shard is noted as having been created as a prison for Rularuu.

Once again raising the issue of whether it was already extant, or created by the Midnighters (or someone else).

I may have to (argh) run those Shard missions again heroside to figure it out, since I'm too darn curious about it, now. Thanks, OP!



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Do the rest of you feel this is the case? I'm honestly asking. If I'm in the wrong, I'd like to know, so that I can stop being in the wrong. In many forums and wikis, the policy is to speak freely but tag or warn about your spoilers. Are the rest of you of the opinion that this is kind of silly?

Keep in mind, some of you seem to be confusing "spoiler tags" with "no discussing spoilers". As I said on the first page, I'm not arguing against discussing spoilers. I do it, too. I just don't do it blatantly, without warning, out in the open, with a microphone, and with a bewildered look on my face when someone throws a tomato at me.
I've agreed with everything you've said so far, in this thread.

Also, I agree with what your friends on Virtue (my home server, yay!) have said about this board.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
And, yes, the SS was 'created' by the Midnighters, in as much as it was where they trapped Rularuu.
Maybe that's what's going on? The Midnighters created the "Shard" from some larger Shadow dimension to trap Rularuu in? Kind of making a demiplane from a plane?



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I see the cavalry finally showed up.

Took you all long enough.
I usually never read the boards over the weekend!

BTW, it is threads like this one where it's pretty easy to spot the self centered people from the empathic ones. Totally making notes, here (not really...).



The irony is, I wouldn't have even clicked on the thread if it wasn't for the title.

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Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
Maybe that's what's going on? The Midnighters created the "Shard" from some larger Shadow dimension to trap Rularuu in? Kind of making a demiplane from a plane?
From everything I've read, I always got the impression that the Shadow Shard is what little is left of the dimension Rularuu was devouring before the Midnighters stopped him at the threshold to our world. Trapped here weakened, and after a fashion, discorporated... he remains in what's left of the dimension he was about to finish off before coming to ours. That's why there are some actual living natives still around amid the after-images of those that weren't so lucky.

So in a manner of speaking, the Midnighters created the Shadow Shard as his prison, but not from whole cloth. Think of it like Marvel's "Negative Zone" which is another reality that could have been like any other, but never developed into a full reality; However in the case of the Shadow Shard it was a fully formed reality/dimension, but is now just leftover chunks that were mostly devoured by Rularuu.

At least, that's how I've always understood it.

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I couldn't agree more.



Looks like the good guys won after all, the thread now has a spoiler tag.

Thank you to everyone who spoke up in defense of shared opportunities to be entertained (and surprised) by the game's stories. Feel free to give me a shout @Captain-Electric on Virtue, I'd love to have you on my RP teams.

I hope we can do the right thing now, and return the thread to its originally intended topic. Our work here is done.

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return the thread to its original topic? You mean like spoilers? Or did you mean ponies?

Oh Shaaadow shard.
...What IS that thing anyway?

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
From everything I've read, I always got the impression that the Shadow Shard is what little is left of the dimension Rularuu was devouring before the Midnighters stopped him at the threshold to our world. Trapped here weakened, and after a fashion, discorporated... he remains in what's left of the dimension he was about to finish off before coming to ours. That's why there are some actual living natives still around amid the after-images of those that weren't so lucky.
Those living natives claim to be descendents of citizens of Paragon City (see the Sara Moore TF). This leads me to believe that Rularuu either consumed a small portion of Primal Paragon or that whoever fashioned the Shard did so with a piece of the city. It could be another Paragon, but they are familiar with many of the things in our dimension, i.e the Prince of Brass a.k.a. Nemesis and the green-eyed Cult a.k.a. the Circle of Thorns.



Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
Wait....Dumbledore dies?!

(couldn't resist, sorry)
I was wondering why he was sleeping in that coffin...

and didn't wake up.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"




What we have in Lore for Rularuu.

I swear that it was something to do with Rularuu somehow being trapped within his own mind, something about the fragmented parts of his mind, such as Lanaruu the Mad etc.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



What we have in Lore for Rularuu.
You mean, "what the wiki says about Rularuu". Things aren't true just because they're in the wiki. A lot of what's there would get a "needs citation" tag on the Other Wiki.

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Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
This is old, old information. If he had talked about the newest "Who will die" arc, you might have a point. But this is like getting annoyed at someone wearing a T-shirt that says "Vader is luke's father!"

The alternative is to avoid any and all lore discussion on the forum AT ALL. Which would be ridiculous.
No one has suggested the extreme of not talking about it at all -- just don't put the spoiler information into a forum title where anyone can happen upon it unexpectedly because they looked at the list of "Today's posts".
