Gender Equality in Costumes - A lack thereof

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Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
Yes, I am saying that Paragon Studios deliberately built an Old West prostitute costume into the game, and is selling it under the Gunslinger misnomer.

Well that's it for me folks. Have fun with this conversation. Once we get to the point where sexuality = prostitution I can't pretend to tread water.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
That looks nothing like the pieces in this set.

Yup, they look similar. The point stands... Strumpet.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Yup, they look similar. The point stands... Strumpet.
Similar is all we require huh?

Well... I guess I must conclude this is a male stripper pack.

Actually, this looks more similar to the cowboy than the other picture does to the girl.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Yeah, I think it's time for me to say goodbye to this thread as well. We've got more constructive discussion going on elsewhere, and the whole is-sex-in-the-game-good-or-bad debate isn't going to have any conclusions that everyone can agree on. I personally don't have a problem with sex unless it's being forced upon someone, and this set certainly wasn't forced upon us. We had to choose to purchase it, knowing what it contained thanks to the posts and pics. I also don't equate saloon girls with prostitutes, even though the roles frequently overlapped. Making blanket generalizations doesn't further any logical discussion, especially over a player base as large and diverse as CoX's. I think this thread might have run its course at this point.



The timing on this Shortpacked strip seems apropos, so I'll just leave it here.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post

Well that's it for me folks. Have fun with this conversation. Once we get to the point where sexuality = prostitution I can't pretend to tread water.
Where on Earth are you getting "sexuality = prostitution" from that?

"sexuality = prostitution" is different than "image intended to bring to mind someone who takes money for sex = prostitution".



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Image searches for...what, exactly? Trying to search for 'Cowgirl' is right out, given the amount of junk Google will spew at you.

And as for 'Chainmail bikini', what I actually would have thought more 'Barbarian like' would be something akin to Skyrim's Forsworn Armour (WARNING: Large image) or indeed the fur and hide armours they have. I too would have been as disappointed with a chainmail bikini, because that would just be the the same point from a different angle.

Really, you are disagreeing with my 'point' while entirely missing it. I'm not attacking just corsets, or indeed any one costume piece. I am also well aware that people have long wanted them as options and still want the Carnie-esque parts.
I AM attacking that that is the ONLY option being given in places/packs where it's not always fitting. Steampunk pack, yes, that fits fine with the genre. Barbarians and Gunslingers? Not particularly.
That is a subjective point. the barbarian armor looked, as i mentioned earlier, close to what both xena wore as her regular costume and what red sonia wore in the 85 movie. I am well aware of what the foresworn looked like, i even mentioned them earlier in the thread (level 25 argonian destruction/restoration/alteration magic specialist, yo) and that also would have been one of a number of equally valid outfits but its a subjective question as to whether one is necessarily more evocative of a theme than another, at best one people can politely disagree on, not scream about in all caps, bleeped out profanity and an overuse of the word smegging. I'd have preferred a the martial arts pack contain the Chinese martial arts costumes i have been bugging for for nearly a decade now, but you dont see me losing my mind over a disagreement. I looked at what we got, adapted and made some pretty good stuff with what i got, i will do the same with gunslinger, male and female. In feedback it is a give and take and you are not always get exactly what you want because there are other perspectives involved, I'd love for them to drop everything and make me the alternate martial arts animations that i have been asking for since issue 16 (in the appropriate threads even), but its not just my call. the best you can do is give feedback in a constructive, non abusive fashion and work with what you get.

as for your point, you have jumped around a lot in your "point" the original post did complain specifically about the "sexy" option. in fact, rereading, your original post, you call the steampunk booster an "utter failure in design" that your opinion, or is it that its "fine in the genre"? you seemed to have an extremely negative emotional reaction to it in the original post. I mean, we know there are going to be limited resources for each pack, as tex posted, MOST of them have been equal in gender(tech, science, mutant, beast, cot, natural, valkyie, and alpha and omega, as well as the idf and defense sets) with only magic, wedding, steam-punk, barbarian, and gunslinger being separate sets. and in the case of wedding, women got the male as well as exclusive pieces. I'm afraid i am really missing what caused the unholy rage from the original post. You are going to do this every time you subjectively think there may have been a better look for a costume than the one they went with?



