Life Begins at 30




It used to be that level 20 was the point where characters transformed, where the builds blossomed into all the good fun stuff. That's when you got stamina, and suddenly 21 was slots for stamina, and then 22 was SOs to put in those slots and it all avalanched from there.

These days? I'm finding that I'm champing at the bit for slots. Slots slots slots. So many power choices and I have so few slots to work with before level 35 or so.

Interesting how things change.



it really depends on the toon for me, some toons have needed powers which dont appear later, some toons can do well early on

on avg though i feel most toons get started around 24-26 since they have almost every power in their primary set at that point



With beginners luck, the Gamestop 1-22 dual-aspect procs, and temp powers from DFB? Life begins at level 1 for me, pretty much. I used to try to plow past the lowbie levels as fast as possible... but I've definitely enjoyed going from 1-20 twice in a row since the release of Freedom (I'd have made more progress if I played more often ).

I'm about to start doing the First Ward content in earnest on them, and from the little I've already done on my BR/Traps, it's going to be damn good

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



20 still feels like the real level 1 to me. I've always said that everything before that felt like an extended tutorial... of course, now there's an actual extended tutorial arc that spans those levels...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
With beginners luck, the Gamestop 1-22 dual-aspect procs, and temp powers from DFB? Life begins at level 1 for me, pretty much. I used to try to plow past the lowbie levels as fast as possible... but I've definitely enjoyed going from 1-20 twice in a row since the release of Freedom (I'd have made more progress if I played more often ).

I'm about to start doing the First Ward content in earnest on them, and from the little I've already done on my BR/Traps, it's going to be damn good
I'm here myself 100%. I have fun on all my characters from level 1 on. If I don't, I delete them. I don't power level, I play. And for me, life begins at 1.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
... temp powers from DFB? Life begins at level 1 for me ...
Oh so true.



Still feel like 22 and SOs are the game changer and 'Rebirth' for my chars. They can suddenly actually hit stuff, do decent damage and do what they are MEANT to do.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Life begins at 50+3 and a 15 billion inf build for me these days. The process of getting there is just a really long testing period to see if I like the character.

It's about the destination, not the journey.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Life begins at 50+3 and a 15 billion inf build for me these days. The process of getting there is just a really long testing period to see if I like the character.

It's about the destination, not the journey.
Heh, pretty much this for me. I've become so used to playing with IOs (and pretty much all the play I do nowadays is 50s) that I have very little patience for sub-50 play.

The builds don't always cost 15b though :3

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Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
These days? I'm finding that I'm champing at the bit for slots. Slots slots slots. So many power choices and I have so few slots to work with before level 35 or so.
If they can figure out how to implement it without flat-out requiring a respec for every character in the game over level 24, levels 25-29 were providing three slots instead of two for part of the time in beta. Long enough for it to be in one of the playable convention builds.

Then it got pulled because it was found that there were numerous glitches being introduced because of how the code was originally erasing every purple IO in your build because a level 50 could put the slots ANYWHERE.



Originally Posted by Lady_of_Ysgard View Post
If they can figure out how to implement it without flat-out requiring a respec for every character in the game over level 24, levels 25-29 were providing three slots instead of two for part of the time in beta. Long enough for it to be in one of the playable convention builds.

Then it got pulled because it was found that there were numerous glitches being introduced because of how the code was originally erasing every purple IO in your build because a level 50 could put the slots ANYWHERE.
I'll be a happy camper if they manage to fix those bugs and bring that feature to us

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Still feel like 22 and SOs are the game changer and 'Rebirth' for my chars. They can suddenly actually hit stuff, do decent damage and do what they are MEANT to do.
If you get the +accuracy "temp" power from DFB, you tend to hit fairly well from 1-22 (the point it expires... unless it takes you 168+ hours of play time to get to 22). It's not 95% cap (once Beginners Luck goes away), but, if being just shy of that bothers you, TOs/DOs will get you the last time bit no problem.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I'm finding its the other way around. Used to be 22 was when the engines got running, but with inherent fitness, the underground trial, the revamped Posi TF, and level 15 IOs, the tens are really enjoyable.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Heh, pretty much this for me. I've become so used to playing with IOs (and pretty much all the play I do nowadays is 50s) that I have very little patience for sub-50 play.

The builds don't always cost 15b though :3
Same here. The first 49 levels are just an annoying hurdle to get over.

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



It seems as of right now, level 1 is the place to be. I've made a couple of characters (One hero, one villain) who I have no intentions to play past say level 30 just because I'm interested to see all the new content.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
Slots slots slots. So many power choices and I have so few slots to work with before level 35 or so.
Mostly this. The lower level game has certainly been improved enough that it's not really unpleasant anymore. It still feels like a different character than the one I end up with though.

I IO my characters and I tend to have a build planned out either before I roll up a character, or at some point early in the leveling process. The way a character plays after being IOed tends to be so different than before, that it's like it's not the same character at all. I start to IO in the early 30s, so it tends to be at that point that the character becomes "real".

Sometimes it's a fun journey, others the character doesn't really work properly without their full build so it's almost like I'm having to level up a different character just to unlock the one I want.



It's a good thing it starts at 30, because at 40 is when it grinds to a halt!



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
It used to be that level 20 was the point where characters transformed, where the builds blossomed into all the good fun stuff. That's when you got stamina, and suddenly 21 was slots for stamina, and then 22 was SOs to put in those slots and it all avalanched from there.

These days? I'm finding that I'm champing at the bit for slots. Slots slots slots. So many power choices and I have so few slots to work with before level 35 or so.

Interesting how things change.
This is it for me as well. I think it primarily comes from how quickly the low levels go for me now with all the improvements. The 3 powers not going to fitness are quite often attacks to build a better early attack chain.

Unfortunately that means a lot more of my characters are getting abandoned in the early 30's as opposed to the early 20's like they used to.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




After going through 1-20 in Praetoria a couple of times last winter, the place became a ghost town and teams were hard to find. So since then, I've pretty much just PL'd every toon to 28 (which only takes an hour or so) and start there. I start slotting IO's around 35 (uniques for Stam or Procs since level doesn't really matter much on those), and then full IO investment from 40-50 depending on sets. I have, however, also deleted some in their upper 30's after playing them in PVE content for 10 levels or so when I found they were just not what I enjoyed. Many defenders got the axe, as did more than a few Kheldians, Bane Spiders and Stalkers.

I still find the 1-25 range a grind. Its a short grind, but the rewards just don't feel worth the time investment for me so I prefer to skip them now.



Depends on the AT - sometimes even the powerset - for me.

Most? Fairly early. Doms, for instance, feel like they take off VERY fast. The only ones that really seem to have a level?
Khelds: Level 6 (Nova!)
Stalker: Level 12 (The Stalker Trilogy - Hide, AS, Placate - is now complete.)
VEAT: Level 26 (yes, even AFTER the forced respec.)
Masterminds: 24 (Second tier 2 pet, IOW "I'm out of the Zone of Suck.")
Illusion control: 49.9, because I can see that last bar filling and finally shelve it.



I agree with many of the above posts. However, I feel that there are really 3 tiers of "everything coming together".

Between vet reward/PR inherent powers and inherent fitness I can really enjoy a toon from level 1.

I IO up at 22 to start working on my +salvage cap memorization badges and things really get going from there.

Of course pretty much every toon I roll is slot poor until the mid 30s. If they can get the bugs fixed and implement the 3 slots from 25 this will be greatly improved. IMO they've needed to drop in a few more slots since i19 and inherent fitness.



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
I'm finding its the other way around. Used to be 22 was when the engines got running, but with inherent fitness, the underground trial, the revamped Posi TF, and level 15 IOs, the tens are really enjoyable.

Life begins at level 12 for me these days.

Used to be pushing to 22 for Stamina and SO's, and a lesser degree, capes.

Now I'm good with DO's! I'm having more fun in the 12-20 range now than I have in literal years.

Altitis means I don't get to the 30's all that often. Out of the 150 some odd toons I have, I can count the ones past 38 on one hand.

Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
If they can get the bugs fixed and implement the 3 slots from 25 this will be greatly improved.
Whats this? I must've missed a memo somewhere.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Whats this? I must've missed a memo somewhere.
The devs have been trying to test giving us three more enhancement slots. But there are a lot of nasty bugs present in the current code so we're going to have to wait a while for them. I'd assume we're getting more because now we have more power choices available to us (thanks to inherent fitness, et al) - and I for one certainly won't be complaining.



Originally Posted by Cannonball View Post
The devs have been trying to test giving us three more enhancement slots. But there are a lot of nasty bugs present in the current code so we're going to have to wait a while for them. I'd assume we're getting more because now we have more power choices available to us (thanks to inherent fitness, et al) - and I for one certainly won't be complaining.

Some of my characters could use them, sure. Others are going to be going "OK... now where the hell do I put THESE?" I do actually have characters I'm throwing away the last two slots on.

Of course, this means - if they get it working - more things getting six slotted, more piling on of sets, more power creep... like we're not already trivializing content at this point. Have to see how it goes. My triform khelds won't argue, though.