[SPOILERS] Shadow shard--wait, what?




Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
That's supposed to turn the text into the color of the Hero Skin right? If that's true, may want to point out that the tags won't work for everyone on the forums, since we've seen a number of people recently mention that they use the Villain Skin.
Mostly because the Hero skin is buggy. It's still very difficult to read on Villain, though.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



It looks like if it gets quoted it changes color a little bit. But that's on the Quoter, not the Poster.

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Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
When you want to talk about things that could spoil something for others, you can easily hide it (that is, if the thread title itself isn´t a spoiler).
Highlight to read:
Use the color #364D5D and your text will be invisible until marked... as you´ve just seen for yourself

Hmm, maybe I should re-post this in the Quick n Dirty Tips thread, to make it easier to find.
Or a color in between the two skins that, while not invisible, is equally difficult to read and thus equally easy to avoid reading until highlighted....

Just use [ color:"#423750"]Your spoiler text here.[ /color]

But, without that space after the bracket. It will look like this...

Your spoiler text here.

... and be much easier to read when highlighted (click and drag your cursor over the text).

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I'm glad I'm not completely alone here
You're not. I continue to be baffled by how someone can title a thread with a plot-point they found surprising and not see how anyone else would view that as a spoiler. Some people just like starting threads, I guess.

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Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
It looks like if it gets quoted it changes color a little bit. But that's on the Quoter, not the Poster.
The quotation box is a lighter shade, so the hidden text shows up slightly better.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I continue to be baffled by how someone can title a thread with a plot-point they found surprising and not see how anyone else would view that as surprising and thus a spoiler.
Minor edit just to emphasize the point.




Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
I don't really consider that a spoiler... it would be like me saying Battle Maiden comes from Warrior Earth!
...which not every player knows. Not everyone has been playing for years

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Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
Minor edit just to emphasize the point.
And I liked your minor edit.

The problem here is not about what constitutes a spoiler, though, but that some posters believe that it's okay to put spoiler text in thread titles (since that's the ONLY issue the anti-spoiler segment has a real problem with) and others of us feel it's not. The pro-spoiler crowd, however, seem to believe that because they can't be bothered to consider how others might feel about the inclusion of spoilers anywhere they want to post them on the boards, that those of us who would rather not have plot-points spoiled for us should never come to the forum at all. And nor do they believe that such feelings are selfish and inconsiderate.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
If that was the case, if I was a new player I'd look at what I just wrote and be like "I have no idea what he is talking about" and forget about it.

It would be like if I told you the narrator is Tyler Durden. Are you going to remember that?
Yes. Because I have this thing called "short term memory". Not everyone has the attention span of a chihuahua on crack.

Virtue Server
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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I see the cavalry finally showed up.

Took you all long enough.
Sorry, squire. We may have a delay in response, but when we appear, we try to be effective.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I keep coming back hoping someone is actually going to discuss the Shadow Shard. If this spoiler issue is so important then start a new thread for crying out loud.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
No, because the expectation is unrealistic.
That's nonsense too.
Many many people warn of spoilers before they give them. Some only do it for big things, others do it for anything that might spoil any plot point.

How can the request that people warn before they give spoilers be unrealistic when it has been explicitly realised numerous times on multiple different discussion boards by multiple different people?

You just basically can't be arsed, and want an excuse for your inconsiderate behaviour.

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Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I keep coming back hoping someone is actually going to discuss the Shadow Shard. If this spoiler issue is so important then start a new thread for crying out loud.
Seriously. Thread-jacking is at least as inconsiderate as spoilers without warning.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Seriously. Thread-jacking is at least as inconsiderate as spoilers without warning.
I thread-jacked for a heroic purpose, which is keeping the surprises under wraps for new players or players who haven't made it to certain content. I will never help spoil the game for anybody, or condone doing so. All of you villainous spoilers can just deal with that.

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Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Seriously. Thread-jacking is at least as inconsiderate as spoilers without warning.
No it isn't.
Conversations evolve, when a subject starts it often ends up raising other issues, and some of those issue are often ones that can only come up in existing threads.
When you're having a conversation with your friends, do you shout them down any time the subject strays, with a cry of "No, we weren't talking about that, try and stay on topic guys!"?

And on that, where exactly does "thread jacking" begin, who makes the first "inconsiderate" comment? You've clearly just made a post that has as much relation to the original topic as the discussion on spoilers. Does that make you a "thread jacker"? Or does that title fall to me for responding to you? Or are two posts okay, but further ones are wrong?

If the original subject is interesting enough, then it will likely continue along side the "jacking" and if it doesn't then everything there was to say on it has likely been said.
If you two are so keen on the original subject, why don't you make some posts about it, rather than complaining no-one else is? Or have you exhausted your opinions on that subject already?

