15 EMP Merits to unlock the New Incarnates




This is so annoying.

I heard a rumor that for the upcoming destiny, alpha, judgement, and interface, you have to spend 15 EMP merits to unlock them.

I hate when no matter how much you play you still have to wait for things such as with the entire alignment system which I have completely ignored due to a near 4 day wait.

We got lore without having to do anything more than the usual incarnates.

And to add insult to injury BAF and LAM no longer award EMP merits after unlocking the current slots...

It seems there is always a negative approach. Instead of doing something to make the other trials MORE desirable they do something to make BAF and LAM less desirable. Aye aye aye---make me a headache!

Is there a way to transfer EMP merits across the account?



Yes it is annoying. No you can't send EMPs from one character to another. I really hope it doesn't go live this way.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
This is so annoying.

I heard a rumor that for the upcoming destiny, alpha, judgement, and interface, you have to spend 15 EMP merits to unlock them.

I hate when no matter how much you play you still have to wait for things such as with the entire alignment system which I have completely ignored due to a near 4 day wait.

We got lore without having to do anything more than the usual incarnates.

And to add insult to injury BAF and LAM no longer award EMP merits after unlocking the current slots...

It seems there is always a negative approach. Instead of doing something to make the other trials MORE desirable they do something to make BAF and LAM less desirable. Aye aye aye---make me a headache!
From what I understand, the next set of powers is not that terrific anyways; I doubt I will go to the trouble of unlocking them. Certainly not for 15 Empyrean merits, that is ridiculous.

I absolutely DETEST being "forced" to do something a particular way. If I can do it having fun, i.e. *my* way, I'll do it. It feels like we're being told here "you are going to run Keyes whether you like it or not, to get this stuff!" and to that my baseline reply is, ".... well then I simply won't bother, tyvm."

In my opinion the development focus should be, "the players enjoy running BAF and LAM; how can we make more fun trials like those two?"

It feels like rather they are thinking: "They hate our newer trials, especially Keyes. HOW CAN WE FORCE THEM TO RUN KEYES?!! And let's make more stuff like that!"

The Underground trial is a lot of fun and I don't mind running it, but this mindset in general I find extremely ominous. Luckily the game has more to do than just the trials



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
In my opinion the development focus should be, "the players enjoy running BAF and LAM; how can we make more fun trials like those two?"
But that's not why people run the BAF and Lambda.
They're not run constantly because they're fun, they're run constantly because they're easy and familiar.

Why run an Underground you might well fail, even if it would be more fun, when you can run a Lambda you know you'll beat?

The answer is that there's very little reason to do that, so the devs are adding that incentive.

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Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

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And so the endless battle to prevent people from pre-purchasing new powers without having played through new content continues. I'm just glad I'm not invested in the system for a whole host of other reasons, but for the people who are - you have my genuine sympathies.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
But that's not why people run the BAF and Lambda.
They're not run constantly because they're fun, they're run constantly because they're easy and familiar.

Why run an Underground you might well fail, even if it would be more fun, when you can run a Lambda you know you'll beat?

The answer is that there's very little reason to do that, so the devs are adding that incentive.

The devs are simultaneously adding an even greater incentive than we have now to completely ignore KIR & UG Trials.



This my friends is what is known as the double nut shot.

Its also STUPID!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I still don't understand this. Is it 15 Empyreans on top of unlocking the slots through iXP in the trials? People keep telling me that unlocking, say, your Destiny slot gives you some of the Destiny powers, but then you have to pay 15 Empyreans to unlock these more "epic" powers. Are they more powerful? Is it 15 Empyreans for each one?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence
In my opinion the development focus should be, "the players enjoy running BAF and LAM; how can we make more fun trials like those two?"
But that's not why people run the BAF and Lambda.
They're not run constantly because they're fun, they're run constantly because they're easy and familiar.

Why run an Underground you might well fail, even if it would be more fun, when you can run a Lambda you know you'll beat?

The answer is that there's very little reason to do that, so the devs are adding that incentive.
"Easy and familiar" often equals "fun." Not always, but often.

Every time I try to form an UG trial, people line up for it. This is not a hated trial. But no incentive exists in this world to make me run Keyes, so I will wish the developers luck with this tactic.... because its like the Green Lantern trying to use his ring on a yellow object.... no impact. But even a failed UG trial can be immensely profitable.

Carrot vs. stick will not make me run Keyes. Bet i'm not alone.



The devs are simultaneously adding an even greater incentive than we have now to completely ignore KIR & UG Trials.
Ahahaahaha no. Allow me to drop the other shoe: once you have unlocked the Destiny and Lore slots, BAF and Lambda stop awarding Empyreals.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And so the endless battle to prevent people from pre-purchasing new powers without having played through new content continues. I'm just glad I'm not invested in the system for a whole host of other reasons, but for the people who are - you have my genuine sympathies.
i have a lot of investment in the incarnates just trials get extremely boring/repetitive very fast so i basically run them for badges on my main then sparsely on other toons

majority of my toons get their tier 1 non alpha powers through shard to thread conversions and apex/tin mage

i do agree though that making us buy the trees is epic stupid because we got 12 new lore trees for free in i20.5



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
"Easy and familiar" often equals "fun." Not always, but often.

Every time I try to form an UG trial, people line up for it. This is not a hated trial. But no incentive exists in this world to make me run Keyes, so I will wish the developers luck with this tactic.... because its like the Green Lantern trying to use his ring on a yellow object.... no impact.

