COH Concept Gallery




Thanks Noble.

Is there any way that we can get more asymmetrical costume options? I would LOVE to have something half as awesome as Noble Savage's outfit.

Edit-- just read your reply. Add me to the pile of players excited about some asymmetrical costume options!



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
1) the comic audience is, on average, older than it used to be, and the comics have to cater to more mature, sophisticated tastes

Can you imagine anyone older than 15 embracing an X-men movie w/ the characters wearing their costumes from the comics?!
But but ...


This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Background: I am a returning VIP player who was formerly a 5 year veteran.

My recent sojourn into "going rogue" content left me dazzled. The local scenery, the buildings and the atmosphere left me with a desire to stay there and explore -more-.

Thank you for your hard work and attention to detail as well as sharing with the rest of us these beautiful pieces of art.



Wow... That was an amazing album. Thank you, David I think my favourite ones by FAR were your renditions of environments, specifically ones that take on either a whole scene or a map layout. It's to the point where I can't really pick favourites - I like ALL of them. I can't even nit-pick, for Pete's sake! You really have a talent for making amazing environments.

And, yes, I would definitely like to see more.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Raith View Post
I've been meaning to ask something about this sort of thing. Are we going to see more and more pre-textured items in game? I'd love to make-use of some of the parts like the Victorian Corsets but the texture colour-shifts things and makes it hard to match them up. For instance, the colour white with the pre-texturing comes out grey.

If you were looking at keeping the old style and the new wouldn't it be an idea to try and have both for the new pieces? a High-Res and Simple version?

- Raith
Yeah, please please please take a look at this, as some of the textures of the some of the newer things shift the color palette leaving us to scramble around the limited assortment of colors looking for a close match.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
CITY OF HEROES is a modern comic book-inspired game for an all-ages audience, so like Hollywood and most mainstream comic book companies, we've embraced the newer, more realistic approach to super-powered fiction. So no, we're not big on "Bif! Bam! Pow!" logos or overly-colorful cartoon characters. exactly why I prefer this game over the other.

I love the modern, real world feel of City of Heroes.

Glad to see that this is still the main focus.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If you ever add a space station, it should totally be a Vanguard one, either as a staging ground for Incarnate Trials, or as the first line of defense agains the Battalion starfleet, or any other enemies of Earth.
It'd make more sense for their HQ to be in orbit rather than in the RWZ, not only because the Rikti aren't the only threat that they deal with anymore, but also because it'd fit the Vanguard theme really well - they'd literally be above all national boundaries, and literally be watching over Earth.
Plus, Lady Grey would look really impressive standing in front of a ginormous observation window with the Earth in the background behind her
With optional orbital laser of DOOM! hackable by arachnos?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Yes--loved it! They did a good job of preserving the look of each character without getting into Fruit Loops colors. Really well done, and my only quibble artisticallty was that the Magneto helmet looked completely ridiculous on Sebastion Shaw.
That helmet still looked better than the original film one, no matter who was wearing it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



David, a lot of the diehard CoH fans like myself were following the original steampunk art for the Praetorian Resistance. I thought it was really neat and inspiring. I don't have a problem with its eventual evolution into more of a gritty sci-fi punk look, but could you go into detail on this sort of concept/design change?

For all the concept art I've seen, one would think that you guys had already put plenty of resources into the classic steam look. Why the late game change?

And I have to say, having the Praetorian Resistance sort of being the analog to a favorite brass army didn't hurt either.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I left you a comment over on DA about your Cole Tower sketch. That thing is awesome, I would have fun personifying that! I've done it to lots of NYC skyscrapers, why not this one?

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
There's some stuff coming soon. Player Summit will have the details.
Asymmetry, yay! Well, I have to try not to get my hopes up, because wishing and reality often don't overlap much. I've hoped for an asymmetry slider for quite some time, so we could move chest details and costume patterns off-center one way or another. I think that would be an excellent tweak, but I have no idea how hard it would be to implement. I'll stay turned for the details when the Player Summit summary is posted.