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
The timing on this Shortpacked strip seems apropos, so I'll just leave it here.
And yet Fabio-esque characters keep making the covers of pulp romance novels.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
The timing on this Shortpacked strip seems apropos, so I'll just leave it here.
Leaner male characters, larger eyes and "better faces" are cool with me, /signed. give us some korean pop-star hair, some of my guys would like some styling in their look. also the stuff foxlee said. some of my collegiate-academic male characters are a bit more bicep-enhanced than their concepts call for, i'll pull a reverse sam and call for less muscular options for males. my guy is in a power suit because he's kind of wimp, it fits dang it.
Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
And yet Fabio-esque characters keep making the covers of pulp romance novels.
eh, its silly to try to speak for what anybody wants in terms of an entire gender. that specific strip, in addition to using a strawman argument and poisoning the well by having a fat, poorly dressed, unkempt guy asking the question. it has a general point but makes it poorly and with about as much bad argumentation.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
eh, its silly to try to speak for what anybody wants in terms of an entire gender. that specific strip, in addition to using a strawman argument and poisoning the well by having a fat, poorly dressed, unkempt guy asking the question. it has a general point but makes it poorly and with about as much bad argumentation.
It IS a little slanted, isn't it.

Ask five random people what they like, and you'll get five different answers.

And thus, there's my vote for as many options as possible.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
See, that reads less as disagreement and more an issue with me and my posting style.
Either way, this thread had the desired effect (surprisingly) and got both Dev attention AND an open discussion thread, so, ultimately, I consider it a win/win.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
But CoX isn't selling us the Historical West. It's selling us the Wild West. The Wild West is a shared fantasy that is a wildly filtered perception of the facts of the times. And in that perception, bar maids, saloon girls and prostitutes are all the same woman.
In your perception perhaps. But I don't think that is *remotely* close to being the majority perception.

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
See, that reads less as disagreement and more an issue with me and my posting style.
Either way, this thread had the desired effect (surprisingly) and got both Dev attention AND an open discussion thread, so, ultimately, I consider it a win/win.
i was also giving you an opening to plug your skyrim character.

Though i really would like to hear about the steampunk set. its not a stylistic issue, its an issue with the feedback, one is clearly that the steampunk is bad, the other is that it is ok, good perhaps. thats not style, thats what the feedback actually means. and im not sure i'd consider it win/win, it was a hostile thread that got them to take the role of a abused shop clerk and ask us to clarify what the heck we actually want. i'm unsure how they won in this situation, they got abused, sworn at, called sexists and had their work thrown in their face, can they control their enthusiasm?



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
You might wanna be cautious about telling a woman what women think and act like in general, especially when one of your cites is an ad designed by men. Just saying.
I call them as i see them, so you are sure their are no females in marketing? Because I tell you what Diet Coke especially at the time was aimed at women.

I bought the gunslinger pack mostly for the hat, cigero and female hair, the jacket is I think stupid looking! You want your female characters to wear that?

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Actually, you have to work really hard to find a linkage between Magic pack and other stuff. Here is the actual timeline of releases according to ParagonWiki:

- Wedding (Feb 2008) -- women get both tux and dress
- Cyborg (Sept 2008)
- Valkyrie (March 2009)
- Magic (April 2009) -- differences in genders
- Science (July 2009)
- Martial Arts (Nov 2009)
- Going Rogue (April 2010)
- Origins (Nov 2010)
- Animal (Feb 2011)
- Steampunk (June 2011) -- difference in genders, first time corsets show up
- Celestial Vet Award
- Barbarian (Aug 2011) -- difference in genders, both with lots of flesh on display
- Circle of Thorns (Sept 2011)
- Halloween (Oct 2011) -- difference in genders, but no one cares
- Gunslinger (Nov 2011) -- difference in genders
- Fire and Ice

I may have missed a release or two in there.

To come to the conclusion that developers are "only" making sexy clothes for females you have to wait until the Magic pack to start. Then you have to intentionally overlook Science, Martial Arts, the Going Rogue pieces (Resistance and PPD), Origins, and Animal. We didn't get out first corset until the middle of this year, less than 5 months ago. In 5 months we got 6 releases. Only two* of them varied by gender, and one of those had easily as much male flesh on display. [*Halloween varied slightly by gender, but presumably isn't receiving criticism because it's harder to find a way to call it sexist.]

We don't have to speculate about whether when we get scientists we'll get half naked nurse chicks, because we got that and it didn't happen.

Tempest, tea pot, etc. Yes I want jackets for girls too but a little objectivity would go a long way. I wouldn't even be surprised to learn all 6 corsets were developed at the same time and just split up among the packs, since they all came within a very short period of each other; we waited 7 years just to get our first one.
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Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
i was also giving you an opening to plug your skyrim character.

