So, Are We Allowed To Talk About Other Games Now . . . ?




Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Not to mention that he does kind of have a super power as well
What? Nerdy guy gets a computer downloaded into their head that lets them fight crime and get an attractive girlfriend/wife?

Nah, nothing remotely comic-ish about that. .......

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
In this context, it would mean that talking about games such as Batman: Arkham City, X-Men Destiny, or Spiderman: Edge of Time would be OK, since they're all directly based off of comic book characters. But as far as I know, it's still not OK to discuss these games.

The same goes for any older games, like X-Men Legends, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Marvel vs Capcom, etc. And what of games that are not comic book-based, but have comic book tie-ins? Mass Effect springs to mind, and many game series such as Metal Gear Solid, Legend of Zelda, and Halo all have comic book adaptations or tie-ins. Do these count enough as being connected to comics to allow discussion? Is it only OK to talk about just the comics, or can we talk about the games as well?

And what about series like Sonic the Hedgehog, whose comic book has been going for well over a decade now? The publication spun off in its own direction years ago and aside from having a well-known video game character as its lead, has almost nothing to do with the games themselves. But is it OK to talk about it? It's still loosely based on a video game.

I guess what I'm getting at is I just don't understand why we're not allowed to have discussions about any other video game. Not being allowed to discuss other MMOs is understandable, really. Other MMOs are in direct competition with this one, and even though I disagree that limiting those types of discussions is necessary, I can understand the reasoning. But limiting discussion of games as a whole just doesn't make sense to me. They're a form of entertainment very closely linked to the namesake of this very forum: Comic Book and Hero/Villain Culture. If they are considered to be competing for your precious COH playtime, why aren't discussions about things like movies and television also banned? They compete for time just as much as, if not moreso, than other games.

My suggestion to Zwil and the community team is to ease up on the game discussion ban. Again, I can understand if not agree with the banishment of MMO discussion. But can't do the same for other games.

Realistically, this is the only rule on the subject I think we should have:
  • Talk of other massively multiplayer online(MMO) games is prohibited, except those published by NCSoft (Guild Wars 2, Aion, Wildstar, etc.).
That's it. That's all we need.
Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Other games don't exist. That's the fiction that we've had to live under the last year. Of course, that fiction also drove away a lot of folks that used to frequent this forum.

It's funny considering there used to be a massive CO thread that had rednames posting in it. Along with rednames in the Gamertag exchange thread.
About a year ago, I was only paying for this game so I could have access to the forums while at work. I loved this section of the forums more than any other.

Then they got really harsh with that rule, and I allowed it to lapse.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



and that change is still just as retarded -_-



The thread that lived.

If you just have to talk about other games, you can resurrect my old thread from 2009 on the Infinity server. At least I'll read it before it gets deleted.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Au contraire...

Game of Thrones is being adapted into a comic book. First issue was released in Sept. being published by Dynamite Entertainment.

And this is exactly why that rule about tv shows was lifted. So that there was no Six Degrees of Separation games being played. But I still find it funny that every aspect of say, Batman, from merchandise to comics to movies to cartoons can be discussed, but that one aspect can't exist.

Okay, so it's actually the *new* set of forum rules that haven't yet taken effect - the key wording in there is that:

The City of Heroes Freedom forums are primarily for discussion of City of Heroes Freedom. However, we do allow a wider a variety of non-disruptive, off-topic discussion in the Comic and Hero/Villain Culture forum, and on server forums. In order to provide a safe and constructive environment for all of our forum members, certain topics of discussion are not allowed on the Official City of Heroes Freedom Forum. City of Heroes Freedom is rated T for Teen, and this rating extends to our forums. Some examples of topics which are prohibited to discuss on the Official City of Heroes Freedom Forum include, but are not limited to:
Political discussion
Religious discussion
Inappropriate discussion of the aesthetics of the human form, subject to moderator discretion
Real world topics including current world events and sensitive historical events
dedicated discussion of video games other than City of Heroes Freedom and/or limited discussion of other NCsoft products, including posts that compare and/or contrast City of Heroes Freedom with other games
(emphasis added)

As Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, as television series, are rated TV-M, and the City of Heroes: Freedom boards are to be rated T for Teen...

I've already had a thread removed because I linked to an "appropriate for all audiences" trailer for the new prequel for The Thing, because that wasn't T for Teen. It was a trailer for an R-rated movie.

It's not the six degrees of separation game.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
(emphasis added)

As Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, as television series, are rated TV-M, and the City of Heroes: Freedom boards are to be rated T for Teen...

I've already had a thread removed because I linked to an "appropriate for all audiences" trailer for the new prequel for The Thing, because that wasn't T for Teen. It was a trailer for an R-rated movie.

It's not the six degrees of separation game.
The mods and/or their boss don't know what the T rating actually mean and will remove stuff that is perfectly within the T content rating...

"Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language."

Violence - Scenes involving aggressive conflict. May contain bloodless dismemberment
Suggestive Themes - Mild provocative references or materials
Crude Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving vulgar antics, including “bathroom” humor
Simulated Gambling - Player can gamble without betting or wagering real cash or currency
Blood - Depictions of blood
Strong Language - Explicit and/or frequent use of profanity

When a content descriptor is preceded by the term "Mild," it is intended to convey low frequency, intensity or severity of the content it modifies.

