Street Justice and general points refunds.

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Originally Posted by Toe_Tagger View Post
Back to the real point of this thread, they've already lied multiple times about various freedom aspects.
Could you elaborate because I don't recall any lies about Freedom at all.
For starters -all- the best free to play games are based around pvp, you can try and argue that as much as you want but it's true.
What does that have to do with CoH:Freedom, which is a hybrid game and not free to play?

Giving Vip players limited points so they are -forced- to buy extra.
But VIPs are not forced to buy extra. They can choose to buy extra if they feel they want more than their stipend provides, but they are certainly not forced to buy extra.



Originally Posted by Toe_Tagger View Post
The business model for CoX is ridiculous, that's just well known.
Is it? I didn't know it was until you told me just then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Thank you Cox for going to a hybrid model , giving me more stuff than i've ever had before and pumping out new weekly content that I can buy with my free points (or spend real world money if I have to have it right nao and didn't save any points ) if it strikes my fancy .

<------totally a more than satisfied customer


still waiting on carp melee and clown masterminds (I even have points set aside for them )



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Let me put it this way. Say you have a grace period of 7 days. You buy a set, play it for five days, then return it. Character becomes locked. You go on vacation over the weekend, then come back and buy it again. Character unlocks. You play it for another five days, then return it again and take a break on the weekend. Come next week you buy the set again and then return it again at the end of the week.

That's not buying a set. That's renting a set. For free, might I add.
For free, how? If all you're getting back is the points, you can't use those points for anything else because then they won't be available for getting your power set back. NCSoft already has the cash money for those points so they're not losing anything by your scenario. And I honestly doubt it would be worth anyone's time to juggle several different purchases for any length of time.

As for leveling to 50 in three days, people usually do that because they want to PLAY lvl 50s (iTrials, IOs, etc) not because they want to shelve the character.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
As for leveling to 50 in three days, people usually do that because they want to PLAY lvl 50s (iTrials, IOs, etc) not because they want to shelve the character.
Anyone who can do iTrials is a subscriber, and thus exempted from this situation.

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Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
You know, if Paragon Studios doesn't learn how to run their business from a bunch of random people on the internet, their games won't last for even a whole year.

Now, on the other hand, if they were to (somehow) make a game that lasted, let's say, 3 years - no, let's go crazy and double that - 6 years, then we might have to conclude that they're actually pretty good at making and running games, and don't really need business advice from misc forum posters.

But that's unpossible, so we'll never know.
Good point. Chrysler made cars for nearly a hundred years so it stands to reason their operators knew everything possible about what consumers wanted in a car and had nothing else to learn. Wait... Why am I speaking of them in the past tense again?



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
Anyone who can do iTrials is a subscriber, and thus exempted from this situation.
Subscribers still have to buy select sets from the store so I'm not following you.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
So the refund policy is no refunds unless you are lucky and call the rep when they arent having a bad day?

Unless there was a technical glitch with billing or the product was changed before going live, you are not entitled to a refund.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Subscribers still have to buy select sets from the store so I'm not following you.
You are correct; I shouldn't post while missioning.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



A VIP subscriber is unlikely to want an unusuable trophy character, but a Premium would be fine with that because they can only have a limited number of active characters anyways. If they could refund a set after getting a few days of use out of it then they could then buy a different set, get their fun out of it, refund it, and buy a different set. Rinse, repeat. All on the same $10 investment.

Additionally, if refunding a power set merely locks characters with the set (instead of deleting them) then an account-seller could pad an account with one of every set for the price of one, and leave it up to the purchaser of the account to decide which ones to unlock.



Originally Posted by Cake View Post
All your pies belong to me.
Your a Lie!!!



Originally Posted by ScottyB View Post
Additionally, if refunding a power set merely locks characters with the set (instead of deleting them) then an account-seller could pad an account with one of every set for the price of one, and leave it up to the purchaser of the account to decide which ones to unlock.
So they're likely still getting paid for.

