New Archtype




I had this idea for a new AT. Lately I have been reflecting on my playstyle preferences and builds. I came to these conclusions:
1. I really like to play ranged dmg sets. they are flashy in visual and sound fx, and offer a large variety of effects and powers.
2. i do not like having to play ranged dmg sets on At's that are eighther designed for team play, and thus have gimp dmg in exchange for team based powers or have really high dmg in exchange for poor survivability.
3. in the modern game, there is no reason ranged dmg sets should be forced to be tied to some major drawback in either soloability or survivability.

As a solo player, I feel there is a large hole in the coverage of the AT's in regards to ranged dmg sets. doms, corruptors, defendors all have eighther gimp dmg due to it being a secondary role alongside team play powersets, or in the case of doms mechanics i dont really enjoy and powersets that have to much "not ranged dmg" type powers.
Blasters solo well, for about the first half the game. Then the survivability issues start to show.

this is not to say the current AT are poor. they are interesting, diverse and enjoyed my many. it is as I say above, there is playstyle hole.

I enjoy Brutes and scrappers. I enjoy them more for the playstyle then anything as some of the sets arent particularily flashy(though some are). i like that there is no need (mostly) for some kind of goofy movement tactics, or positioning, or tactical breakdown of a spawn. The threat of defeat is not brought by failing at some particular elaborate or specific tactics, but more so by simply biting off more then you can chew, or moving to fast, with occasional surprises thrown in by mob AI or spawn make up. So, why not a form of ranged dmg that can achieve a similar playstyle?

Bottom line- the current ranged dmg AT's have too many gimicks to allow success. blasters have positioning, hoverblasting, aggro managment, etc. Doms have the domination mechanic. Corruptors and defenders have primaries/secondaries focused on team play. I want an AT that can simply be a self contained straight forward fighter- that uses the ranged dmg sets as a means to fight.

To that end I came up with an AT that could do so. it would be balanced by base modifiers and caps. Primary: ranged dmg. secondary: armor sets.

"ZOMG Tank Mage!!" you cry. So that is obviously the biggest concern. Lets look at that.

I would propose the primary: ranged attack would be limited in these ways
1. low base values
2. much lower dmg cap then blasters
3. Fury type mechanic implemented
4. Range values reduced.
This would accomplish a few things:
Blasters stay the dmg kings with both much higher base values and cap
Low base values and fury work on brutes very well. it would work on a ranged set similarily, possibly better. lets look at this.

Range is it's own type of defense. Lowering the base range of powers would similarily lower this defense. on top of this, most foes dont have a full array of ranged attacks. So, for the new AT, keeping foes at range may be safer, but it would also reduce attacks, and lower fury generation. So, safe vs dmg output remains balanced in this way. Furthermore, if one were to use ranged holds(freeze ray etc) it would further reduce incoming attacks and fury generation. In short, the safer the player chose to play, the longer the fight would end up being. if one were to play with the techniques used by current blasters etc, (maximum kiting, soft controls etc) fury generation would suffer heavily. It is also important to note that building fury with ones own attacks favors faster animations, and on blast sets, the hardest hitters have somewhat long animations to go with them.

So then, lets look at the secondary: armor sets
These would need these considerations:
1. Lower base values
2. Lower caps for resists
3. HP cap could be used as a balance tool
4. Epic power pools should not offer more mitigation, only soft controls or melee dmg
Lets look at these.

lower base values- lower overall armor values would be supplemented by range as a survival tool. lower base values also keep things like IO bonuses in check. Lower resist caps keep team buffs from making the character a tank mage. The def cap would remain, and indeed, a character with a def set could try for soft cap. A /sr for example. However, low base values means a soft cap build would require much more dedication then a comparible scrapper or brute to achieve. In this way, high survivability def builds would sacrifice power choice and utility/dmg/etc to achieve their high def.
HP caps would be used to balance sets like /regen. Lower HP means less regen over time. Lower HP in general reduce survivability.
It is important to tie in reduced range of blast powers here: reduced range means the foes will close to melee range more quickly compared to other ranged blast AT's, increasing threat.

