Beast Run Vs. Other Travels




I had never used Beast Run before this week. It seems awfully fast for low levels--does it continue to be useful? How does it compare to a "real" travel power?

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



It's great for low-levels, for concept, for a burst of speed, etc... However, it quickly becomes very slow and frustrating at higher levels without some auxiliary source of dependable motion. I usually take Ninja Run* with Teleport when I need to go long distances. I have one concept character who only uses Ninja Run and a jetpack - she's the most fun character I have for getting around the city, but I really can't be in a hurry to go somewhere with her. (If I am, Rocket Board and retoggle when she lands.)

* Ninja Run and Beast Run are mechanically identical.



Great. Thanks.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Honestly, if you slot up Swift and Sprint with runspeed, you can move at a good clip with Beast/Ninja Run. It really is viable as a travel power like this, IMO. It's not the fastest nor does it have the best verticle movement, but it is a good hybrid of superspeed and superjump ( Not as fast as SS or high leaping - nowhere near as high, but higher than CJ - as SJ... But, combine the two into one free power, and it's a fantastic deal ).

My one wish was that I could have Ninja Run turned on with SJ just for the flippy animation while I jump.

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Originally Posted by Lady Sunflash View Post
It's great for low-levels, for concept, for a burst of speed, etc... However, it quickly becomes very slow and frustrating at higher levels without some auxiliary source of dependable motion. I usually take Ninja Run* with Teleport when I need to go long distances. I have one concept character who only uses Ninja Run and a jetpack - she's the most fun character I have for getting around the city, but I really can't be in a hurry to go somewhere with her. (If I am, Rocket Board and retoggle when she lands.)

* Ninja Run and Beast Run are mechanically identical.
I disagree with the premise of this statement. For much and, truly, much of the game Ninja/Beast run will be just fine for travel powers for ALL levels. There are only several zones where having no "vertical" travel would be truly inconvenient. Terra Volta, Dark Astoria, Shadow Shard, where Hami is (haven't done Hami raids in long time...fuzzy memory) these are a few zones off the top of my head, but these zones are really rare to be in to begin with...

Basically, with Ninja/Beast Run combined with Swift and Run, you are hitting speeds of (iirc) unslotted fly or even a tad faster. You pretty much hit in the mid 50 mph. Additionally with a power set that boosts run speed such as Super Reflexes or Electric Armour, you hit around mid 60 mph. At this speed you are nearing or around basic Superspeed.

The thing with Beast Run is that you'll hear tapping claw sound effects as you run whereas Ninja Run, no sounds.

To get around issues of a lack of "vertical" travel power you can get Jump Pack, or get temporary Jet Packs by getting recipes at Markets or in special zones such as Grandville in COV.

All of my toons on 4 servers do not have "super" travel powers. Instead I pick up other powers that give better value to my toon from Pool Powers.

That's it in a nutshell. YMMV.



Ninja/Beast Run is absolutely amazing.

My usual combination for travel is SS + hover. SS is fine but hover for vertical movement sucks, it is very very slow. The answer to that problem is the jump pack and steam jump pack powers. SS + jump pack = slow jumping with very limited control, SS + hover + jump pack = flight at the flight speed cap.

How does Ninja/Beast Run fit into the equation? It increases both run and aerial speeds, that means it cuts out the need for hover. I find for short distances where being able to jump higher than SS allows is necessary, the combo of Ninja/Beast Run + Jump Pack will make a fool of SS + Hover + Jump Pack.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
Ninja/Beast Run is absolutely amazing.

My usual combination for travel is SS + hover. SS is fine but hover for vertical movement sucks, it is very very slow.
Hover's fine speed-wise these days. It moves at around sprint speed unslotted. 3-Slot it and swift with flight speed, and I believe you get around the unslotted Fly speed.

You want sucky hover speed? Look at how it was in the early days... It was about useless.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Raw numbers:
Super Speed (with lvl 50 run in it and Swift)
92.5 mph (capped)
Jump height 14.3 (22.3 with Combat Jumping)

Super Jump (with lvl 50 jump in it and Hurdle)
78 mph (jump speed)
Jump height 172.6

Fly (with lvl 50 fly)
58.6 mph (capped)
with Afterburner (also with lvl 50 fly) 79 mph (capped)

Ninja Run/Beast Run (with lvl 50 run/jump in Swift/Hurdle)
66 mph run/60.7 jump speed
Jump height 42.1

I find you get more bang by adding a second jump to Hurdle then a second run to swift. With second run you get 68.1 mph run/60.7 jump speed, jump height 42.1. With second jump you get 66 mph run/68 mph jump speed, jump height 44.8.

For a travel power that doesn't cost a power selection, I would say it is great. It's jump height is enough to clear small buildings so at high levels you should be fine moving about even in areas with vertical movement.



Originally Posted by HwaRang View Post
Basically, with Ninja/Beast Run combined with Swift and Run, you are hitting speeds of (iirc) unslotted fly or even a tad faster.
Just FYI, unslotted fly is at the flight speed cap since I18. Slotting it won't make it faster.

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Yep, just wanted to add my opinion that enhancing Hurdle (and adding a slot or two to it) makes quite a nice difference.

Before Ninja Run and Beast Run, I had one character who didn't take any traditional travel powers... But I slotted up Hurdle and Sprint and was surprised at how well that worked out.
Then Ninja Run came along and it was way more than I expected.

Anyway... running on the ground or hopping all the way, Ninja Run or Beast Run will get you places nearly as fast as the traditional travel powers. They can be faster than Flight, but lack the obvious advantages... Still... in most places, that doesn't present much of a problem.
Add in a GvE Jump Pack, or the Steampunk Jump power or a Jetpack and you can overcome any wall, crevice or obstacle.

Add in a teammate with Recall Friend and their impatience is no longer a concern!

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Originally Posted by HwaRang View Post
I disagree with the premise of this statement...
I didn't mention a thing about its vertical capabilities, actually. Vertical stuff rarely bugs me overmuch, aside from that one island in CoV. Skyway is usually fun for me.

I was just speaking about its raw speed; personally speaking, I find that with the larger distances you end up covering by the mid-20s, Ninja Run is frustratingly slow without a back-up. Sure, its straight-line speed when Sprint/Swiftness are fully slotted is comparable to Fly's, but it obviously doesn't deal with obstacles nearly as swiftly, and at low to mid levels, slots are harder to come by than spare powers.



Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
Just FYI, unslotted fly is at the flight speed cap since I18. Slotting it won't make it faster.
Unless you get Afterburner. With slots in both, you can hit around 88 mph I believe.

For the OP, I always pick my travel powers based on the character concept. Which meant I had some characters that were really slow, since they were either normal human or their powers didn't do anything for their movement. Now they move much better, picking up either Ninja Run or Beast Run, whichever fits them better. They are not as fast as people with travel powers (except fliers) but they do fine for getting my around, even without adding slots to Swift, Hurdle, or Sprint.

For my Super Speeders, I have my f key bound with "powexecname Ninja Run$$powexecname Super Speed". When I get to someplace where I need vertical travel, I hit f, bounce up whatever it is (as long as it is not vertical or overhanging, you can jump up it), hit f, and speed off. So much fun and so much faster getting places.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
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Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I had never used Beast Run before this week. It seems awfully fast for low levels--does it continue to be useful? How does it compare to a "real" travel power?
As far as I can tell, it scales with level just like other travel powers (well, most of them). So it's a bit faster at higher levels.

Personally, I think it *IS* a 'real' travel power. Once upon a time, before Inherent Fitness, I used to skip travel powers completely on some characters and rely on Sprint/Swift or Combat Jumping/Hurdle. Now, all my characters can have Ninja Run/Beast Run for 'free' (i.e. no power selection required). Now, I have a lot of characters who skip the 'real' travel powers.

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I have difficulty justifying a "real" travel power with ninja/beast run. One of those and a jump pack gives me everything I need travel-wise.



I used to be one of those nuts who moved around with only swift/sprint/hurdle. Didn't even multi-slot them. I found that after learning the zones a bit I could quite easily keep up with a team in all but the harshest situations (like runs across IP or maybe TWO zones). I've heard people say TV gave them issues but honestly you can manage just fine with swift/sprint/hurdle there if you know where to go. But then again my computer has always loaded reasonably fast. If I was a slow loader I'd need to compensate for that.

These days? Geez, your made in the shade. Beast Run and Ninja Run (same power different animation) combined with sprint and now inherent fitness give you all the mobility you'll ever need except in a very few situations.

You worried about that 2% of situations or just plain lazy? Go and grab a jetpack or buy the rocket board. Rocket Board itself can replace all travel powers, but ninja run/beast run can actually save your butt in stacked slow situations sometimes.



Just glanced at the title of this thread and accidentally read it as "Beer Run Vs. Other Travels".