Though i really would like to hear about the steampunk set. its not a stylistic issue, its an issue with the feedback, one is clearly that the steampunk is bad, the other is that it is ok, good perhaps. thats not style, thats what the feedback actually means. and im not sure i'd consider it win/win, it was a hostile thread that got them to take the role of a abused shop clerk and ask us to clarify what the heck we actually want. i'm unsure how they won in this situation, they got abused, sworn at, called sexists and had their work thrown in their face, can they control their enthusiasm?
I guess the Steampunk pack got pulled in for the 'lack of jacket freedom'-ness that got called up at the time and again later. I think it was also a case of 'We got corsets here and they were good, and yet we kept getting more'.

Honestly, the whole thread did run away quite spectacularly in the end.
But I still think it was justified. We have DONE the calm, polite and patient route a number of times before with player requests. Sometimes it's time to put down the harmony flute and placard and pick up a damn big hammer and start smashing stuff. If that analogy makes sense. My brain is due for it's dunking in detol sometime soon...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I love the female pieces, but there are pieces that I want for my girl toons... I am a girl and I don't really like playing guys.... I would love to have the chaps... they are HOT.. and would look sexy on one of my toons... the long coat in the magic pack would be great for girls... and once again... PLEASE GIVE BETTER HAIR WITH HATS.... I like the hair with the pirate hats... not scarves... I love the steampunk hat and hair... our hats need a makeover to give you HAIR with all of them... I would love to use the Santa hat... if it had hair... I would love any of the hats if only they had hair... the hair with the witches hat would work fine for me... so come on... hook a sista up!!! LOL



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Similar is all we require huh?

Well... I guess I must conclude this is a male stripper pack.

Actually, this looks more similar to the cowboy than the other picture does to the girl.

looks a bit like a brazen Strumpett to me and pretty dead on in terms of what we got (minus the historicly accurate cattle skulls on everything )

I suppose to make my point like you have I could find a picture with a female saloon worker who makes money on the side but has a heart of gold wearing less clothing or minus her top (aka the guy you posted without a shirt even though they come with jackets )

but im at least enjoying this new trend of shirtless cowboys



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It shouldn't really be called a gunslinger pack because the female costume set can't really be genuinely called a gunslinger costume. That's as far as one should go. Going farther and calling the other costume "sex worker" is, whether you intend it or not, an insult to the people who saw that costume as anything other than that, and thought that while it was not a gunslinger costume, it was a nice non-prostitute costume option besides. Its an unnecessary slam, when its not relevant to whether the devs genuinely delivered on their gunslinger pack to both (character) genders.
Oh, it's just a waitress costume and nothing more. Here's the updated version:

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Oh, it's just a waitress costume and nothing more. Here's the updated version:
Is that really representative of your impression of the difference between the two costumes in the gunslinger pack?

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As analogies go, that is actually a pretty good one.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Is that really representative of your impression of the difference between the two costumes in the gunslinger pack?

Actual waitresses that were selling just food did not have an open front skirt. Were saloons so big that they had to run can-canning from table to kitchen?

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Hooters waitress seems like a reasonably fair comparison to Saloon Girl, not just hired to serve food but also to attract men. Not sure if they work on commission for all the drinks they sell, though.

Seems a pretty big misrepresentation of cowboys though, they were nothing to do with the military, more like farmers really.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
<soldier and waitress pics>
Go, go, City of HEROES!!!!

I know it's tacky to say I'm done and then come back to a thread, so I'll eat whatever derision is thrown my way, but I have to say...

...I'm gay and would rather look at the girls than the guy.

Sexy females don't threaten me. <shrug> I know (and have dated) some guys who would feel threatened or maybe even grossed out by the second picture, but I don't consider demanding that women cover themselves up an uncontestable virtue.

The facts is, so far, no straight guy has actually come into this thread and said "I like these parts because I want to ogle my female toons." Despite repeated attempts to frame this discussion as trogolodytes versus women's libbers, the reality is most of the arguing has been between two parties that agree that women need freedom but disagree about that means specifically in terms of wardrobe.



I think i've said my fill here and honestly I am happy for the moment that we are getting the attention we are on this issue (or non issue depending on your point of view )

I wish you all well (even folks i've locked horns with ) and hope we don't find ourselves in the same thread with the next pack .



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

Actual waitresses that were selling just food did not have an open front skirt.
They also didn't have superpowers. There's a certain amount of escapism in the game, including the costumes. I wouldn't actually advise picking a fight in a sleveless top and miniskirt either, but that's how my MA/SR is currently dressed. My DB scrapper is ten times the ***** the gunslinger female costume is. If the standard is the gunslinger costume is basically degrading compared to the male one, then by those standards I'm two feet in the gutter. The fact that I actually want a gunfighter female costume doesn't mean I think the actual one is flawed to the point of being degrading. If arguing against it implies that, I would rather accept the costume and the mismatch it encapsulates.

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