Coffee Talk Highlights, Dec 7, Noun: the Verbening and power set tweak w/ Arbiter Hawk

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Hatless Zwill greets us on Happy Day After Titan Weapons Release Day, and taunts us about how his character on his personal account that is named something supposedly awesome and ironic. I still think it's something lame like Sword Fish.

Real World Hero talk. Mercedes Lackey made a Ghost Widow doll. She plays CoH. So much so that she and some other people actually wrote a book of fan fiction about their characters, with some tweaks. Which reminds me, I need to finish reading that.

All the NCSoft game forums are down.

Freitag apparently has a Level 50 Titan Weapons character that he's using in the trials. He used the dev "auto-enhance" feature. Zwill sighs and is disappoint, since those enhance for secondary effects and suck.

Zwill: "It's not like you can't use Devhax and make IO's for yourself!"

TANGENT: Beiber's steampunk video

Talk of running TPN and MOM trials. Zwill gives out strategy.

Zwill: "Oh what's his name? The angry guy with the guns?

VK: Charleton Heston?

Zwill: "Yes, him. You've killed us all, you damn dirty apes!"


Zwill calls Arbiter Hawk Pedobear.

Zwill: "That is creepy."

TANGENT: 4chan trolls the entire world with a local news station's report on Pedobear as though he was something people take seriously.

I inform them of another one about trolls, and doing things for virtual currency called "lulz."

Zwill: "How many lulz did you get? Over 9000!"


TANGENT: How all this started with mention of the steampunk video.

Arbiter Hawk mentions he likes Abney Park, the steampnuk band. I mention my favorite song of theirs, "Herr Drosselmeyer's Doll."

Some people told Zwill "learn to play" on TPN when he was a troller outside.

TANGENT: Public Opinion.

Issue 22 Stalker Improvements!


Assassin Strike outside of Hide is no longer interruptible and is not the huge wind up time stab. It will do damage based on recharge time.

Every non-Assassin Strike attack will add +1 Assassin's Focus, which is +33.3% crit chance for non-hide Assassin Strike, up to 99.9%.

Zwill is confused and thinks the changes are live now and has to have sense bludgeoned into him.

Zwill: "It's that new trial. I've been playing a Stalker in that new trial."


Improvements in Issue 22!

Propel: Similar animation, but shorter. 2.07 seconds instead of 3.8. Damage will be lower in PVP, but the same in PVE.

New mechanic called "Impact" added to the set. A bonus for using Lift or Propel hit by Grav Distortion. You'll get bonus damage for using Lift/Propel, as the hold cancels out the knock effect.

Projectile speed on Propel has been upped as well. That will be ported over to other things with slow projectile speeds.

Lift was not doing as much damage as it ought. It was doing 0.8 scale and will be doing 1.3 scale. That carries over to Singularity for Trollers and Doms.

kwsapphire: Summary: Gravity Control changes: any foe held by the grav hold who is then hit with propel or lift will take extra damage.

"Kind of like Time Manipulation, and the synergy with other Grav users since you can use any Grav hold, like you can use anybody's Disintigrate."

Dominator Lift was already at the proper scale, it will carry over to the Dom pet however.

Talk of Ice Control and fixing Jack, "Jack is a little less derp."

Someone is pounding on the table. Ow. Ow. Ow.

TANGENT: Mythbusters firing a cannon through somebody's wall.

Chat wonders if Dimension Shift is going to be made to suck less.

Zwill: "Dimensional Shift is awesome! Well... in PvP."

Discussion of PVP tactics.

Issue 22 will add a special tag to incarnate trial bosses to deal Containment damage to them, and on any big scary boss that is immune to control in the future.

TANGENT: Adjectives and Verbs.

Protean arrives to tell them to shut up about adjectives.

Zwill warns us about the video:
1. It will likely lag the stream
2. There is a lot of heavy breathing

This is the Arbiter Whiteboard Forehead iPhone cam.

I cannot watch the video due to my severe motion sickness.

perceptorii: Vozhilok Cadavre puke power...ACTIVATE!