I believe these parameters can be tweaked sufficiently to make a balanced AT. Said AT would offer less dmg then a blaster, less team freindly then a defender or corruptor(no force multipliers) and much less crowd control then a dom. The new AT would offer solo ability on par with scrappers and brutes, while caps in place would keep the AT from becoming a tank mage on a team. The playstyle offered would be more comparable to a scrapper or brute: straight forward fighting- except with ranged dmg sets instead of melee.

I do not see why a straightforward playstyle like this would be unattainable. An AT like this would be a first choice for a solo player wanting to play all the various ranged dmg sets. Other ranged dmg AT's would bring more for a team, be it dmg, buffs, control, etc. other ranged dmg At's could surpass performance of this new AT, especially at the hands of skilled players. But this new AT would play much more simply then existing AT's, and offer an experiance with less frustration to a solo player.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

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What you're looking for can be found in a Bubble defender or Corrupter.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
What you're looking for can be found in a Bubble defender or Corrupter.
Or a Crab Spider. Or a Warshade, though they have to close to melee to buff up. Or a Blaster with a good IO build for that matter.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
What you're looking for can be found in a Bubble defender or Corrupter.
Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Or a Crab Spider. Or a Warshade, though they have to close to melee to buff up. Or a Blaster with a good IO build for that matter.
Crab Spider and Traps user, but especially Crab Spider.

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Here is a list of ranged blast sets:

Fire blast
ice blast
dark blast
psi blast
rad blast
assault rifle
beam rifle
dual pistols
electric blast
sonic blast
energy blast

here is what you have offered me:
Crab spider
AT where 90%of primary or secondary is useless outside of a team
Shapeshift mechanics where the high dmg output is saddled with a major survivability drawback, or vice versa. human form still gets mezzed and killed easily. Keybinds are needed for efficient play. not really a simple playstyle.
high lvl IO build

This is why i suggested this in the first place. you have offered me the same crappy conventional workarounds to my dilema that have been around for years. There are 12 blast powersets(outside of epic AT's) and the only way to play them is to either play a high risk blaster, or a team AT. I am looking for a ranged attack scrapper or brute, to put it simply.

I have played your suggestions. They are fun in their own right. They are good AT's, I wouldnt change them. they are not what i am looking for. I want to make "Captain blasto" and not have to have giant legs coming out of his back, or turn into a space squid. I want to have a secondary that has more then 3 powers that do something for me solo. I do not want to rely on a lvl 50 IO build to achieve these goals.

basically, i am fully aware of the conventional wisdom and I want something new that can achieve this goal out of the box without gimicks or drawbacks or the need for a high level Io build that draws from as many pool powers as possible and uses unconventional slotting and power picks as IO mules.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

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93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
Here is a list of ranged blast sets:

Fire blast
ice blast
dark blast
psi blast
rad blast
assault rifle
beam rifle
dual pistols
electric blast
sonic blast
energy blast

here is what you have offered me:
Crab spider
AT where 90%of primary or secondary is useless outside of a team
Shapeshift mechanics where the high dmg output is saddled with a major survivability drawback, or vice versa. human form still gets mezzed and killed easily. Keybinds are needed for efficient play. not really a simple playstyle.
high lvl IO build

This is why i suggested this in the first place. you have offered me the same crappy conventional workarounds to my dilema that have been around for years. There are 12 blast powersets(outside of epic AT's) and the only way to play them is to either play a high risk blaster, or a team AT. I am looking for a ranged attack scrapper or brute, to put it simply.

