On Travel Suppression and Heal Decay




Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
As I said, whether TS and HD is on or not, premades will dominate.
The thing is, turning HD and TS off favours a premade far more than it does the casual. The power of healing is magnified a great deal when you can call for heals over vent/TS/whatever your chat program of choice is.
HD and TS remove one tiny advantage and give the casuals a chance - not much of a chance but at least a chance.
It doesn't make a great deal of difference against a premade but seriously, do the premades really feel the need to try and stack even more odds in their favour?
You are mistaken. I invite you to try it. No gap is closed



Originally Posted by prophet_8 View Post
You are mistaken. I invite you to try it. No gap is closed
As I said, the gap isn't closed: it is narrowed.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
As I said, whether TS and HD is on or not, premades will dominate.
The thing is, turning HD and TS off favours a premade far more than it does the casual. The power of healing is magnified a great deal when you can call for heals over vent/TS/whatever your chat program of choice is.
HD and TS remove one tiny advantage and give the casuals a chance - not much of a chance but at least a chance.
It doesn't make a great deal of difference against a premade but seriously, do the premades really feel the need to try and stack even more odds in their favour?
So what your basic argument is, using your terms of course, is that the 'casual' is far more important then the 'premade' and therefore the PvP in this game should be catered for the 'casual' PvPer's? I can assure you that TS and HD does not provide any sort of advantage to the 'casual' zoners against a group of organised PvPer's, if anything the 'casuals' are at a DISADVANTAGE because their heals are going to **** and so is their ability to evade.
Where you even around pre i13 PvP? You're over glorifying the fairness between the two sides in zone's post i13... If you've ever actually PvP'd in a zone before you'd know that all that ever happens is blue side camping red side or vice versa. I'm going to go ahead and assume that you never even PvP'd pre i13 which is why you fail to even slightly understand why some of us are so desperate for TS and HD to be removed.

@Psycho Jas



I'm gonna try and set something up on Virtue over the next couple of days. Let me know if you guys have any characters there.

Lol Dahjee. Blatantly an angry stealth dev.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
A good premade will destroy the casual every time. That isn't news.

Seeing screenshots of your premades are meaningless.
All of the teams in the above screenshots were "premades" - each with at least two Empathy controllers/defenders. If any one of those teams (winning or losing in the posted screenshots) entered a PvP zone, they'd be camping the other side's base pretty quickly.

i13 was designed to make pvp more accessible to the casual ... and that is exactly what it did.
Less builds are viable. The importance of heavily IOd builds is increased. Players require second builds for PvP - as most powers work completely differently under "PvP rules".

How exactly is it more accessible?

How about you take your premade (with heals) and take it against a team of completely random pvpers of completely random ATs. Choose an open map, turn off both TS and HD and if they fare well, you will have proven your point.
So you're saying a bunch of random uncoordinated players who have little to no idea what they are doing should be able to hold their own against a coordinated practiced team?

i13 doesn't do that. It certainly attempts to, which is why we despise it, but it fails completely at even its intended purpose.



Its not narrowed either since you want to be nit picky



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
The reason for the rage is because the devs have an inferiority complex against experienced PVPers, and often listen to the clueless players instead when soliciting feedback. (Hence the I13 changes - an attempt to stop "runners", "pocket emps" and "fotm builds" - these are all things that the devs no doubt think are exploits / run counter to the "spirit of the game".)

Any feedback that is of the "please remove HD/TS because it makes PVP boring" variety is lumped into the "1337 PVPer" category and is summarily ignored by the devs. After all, to the devs, we just want HD/TS off so that we're better in PVP. It has nothing to do with wanting the game to be better, we're just dirty PVP exploiters. We just want to farm casual players to feel good about ourselves.

Right? Right?

If we want change. I suggest writing posts from a newbie perspective complaining about how PVP makes it harder to chase runners because of TS and harder to stay alive verses 1337 spikers due to heal decay. This is the sort of bottom-up feedback that the devs listen to. (Although I can envision this feedback just causing them to nerf more ****.)

Regardless; When it comes to PVP, the devs will always cater to the clueless whiners that don't know how to play the system. This is because the devs themselves fall into this category. Thus any feedback has to come from the perspective of clueless whiners in order for the dev team to understand it.