Jack is getting new versions of his powers to fix his "I dun wanna!" thing with Ice Sword and Greater Ice Sword.

TANGENT: The First Meme: "Are you my future wife?"

1:12 coh_beastyle: The first meme that I know of, I can't say.
1:12 coh_beastyle: But it involved Hello Kitty.

Hawk: "My first meme was All Your Base."

Zwill: "When was that? In your mother's womb?"

Hawk: "My tenth birthday was yesterday!"

Zwill: "Well, you have to be older than 16, what with the Lobo the Wolf Boy thing you've got going."

Hawk: "I could have a hormonal disorder."

TANGENT: ______ 2: Electric Boogaloo. Zwill wants it to be Issue 22: Electric Boogaloo.

Saxitoxin: Q: Can we have the option of breaking down an incarnate power that we have created?

Hawk: "Two things, is it technically possible, or are we doing it?"

It's not technically possible now. They'd have to do code work.

They discuss that having an Incarnate Respec would be kind of against the idea of the system and that the powers are meant to be a collectible thing.

"Speeding up the Lost curing wand's recharge?"

Hawk says he'll look into it. Si8nce everyone has to do it to get Midnighter Access unless they offer a market license.

Talk of AV/GM auto hit powers. Most auto hide powers are avoidable.

Hawk: "It's more of a player having to avoid the effect rather than a character sheet avoidance."

Kheldians? There will be a toggle option to have the wispy ball for Light Form back, unless it breaks something.

Energy Melee?

Hawk: "We are looking at it. It's too early to talk about details. Somewhere down the line we'll come up with something cool to do it."

Freitag has used Devhax.

Zwill: "That's max slots! And you're still auto-enhancing!"

Hawk: "Well, that ought to be fine and not overpowered then."

Talk of the things they can use with powers now. Like attacks that only hit you if it looks like it can hit you, the Abomination's foot stomp is brought up.

Adding that Containment tag to the Lt's in BAF?

Hawk: "I don't want to make something that is already easy even easier. I can understand thematically why you'd want it. But from a gameplay point it doesn't need tweaking."

Hawk talks about playing Ice/FF back when the BAF trial mobs had no mez resistance.

Talk of Keyes Time Stop/Obliteration beam. It's how they want it.

Praetorian EAT: "The problem is that you need a metric ton of story content to go along with them. If we ended up with a pile of money and time we'd do it. But we're not looking at it right now."

Talk of the issue design process.

Zwill: "Thank you Arbiter... Hawk. I almost called you Arbiter Wolverine."

Hawk: "I'm just going to shave off all my hair."

Zwill: "Then you wouldn't have to use a headband when you play Ultimate Frisbee"

Hawk: "I could cut my bangs."

Zwill: "And get a mullet? That would be sweet. You could drive around in your T-bird and play Def Leppard tunes."

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Thanks for the write up.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Thank you!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Based on the teaser from last week, I expected a little more in terms of powers updates than "...and Gravity Control, too." Granted, the change to Gravity Control does sound pretty nice. It doesn't really offer a big fix to the powers that are below the curve, but it makes it better at what it already does, so suppose that's good enough for me.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Assassin Strike outside of Hide is no longer interruptible and is not the huge wind up time stab. It will do damage based on recharge time.

Every non-Assassin Strike attack will add +1 Assassin's Focus, which is +33.3% crit chance for non-hide Assassin Strike, up to 99.9%.


Improvements in Issue 22!

Propel: Similar animation, but shorter. 2.07 seconds instead of 3.8. Damage will be lower in PVP, but the same in PVE.

New mechanic called "Impact" added to the set. A bonus for using Lift or Propel hit by Grav Distortion. You'll get bonus damage for using Lift/Propel, as the hold cancels out the knock effect.

Projectile speed on Propel has been upped as well. That will be ported over to other things with slow projectile speeds.