These edge cases of people powerleveling a character up to 50 in three days and then permanently shelving them just to save a few dollars aren't very convincing to me but then I don't work for NCSoft anyway.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
So I have to say I am extremely disapointed and unhappy with Street Justice .

The set is just plain weak... the aoe's are so small as to be meaningless, and a 5 target limit on one and a 10 on the other.

ITs inferior to SS in both single and aoe damage.

The set was changed from the time it came off beta but before live, and did not go back on test.

This feels rather bait and switch, even though it wasnt nerfed live.

To move onto a general point, will we be able to get refunds on sets, powers, etc that we feel disappointed with.

There was no way to view the real stats before purchasing, so again I feel this was a somewhat deceptive.

I am EXTREMELY unhappy with this.
There is a reason why StJ doesn't have a large AoE area attack like Super Strength, you're not super ******* powered.

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Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
This makes no sense to me but maybe you can explain it better. They don't sell you a box of Street Justice, you just get your account flagged at StJ enabled.
Currently there is one (well, maybe two) methods of adding points to the system.

  • Buy them outrght
  • Get them as part of your sub
If you start allowing refunds of point transactions, you now have to figure out how to remove the item from every aspect of the user's account and refund the points. You also have to come up with logic for "breaking" scenarios, like "What if they have a StJ character they haven't deleted? Does the toon and everything on it just *POOF*? Is it locked? What if that slot is one they paid for? How can a player get in to strip items off the toon before deleting it? What happens if the player changes their mind later and buys it again?

Basically a huge can of technical "worms". When the simple, straightforward and CORRECT solution is "NO REFUNDS".

You'll start arguing that it's "just one time."

Until the next time. And the next. And the next.
You can argue for any arbitrary time limit you want. Someone is always going to fall afoul of it and want an exception made.
Sooner or later they're ALL exceptions.

Rather than allowing dishonest players to abuse such a system (and yes, it WOULD be abused) they simply avoid it with the "no refunds" policy.

NCSoft doesn't have to do "inventory" per se because they're working with digital goods that don't really exist.

So you believe that this game isn't inventoried and tagged to high heaven?
I'll just step around a corner since most people don't react well to someone laughing in their face.

Basically each and every one of these player options are a tick someplace in the player account. And every item in the game has its own unique ID#.

NCSoft, I would assume, could tell you at any given moment how many accounts are StJ enabled so even if it was an issue, they could give you an accounting easily enough.
That doesn't mean that simply turning it back off is easy or straightforward.

As for revolving purchases, provided you limit the refund period, I don't see an issue but I'll admit I'm shooting from the hip here.
There are people who'd abuse the refund period. And any arbitrary timeframe could be argued. My argument is easier and requires less dev and database interaction.

You buy it, it's yours. If you don't like it, the problem, like the item, is still yours.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
If you start allowing refunds of point transactions, you now have to figure out how to remove the item from every aspect of the user's account and refund the points. You also have to come up with logic for "breaking" scenarios, like "What if they have a StJ character they haven't deleted? Does the toon and everything on it just *POOF*? Is it locked? What if that slot is one they paid for? How can a player get in to strip items off the toon before deleting it? What happens if the player changes their mind later and buys it again?
I think you're overstating the complexity of it. There's already a mechanism for characters with "invalid" powersets; if you're not a VIP and haven't bought Demon Summoning for instance, your Demon summoning characters from your previous paid-sub days are now locked. No drama about "POOF" or "How can they strip it?", it's just locked. The same thing would be appropriate for refunded points -- your StJ characters are no longer accessible in game.

So you believe that this game isn't inventoried and tagged to high heaven?
I'll just step around a corner since most people don't react well to someone laughing in their face.
I thought it was painfully obvious that I was refering to physical inventory but if it makes you feel better, I'll go around a corner before rolling my eyes.

Basically each and every one of these player options are a tick someplace in the player account. And every item in the game has its own unique ID#.
This really isn't an argument in your favor. Are you actually saying that it's harder now because things are digitally tagged? Hang on, I need to hit the corner again.

That doesn't mean that simply turning it back off is easy or straightforward.
This isn't an argument that it's not.

There are people who'd abuse the refund period.
There's people who abuse any policy. It's up to the business to decide what the value is in pleasing the rest of their customers versus those who try to hit the loopholes. I personally have doubts about the outlier cases being enough of a reason to refuse a refund period but, again, I don't work for NCSoft. I'm just giving my opinion as a consumer of what would be nice for me and appreciated.



All in all in the economic times we are in I can't be the only one that only affords VIP because of my tax return I am lucky if i can pull the money every week for gas in my car and food. I can't be the only one upset about loosing a granted thing VIP players had prior to i21....



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Subscribers still have to buy select sets from the store so I'm not following you.
Well, no they don't. They don't have to buy anything at all unless they want to do so. Admittedly if they want to have everything they do have to buy select sets. But only if they want those sets. And unless they want every set as it comes out they can still eventually buy them using the points provided just for being a subscriber, so even if they do buy them is doesn't cost anything in money beyond what the sub already costs.


Here's a question: instead of arguing with a bunch of players who have no decision making authority about whether or not PS will refund the points for the set has the OP actually bothered to contacted support and find out?

As of earlier this afternoon he hadn't, but maybe he could update everyone on his efforts and resolve the issue in a decisive manner by doing something other than whinging, backpedaling, and arguing on the forums. (Yeah, that's going to happen.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
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Originally Posted by ToxicStriker View Post
All in all in the economic times we are in I can't be the only one that only affords VIP because of my tax return I am lucky if i can pull the money every week for gas in my car and food. I can't be the only one upset about loosing a granted thing VIP players had prior to i21....
Uh, what? Your statement has no meaning. Or at least all the meanings i can parse are flat out wrong. Please explain.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
You buy it, it's yours. If you don't like it, the problem, like the item, is still yours.
More correctly, if I may:

You have purchased permission to use this item. We do not choose to retract the permission.

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Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

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Originally Posted by Toe_Tagger View Post
The business model for CoX is ridiculous, that's just well known.
No. It's just your opinion. Opinions are like ********. Everyone has one. Not all of them are nice.

The -only- reason this game has done so well is because it's the first ever super hero themed MMO. Plain and simple. People got attached, and now that people expect the same vast world from a brand new MMO as they do a 5 year plus MMO it's pretty easy to keep a well established player base.
Never mind that people might be attached to the community, the gameplay, or their characters here.

The minute you start trying to make a quantitative argument like this, you're pretty much doomed, as you know you can't actually support such hyperbole. Why, then, do you continue to try?

If a new super hero MMO came out tomorrow, that offered better gameplay and a larger world, this game would be dead in a month.
If the player base is so attached, why would it?

Also, come up with a description of "better" that isn't completely subjective and maybe you'd actually have a point.

Sure you can say "Well why isn't it dead after DCUO?" that can easily be answered with one word, Sony. They flopped two HUGE MMO names in one year, most likely because most developer teams are bass-ackwards. In fact the MMO industry is, a lot of higher ups are complete morons who did nothing to deserve their job other than know the right people. They're kind of like that one fellow off of step-brothers who thought being a doctor was a family business. The point here is CoX is one of those "Right place at the right time." MMO's, they released a game that literally had -no- direct competition.
I'd argue it's a bit more than "location location location". Part of that is a credit to the devs. But no small portion of that is the player community as well. This game even trounced an updated version of ITSELF.

As such, it's a BIT more complex than the childishly simplistic situation you present.

Back to the real point of this thread, they've already lied multiple times about various freedom aspects.
Where? When? Please provide support for this accusation.

It's getting rather out of hand, clearly they don't have a clear idea on how they actually want things to work and are basically playing it by ear.
Out of hand? Apparently you're imagining that you see something the rest of us aren't.