Giving feedback from a position of PVP experience, suggesting ways to improve the system to make the game better for everyone, and referencing how the system ACTUALLY works, with numbers and examples to prove it...?

...forget it. Developer ego / inferiority complex will get in the way. No game designer likes accepting that the players know better. In this case we absolutely do.

I would welcome any member of the development team to prove me wrong. (An open statement. In general. And not calling out the devs.)
You should read this:

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
As I said, whether TS and HD is on or not, premades will dominate.
The thing is, turning HD and TS off favours a premade far more than it does the casual. The power of healing is magnified a great deal when you can call for heals over vent/TS/whatever your chat program of choice is.
HD and TS remove one tiny advantage and give the casuals a chance - not much of a chance but at least a chance.
It doesn't make a great deal of difference against a premade but seriously, do the premades really feel the need to try and stack even more odds in their favour?
I'm sure you don't think so, but you're arguing for a system that works against the very people you're trying to represent. Those of us citing examples and sharing what we've seen and learned since I4 have spent plenty of time in both the Arena AND the zones. We know how it works. How it doesn't. Why. And we've thrown this information out there many many many many many times.

We're not arguing for change to further dominate the casual player base. And I've seen vet PvP'ers spend countless hours mentoring and generally helping those new to this part of the game, so it's not like we're closed off and elitist.

We don't like TS and HD. We've explained the reasoning. Provided numbers. Examples. Screen shots for the love of Mike. Offered to show people IN GAME what we mean. It gets old being answered with 'Nuh uh!'.

Originally Posted by Dahjee
What! NO! Don't suggest that!

More robots please. Newbies must know that their way is "The Way". and I make all my moneys off of the bad psy/ems theyve been sending me!

lol seroiusly though (Like they would ever consider such sound advice)
People like you are the biggest part of the problem. You're an enabler. And ignorant of how these things work. So you spew your misinformation and try to make it sound like you know what you're talking about. All you're doing is making it more difficult for those that don't know any better. So, since it's past your bedtime, why don't you run off to bed and let Mom and Dad talk ok?

Going against my own advice.. oh well.

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
You should read this:

Ninja I wrote that.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I'm gonna try and set something up on Virtue over the next couple of days. Let me know if you guys have any characters there.

Lol Dahjee. Blatantly an angry stealth dev.
Lol my thoughts exactly.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
A good premade will destroy the casual every time. That isn't news.
i13 was designed to make pvp more accessible to the casual (which is the primary aim of ALL the pvp orientated games - of course they all fail) and that is exactly what it did. Seeing screenshots of your premades are meaningless.

How about you take your premade (with heals) and take it against a team of completely random pvpers of completely random ATs. Choose an open map, turn off both TS and HD and if they fare well, you will have proven your point.

Otherwise, you are just advocating the need for the perfect team balance which isn't something any form of pvp should be striving for. PVP in CoH is currently already too inaccessible to the casual with it's differing rules and such, trying to make the problem even worse doesn't seem like the most positive change in the world.

If you want the use of pvp to increase, don't try to change it to cater for your needs, try to change it to cater for the needs of those that could be convinced to give it a shot.
This is just nonsense man.

It has nothing to do with premades or randoms. The PVP community does kickballs all the time and stuff dies. Are you familiar with kick balls? No TS/HD. Usually two emp or PDs on either team and stuff STILL dies...incarnates and all.

Also i13 DID NOT make PVP accessible to the more casual player. Ask just about any PVEer who tried PVP post i13. They will pretty much tell you it is confusing because their powers work drastically different from the way they do in PVE. Aye aye aye *headache*



Giant2005 and Dahjee, neither of you two have any idea what you are talking about. You have been posting nothing but nonsense. You have been clearly proven wrong several times, yet you continue to post in this thread saying that same wrong things over and over. You are wrong. Take your ignorant posts to a thread where no one will notice how laughable they are.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
The thing is, turning HD and TS off favours a premade far more than it does the casual.
I guarantee that if you put a premade and a random team together and ran a match with TS and HD off and then with TS and HD on, the premade team would rack up a much higher score in the second match.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post

We're not arguing for change to further dominate the casual player base. And I've seen vet PvP'ers spend countless hours mentoring and generally helping those new to this part of the game, so it's not like we're closed off and elitist.