Lift was not doing as much damage as it ought. It was doing 0.8 scale and will be doing 1.3 scale. That carries over to Singularity for Trollers and Doms.

kwsapphire: Summary: Gravity Control changes: any foe held by the grav hold who is then hit with propel or lift will take extra damage.

"Kind of like Time Manipulation, and the synergy with other Grav users since you can use any Grav hold, like you can use anybody's Disintigrate."
Yaaaaaaaay. Finally.

Issue 22 will add a special tag to incarnate trial bosses to deal Containment damage to them, and on any big scary boss that is immune to control in the future.
Also very cool.

Energy Melee?

Hawk: "We are looking at it. It's too early to talk about details. Somewhere down the line we'll come up with something cool to do it."

Thanks for this, Von Krieger!

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Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Real World Hero talk. Mercedes Lackey made a Ghost Widow doll. She plays CoH. So much so that she and some other people actually wrote a book of fan fiction about their characters, with some tweaks. Which reminds me, I need to finish reading that.
Secret World Chronicles - available in eBook format, and (last I checked) free podcast on iTunes.

Talk of Keyes Time Stop/Obliteration beam. It's how they want it.

1) Obliteration beam is on a timer and the timer shows on the trial UI

2) Anti-Matter only hits the timestop (to head for the Drawdown terminals for Regen at the quarter marks of health.

so if the oblit beam is a few seconds away, stop attacking if Anti is close to a 1/4 health point.

For the Grav changes the idea was Lift and Propel are in part soft mitigation through KB/KU and the ST hold negated that.

Also, to clarify - Dominator Lift itself was doing the damage they want, so Controllers' Lift and both AT's Singularities' Lift are what is getting buffed.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Alright, there's a lot of stuff that sounds cool here, but this:

Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
New mechanic called "Impact" added to the set. A bonus for using Lift or Propel hit by Grav Distortion. You'll get bonus damage for using Lift/Propel, as the hold cancels out the knock effect.
Sounds like pure defined owie (for the NPCs). "OK you Hellion, through the power of Gravity, I've pinned your feet to the floor. Now I'm going to fling you into the air!" *Kra-snakle!* "Oops. Those were his shins...weren't they?"

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Based on the teaser from last week, I expected a little more in terms of powers updates than "...and Gravity Control, too." Granted, the change to Gravity Control does sound pretty nice. It doesn't really offer a big fix to the powers that are below the curve, but it makes it better at what it already does, so suppose that's good enough for me.
I'm happy about it. I have a Gravity/Force Field controller. She's one of my favorite characters, especially for playing a support role. But there was always some "oomph" missing, and I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe this is it.

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Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Based on the teaser from last week, I expected a little more in terms of powers updates than "...and Gravity Control, too." Granted, the change to Gravity Control does sound pretty nice. It doesn't really offer a big fix to the powers that are below the curve, but it makes it better at what it already does, so suppose that's good enough for me.
It's a strange fix in that it increases the damage on an already damage heavy control set and doesn't seem to increase the control on a weak control control set. It just makes it better at a questionable niche.



Freitag was in our TPN runs on Infinity on his Titan Weapons Scrapper, didn't hold us back or anything. Was good to have him along.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I'm happy about it. I have a Gravity/Force Field controller. She's one of my favorite characters, especially for playing a support role. But there was always some "oomph" missing, and I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe this is it.
Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong, I like the change in concept, and my own Grav/FF Controller, who always felt more like a Dominator anyway, will probably really enjoy this change. It's just that it seems like a change in approach. Compared to, say, the Claws, or Energy Aura changes, where they took powers that were underperforming and increased their effectiveness, this simply increases Gravity's "specialty" powers. I would've expected a buff to Dimension Shift or Wormhole, basically, but while I'm surprised they weren't the ones changed, at this point, I'm not disappointed, per se.



OMG - Propel's animation will be almost cut in half (3.8 down to 2.07)!!!


I will be able to bring my Grav Troller out of retirement, she's been languishing at 30 for a long time (one of my first 5 characters, 7 years ago).