I have played your suggestions. They are fun in their own right. They are good AT's, I wouldnt change them. they are not what i am looking for. I want to make "Captain blasto" and not have to have giant legs coming out of his back, or turn into a space squid. I want to have a secondary that has more then 3 powers that do something for me solo. I do not want to rely on a lvl 50 IO build to achieve these goals.

basically, i am fully aware of the conventional wisdom and I want something new that can achieve this goal out of the box without gimicks or drawbacks or the need for a high level Io build that draws from as many pool powers as possible and uses unconventional slotting and power picks as IO mules.
So, you want an AT that is good at everything without much time or investment? I just don't see that happening.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Crab Spider and Traps user, but especially Crab Spider.
Traps and trick arrow deserve a special mention. They do allow for solo use quite nicely.


it still isnt quite what I am after. Again, i am not knocking the sets or AT's. but a Brute or scrapper, when you see a spawn, you just go for it and start throwing punches etc. there is no stopping to set up a minefield, or spending your first 2 or 3 actions setting up a poison trap or triage beacon.
And thats the difference- i want to just go for it, and start blasting stuff without gimicks or set up time. I want to use tactics for especially difficult fights, not almost every fight. I want to cut loose and chuck fire everywhere, and not be stopped dead in my tracks for 15 seconds because a tesla knight clockwork put me to sleep, or a crey liut hit me with a mag 1 stun punch so my dmg aura detoggles and half of my defenses are suppressed. I dont want to rely on "chance for knockback" to keep me from getting 2 shotted. I dont want to be forced into the endo drain metagame to play an elec blast character because thats the only way to survive long enough to win the battle.

I want to blast. i want more reliable defenses that keep me moving for a faster paced, less tactical, less gimmicky solo game, but only enough defense that a normal spawn poses a similar threat as it would to a scrapper or brute. I want a simplified blasting experiance.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
So, you want an AT that is good at everything without much time or investment? I just don't see that happening.
this is a hyperbole. I do not want "good at everything". Certainly this new AT could not tank, or control, or buff a team with force multipliers. it couldnt surpass a blaster in dmg output. The specialized AT's would surpass this new AT in what they do. The new AT would be average without much time or investment, just like all the other AT's.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



The niche you want was filled by VEATs, ranged attacks with mez protection/armor.

Would be nice to have a less focused theme AT that has similar effects.

That said, they seem to want things to have a cleanly crafted AT niche, and I'm not sure it would make it through marketing to introduce an AT like this, as cool as it would be. But maybe, just maybe.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
The niche you want was filled by VEATs, ranged attacks with mez protection/armor.

Would be nice to have a less focused theme AT that has similar effects.

That said, they seem to want things to have a cleanly crafted AT niche, and I'm not sure it would make it through marketing to introduce an AT like this, as cool as it would be. But maybe, just maybe.
My observation of the last few years is that if enough players get behind something, it gets a looksie. Like the XP curve from 1-50 getting smoothed out, the powersets we have gotten like street justice and dual pistols, that type of thing. if enough players say "yeah, i would totally play that!" it will at least get a look. if enough players get behind an idea, and it lingers for a long time, it eventually happens. look at power customization.

The dev team has really come into their own the last few years i think. The first year or two there was a lot of "impossible." answers from them. nowdays, I think anything is possible with this dev team. its part of why I have stayed on sub. all this time.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

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107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
The niche you want was filled by VEATs, ranged attacks with mez protection/armor.
This. My Fort hits about as hard as a Dominator (that's good) and is defense capped to all positions. To round out her soloability, she's also invisible and has Confuse (which is aggro-less and mates beautifully with invisibility), Dominate and Subdue to keep the amount of danger she faces while solo to near zero.

How is that not exactly what subby is describing?

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Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
This. My Fort hits about as hard as a Dominator (that's good) and is defense capped to all positions. To round out her soloability, she's also invisible and has Confuse (which is aggro-less and mates beautifully with invisibility), Dominate and Subdue to keep the amount of danger she faces while solo to near zero.

How is that not exactly what subby is describing?
Now do this with fire blast.

Oh wait....

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
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93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
Now do this with fire blast. Oh wait....
Why is it important that the damage type be fire? My Fort deals Psi, Smashing, Dark and Fire (Reactive Interface) damage to targets. That's a pretty good spread. I could add Lethal and Toxic if I wanted to go that route. Seems pretty flexible to me.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
Why is it important that the damage type be fire? My Fort deals Psi, Smashing, Dark and Fire (Reactive Interface) damage to targets. That's a pretty good spread. I could add Lethal and Toxic if I wanted to go that route. Seems pretty flexible to me.
Your missing the point. it's not the dmg type. its the idea the playstyle is limited so much. there are 12 blast sets. I dont recall how many armors, but if you made a character for every combination of ranged/armor you could fill all 4 pages of a server and then some. how many different characters can you make out of VEAT?