We don't like TS and HD. We've explained the reasoning. Provided numbers. Examples. Screen shots for the love of Mike. Offered to show people IN GAME what we mean. It gets old being answered with 'Nuh uh!'.
I agree with everything you posted, but I wanted to talk about the first paragraph in particular.

Yes, a lot of veteran PvPers have on many occassions tried to help new players, teach them what they know about PvP, tactics, builds. It happens quite often, and a lot of the people you are arguing with in this thread are those very people that are the most giving PvPers in the game. Most PvPers are not elitist or anything like that, I would say that hardcore elitist d-bag portion of the PvP community is actually much smaller than their counterpart. PvPers are competitive, so that may come off that way, but many of us would be more than happy to help new people if they asked for it.

Also, as stated above, we posted screenshots, and I even posted a video. All the screenshots are premade vs. premade, none of them are premade vs. random. That just goes to show you that even good arena teams get plenty of kills and yes, even die themselves. Many of those times are when both teams are playing at the top of their game and are trying to win. Most of these types of PvPers don't play that way in zone, I don't think that domination would ever translate directly over to zone just because most arena PvPers don't PvP seriously in zone.

Also, we do have random vs. random team matches, they are called Kickballs. Those teams are as random as arena gets in this game, and they still include plenty of kills, even in matches where both teams are running 2 emps/healers.

My **** is bleeding.



I don't know about the rest of you but I got into this game becuase I loved comics when I was a kid and really got into the idea of playing a superhero in an MMO. Once I got into PVP I really enjoyed the fast paced action. The game is still fun but I long for the speed of pre-i13.

I'd be really happy if they just reverted back to pre-i13 rules but I'll settle for the removal of TS and HD. The fact powers behave differently in PVP than they do in PVE is irritating but TS and HD in particular make me shake my head in frustration more than anything else.

Get rid of them, they suck.

By the way, I'd be happy with the pre-i13 form of travel suppresion as well, not a total removal of TS. If I remember that correctly, if you attacked then Super Speed and/or Super Leap would suppress but things like sprint, combat jumping, hurdle, etc would never suppress. I only use combat jumping to reduce troller and dom immob times, other than that it's a LOTG 7.5% recharge mule.



I think the current "no travel suppression" setting is more fair than the old (PvE) style because the only "suppression" that's really happening is due to animations. It's got the downside of removing one of the major reasons to use Kins, however.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Silit I don't quite understand what league matches and practice matches have to do with TS and HD. It doesn't matter how big the map is, it's still controlled. There are no bases or drones, and there's a time limit and point count. Help me out here.



Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
I don't quite understand



Originally Posted by Zahyl View Post
Silit I don't quite understand what league matches and practice matches have to do with TS and HD. It doesn't matter how big the map is, it's still controlled. There are no bases or drones, and there's a time limit and point count. Help me out here.
It's to show you that even without TS and HD, teams can consistantly rack up large amounts of kills in 10 minutes. This would translate over to zone in a lot of ways. Most of the kills in those matches happened quick enough that most zoners wouldn't have time to run 10 feet let alone go back to base. Getting kills without TS and HD is still very viable, I would say even more so in zone than in arena because zone is so much bigger.

My **** is bleeding.



Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
It's to show you that even without TS and HD, teams can consistantly rack up large amounts of kills in 10 minutes. This would translate over to zone in a lot of ways. Most of the kills in those matches happened quick enough that most zoners wouldn't have time to run 10 feet let alone go back to base. Getting kills without TS and HD is still very viable, I would say even more so in zone than in arena because zone is so much bigger.
This is true for a premade.
when you can call a target and all focus fire it, no amount of healing is going to keep it alive.
What about the casual players who aren't on vent or aren't even teamed and most certainly not calling targets. How do you think they would fare?



Um, they would die? Shouldn't the winning team be the more coordinated one? With better players? That does make sense, right?