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Originally Posted by Soul_System View Post
Rocket Board itself can replace all travel powers, but ninja run/beast run can actually save your butt in stacked slow situations sometimes.
Even though they are faster, run/jump powers aren't as versatile as flight, what with its ability to hover in place and control altitude without changing position. And believe it or not, the rocket board does not fit all character concepts (in fact, I would argue it fits virtually none that are inspired by conventional four-color superheroes). But then, I am one of those nutjobs who usually only picks powers to fit a strong concept rather than for maximum game effectiveness. The idea of not taking a travel power is unfathomable for me (as in, I can't fathom ever doing that with my own toons), so much so that I have always felt that all characters should have access to a basic travel power at level 1, just like Kheldians.

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Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Just glanced at the title of this thread and accidentally read it as "Beer Run Vs. Other Travels".

All you need is a Ten and a fiver, keys, a car, and a (relatively) sober driver!

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Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
But then, I am one of those nutjobs who usually only picks powers to fit a strong concept rather than for maximum game effectiveness. The idea of not taking a travel power is unfathomable for me (as in, I can't fathom ever doing that with my own toons), so much so that I have always felt that all characters should have access to a basic travel power at level 1, just like Kheldians.
So you have never had a concept for a Natural character that doesn't have any travel powers? Like Batman, Captain America, or The Question?

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Honestly, Ninja Run and Beast Run are perfectly acceptable alternatives to Tier 2 travel pool powers.

They aren't QUITE as good (but hey, what do you want for a "free" power at level 4), but for most things they're perfectly fine.

My fire/rad trollers do without travel powers using Ninja run and Sprint. They need an occasional Raptor Pack for things like ship raids and the like but that's it.

Most of my NEW characters do without travel powers as well.

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Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Even though they are faster, run/jump powers aren't as versatile as flight, what with its ability to hover in place and control altitude without changing position. And believe it or not, the rocket board does not fit all character concepts (in fact, I would argue it fits virtually none that are inspired by conventional four-color superheroes). But then, I am one of those nutjobs who usually only picks powers to fit a strong concept rather than for maximum game effectiveness. The idea of not taking a travel power is unfathomable for me (as in, I can't fathom ever doing that with my own toons), so much so that I have always felt that all characters should have access to a basic travel power at level 1, just like Kheldians.
Well as far as advantages vs disadvantages flight also has the potential to shut off if hit with -fly or if you detoggle from endurance zeroing. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages.

Rocket board in all honesty fits ALL character concepts except one's where your hero/villain completely rejects all technology for some reason (which is a valid story based theme) OR a very small % where powers themselves would conflict with the ability to ride the board (and couldn't be creatively thought around). I don't care where you get your powers from you can learn to use a rocket board same as you can learn to drive a car. Very very very few power concepts will prevent this.

I do however agree that travel powers should be available at level 1. I also feel they should be built in as an inherent choice rather than a power choice.

I too build alot of concept characters. While I'll stay true to concept 90% of the time I concede the the occasional practicality of getting a drink while traveling to a mission however, or reaching somewhere quickly and putting my teams time ahead of my personal concept in rare situations.



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
So you have never had a concept for a Natural character that doesn't have any travel powers? Like Batman, Captain America, or The Question?
Sometimes. I usually give them Super Jump or Super Speed to stand in for swinging or driving vehicles.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



I use Ninja Run + Swift exclusively on a lot of my characters, and haven't had trouble keeping up with my team, or traversing the majority of the zones. When I DO run into Vertical Movement issues, I just whip out a Raptor pack. Easy.

It is perfectly viable to rely on Ninja/Beast Run as a primary means of travel.



Originally Posted by Soul_System View Post
Rocket board in all honesty fits ALL character concepts except one's where your hero/villain completely rejects all technology for some reason...
In deciding if something is genre-appropriate, I ask myself, "How often do I see <blank> in the comics?" When it comes to the rocket board, my answer is "virtually never". I was never much of a fan of the Green Goblin's "goblin glider" so I tend to discount its significance in the genre as a whole. Hence, the rocket board fits no character concept of mine. Maybe if this was the Back to the Future MMO...

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Soul_System View Post
Well as far as advantages vs disadvantages flight also has the potential to shut off if hit with -fly or if you detoggle from endurance zeroing. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages.

Rocket board in all honesty fits ALL character concepts except one's where your hero/villain completely rejects all technology for some reason (which is a valid story based theme) OR a very small % where powers themselves would conflict with the ability to ride the board (and couldn't be creatively thought around). I don't care where you get your powers from you can learn to use a rocket board same as you can learn to drive a car. Very very very few power concepts will prevent this.
This would be true, except for the look of it. Either the model or the colour means I don't really have any characters where I'd say "yeah, this is a good match"
If I could colour it and/or choose a different model I'd be all over it like a rash though.

Ninja/Beast however is a great way to get about. Eventually I do pick a travel power at around level 30, but it's nice not having the pressure of taking it at 14 any more.