Love the gallery of concept art. And I'm curious to see what this mysterious idea of yours that "graduated to the big leagues" will turn out to be. David, having you on staff has really been a huge boost not just to Paragon Studios but to the players as well. Stick around a very, very long time!




Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
(Can you imagine anyone older than 15 embracing an X-men movie w/ the characters wearing their costumes from the comics?!)

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
My background is in film...Some people have complained about the on-set photos of Captain America on The Avengers that the costume doesn't look very good, but they're neglecting what details the camera can pick out and enhance that a regular photo can't. I'm all for details, both subtle and visually striking, myself.
What kind of film work do you do? I think the Marvel movie costumes have struck a good balance: they acknowledge each character's traditional colors while adding in a lot of neutral 'real-world' colors and textures. They keep just enough of the source material to make hardcore fans happy while making things accessible to the wider film audience.

Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
I see City of Heroes as a late Silver Age (1970's-80's) setting, with the darker morality of Praetoria encroaching on a more balanced, but still heroic, viewpoint of Paragon City.
I'm not sure if that interplay's ever been spelled out, but I like your interpretation! The idea of a simpler, purer Paragon under threat from a morale darkness sets up a lot of nice tension.

Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
The texture gradient sounds very interesting. I'd like to do that on some custom pictures of my characters or ask commissioned artists to do the same...can you elaborate a bit more?
Sure. You take a texture layer (paper grain, mesh, etc.) and put it above your paint layer. Then you set the texture to Overlay (or sometimes Multiply) to blend them together. Adjust Levels and Opacity until it looks right, and use the Layer Mask to paint out areas that aren't really gelling. Hope that helps!

Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
I'm wondering with such things as the Steampunk pack faces, if there's an intent to gradiate player looks and costumes in that direction as well?
Well, as you know, we have the somewhat unique situation of having 7 year-old assets in the game alongside more modern stuff. The Art team is committed to keeping the game fresh, modern, and up-to-date, so as new tricks and techniques (like alpha glows, solid geo FX, and normal maps) become available, of course we want players to have those options and to evolve the game forward. (Just wait 'til you see the cloth folds on a certain upcoming set--it's simply jaw-dropping what the Character team was able to do). And don't worry, we won't be taking away any legacy stuff.

Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Would the decision for more realistic rendering of pieces extend as far as character models in your opinion?
Yes. We want the game to stay visually up-to-date. You'll continue to see more realistic texture treatments on costume sets going forward.

Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
...The IDF suit's pattern and the faint 'scalemail' effect on the Thorns suit I personally could see standing on their own as a valid aesthetic choice.
Definitely! We have a few modern 'base coat' textures in the pipeline for exactly this reason.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
I have a small issue with that comic in game comic. Namely that I missed it the first half dozen go-rounds during the open beta. ...So could the comic pages be made easier to spot?....
I like that idea, but I didn't set up the button layout--perhaps the Designers wanted to emphasize the optional nature of the comic book? Would have to ask them.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
...Question: I was looking at the tech pieces - track parts. How hard would it be to get some of those things to actually move in the game?

I think it would be cool to walk into a working lab that's actually working....
That would be wonderful! It's just an issue of animation and FX time, I'm sure. We have to be careful how we budget those.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
This whole section I find very strange coming from the art lead for a superhero game...but because of the idea that certain colors are somehow "immature", and the classic X-men costumes being something only people under 15 would like... They're not only for people under 15.
Let me clarify: I'm a giant fan of the old X-men costumes, and Jim Lee's run on the title is the reason I became an artist in the first place. If you want to see how much I love the colorful, comic book-y X-men outfits, please go here:

My point is that those costumes would've been a failure on film. The general public would've taken one look, equated the super-suturated spandex outfits with the Power Rangers and summarily dismissed the X-men as kids' stuff. For you and I--it's not a problem; we like those costumes and it works for us. And it's not that specific colors are the problem; rather, it's the top-to-bottom application of 100% saturated color across the whole body. That's when it gets a bit out of hand and crosses into Saturday morning cartoon-land.

Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
... I'd put forth Kirkman and Walker/Ottley's Invincible as a fantastic example of modern, really high quality work that still uses bright colored tights to good effect. And it's not for kiddies.
It's a wonderful series, and I whole-heartedly agree with you! But Kirkman and Ottley are doing something interesting here: on the face of it, Invincible is a bright, colorful comic that might be mistaken for kids stuff. It sets up certain story-telling expectations...that are then turned completely on their heads, resulting in huge surprises and reader pay-off. It's kind of like Happy Tree Friends in that way.

I've often wondered how they'd turn that series into a movie. Say they did it as a cartoon--then little kids go see it and run out screaming as Allen the Alien is ripped in half. But live action would have problems of its own; if the visuals aren't sufficiently bright and cartoony, then you lose the expectation/reversal thing. Probably why they haven't adapted it yet.

David Nakayama, Lead Concept Artist
COH Concept Art Gallery now open at



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
I like that idea, but I didn't set up the button layout--perhaps the Designers wanted to emphasize the optional nature of the comic book? Would have to ask them.
When it's only 5 pages, I think it's be better to just not have an option to skip it - just click "next" 5 times quickly to get into the tutorial.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Let me clarify: I'm a giant fan of the old X-men costumes, and Jim Lee's run on the title is the reason I became an artist in the first place. If you want to see how much I love the colorful, comic book-y X-men outfits, please go here:
Thanks for the response, NS. I took issue with the idea that mature, sophisticated people wouldn't find those costumes appealing. I agree with what you've said in this post, though I feel it contradicts the post I originally replied to.

I don't think that the X-Men film needed to not use those costumes because of maturity, sophistication level, or age. I think it needed to not use those costumes because they didn't have the name recognition it would take to reach non-fans. It needed to be billable as an action movie, not just a superhero movie, in order to reach a wider audience. I agree that people would have dismissed it outright, but it would have been based on whether they were fans, not age, maturity, or sophistication. Christopher Reeve's Superman did very well in theaters-- but people knew who he was.

I think that atmosphere has changed, though, because superhero movies are now a wildly successful genre. I don't think Green Lantern would have done any worse if his costume hadn't had that weird texture to it. That doesn't mean that I think texture is bad (I think the scales for Captain America look great), but I don't think it, or darker colors, are required for people to take superheroes seriously.

Lots of people in this world think cartoons and comic books are only for kids. They are wrong. I think that we just need one more generation before that's no longer an issue, but I also think we need an industry that is willing to stand behind styles that aren't all darker and trying to be more like The Dark Knight. Not that I think what you've done for CoH has been a problem (the last splash page for SSA3 was great, if spoilerific), I'm thinking more of the upcoming Superman and Spider-man movies and how they don't seem to want to embrace the lighter, more positive nature of those heroes despite each of them having successful movies that did.

It's a wonderful series, and I whole-heartedly agree with you! But Kirkman and Ottley are doing something interesting here: on the face of it, Invincible is a bright, colorful comic that might be mistaken for kids stuff. It sets up certain story-telling expectations...that are then turned completely on their heads, resulting in huge surprises and reader pay-off. It's kind of like Happy Tree Friends in that way.
I guess that's where we disagree. I never had any expectation that it was for kids going into it just because of the coloring style or lack of texture. I saw a superhero comic, and I'd had it recommended to me by people with similar tastes to mine (though I'd been told nothing but that it was good stuff).

