What to pair with Storm Summoning?




I've never played a Storm past like level 10 so I'm not sure what the playstyle's like and what would compliment it. Any ideas? I'd probably prefer to play a defender, just so I could focus on Storm and really learn the set, but I'm not opposed to a controller as that's my favorite AT.

I was thinking one of these:
Ice control
Earth control
Plant control
Ice blast
Electric blast



I have an Ice/Storm Troller thatI like a bunch, though I haven't dusted him off in a good while. Also, I believe that Earth/Storm is about as low damage and high control of a Troller combo you can get (except maybe Earth/TA).

I don't really have any more to say, since my Storm Troller is not an oft played alt.



I'm enjoying an Ice/Storm Corrupter at the moment.



Originally Posted by Melancholia View Post
I was thinking one of these:
Ice control
Earth control
Low damage, high controls & debuffs.

Originally Posted by Melancholia View Post
Plant control
Extremely nasty, gets strong early. Seeds + Roots + Freezing Rain melts crowds.

Originally Posted by Melancholia View Post
Ice blast
Highly effective, endurance pig.

Originally Posted by Melancholia View Post
Electric blast
Electric blast is sub-par.

Originally Posted by Melancholia View Post
Mine's only sub-30, but should be very nasty when she gets Rain of Arrows since that should sync nicely with Freezing Rain.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I have a Storm/Sonic defender that is awesome to play in teams, and can solo reliably. You deal out enough -resistance stuff just melts.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Mine's only sub-30, but should be very nasty when she gets Rain of Arrows since that should sync nicely with Freezing Rain.
Rain of Freezing Arrows?

And while the call was primarily for Defender and Controller sets, I'd be remiss if I didn't recommend both Necromancy and Demon Summoning.

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I am enjoying my Beam Rifle/Storm Corruptor greatly since i21 launch.



Fire/Storm Corr or an Bots/Storm MM. If you like chaos, Ill/Storm troller.



It wasn't mentioned on your list but I recently completed a run to 50 with my mind control/storm controller and I would strongly reccommend it to you. He was permanently partnered with a broadsword/shield scrapper and it was one of more interesting and fun partnerships that we've had. My controller was great fun to play and powerfull to the point that I frequently felt sorry for the guys we were against and we found quite early on we had to turn up the difficulty a fair bit to keep it challenging.



I'll second a vote for Storm/Archery. I started a Cor with those sets just prior to i21 and if it weren't for my incurable altitis, I would be on him steadily.



You are a wise person, because Storm is an absolute riot to play!

If you want to pair storm with a blast set rather than a controller or mastermind I'd definitely consider a corruptor instead of a defender.

I'm biased on this as I recently levelled a storm/elec def to the mid 40s, then deleted and recreated the toon as an archery/storm corruptor (the concept worked either way so I could keep the bio and costume intact).

In team situations I was finding that Storm is a huge team asset, but it doesn't require a lot of activity most of the time. Making sure freezing rain is coming down on all enemies all the time is key, but apart from that and turning steamy mist on, your time is your own. Many of your other tools are extremely situational and only need to come out when things are going horribly wrong and folks are about to start dying. That's when you kick into gear and start tossing out tornado, artfully herding while debuffing with hurricane and so forth.

As, unless things are going badly wrong, you've got plenty of time to blast once your debuffs are set up, a corruptor AT seems to leverage this better. The stronger storm powers on the defender don't outweigh this, in my experience, unless you're only ever active on very large teams - you gain about an extra 5% resistance debuff on freezing rain (35% instead of 30%) and 10% resistance buff from steamy mist. Hurricane's debuff is so huge you can get it well over cap with a single to-hit debuff IO on a corruptor, and tornado's slightly lower damage and stun/fear durations don't really matter as when you use it you're mostly using it for the KB/KU (which is identical).

Of course I may have been prejudiced because popular wisdom has it that electrical blast is a fairly weak set. On a defender, certainly, I found it horrible.

As for what blast set to pick, I'd go with concept and fun as your main decision maker, although a set with strong AOE is useful (if you're teaming AOE is always useful, if you're soloing you can use tornado and lightning storm for single target damage).

A few synergies that did occur to me:

Dark blast will turn you into a disorientating machine as you can stack thunder clap and dark pit to produce a fairly rapidly recharging aoe stun combination that will stun bosses. The slows in snow storm and freezing rain will stop your shell-shocked victims from wandering away too much.

Ice blast works well thematically and blizzard on top of freezing rain won't leave much alive, and is going to look great. Better still, the two freeze rays are holds which include
-knockback. Hold something under a lightning storm and it's going to die if it can't be knocked out of the storm.

If you want to go with a controller, control sets have -kb in the aoe immobilise rather than the hold, which allows you to do the same trick on a larger scale (the control set aoe holds have too long a recharge to be used on every pull, generally, but the aoe immobs recharge very fast). You need to do something to stop the immobilised mobs shooting the bejeezus out of you, but the fact they keep slipping over in freezing rain will help a bit. If you're not in a hurry you can just hide round the corner until at least the minions are dead. You can also keep throwing tornados at the group, as they ain't going anywhere, to add some stuns and fears to the mix as well as significant extra damage. The only set this doesn't work with is Gravity, because it has -kb in the hold not the immobilise. This is a bit of a shame really as wormholing stuff into a corner and pinning them there with hurricane would work awesomely. Oh, one fly in the ointment is that hurricane and lightning storm don't get the containment damage boost, as they're pets.



I think Illusion / Storm controllers are the bees' knees. At low levels, lots of the illusion powers are skippable or can be delayed, which lets you play with the storm powers early on. Plus its a powerful combo later.

Otherwise, all the storm controllers are fun. Ive played them all to level 50 except for elec/storm (only 33). You just about cant go wrong. Plant, fire and earth go particularly well (after illusion of course ).

For masterminds, I really enjoy Robots and Demons. I played in a necro/storm trio for a while. Fun thing about storm masterminds is that if you skip most of the mastermind personal attack powers, you have plenty of extra slots for the storm side.

I also played rad, energy, psi and sonic storm defenders to 50. Sonic is a great soloer (-resist stacking) & a storm/energy defender is crazy fun ... mine is the Queen of Knockback for sure. Good times.

I havent done much with Corruptors, but I have a new fire/storm corruptor that is already a beast in the making.

Have fun,


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Storm is very flexible. For the attacking type of stormy Ice/Storm corr or Storm/Ice defender --- huge AoEs of doom with ice storm and blizzard on top of freezing rain. For the control set where nothing moves very fast or at best it's falling down: Earth/Storm AND Ice/Storm control are control beasts. It should be noted that stone cages removes the kb from caged foes so tornado really rips up the caged targets. Stormy masterminds are another type of damage animal. It works for the ranged or melee pets quite well with practiced usage of hurricane. Burn patches and thug cones of doom in a freezing rain? Yes, please.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.




@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



My Plant/Storm Controller is a favourite of mine, and quickly became one of my mains. Some of the heaviest AoE damage I've ever seen a Controller, and a deep toolkit for control and survival, from Knockback to holds to confuses to stuns to (if you like, although I don't see much point) sleeps... I think the only control types that Plant/Storm can't access are fears and caging.

Only caveat I've got about it is that you'll want to invest fairly heavily in recharge, and maybe recovery. If you do, you'll have a beast like you wouldn't believe on your hands.

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MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I believe that Earth/Storm is about as low damage and high control of a Troller combo you can get (except maybe Earth/TA).
Well, I think of /Storm as adding damage to a Controller -- Lightning Storm and Tornado. I'd say, for instance, /Rad, /Sonic, /FF, and so on do less damage, whatever the primary.

Regarding the OP: One of the joys of Hurricane is that, although it can scatter groups, you can't scatter one guy. As a result, Stormies of all sorts, even the lowest-damage types, completely own solo bosses.

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My one Stormie is a Grav/Storm troller. He was a bit slow leveling up as I spent a lot of time soloing him, but talk about fun in the later game.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



I'll back the votes for Plant Storm. That one works well for me.

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Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Fire/Storm Corr or an Bots/Storm MM. If you like chaos, Ill/Storm troller.
Fire/Storm corrupter is good. Fire/Storm controller can be very good.

Masterminds do well with storm as well.



Originally Posted by Melancholia View Post
I've never played a Storm past like level 10 so I'm not sure what the playstyle's like and what would compliment it. Any ideas? I'd probably prefer to play a defender, just so I could focus on Storm and really learn the set, but I'm not opposed to a controller as that's my favorite AT.

I was thinking one of these:
Ice control
Earth control
Plant control
Ice blast
Electric blast
I have a few Stormies.

I love the following:

Storm/Ice Defender (previously played the same character as Storm/Elec Defender but rerolled)
Plant/Storm Controller
Demon Summoning/Storm Mastermind

All but the MM were played to 50 and all were a blast!

Making Earth/Storm Controller soon but it may be too slow for me to level solo

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The Queen's Menagerie



Storm/Dark Blast or Dark Blast/Storm work pretty well.
Tenebrous Tentacles helps keep enemies from running out of Freezing Rain and the defense and resistance debuffs boost Dark Blast's damage.

Dark Blast's tohit debuffs also increase survivability.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Loving my Energy/Storm corr. I'm thinking of the blasts as water for a wind/wave character theme. And energy blast looks damn cool



/Storm is just generally a good set with a lot of methods for controlling your enemies while simultaneously possessing impressive damage outlets in Tornado and Lightning Storm and very good personal defense in the form of Hurricane. I don't think you can really go wrong pairing it with whatever you decide to pick.

I've been having a lot of fun with Illusion/Storm. It's a little slow to start off because you don't have many quick, single target attacks, and most of your good abilities are on long recharge timers. That said, it is an absolute monster when it starts gaining momentum. It offers a sort of unique gameplay in that you spend a lot of your time summoning pets to go fight your enemies and provide mitigation rather than directly attacking them. Between Deceive, Phantom Army, Spectral Terror, Freezing Rain, Tornado, Lightning Storm, and Phantasm you'll have plenty of apparitions of horror to summon forth and crush your enemies. Extra bonus points if you take Leviathan mastery and add Water Spout and Summon Corolax to that mix. Tornado and Water Spout is absolutely lulz worthy.