Carrot vs. stick will not make me run Keyes. Bet i'm not alone.
well UG trial gave 2 E-Merits and a bunch of Astrals, combine that w/ BAF and Lamba, that's about 2 hours of work if everything goes smoothly for 4 E-Merits and...maybe 20 Astrals? I won't be upset w/ the changes for UG Trial, 1 E-Merit per run w/ no cool down timer.

I'm hoping the changes to Keyes will make it get ran more often...I've yet to do one...



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
well UG trial gave 2 E-Merits and a bunch of Astrals, combine that w/ BAF and Lamba, that's about 2 hours of work if everything goes smoothly for 4 E-Merits and...maybe 20 Astrals? I won't be upset w/ the changes for UG Trial, 1 E-Merit per run w/ no cool down timer.

I'm hoping the changes to Keyes will make it get ran more often...I've yet to do one...
I really don't care how many Empyreans the UG trial awards; I found it good for the swiftness with which it unlocked slots. Two hours of work in order not to have to farm BAM and LAM endlessly? Cool. I'm down.

You heard it here first: THESE CHANGES WILL NOT END WITH KEYES BEING RUN MORE OFTEN. I would stake a mortgage payment on it. Its not a fun trial, its a cluster-[expletive] of death and confusion, and is about as fun as an air-raid in London during the Blitz. *Air raid sirens go off* OMG, EVERYONE RUN FOR THE SUBWAY!!!" people run like mad left and right, hither and thither, while some die from bomb-impact shrapnel as they try to reach safety.... I would imagine raids during the Blitz were actually more orderly, as most people had an idea where the nearest bomb-shelter was.... but no one in Keyes has a clue what's going on. You're just suddenly DEAD.

You are missing nothing by not running Keyes, believe it.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Ahahaahaha no. Allow me to drop the other shoe: once you have unlocked the Destiny and Lore slots, BAF and Lambda stop awarding Empyreals.
Pretty sure they meant the TPN and Mercy Hospital's no time lock on earning Empyrean merits.

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Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
But that's not why people run the BAF and Lambda.
They're not run constantly because they're fun, they're run constantly because they're easy and familiar.

Why run an Underground you might well fail, even if it would be more fun, when you can run a Lambda you know you'll beat?

The answer is that there's very little reason to do that, so the devs are adding that incentive.
Speak for yourself. I run Lambda and BAF (more so BAF) exactly for that reason; if I want to play Incarnate stuff, I will play the stuff I find more fun.

I do not find Keyes fun. There is not enough room in this post, or enough uncensored words, to properly express how much I HATE Keyes. I haven't even bothered to run the UG, simply because it sounds like it follows in the same vein.

Why on earth would I EVER play something I find frustrating and un-fun seemingly by it's very design?

Also, a true incentive would be to up the rewards for the other trials...not completely cut all rewards for the others. That's not incentive, that's total removal of all options.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Keyes is a fun Trial that will get more play throughs once I21.5 goes live.

It'll get more play right about the time they finally remove the Malleus badge from the game, is my guess.



Techbot: I do not find Keyes fun. There is not enough room in this post, or enough uncensored words, to properly express how much I HATE Keyes. I haven't even bothered to run the UG, simply because it sounds like it follows in the same vein.
It really isnt like Keyes at all. Give UG a try; I find it really fun and there is an orderly progression of events.

Is it a cakewalk? No. But at least it is fun. Keyes is just sadomasochism at its finest.



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Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post

It'll get more play right about the time they finally remove the Malleus badge from the game, is my guess.
It'll get more play throughs as soon as I21.5 goes live

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



This is why they should go back to closed betas.

I still love Keyes and I can see it being ran more often with the changes, even though I think they dumbed it down too much. I also must be one of the only people who tends to run the trials for the random roll at the end, with the emp just being a bonus. I usually only use emps to email threads to new 50s.

I don't agree with there being an emp cost for the expanded incarnate powers, but I also seriously doubt 15 emps is a number that will ever go live.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
because its like the Green Lantern trying to use his ring on a yellow object.... no impact.
That's not a constant...



Personally I don't care if some incarnate powers are locked behind emp merits. That seems pretty reasonable, really. You need incarnate rewards to get incarnate powers. It's a lot more reasonable than having silly little emotes/costume change emotes/costume bits locked that way. We'll still be able to unlock the slots and put something good in them without needing 15 emp merits.

I mean, personally, I'll never unlock them. I don't earn emp merits quickly enough. I don't think I'll live long enough to have 15 to spare.

It's the idea of losing the emp merit reward on some of the trials that bothers me. Those trials haven't gotten any faster or easier lately. Why take away the reward?

(It's a rhetorical question. I'm pretty sure the answer is because we run them too quickly and too easily, so people are earning emp merits faster than the devs intended. Solution: cut the rate of earning. Also, add something to spend them on, like unlockable incarnate powers. I don't think we'll persuade the devs not to make these changes unless we provide other means of solving the problem.)

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



I don't do the incarnate stuff...while I like farming to a degree, I cannot for the life of me be forced to run the same tf's over and over.

I am not really that impressed anyways with it all, I have seen friends run toons over and over to get their pets/shields/merits/shards and to me it is not worth it.

Sorry devs but this whole thing is a big fail. I can always jump on another toon and have more fun running mishes and tf's then running the same grind game on a limited amount of options.

End game content ha! more like boring and lame.....

It would have been better to have the tf's and say you unlock some new power/ability on the path to being an incarnate, hell 50 more tf's would have been better then this mess they have goin on.