So even though, say, Harley Quinn's new costume or Emma Frost is perfectly acceptable within the T rating some people don't think so



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post

Okay, so it's actually the *new* set of forum rules that haven't yet taken effect - the key wording in there is that:

(emphasis added)

As Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, as television series, are rated TV-M, and the City of Heroes: Freedom boards are to be rated T for Teen...

I've already had a thread removed because I linked to an "appropriate for all audiences" trailer for the new prequel for The Thing, because that wasn't T for Teen. It was a trailer for an R-rated movie.

It's not the six degrees of separation game.
that could just be the moderators taking things to far.

A trailer for all audiences means just that, for all audiences. And thusly, rated less than T.

But then, shows on TV rated for Teens and above, I'm sure they'll block some discussions on those too.

Also, you can really get away with lots of things in a T rating if done right. Kill 50 people? Look at old John Wayne wasterns.

Difficult subject matter? Can still be made Teen, as long as the graphic detail isn't there. But then, it isn't the players forums, it's NCSoft's and they just let the players message back and forth in it.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Not to mention that City of heroes/villains and GR have all made appearances in box from in the buy more on more then one occasion.

So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.




Hi folks, allow me to clarify some things on this rule. The rule can be boiled down very simply to:

No dedicated discussion of games outside of City of Heroes, and limited discussion of other NCsoft games.

What does "dedicated discussion" mean? This means that threads created specifically for discussing another game are prohibited; e.g., "New Game X comes out this fall," "General MMO/RTS/FPS/insert genre here thread," "How do I beat the boss in X game," etc. Dedicated discussion also includes lengthy discussions of another game in unrelated threads.

Other games can be mentioned in passing provided they are not competing products. In addition, comparing/constrasting any game(s) with City of Heroes is prohibited.

Basically the rule has been modified to allow players to mention other games, so long as they do not discuss them. So you can make a reference to game X, or say you're playing game Y, as long as you don't go into lengthy discussion and/or create a thread specifically about it.

Hope that clears everything up!



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Hi folks, allow me to clarify some things on this rule. The rule can be boiled down very simply to:

No dedicated discussion of games outside of City of Heroes, and limited discussion of other NCsoft games.

What does "dedicated discussion" mean? This means that threads created specifically for discussing another game are prohibited; e.g., "New Game X comes out this fall," "General MMO/RTS/FPS/insert genre here thread," "How do I beat the boss in X game," etc. Dedicated discussion also includes lengthy discussions of another game in unrelated threads.

Other games can be mentioned in passing provided they are not competing products. In addition, comparing/constrasting any game(s) with City of Heroes is prohibited.

Basically the rule has been modified to allow players to mention other games, so long as they do not discuss them. So you can make a reference to game X, or say you're playing game Y, as long as you don't go into lengthy discussion and/or create a thread specifically about it.

Hope that clears everything up!
Question #1: does it count as competing if it's a F2P or otherwise freely available game?

Question #2: how broad a definition are you using for "game?" As in, are cell phone games included in that? Board games? Etc.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Question #1: does it count as competing if it's a F2P or otherwise freely available game?

Question #2: how broad a definition are you using for "game?" As in, are cell phone games included in that? Board games? Etc.
1. Yes.

2. The same rules apply to cell phone games and board games. There should not be threads like, "Angry Birds general," or "What are the best strategies in Connect 4?"



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
1. Yes.

2. The same rules apply to cell phone games and board games. There should not be threads like, "Angry Birds general," or "What are the best strategies in Connect 4?"
1. Really?

2. Really?

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405




Also, all images in signatures that feature Mario, a competing game mascot, are banned.



Q: (See, if this was a Ustream, there'd be a nifty little icon there) If I am trying to make a point, and to make that point I have to summarize a particular system from another game, am I allowed to do that? For example (and this is totally made up): "In FREEMonline the PvP system is the main part of the game, and the method by which players gain better equipment and such. It is a 'random loot' system, in which when you are killed your killers (or teammates) may loot a single piece of your equipment, at random, from your defeated body. This sort of system just flat-out would not work in City of Heroes, it would change things far too much."



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
1. Really?

2. Really?

Unfortunately yes.

I can understand their business decision to do this (that is NC Softs), and while it is frustrating, as we are all gamers here (duh), we should respect that they do not want topics about any competition popping up.

I did a comparison between the COmpetition, Distinguished Competion, and City of Heroes.

I would love to post it in the forums, but I know I can't. Despite the fact the CoX won, it is not fair to NC Soft or Paragon Studios to put any sort of commentary on other games.

Now, I could just as easily compare CoX to WoW, Rift, Starcraft, Angry Birds, Scrabble, Monopoly, Dungeons and Dragons, Mutants and Masterminds or any other sort of game. This is why they make their rules. They make them strict and tight to prevent people from trying to find loopholes or saying "well so-in-so said this about that, so why can't I say tit about tat?"

So they say No to everything and say "That's it, that's all folks".



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Chuck is a hero. He fights villains. Seems reasonable to talk about it here.
There is also the product placement aspect as well.
I was trying to make my way through season 4, and they still had the City of Villains boxes on the shelves. They were right behind one of the actors, too

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Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Hi folks,

... corporate blather...

Hope that clears everything up!

You know, one of the reasons I let my Sub lapse was this asinine rule change a ways back. I had other reasons too, but, this was a deciding factor in the list of various issues I had. I didn't even post much, big time lurker/stalker though. Power suppression, and the forum log out bug are on that list. Speaking of I fully expect it to log me out trying to post this...*copy/paste*

Yes I am petty.

This section got gutted by it. I would spend most of my day popping around here and the rest of the City Of boards. For my Geek/nerd/comic/gaming/whatever news and info, I got it all from here.

I will hold a fiery grudge of annoyed and slightly pissed off'ness for the remainder of my life.

Oh yeah



Originally Posted by CoX_Zombie View Post
You know, one of the reasons I let my Sub lapse was this asinine rule change a ways back. I had other reasons too, but, this was a deciding factor in the list of various issues I had. I didn't even post much, big time lurker/stalker though. Power suppression, and the forum log out bug are on that list. Speaking of I fully expect it to log me out trying to post this...*copy/paste*

Yes I am petty.

This section got gutted by it. I would spend most of my day popping around here and the rest of the City Of boards. For my Geek/nerd/comic/gaming/whatever news and info, I got it all from here.

I will hold a fiery grudge of annoyed and slightly pissed off'ness for the remainder of my life.

Oh yeah
Would a Beyonce Knowles real doll make that grudge go away?



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Would a Beyonce Knowles real doll make that grudge go away?
Make it a Roseanne Barr doll and you may have a deal, Jabba



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
Q: (See, if this was a Ustream, there'd be a nifty little icon there) If I am trying to make a point, and to make that point I have to summarize a particular system from another game, am I allowed to do that? For example (and this is totally made up): "In FREEMonline the PvP system is the main part of the game, and the method by which players gain better equipment and such. It is a 'random loot' system, in which when you are killed your killers (or teammates) may loot a single piece of your equipment, at random, from your defeated body. This sort of system just flat-out would not work in City of Heroes, it would change things far too much."
Please try to phrase it without using another game as a contrast point. You can say, "X change to this City of Heroes mechanic wouldn't work, because..." and explain the point.



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Other games can be mentioned in passing provided they are not competing products. In addition, comparing/constrasting any game(s) with City of Heroes is prohibited.

Basically the rule has been modified to allow players to mention other games, so long as they do not discuss them. So you can make a reference to game X, or say you're playing game Y, as long as you don't go into lengthy discussion and/or create a thread specifically about it.

Hope that clears everything up!
What do you consider "competing" products? By the logic used herein, ANY game, be it PnP or digital is "competing".

This rule is an idiotic change that, I'm betting, was handed down by suits who had ZERO idea of what this community consisted of. It cannot be denied that we lost a LOT of people after this change. So instead of saving money/making money, you LOST money on it. Money lost for no good reason at all.

This game survived for 6 years with us discussing other games. Were the suits really that afraid that it was going to die because *gasp* someone mentioned Arkham Asylum or that we wanted to get together on XBL and play something? And that doesn't even touch on the asinine nature of the rule, namely that every aspect of a character can be discussed except for that one subset where they exist in interactive digital space.

There were a lot of people that had pretty much stopped playing the actual game here and were paying simply for access to the forums so that we could talk to each other without overbearing rules on us. Political & religious discussions? Ya, that's an acceptable rule. No nudey pics? Same. Can even deal with the "<x> is hawt" threads being gone, even though I don't like that change.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
Q: (See, if this was a Ustream, there'd be a nifty little icon there) If I am trying to make a point, and to make that point I have to summarize a particular system from another game, am I allowed to do that? For example (and this is totally made up): "In FREEMonline the PvP system is the main part of the game, and the method by which players gain better equipment and such. It is a 'random loot' system, in which when you are killed your killers (or teammates) may loot a single piece of your equipment, at random, from your defeated body. This sort of system just flat-out would not work in City of Heroes, it would change things far too much."
thats pretty solidly compare and contrast

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
Hope that clears everything up!
I still want the old forums back, meow. Freedom is a lie.



Sadly, I still miss the good ol forums we had before the new rule. I see no impact to NCSoft's bottomline from being able to freely debate the impact Chrono Trigger and FF games had on the formation of MMO's.

The allusion to Connect 4 being taboo of all things, that's where I think it goes overboard. I appreciate that they have recently loosened the restrictions to a degree but... seriously?
Like having a thread talking about Candyland getting you hooked on gaming, which brought you to this game, will make everyone that reads it rush off and play hours upon hours of board games instead of this one.

Furthermore, this seems to be an addition to the rule, as I could've sworn it was a blanket rule covering Video Games specifically, and that PnP and board games etc were still allowed...


Kinda moot at this point anyways, as the majority of posters that cared left en masse a year ago and the rest of us, we just learned to deal with it. Mainly by spending more time at competitors sites instead of this one, by request of course...

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