I've often wondered how they'd turn that series into a movie. Say they did it as a cartoon--then little kids go see it and run out screaming as Allen the Alien is ripped in half. But live action would have problems of its own; if the visuals aren't sufficiently bright and cartoony, then you lose the expectation/reversal thing. Probably why they haven't adapted it yet.
You might say the same thing about anime. When I was in high school, and anime (we called it Japanimation then) had just started to get big in the US, I worked in a video store. Mothers would come up to the counter trying to rent Akira or something similar for their kids. I would try to talk them out of it, explaining that they were for adults, and they would get enraged, yelling about not being able to rent a cartoon for their kids. They had it in their heads that "animated" = "for kids", which is as ridiculous as "movies" = "westerns". It's a medium, not a genre.

I believe that this is a problem with the public, and not some sort of inherent aspect of the medium, color, or style choices. It may take a few mainstream films like an animated Invincible before oblivious parents start paying attention to reviews and ratings instead of assuming that a particular medium or color style is only used for kids.

Anyway, thanks for responding. Sorry for the sidetrack-- this touched a nerve with me-- I've had to deal with comics, video games, superheroes, and even computers as being "for kids" from my family for most of my adult life.

Thanks again for posting your artwork, I'll stop derailing your thread now.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
All of that sounds incredibly fun, and I'm a big fan of Troy's writing. But for now, I think new comic material is most likely to appear in-game (like the 5-page tutorial intro), and I imagine it'd have to be for something really BIG.
The feeling, as always, is moochal, my good man...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Just wait 'til you see the cloth folds on a certain upcoming set--it's simply jaw-dropping what the Character team was able to do.
You heard it here first! New CoT is getting retrofitted back into CoT Classic!

// wishful thinking
/// so maybe that should be

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Lots of people in this world think cartoons and comic books are only for kids. They are wrong. I think that we just need one more generation before that's no longer an issue, but I also think we need an industry that is willing to stand behind styles that aren't all darker and trying to be more like The Dark Knight. Not that I think what you've done for CoH has been a problem (the last splash page for SSA3 was great, if spoilerific), I'm thinking more of the upcoming Superman and Spider-man movies and how they don't seem to want to embrace the lighter, more positive nature of those heroes despite each of them having successful movies that did.
I don't think the attitude that comics are just for kids exists anymore. But I think the attitude may have actually gone too far the other way: that comics and associated media are for everyone. I don't think comic books and in particular the style and metaphor of 80s-90s comic books are ever going to be 100% mainstream. They'll be acceptable to a point when translated well enough, as anything will be. But times and tastes change. Think about how many successful cinematic musicals that aren't Disney animations there are between Grease (1978) and Mulan Rouge (2001). I can name more successful cinematic musicals from before I was born than after. Is that because musicals are now just for kids? Of course not: musical productions still do just fine, just not on the big screen.

Does age have anything to do with it? Some, I think. Although the "comics are not just for kids" era began basically in the mid 80s, its still the case that it was the people who grew up during that era, moreso than the adults that were already reading comics within that era, that represent the bulk of the "comics are not just for kids" generation. The 40 year olds today are the 30 year olds in 2000 when X-Men came out that might have been the first generation to have grown up thinking that art style was totally mainstream. It would have been a fairly substantial gamble in 1999 to guess there were enough of us to sustain a yellow spandex X-Men movie.

One more thing about comic books: it can be an expensive habit, like smoking. Older people often give up comic books not because they outgrow them, but simply because life throws more things to buy than they have the money to comfortably spend. And once you're disconnected from it, for a lot of people tastes shift. Ironically, I think a lot of the people going to see Captain America and Thor today are the people who once bought those comics or at least knew of them back in the day, gave it all up to pay the mortgage, and now appreciate the movies at least in part due to the nostalgia factor. The irony is that it might be only now, when enough people have been away from comics for long enough, that that art style can *be* nostalgic and resonate with an audience in a strong way.

Anyway, back to the artwork.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
Say they did it as a cartoon--then little kids go see it and run out screaming as Allen the Alien is ripped in half.
You say that like its a bad thing.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
You heard it here first! New CoT is getting retrofitted back into CoT Classic!

// wishful thinking
/// so maybe that should be
Or it could be long dresses and robes for players

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork