Discussion: Featured Items at the Paragon Market - 10/4/11




Originally Posted by Drexyl View Post
So from this point on, are we to assume that new powersets will never be free again? I have a hard time convincing myself to pay for something that I never had to before. At the very least, new powersets should be instantly available to VIP players, since we are paying that extra to receive additional content. It seems rather redundant to make the people who are already paying shell out more money to see the things that previously would have been covered under their subscription. How much more money do you need from the loyal subscribers who continue to pay money each month?

Yes, you can make the case that we're given points every month. I spent mine on beam rifle, but had I known street justice was right around the corner I would have held out for that instead. So even with the free points I've been given, I would still have to pay out of pocket to be able to use all the new powers right away. Otherwise, if I want if for free I have to wait two months until I've built up enough "free" points to purchase it. The way I see it, VIP players should not lose anything that they would have gotten under the old business model. I don't feel like a very important person when I still have to pay for things that previously would have been given to us.
Last I checked, which of course may have changed since then, the game is about 15 dollars a month, which includes (and correct me if I'm wrong) the signature story arcs for free (10$ value) a reward token (400 point value?) and 400 points (5$). Now, on the one hand, you might have to pay out of pocket for Street Justice. On the other hand, if CoH hadn't converted to this model, there would have been no real reason for the devs to put out Time, BR, and SJ all at about the same time, nor would we necessarily have Staff and Titan lined up, most likely getting at least one by Christmas.

That's two to three months stipend by then, more than enough to cover a power set. Now, if you use that on costume sets, you won't have it, but on the other hand, you've had to pay out of pocket for about half of the new sets that have come out, now haven't you?

Originally Posted by Exodus_V View Post
Very true...i knew something like this was goona happen when they pulled back StJ in beta...for me its a money grab plan and simple...for others maybe not and im happy for you. I'll buy the set in Dec. when i have the points built up...however there will be other things coming out in mid/late Dec. that will be grabbing some of my playing time and Xmas is the other one
Street Justice wasn't delayed as a money grab maneuver, it was delayed so that there could be a new powerset within a month of freedom, as opposed to three new sets with freedom and then nothing new on the market as far as power sets are concerned for two or three months until Titan or Staff comes out. It's mostly a show of faith that yes, they are trying to regularly put out a variety of new, cool things on the market, and not just costume pieces or mechanical things like unslotters and costume slots.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Think he meant $5 on top of his point stipend, but it was a little vague...
No he meant $10. I mean really it costs $5 for 400 points... if you want an additional 400 points. The monthy 400 points is basically COH giving you a $5.00 coupon for the store.

What angers me... and I am angry... is that Pre-Freedom powers like Beam Rifle, and Street Justice were included with our free updates that came along our subscription. Packs were fluff, not substance. They were never power sets.

It looks like the new model is to zing the subscription players. I was worried about Freedom when I heard about it and now I see my fears were justified. It was always just an unabashed attempt to get subscribers to pay more money out of their pockets by dangling shiney goodies out in front of them and then giving them less than enough points to obtain them without paying additional real money.

I've been playing this game since Beta. I've purchased nearly every pack before Freedom. But I'm not going to spend a cent on Paragon Points, and I'm seriously considering going Premium.



Basically, you're looking at the situation poorly. If a new power set comes out for 800 points every two months, it is still effectively free with your subscription, the difference being, if you decide you don't want it, you instead get 10 dollars worth of points to spend on what you want. If one comes out every three months, you're effectively getting it, and 5 dollars worth of other stuff free.

The problem arises because a lot of people have spent all their free points on things like the Barbarian Set, the CoT set, the Hover board, or what have you, and now they feel like they're being asked to pay extra for the power set.

Imagine if Going Rogue came out, and when you bought it, you were given the option to buy a version that came with Electric Control, Dual Pistols, Demon Summoning, AND Kinetic Melee, or you were given the option to buy a version that came with any three of the above, but also came with, for example, the entire Martial Arts Pack.

If you're a certain kind of customer, you'd buy all of it anyway, and a LOT of people are going to buy all of it anyway. It's just that some people have effectively chosen the second option, whether because they figured StJ would come later enough that they'd have the points ready, or that it would come out on sale, or something.



Originally Posted by Cptn_Courageous View Post
It looks like the new model is to zing the subscription players. I was worried about Freedom when I heard about it and now I see my fears were justified. It was always just an unabashed attempt to get subscribers to pay more money out of their pockets by dangling shiney goodies out in front of them
I don't mean to be snarky but why would a business introduce a new business model if the goal wasn't to bring in more money? I'm sure the goals here are to both increase the number of players and increase the revenue per player. If it works out, it'll be good for all of us because it'll keep the pipes open that deliver new content/powers/costumes, which we all enjoy.

I'm not dismissing your concerns. It's important that you vote with your wallet. If they see disappointing purchase numbers or net subscriptions dropping off, they'll adjust their pricing and strategy accordingly.

A final thought: we may see people adjust to the store and learn to pace themselves and come to see it as a better value. What I mean is that there are a lot of VIP players that used their accumulated points buying a lot of fluff and now they're upset they don't have enough points banked to get Street Justice. But over time if you let the points rack up every month you'll be able to get every power set that's released and not pay more than your $15/month.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
800 Paragon Points is $10...
I had 740 points left over from the original total of 1100. Bought 400 to get SJ

Mister Smarty-pants

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
A final thought: we may see people adjust to the store and learn to pace themselves and come to see it as a better value.
Having seen how hysterical some people can get in the market forum about fake moniez, I won't be holding my breath over that.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
I had 740 points left over from the original total of 1100. Bought 400 to get SJ

Mister Smarty-pants
I ran into the same issue...had 720 points and had to buy 400 more to get StJ! From here on out going to save my points each month for Set purchases though!

Virtue: Streets Avenger (Main - Villain) - Lvl 50+3 Street Justice/Energy Aura Stalker (Agility Radial T4/ Degenerative Radial T4) - Fully IO'd

Global: @Black Marabuna



Originally Posted by Cptn_Courageous View Post
What angers me... and I am angry... is that Pre-Freedom powers like Beam Rifle, and Street Justice were included with our free updates that came along our subscription. Packs were fluff, not substance. They were never power sets.
You have had to pay for power sets before:

Electric Control
Demon Summoning
Dual Pistols
Kinetic Melee

To access all villain powers sets and archetypes you had to buy CoV, at least until they merged.

And even "bought" new powers are now free if you wait until you accumulate free VIP Paragon Points, where before you may have had to wait for a big issue and maybe pay for them with real money

The point is, if they "charge" (you can still eventually get them for free with your subscription) for them, there will be more of them to choose from. Maybe without Freedom there would have been no Time Manipulation (free) power proliferation (free) or beam rifle or street justice or titan weapon or staff fighting, or at least not all of them. Requiring PPs just means that there is more incentive to make more powers.

What I think your argument reduces to is, "they are adding cool stuff and I want it now - since I am not willing to wait until I can get it for free from my monthly bonus points, if I want it now I need to pay for it. The rate at which they are adding cool stuff is too fast to get everything for free!" Didn't people spend years complaining about the slow pace of new powers/costumes/etc? Now we are complaining that they are too fast?

Either practice patience (and PP budgeting) and get it for free, or decide that it is worth spending more money on and get it now. So far, I myself am the former - I don't see anything that I can't wait for until I get it for free. I could easily afford to pay a chunk o' cash so that I could get everything NAO but I am frugal by nature, and patient by practice.

If you go Premium, I suspect your frustration will only mount, as you then have to start paying for access to a LOT more cool stuff that you now take for granted as part of your subscription.



Originally Posted by Agonist_NA View Post
You have had to pay for power sets before:

Electric Control
Demon Summoning
Dual Pistols
Kinetic Melee

To access all villain powers sets and archetypes you had to buy CoV, at least until they merged.

And even "bought" new powers are now free if you wait until you accumulate free VIP Paragon Points, where before you may have had to wait for a big issue and maybe pay for them with real money

The point is, if they "charge" (you can still eventually get them for free with your subscription) for them, there will be more of them to choose from. Maybe without Freedom there would have been no Time Manipulation (free) power proliferation (free) or beam rifle or street justice or titan weapon or staff fighting, or at least not all of them. Requiring PPs just means that there is more incentive to make more powers.

What I think your argument reduces to is, "they are adding cool stuff and I want it now - since I am not willing to wait until I can get it for free from my monthly bonus points, if I want it now I need to pay for it. The rate at which they are adding cool stuff is too fast to get everything for free!" Didn't people spend years complaining about the slow pace of new powers/costumes/etc? Now we are complaining that they are too fast?

Either practice patience (and PP budgeting) and get it for free, or decide that it is worth spending more money on and get it now. So far, I myself am the former - I don't see anything that I can't wait for until I get it for free. I could easily afford to pay a chunk o' cash so that I could get everything NAO but I am frugal by nature, and patient by practice.

If you go Premium, I suspect your frustration will only mount, as you then have to start paying for access to a LOT more cool stuff that you now take for granted as part of your subscription.
OK, so do the math. How much did you pay for Going Rogue and how much did you get for it? Now compare the price of Street Justice. Are you getting a bigger bang for your buck or are they charging you substantially more than those powers? By my estimation the cost of StJ is 3 to 4 times any of the powers you mentioned in real dollars, and that's stand alone. Is StJ really that much better that it's equal to 1/4 the price of the biggest expansion this game ever saw in 6 years?



My only real problems with the market currently is that it's a bit TOO confusing overall...needs some streamlining and simplification, and the fact that armor and emote pics are not displayed.

Costume sets especially need pics to show what they have.

Overall, I think it's a pretty good setup and think it was LONG overdue. They should have done this 200k+ subscribers ago.



Originally Posted by Cptn_Courageous View Post
OK, so do the math. How much did you pay for Going Rogue and how much did you get for it? Now compare the price of Street Justice. Are you getting a bigger bang for your buck or are they charging you substantially more than those powers? By my estimation the cost of StJ is 3 to 4 times any of the powers you mentioned in real dollars, and that's stand alone. Is StJ really that much better that it's equal to 1/4 the price of the biggest expansion this game ever saw in 6 years?
I wonder if its actually possible to convince someone that isn't spending more money that they are actually spending more money. I know its impossible in my case, but I'm just wondering what percentage of people who are not spending lots of money are reading posts like this and saying "well, maybe I am spending more money."

I would be alarmed if it was more than, say, five percent, but I'm honestly not sure. Studies have shown that under certain conditions, you can convince innocent people to confess to crimes they did not commit, and that seems to be a much higher hurdle than convincing someone they are spending money they are not spending.

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Originally Posted by quickfire View Post
My only real problems with the market currently is that it's a bit TOO confusing overall...needs some streamlining and simplification, and the fact that armor and emote pics are not displayed.

Costume sets especially need pics to show what they have.

Overall, I think it's a pretty good setup and think it was LONG overdue. They should have done this 200k+ subscribers ago.
I agree. They need to at least gray out items that you already own.

One page would be enough for each catagory of item. Have tabs up at the top with the catagory on it. Just click on the tab and it takes you to a list of the items you don't have.

Or make it like Wentworths--same format.



Originally Posted by TargetOne View Post
A certain space MMO (which shall remain nameless) would have people use the in-game store to buy their avatars a monocle for the equivalent of $70 in real-world money, or a shirt or boots for around $18. They don't have anything cheaper. Not exactly "candy items".
Not true, there are items up that are cheaper... granted they did start off on the wrong foot with the only things being available all costing more than 1 PLEX, but there are cheaper items now available on the market for them....



And Mids just got us our Beam Rifle update last week.



Originally Posted by Cptn_Courageous View Post
OK, so do the math. How much did you pay for Going Rogue and how much did you get for it? Now compare the price of Street Justice.
The incremental price of Street Justice for a subscriber is ZERO. If you have enough points banked, you can get it now for free. If you don't, you can get it in a month or two for free. How anyone can spin that as a bad deal is beyond me.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



My two cents on this and on f2p in general as a 6.5 year vet:

I think making VIPs purchase sets is a bad idea. You have NEVER had to pay for powersets before. Demon Summoning and Electric Control were not bought sets, but you COULD buy "early access" to these sets. They came included with the expansion which they were part of, as did all CoV archetypes. You were paying for a complete expansion to the game, which insured you would get ALL new content the MINUTE it was released for those games. This included arcs, TFs, powersets, zones, and events. Making you now "pay" for those sets, or "wait" for them and save up to get them is a HUGE change from what many players have come to expect. The "established contract" we've been workng under is that our sub fees get us all the new content and new powersets. Like it or not, this is a slight deviation from it IF the monthly VIP points we're given doesn't cover the new sets AS they come out.

I was a HUGE supporter of the f2p move, because, as I understood it, VIPs would basically continue to get all of the "normal" content they always got for the cost of their subs. This would include any new arcs, TFs, zones, events, and POWERSETS. The way you could get these sets, even if they were for "purchase" was by using the 400 points a month you got. The game would get even MORE cool stuff that you could buy, and this new stuff wouldn't come at the expense of dev resources since the free players and VIPs who purchased them would bring added revenue.

The problem I have is that that isn't how it seems to be panning out.

At least not with powersets.

Issue 21 has been out less than 1 month and we've had three new powersets, all of which we knew were coming ahead of time and were part of issue 21 beta. Only ONE of them was released as "part" of issue 21, the second was for sale in the market for a "sale" price of 440 pts, if I recall. The third was for sale in the market for 860 pts. In short, a VIP would have to spend over three months of points to get those powersets (1300 pts). To me, that is simply unreasonable. It either means that new sets will be coming out faster than my sub gets me points to buy them, meaning I have to "Wait" and "Save" to get, which I never had to do before, all while hoping that next month a set doesn't comes out that I want even more, or it means that they'll be releasing them more sparringly and in waves, and this was just an initial wave. If that's the case, having them for "sale" to VIPs makes no sense for either party. There is no benefit to either VIPs or NCsoft. To me, there is only one reason why you would make VIPs purchase some sets with points: you know that some VIPs wont have enough points and wont want to wait, and you'll get money from them. That goes against the established expectations I mentioned above. When you begin to factor in the fact that what they've done for ALL of us is suddenly give us a choice: spend 15 dollars a month and get access to all the stuff freebs get +incarnate stuff and signature arcs, as well as 400 points a month (which equals roughly, 5 dollars or so) -or- save your 15 dollars, lose incarnate stuff, lose the signature arcs, and put some of all of that money toward the market to buy what you want. If you did that, without spending ANY more than you currently spend. you'd have about 1320 pts a month. That would buy at least one powerset per month and still leave you around 500 points to bu any extra stuff you need (access to Inventions and the Market, for example, are only 160 points.)

For me, the incarnate stuff is very "meh." Im not a raider, and find the lag and being part of 20+ member teams kind of boring. That's an opinion piece, but I know Im not alone with it. So I lose incarnate stuff and it doesn't affect me a ton. The first part of the first Signature Arc was -three- missions long. 3. It's a 20-25 minute arc. So basically, while I got two things that were "ok" but nothing special, I also had to spend three months worth of my points to get the new powersets. If I were freeb, I'd have enough points from just the first month alone to buy both powersets AND have points left over to buy, say, an AE license or a few of the other small things I'd lose.

I am, for the first time since I started the game, seriously considering dropping BOTH of my subscriptions. Not because I dont like the game or am somehow being a baby or having a tantrum, but because the pricing and the points system is so thoroughly not like I expected and not beneficial to me. I may get more out of being a freeb. It just means that NCsoft will likely be getting less money from me each month, and I think that's worriesome.

This is part of a growing dissatisfaction with the market prices on just about everything. If things like costume pieces, etc. were cheaper, I would probably literally be dropping 2 dollars a couple of times a week getting little trinkets here and there. When they're 5-10 dollars a pop, I hit the mental block that says "not worth it" and the get zero from me. From a marketing standpoint, if they lowered their prices they'd get a ton more revenue from most players.