For starters -all- the best free to play games are based around pvp, you can try and argue that as much as you want but it's true.
First, this isn't a free-to-play game. This game's model is designated "hybrid". There are some free-to-play components in the game, true. But at NO point was the game ever announced by Paragon as shifting to F2P.

Second, "best" is completely subjective. I PVP VERY seldom and I really have exactly ZERO interest in PVP-centric systems. So my view is that such games are not "the best".

All you're doing is stating preference, not a fact. As such, I'd rather argue about something that's more productive. Like transubstantiation. Or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Or what the sound of one hand clapping is like.

Giving Vip players limited points so they are -forced- to buy extra.

*Looks around for the Paragon Studios guys and his squad of NCSoft goons holding guns to his head*

I must've missed them.

Let's get this straight. NOBODY is "forced to buy anything in this game. EVER.

Let me repeat this for emphasis.

NOBODY is "forced" to buy anything in this game. EVER.

Real arguments here. Not hyperbole.

If a VIP player wants something, they can simply save up for it.
If the VIP player wants something RIGHT FRICKIN NAO, they make THEMSELVES buy the points. It's not Paragon pushing the issue.

Nobody promised that VIPs would automatically get every last thing introduced to the game for nothing. They're trying to increase revenue, and such a move from a community that's been screaming "Shut up and take my money!" for so long would be utterly senseless.

If you want to feel used and butt-hurt by this fact, the problem is still yours.

I guess they also forgot that basically all successful f2p's allow players access to everything without subscription, they also allow players the ability to buy things that would normally cost money with in game currency.
They've already given us the in-game ability to unlock many things in the game already. What they're holding back in the points system are LUXURIES.

And, again, this is NOT a free-to-play game.

So unless they have the worst free to play business model ever, I would assume they either think they deserve more than $15 a month or need more than $15 a month. Either way very little about this makes sense. Maybe they are gathering funds for the next CoH, or maybe they are just a money hungry corporation that fails to see the bigger picture.
Maybe you just need to actually pay attention to the details rather than going off on a tear due to wild suppositions and incorrectly assimilated data.

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Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I think you're overstating the complexity of it.
And I'm not here to argue your feelings on the subject.

These corner case scenarios have to be taken into account. Otherwise they have gaps in their system that yet someone else will exploit.

I thought it was painfully obvious that I was refering to physical inventory but if it makes you feel better, I'll go around a corner before rolling my eye.
Inventory is inventory. Period. Simply because theirs is electronic in nature doesn't relieve them from the book keeping.

This really isn't an argument in your favor. Are you actually saying that it's harder now because things are digitally tagged? Hang on, I need to hit the corner again.
No. Simply that they have to come up with a system that will strip the items out and deal with edge-case scenarios.

There's people who abuse any policy.
It's pretty friggin hard to abuse "no refunds".

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Originally Posted by Toe_Tagger View Post
For starters -all- the best free to play games are based around pvp, you can try and argue that as much as you want but it's true. Giving Vip players limited points so they are -forced- to buy extra. I guess they also forgot that basically all successful f2p's allow players access to everything without subscription, they also allow players the ability to buy things that would normally cost money with in game currency. So unless they have the worst free to play business model ever, I would assume they either think they deserve more than $15 a month or need more than $15 a month.
Their free to play business model is so bad, they went out of their way to say they were not converting to a free to play business model and executed plan that had no chance of looking like a free to play business model.

I mean, its pretty clear their failure is fundamental: they didn't even try to shift the game to a free to play model, and as a result almost nothing they do looks like a successful free to play model.

I'm not sure how much longer I can do this without resorting to hand puppets. Possibly unicorn hand puppets.

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Oh boy another thread about somebody ******** about I am shocked...



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
Oh boy another thread about somebody ******** about I am shocked...
It'll pass

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It'll pass
like a kidney stone