VK - you do a wonderful job distilling thes down for the rest of us who can't participate - keep up the good work!

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Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong, I like the change in concept, and my own Grav/FF Controller, who always felt more like a Dominator anyway, will probably really enjoy this change. It's just that it seems like a change in approach. Compared to, say, the Claws, or Energy Aura changes, where they took powers that were underperforming and increased their effectiveness, this simply increases Gravity's "specialty" powers. I would've expected a buff to Dimension Shift or Wormhole, basically, but while I'm surprised they weren't the ones changed, at this point, I'm not disappointed, per se.
The change to Propel required no animation time, or not enough to speak of apparently. They used/pieced it together from animations already in game.

As for Wormhole and dimension shift - sounds like those two powers are pretty much where they want them.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Wow, wasn't expecting that! Awesome. My primary controller is a Gravity controller (was Grav/FF, just remade her as Grav/Time). These changes look great.

Projectile speed on Propel has been upped as well. That will be ported over to other things with slow projectile speeds.
My fiancee has been complaining about slow projectile speeds on Psi Blast for her Defender for years, and will love you forever if you speed those up.

So don't do it! She's supposed to love me forever!

Oh, but she'd be mad if she knew I stood between her and faster Psi projectile speeds, so I guess go ahead and do it.

Thanks for the summary, VK!

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I'll join the ListoTYs. Thanks for the write up V_K, there was part of the stream I didn't catch

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Well cool, sounds like some very decent tweaks. By the sound of it it kind of looks like they're looking at controller pets to some degree. And here here to faster projectiles!

Here's hoping for some Dual Pistols love too >>



I am glad to see that stalkers are being looked at, and the tweaks look good. I do however hope that they go over ALL of the AT inherent abilities at some point. I know Scrappers don't need any help, but it would be cool if their inherent could be spiced up a bit.

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Thanks again VK!

OOOOOooooh, Gravity changes!

Hopefully more will come (like swapping around Wormhole and Dimension Shift...)

but looks good so far!

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First of all, I am surprised they did anything with Gravity Control. Good job!

Second of all, the new Gravity change doesn't really affect Dominator because no Dominator is going to use Propel even at 2 something casting time.

Third, I still hate Dimension Shift. That is one power that is most hated in the set. They should at least swap position. Let Wormhole come earlier!

So it's very nice they did something for Controller's Gravity but the most complaint powers are still untouched.

Oh and it's nice that they are going to look at Energy Melee. Stalker Energy Melee sucks hard with no aoe and partially critical damage on TF.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Thanks for the write up!

In the room the women come and go
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Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Hawk: "I don't want to make something that is already easy even easier. I can understand thematically why you'd want it. But from a gameplay point it doesn't need tweaking."
As one of the people who asked about this, I feel I should say that I agree. The thought popped into my head when Hawk mentioned possibly applying the Containment flag to new mez-immune enemies, and I hadn't considered the fact that the escapees aren't hard. Heck, my ice/storm controller, as it is, can pretty much lock down a door solo.

Thanks for the writeup, VK.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
First of all, I am surprised they did anything with Gravity Control. Good job!

Second of all, the new Gravity change doesn't really affect Dominator because no Dominator is going to use Propel even at 2 something casting time.
Some people will take it for concept. And my Grav/Psi has it simply for the smashing damage to use on all those psi-resistant robots.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I have one suggestion.

Can we please add "Impact" in Wormhole? The only reason is that after you used Wormhole, it is really unnecessary to use a hold again because they are already stunned. It will be odd to use Hold just to get that extra damage.

And one wishful thinking, can we increase Wormhole's radius to 20'?

I think I am giving up on Dimension Shift. There's always one power that needs to be skipped to make other powers look better so this is the stepchild. If Wormhole has 20' radius, then the set is as good as it gets for Dominator IMO.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
If Wormhole has 20' radius, then the set is as good as it gets for Dominator IMO.
Not unless they switch Wormhole and Dimension Shift so you don't need to limp to to 26+ and Wormhole.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Thank you for the highlights!