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
You'r missing the point. it's not the dmg type. its the idea the playstyle is limited so much. there are 12 blast sets. how many different characters can you make out of VEAT?
You can make an SoA that with melee damage, ranged single target, ranged AoE, "nukes" (Psychic Wail, Aura of Confusion and Mass Domination on the Fort side and I think Crabs have a set of their own), Pets, Stalker-like crits from hide, single target control or useful team buffs from Teamwork and Leadership stacking.

And all of them have status protection and easily capped defenses.

They're really the most flexible AT in the game.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



The VEATS solo fine, but you're right, they lack in concept. Fixed origins arent so much a problem as that you're just stuck with Backback, claws, rifle or psi powers as your weapons.

The fact that they have team buffs are not a problem tho, as they also buff themselves.

However this did get me to thinking...


Inherent: Mez Protection (Hold, Immobilize, Stun, Sleep)

This covers the mez protection aspect of being in melee, without having to change up the Buff/Debuff sets.

Still be knocked about yes, but that's what Acrobatics, defense, KB resist IOs are for, or of course a combination of them.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
That sounds more like a fix for the inherent crappiness of Stalkers than a completely new AT.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



Originally Posted by PunkRolex View Post
That sounds more like a fix for the inherent crappiness of Stalkers than a completely new AT.
*shrug* People have been wanting a Melee/Debuff AT, that was just a thought on how to do it.

Before I wouldn't have cared for it. Now...Titan Weapons/Time Manipulation ^_^ I want the AT!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I think a properly balanced Ranged/Armor archetype would be a great idea.

As people have pointed out, you can already have them via epic archetypes or Force Field or Traps Defenders, and they don't over-balance the game.

The power sets for both primary and secondary already exist, so balancing would not require set-by-set fine tuning, but more a case of getting the archetype scalars for damage and defence right.

So looks like its a lot of return in terms of new concepts that players can make, for relatively little developer time.

[EDIT] Rangle - Eldagore mentions Tankmages in his original post. He points out that he's not asking for something overpowered, but balanced, so as not to tread on Blaster's or Scrapper's, or anyone else's toes.



Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
Traps and trick arrow deserve a special mention. They do allow for solo use quite nicely.


it still isnt quite what I am after. Again, i am not knocking the sets or AT's. but a Brute or scrapper, when you see a spawn, you just go for it and start throwing punches etc. there is no stopping to set up a minefield, or spending your first 2 or 3 actions setting up a poison trap or triage beacon.
And thats the difference- i want to just go for it, and start blasting stuff without gimicks or set up time. I want to use tactics for especially difficult fights, not almost every fight. I want to cut loose and chuck fire everywhere, and not be stopped dead in my tracks for 15 seconds because a tesla knight clockwork put me to sleep, or a crey liut hit me with a mag 1 stun punch so my dmg aura detoggles and half of my defenses are suppressed. I dont want to rely on "chance for knockback" to keep me from getting 2 shotted. I dont want to be forced into the endo drain metagame to play an elec blast character because thats the only way to survive long enough to win the battle.

I want to blast. i want more reliable defenses that keep me moving for a faster paced, less tactical, less gimmicky solo game, but only enough defense that a normal spawn poses a similar threat as it would to a scrapper or brute. I want a simplified blasting experiance.
I put forward a similar idea about a year ago - Assault/Defense and got exactly the same response.
I did actually take the advice put forward and make a Fortunata and this did indeen tick most of the boxes.

The existance of Veats shows that the design of a ranged/defense is viable and wouldn't be overpowered, having the new AT set would simply allow people more design/concept options - I thought CoH was renowned for this and was pushing this further with power customisation.