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Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

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Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
No it isn't.
It sure as hell is.

Conversations evolve, when a subject starts it often ends up raising other issues, and some of those issue are often ones that can only come up in existing threads.
When you're having a conversation with your friends, do you shout them down any time the subject strays, with a cry of "No, we weren't talking about that, try and stay on topic guys!"?
There was no evolution of conversation here. Captain came in, posted about the spoiler, then repeatedly posted about how spoilers are rude. If my friends and I were discussing, let's say Harry Potter, and someone mentioned a spoiler from the first book which has been out a considerable time, and another member of the group starts ranting about spoilers, I would gladly tell him to stow it and take the conversation somewhere else while the rest of us talk about the book.

And on that, where exactly does "thread jacking" begin, who makes the first "inconsiderate" comment? You've clearly just made a post that has as much relation to the original topic as the discussion on spoilers. Does that make you a "thread jacker"? Or does that title fall to me for responding to you? Or are two posts okay, but further ones are wrong?

If the original subject is interesting enough, then it will likely continue along side the "jacking" and if it doesn't then everything there was to say on it has likely been said.
If you two are so keen on the original subject, why don't you make some posts about it, rather than complaining no-one else is? Or have you exhausted your opinions on that subject already?
Asides are fine, but repeatedly posting off topic is a thread jack. Captain was guilty of it and Ultimus was guilty of being baited by it. It's a real shame because Shard lore is one of my favorite parts of the game, but people have displayed they would much rather discuss what constitutes a spoiler than it, despite the fact that a few of us have made posts on it. Eventually you reach a point where you're just trying to shout above the din. Anyone one that is interested in the matter may not feel like skimming through pages of nonsense to find the relevant bits.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Asides are fine, but repeatedly posting off topic is a thread jack. Captain was guilty of it and Ultimus was guilty of being baited by it.
Next time, make sure you folks use a spoiler warning and a non-spoiler title.

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Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
If they are such NEW players..why would they be trailing about the forums reading every lil thread? They would actually be IN the game. Its not like teh post was made just to annoy people with spoilers.
Because new players shouldn't -ever- be on the forums to get help, to report bugs, to chat with like minded veteran players, to get advice on a build or class, or just chat about superhero-y things?

That's a pretty narrow minded statement, on the whole.

So, when does a player become 'veteran' enough that they are justified in coming to the forum?



Originally Posted by Myddie View Post
So, when does a player become 'veteran' enough that they are justified in coming to the forum?
As soon as they register a forum name.

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So, like others, I'd like to get back on topic, because this information really interests me (the Shard, not the threadjacking).

Did the Midnighters really create the Shadow Shard as a Prison Dimension, or is that misinformation of some kind?

Anyone offhand recall which story deals with the Dream Doctor (I think that's his name) and whether that tackles the topic?



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
So, like others, I'd like to get back on topic, because this information really interests me (the Shard, not the threadjacking).

Did the Midnighters really create the Shadow Shard as a Prison Dimension, or is that misinformation of some kind?

Anyone offhand recall which story deals with the Dream Doctor (I think that's his name) and whether that tackles the topic?
And if they can create universes... They are like gods. Aside from Black Swan, no other character does this.

Also what about all the reflections? And what is the good guy doing in the Shard? Faathim the Kind.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Next time, make sure you folks use a spoiler warning and a non-spoiler title.
And next time try not to derail a thread. You made your point well enough with the first few posts, there's no need to expound it further. You're only acting as a detriment to those who would like to discuss the lore and are as entitled to their enjoyment as you.

Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
And if they can create universes... They are like gods. Aside from Black Swan, no other character does this.

Also what about all the reflections? And what is the good guy doing in the Shard? Faathim the Kind.
First, the easy bit. Faathim the Kind is an aspect of Rularuu. He is part of Rularuu, but also Rularuu himself, and there others though we have only encoutered two: Lanaru the Mad and Rudalak the Strong. Somewhat like Christianity's holy trinity.

As for the reflections, they are presumably remnants of 1960's Paragon City, when Rularuu first invaded (and attempted to absorb and add Primal Earth to his own strenght?). In Sara Moore's TF, you learn that there have been people living in the Shard for generations, longer than that time frame should have allowed. I assume part of Paragon became a part of Rularuu and the Shard.

Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
So, like others, I'd like to get back on topic, because this information really interests me (the Shard, not the threadjacking).

Did the Midnighters really create the Shadow Shard as a Prison Dimension, or is that misinformation of some kind?

Anyone offhand recall which story deals with the Dream Doctor (I think that's his name) and whether that tackles the topic?
The Dream Doctor, to my knowledge, is only mentioned in the hidden objects required for the Midnighter's Archivist badge, in which he calls Rularuu his counter part.

Just what role the Midnighter's played in Rularuu's imprisonment is unclear.