And before someone says "be patient. Dont want it all now" I say "too late for that in this game" I have 6.5 years of history of associating my monthly fee/expansion costs with access to new powersets and conent as soon as it is released. I absolutely "want it now." That's why I sub. Now Im beginning to think if I "want it now" I need to go free...

I think that's a big mistake on their part. I hope that they adjust the pricing, or make powersets non-market things for VIPs like Time Manip was.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
The incremental price of Street Justice for a subscriber is ZERO. If you have enough points banked, you can get it now for free. If you don't, you can get it in a month or two for free. How anyone can spin that as a bad deal is beyond me.
I disagree with the complaints about the price of Street Justice, but the cost is not always zero for a subscriber.

In real world money, Street Justice costs $10. However, VIPs get a variable discount on it that is inversely proportional to how much other stuff they purchase during a 2 month period, and people who pay for very large amounts of points in advance also get a variable discount on it that increases as they buy more points at once. If a VIP doesn't want anything else in that 2 month period, they get it for free. If they want other things but choose not to buy them in favor of Street Justice, they get it at the cost of the opportunity to buy those other things. If they want other things and purchase the points to buy them, they get it at some discount based on how many things they buy and how many points they paid for at once.

This it why it makes a lot more sense to leave dollars out of it and just talk about points. Personally, I think 800 points is a fair price for something that allows me to experience the entire game again while, in the words of Jagged circa 2004 when we first were asking for a punching Scrapper set, "punching the bejeezus out of everything". Am I going to get it for free? That depends on whether something else I want shows up in the store in the next two months.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Marketting missed the ball on this one.

They could have charged 1000 - 1200 pts and made more cash.

I wholly expect Titan Weapons to be in that range... especially considering how hyped the boards were when it was announced.



This may or may not be the place for it but you guys might want to update your launcher blurbs. Under "Latest News" the most recent item is from Sept. 27th so no mention of Street Justice or anything else that's happened since.

@ Purgatorio



Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
Marketting missed the ball on this one.

They could have charged 1000 - 1200 pts and made more cash.

I wholly expect Titan Weapons to be in that range... especially considering how hyped the boards were when it was announced.
That seems unlikely. They seem to be trying to get more standardized rather than less. However, a high level of sales does probably mean a longer amount of time before it goes on sale.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I wonder if its actually possible to convince someone that isn't spending more money that they are actually spending more money. I know its impossible in my case, but I'm just wondering what percentage of people who are not spending lots of money are reading posts like this and saying "well, maybe I am spending more money."

I would be alarmed if it was more than, say, five percent, but I'm honestly not sure. Studies have shown that under certain conditions, you can convince innocent people to confess to crimes they did not commit, and that seems to be a much higher hurdle than convincing someone they are spending money they are not spending.
Whether you like it or not, whenever you spend Paragon Points you're spending value. That value has a real money equivalence of $5.00 per 400 Paragon Points. It's right there in the market. Spend $5 get 400 points. The 400 points you get from Paragon each month is basically a $5 coupon for the game store.

They're pumping out powers and costume sets as fast as they can, hoping all the shiney stuff makes people spend those 400 and run out of paragon points before their month is out so they'll buy more paragon points for hard cash. The monthly 400 is just a teaser to get you into the system. Truth be told if a person just sticks with those points you won't be able to afford all the shiney new powers without buying more points or waiting what will amount to many months.

Example: tons of people spent their points for rocket sleds, beam rifles, barbarian costumes, etc. All of a sudden out comes StJ. They've used up their paragon points--stupid of them, they should have waited--now they either have to wait for their next month to get their next infusion of paragon points and then buy StJ. Of course by then Paragon Studios will have pumped out the Staff power and the Titan Weapons powers, and it will be impossible for them to keep up on the powers without buying paragon points.

Now I had no issue with the supplmentry Packs before "Freedom" everything was straight forward you knew that your monthly subscription was going to take care of all the new content and all the new primary and secondary powers. If you wanted the fluff you could buy it in a pack, and with the exception of the party pack, I thought it was pretty much a good deal-- you knew exactly what you were getting and what you had.