L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR

Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller



I'd like to play a Archetype where I could be wielding dual swords one minute and then dual pistols the next, or shooting arrows and then finishing off with a katana. There would be no armours but the melee attacks offer +def and +res (parry and deflection) and the ranged attacks could offer -dam or any type of control (suppressive fire and control). Not quite as good as a Scrapper because lacking in any alpha taking at start and not quite as good as a dominator for control but soloable because it starts ranged, some control there then closes in and uses melee giving it def and +res.

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Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I'd like to play a Archetype where I could be wielding dual swords one minute and then dual pistols the next, or shooting arrows and then finishing off with a katana. There would be no armours but the melee attacks offer +def and +res (parry and deflection) and the ranged attacks could offer -dam or any type of control (suppressive fire and control). Not quite as good as a Scrapper because lacking in any alpha taking at start and not quite as good as a dominator for control but soloable because it starts ranged, some control there then closes in and uses melee giving it def and +res.
Blasters could definitely use a weapons secondary, as devices and elemental things don't always go with concept. Arrow/sword, Pistols/sword, and AR/sword would be great for the skilled weapons expert type. /sword could have kat, dual swords, and/or broadsword powers or stick with a single type of sword secondary and add filler powers like caltrops and grenades(customizable to look like molotov ftw) and other non-elemental/non-technological powers.

People would probably have concerns with redraw. And if they are too powerful we'd just see a bunch of fire/sword users. Balance would be tricky as usual.



Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
There are 12 blast powersets(outside of epic AT's) and the only way to play them is to either play a high risk blaster, or a team AT. I am looking for a ranged attack scrapper or brute, to put it simply.
Try a Huntsman SoA build... take the gun powers and Bane Spider Armor and you have an Assault Rifle / Super Reflexes Scrapper with no goofy spider arms and some team utility that also helps you when solo. Or make a high ranged defense Blaster... you don't need to wait until 50, just start slotting Thunderstrikes and other ranged defense IOs in the late 20s to low 30s and take Hover. Or better yet, go with a /Traps Corruptor and add some ranged defense set bonuses to FFG to reach near-Scrapper levels of protection plus some nice debuffs that are great solo or teamed. You can also get a pretty safe ranged attacker by making a Dominator and picking a secondary with good ranged damage like Fire or Psi... it will play much like a Blaster (good ranged damage backed up by strong melee) but with strong control powers to help keep you alive.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
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Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
Try a Huntsman SoA build... take the gun powers and Bane Spider Armor and you have an Assault Rifle / Super Reflexes Scrapper with no goofy spider arms and some team utility that also helps you when solo. Or make a high ranged defense Blaster... you don't need to wait until 50, just start slotting Thunderstrikes and other ranged defense IOs in the late 20s to low 30s and take Hover. Or better yet, go with a /Traps Corruptor and add some ranged defense set bonuses to FFG to reach near-Scrapper levels of protection plus some nice debuffs that are great solo or teamed. You can also get a pretty safe ranged attacker by making a Dominator and picking a secondary with good ranged damage like Fire or Psi... it will play much like a Blaster (good ranged damage backed up by strong melee) but with strong control powers to help keep you alive.
You seem to be missing his point. As are most of the replies supporting VEATs. You've listed a flurry of work arounds to the problem that he is presenting: Lack of a ranged toon, with armor as a secondary that can be themed multiple ways. He's asking for an AT designed to be ranged, and self supporting only. Not a team based at like a VEAT minus the team abilities. In the end, a VEAT is still an arachnos subordinate and your dom + blaster suggestions are still doms and blasters.

He's looking for an AT DESIGNED for someone who wants ranged damage, and some defenses without having to pick pools and make huge investments for ranged defense or skipping some powers. For example, yeah I could take a dom like you said. But then i'd be playing a ranged/control toon; not a ranged/defenses toon. I COULD take a blaster and cap ranged defense, but i'd need a large build to do so.

I agree completely with the idea of a ranged primary, and defense secondary AT. You could EASILY take Dual Pistols, and give it a secondary like say...MA Then remove some of the stronger powers and add some defense toggles, or even mez protection instead.