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
I think the current "no travel suppression" setting is more fair than the old (PvE) style because the only "suppression" that's really happening is due to animations. It's got the downside of removing one of the major reasons to use Kins, however.
That's how it should be. I advocate travel suppression equal to the animation time of the power used. That way it prevents players from skipping rooting (which is easy with many powers). This way travel suppression functions to reduce unintended free movement but does not slow down the pace of combat or remove evasion as a skill.



Originally Posted by LuxunS View Post
That's how it should be. I advocate travel suppression equal to the animation time of the power used. That way it prevents players from skipping rooting (which is easy with many powers). This way travel suppression functions to reduce unintended free movement but does not slow down the pace of combat or remove evasion as a skill.
If I thought the rest of the community would go for it, I would advocate a return to the old pre-i13 travel suppresion, which as Mac said made Kins incredibly useful if played well, and also forced people to switch between SJ and CJ a lot of times, which made combat somewhat more active in some cases. In order for this to work, I think slows would probably need to have a bigger effect than they do now, because that would give people an option to still keep people in range even if the attackers get suppressed. That was how the old system worked, things fell into place in such a way that more stuff was useful besides just straight damage. Even if TS was removed it wouldn't change the heavy focus on damage in post i13, unless slows were buffed a little. I just feel like completely removing TS for both attackers and evaders would be the easiest route to go.

Also, I really wish they would remove global resistance so sonics and therms had a reason to take their shield buffs again, and would actually be viable in team PvP again.

If all we're looking at is removing TS and HD and not tweaking the system in any other way, than I would lean more towards removing TS and HD but still offering HD (only in zone) in the form of respites still being affected. I think aura heals and outside heals should have their HD component removed. I would be fine with just removing both TS and HD in zone completely, but I think with the /auctionhouse command we would see a lot of people just buying greens in zone so they would never die unless they were actually hit by a good spike, which doesn't happen in zone by most PUG zone teams.

My **** is bleeding.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
This is true for a premade.
when you can call a target and all focus fire it, no amount of healing is going to keep it alive.
What about the casual players who aren't on vent or aren't even teamed and most certainly not calling targets. How do you think they would fare?
This game is balanced around teaming, even in PvE it was originally balanced around teams (You would know this if you played before IOs came out.) Balancing the game for solo players is a bad decision, it's part of what i13 tried to do and look at the mess it put PvP in.

i13 tried to cater to casual players, and, let's face it, bad players who wanted handouts that made them better without having to do any of the work themselves. It should also be noted that it didn't accomplish that.

i13 tried to widen the scope of viable tactics as well as viable powers/powersets/ATs. It made less things viable in general in PvP.

i13 tried to make 1v1 encounters more uniform, which it did well, far too well. Before i13, what inspirations you took to a 1v1 and how you managed them took far more thought than it does now. You bring a tray of greens most of the time, maybe blues if you're fighting draining toons, MAYBE a row of reds occasionally. This is all part of the simplification of PvP down to it being completely about who can do more damage to the other person.

Basically, all of the mechanics i13 introduced put together contributed to the state the PvP is in now. The only reason competitive arena still exists is because of the ability to remove HD and TS from arena, which I want to remind you was done by a developer in his spare time that he was not paid for doing.

Overall, i13 simplified most PvP encounters down to who can do the most damage fastest. There are a few i13 mechanics that could be removed and it would do wonders for this problem: Remove TS, Remove HD, and Remove Global Resists. I'm among the many players who had to shelve toons that were rendered useless in most i13 scenarios.

tl;dr removing TS and HD would be an easy first step that would be accepted by a majority of the PvP playerbase that would mend some of the issues with zone, and would also show the PvP community that all our whining about the two mechanics for 3 years now was not in vain.

removing TS and HD wouldn't fix PvP, not even close, but it's a clearcut solution that most of the playerbase can get onboard with. If you really think that the call to not remove it is anywhere near as big as the support to remove it, and that removing it would cause another i13esque exodus, than you must not talk to many PvPers.


Also, you do realize most zoners just spam target binds in team chat right? Yeah you don't have a spike countdown or anything like that, but you are still focus firing, and that will yield a similar result in zone even with TS/HD off as spiking does in arena, allbeit less effectively. People willing to go the extra mile and co-ordinate beyond spamming target binds shouldn't be punished, they should be rewarded.

My **** is bleeding.