I don't like the new system. I realize you can buy individual items, but the over all price per item is higher now than under the old system. And while you don't have to pay more if you're willing to do without, if you want the same service and updates, it is going to to cost more. And that's the bottom line.



Originally Posted by Cptn_Courageous View Post
Now I had no issue with the supplmentry Packs before "Freedom" everything was straight forward you knew that your monthly subscription was going to take care of all the new content and all the new primary and secondary powers. If you wanted the fluff you could buy it in a pack, and with the exception of the party pack, I thought it was pretty much a good deal-- you knew exactly what you were getting and what you had.
If you 'knew' this, you were wrong. Huge chunks of content and powersets have been sold outside of the subscription, most recently in Going Rogue.

The difference now is that instead of waiting months/years for an expansion, we get pay-to-play content delivered to us weekly or monthly, and on an a la carte basis.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
If you 'knew' this, you were wrong. Huge chunks of content and powersets have been sold outside of the subscription, most recently in Going Rogue.

The difference now is that instead of waiting months/years for an expansion, we get pay-to-play content delivered to us weekly or monthly, and on an a la carte basis.

An expansion is a completely seperate issue. An expansion was a packaged deal that gave you new powersets, new zones, new arcs, tfs, etc.

Thats apples and oranges.



Originally Posted by opprime28 View Post

You have NEVER had to pay for powersets before. Demon Summoning and Electric Control were not bought sets, but you COULD buy "early access" to these sets. . . . The "established contract" we've been workng under is that our sub fees get us all the new content and new powersets.
If you didn't PAY for COV when it came out, did you have access to the brute, stalker, mastermind, etc. powersets? No. If you didn't pay for GR, could you access dual pistols or demon summoning? Also no. Forget "early access", if you didn't buy it, you couldn't play it.

BTW, a number of MMO players had the "established expectations" that their games would be around as long as they wanted to play them. If you've been following the industry at all lately, you'd know that those expectations were dashed as those games are simply gone.

I was a HUGE supporter of the f2p move, because, as I understood it, VIPs would basically continue to get all of the "normal" content they always got for the cost of their subs. . . . The game would get even MORE cool stuff that you could buy, and this new stuff wouldn't come at the expense of dev resources since the free players and VIPs who purchased them would bring added revenue.
So you've already gotten 21 free updates with new powersets, zones, capabilities (like inventions or Ouroboros) and you want "MORE cool stuff" but supported by revenue from Premium players instead? Nice

Issue 21 has been out less than 1 month and we've had three new powersets. . . . To me, that is simply unreasonable. It either means that new sets will be coming out faster than my sub gets me points to buy them, meaning I have to "Wait" and "Save" to get, which I never had to do before,
Actually, yes you did have to WAIT much longer for issues or updates and SAVE for expansions and booster packs. (And you couldn't get any of them for free, no matter HOW long you waited.)

all while hoping that next month a set doesn't comes out that I want even more, or it means that they'll be releasing them more sparringly and in waves, and this was just an initial wave.
So you want LESS content? This is confusing.

When Origins came out two months after the Party pack, did you go into a snit because you had to choose what to spend your money on? Or because you were saving up for the Animal pack, then all of a sudden Steampunk came out?

If that's the case, having them for "sale" to VIPs makes no sense for either party. There is no benefit to either VIPs or NCsoft. To me, there is only one reason why you would make VIPs purchase some sets with points: you know that some VIPs wont have enough points and wont want to wait, and you'll get money from them. That goes against the established expectations I mentioned above.
NCSOFT is in the business of making MONEY ? Gasp! Alert the media!

Here's the bottom line: No one is making you spend ONE PENNY over your subscription. Nobody forced you to buy COV (and some people didn't, including me -- and I had inherited a sg base I couldn't access -- but that was my decision). I knew GR would eventually be free but paid for it anyway -- without complaining.

You can still get your shinies -- for free -- and wait a SHORTER time (~two months) than you did previously waiting for updates.

But nobody's twisting your arm or begging you. If you think Premium makes more sense, then by all means, go that route. Just kindly stop whining that because you got some things in the past for free, you expect that to go on forever.

@ Purgatorio